Beam SQL extensions: User-defined functions

If Beam SQL does not have a scalar function or aggregate function to meet your needs, they can be authored in Java and invoked in your SQL query. These are commonly called UDF (for scalar functions) and UDAFs (for aggregate functions).

Create and specify a User Defined Function (UDF)

A UDF can be the following:

Below is an example of UDF and how to use it in DSL:

 * A example UDF for test.
public static class CubicInteger implements BeamSqlUdf {
  public static Integer eval(Integer input){
    return input * input * input;

 * Another example UDF with {@link SerializableFunction}.
public static class CubicIntegerFn implements SerializableFunction<Integer, Integer> {
  public Integer apply(Integer input) {
    return input * input * input;

// Define a SQL query which calls the above UDFs
String sql =
    "SELECT f_int, cubic1(f_int), cubic2(f_int)"
      + "WHERE f_int = 2";

// Create and apply the PTransform representing the query.
// Register the UDFs used in the query by calling '.registerUdf()' with
// either a class which implements BeamSqlUdf or with
// an instance of the SerializableFunction;
PCollection<Row> result =
            .registerUdf("cubic1", CubicInteger.class)
            .registerUdf("cubic2", new CubicIntegerFn())

Create and specify a User Defined Aggregate Function (UDAF)

Beam SQL can accept a CombineFn as UDAF. Registration is similar to the UDF example above:

 * UDAF(CombineFn) for test, which returns the sum of square.
public static class SquareSum extends CombineFn<Integer, Integer, Integer> {
  public Integer createAccumulator() {
    return 0;

  public Integer addInput(Integer accumulator, Integer input) {
    return accumulator + input * input;

  public Integer mergeAccumulators(Iterable<Integer> accumulators) {
    int v = 0;
    Iterator<Integer> ite = accumulators.iterator();
    while (ite.hasNext()) {
      v +=;
    return v;

  public Integer extractOutput(Integer accumulator) {
    return accumulator;

// Define a SQL query which calls the above UDAF
String sql =
    "SELECT f_int1, squaresum(f_int2) "
      + "GROUP BY f_int1";

// Create and apply the PTransform representing the query.
// Register the UDAFs used in the query by calling '.registerUdaf()' by
// providing it an instance of the CombineFn
PCollection<Row> result =
            .registerUdaf("squaresum", new SquareSum()));