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Bounded Splittable DoFn Support Status

Side Inputs
Splittable DoFn Initiated Checkpointing
Dynamic Splitting
Bundle Finalization
Google Cloud DataflowApache FlinkApache Spark (RDD/DStream based)Apache Spark Structured Streaming (Dataset based)Apache SamzaApache NemoHazelcast JetTwister2Python Direct FnRunnerGo Direct Runner

Partially : Only Dataflow Runner V2 supports this.

Partially : Only portable Flink Runner supports this.







Yes :

Yes :

Partially : Only Dataflow Runner V2 supports this.

Partially : Only portable Flink Runner supports this.








Yes :

Partially : Only Dataflow Runner v2 supports this.

Partially : Only portable Flink Runner supports this.







Yes :

No :

Partially : Only Dataflow Runner V2 supports this.

No :







Yes : Only with Python SDK

No :

Partially : Only Dataflow Runner V2 supports this.

No :







Yes :

No :

Last updated on 2024/07/26

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