Become a Beam Committer

An Apache Beam committer takes many forms. There are many actions other than coding that build the trust we place in a committer - code review, design discussion, user support, community outreach, improving infrastructure, documentation, project management, etc.

What does it mean to be a committer?

An Apache Beam committer has write access to the repository for merging pull requests, but you don’t have to be a code contributor to become a committer. Becoming a committer means that you have the project’s trust. Read the ASF documentation for more about being a committer in the Apache Software Foundation.

Ways you can contribute

Everyone is welcome to join and contribute to the project in many ways, not only with code contributions. Things like asking questions, reporting bugs, proposing new features, improving documentation or the website, organizing events or writing blog posts, are also welcome and recognized.

Code contributions

Ways you can contribute code to the project include:

  • Building a new feature like a new IO connector or PTransform
  • Fixing a Bug
  • Sharing a code example or template with the community
  • Testing a release candidate
Non-code contributions

Non-code contributions are ways to add value to the projects outside code, here are some examples of things that you can contribute:

  • Organize a meetup
  • Give a talk about Beam at a conference
  • Update a typo in the documentation
  • Write a blog post with useful tips about Beam

What are the expectations of an Apache Beam committer?

Knows, upholds, and reinforces the Beam community’s practices. Learn more.
Knows, upholds, and reinforces the Apache Software Foundation code of conduct. Learn more.
Knows, upholds, and reinforces the responsibilities of an Apache Software Foundation committer. Learn more.


The PMC makes someone a committer via nomination, discussion, and then majority vote. We use data from as many sources as possible to inform our reasoning and evaluate potential committers against the expectations above. Here are some examples: