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What is being computed?

Composite Transforms
Side Inputs
Source API
Stateful Processing
Google Cloud DataflowApache FlinkApache Spark (RDD/DStream based)Apache Spark Structured Streaming (Dataset based)Apache SamzaApache NemoHazelcast JetTwister2Python Direct FnRunnerGo Direct Runner

Yes : fully supported

Batch mode uses large bundle sizes. Streaming uses smaller bundle sizes.

Yes : fully supported

ParDo itself, as per-element transformation with UDFs, is fully supported by Flink for both batch and streaming.

Yes : fully supported

ParDo applies per-element transformations as Spark FlatMapFunction.

Partially : fully supported in batch mode

ParDo applies per-element transformations as Spark FlatMapFunction.

Yes : fully supported

Supported with per-element transformation.

Yes : fully supported

Yes : fully supported

Yes : fully supported

Yes : fully supported

Yes : fully supported

Uses Flink's keyBy for key grouping. When grouping by window in streaming (creating the panes) the Flink runner uses the Beam code. This guarantees support for all windowing and triggering mechanisms.

Partially : fully supported in batch mode

Using Spark's <tt>groupByKey</tt>. GroupByKey with multiple trigger firings in streaming mode is a work in progress.

Partially : fully supported in batch mode

Using Spark's <tt>groupByKey</tt>.

Yes : fully supported

Uses Samza's partitionBy for key grouping and Beam's logic for window aggregation and triggering.

Yes : fully supported

Yes : fully supported

Yes : fully supported

Yes : fully supported

Yes : fully supported

Yes : fully supported

Partially : fully supported in batch mode

Some corner cases like flatten on empty collections are not yet supported.

Yes : fully supported

Yes : fully supported

Yes : fully supported

Yes : fully supported

Yes : efficient execution

Yes : fully supported

Uses a combiner for pre-aggregation for batch and streaming.

Yes : fully supported

Using Spark's <tt>combineByKey</tt> and <tt>aggregate</tt> functions.

Partially : fully supported in batch mode

Using Spark's <tt>Aggregator</tt> and agg function

Yes : fully supported

Use combiner for efficient pre-aggregation.

Yes : fully supported

Batch mode uses pre-aggregation

Yes : fully supported

Batch mode uses pre-aggregation

Yes : fully supported

Partially : supported via inlining

Currently composite transformations are inlined during execution. The structure is later recreated from the names, but other transform level information (if added to the model) will be lost.

Partially : supported via inlining

Partially : supported via inlining

Partially : supported via inlining only in batch mode

Partially : supported via inlining

Yes : fully supported

Partially : supported via inlining

Partially : supported via inlining

Yes : some size restrictions in streaming

Batch mode supports a distributed implementation, but streaming mode may force some size restrictions. Neither mode is able to push lookups directly up into key-based sources.

Yes : some size restrictions in streaming

Batch mode supports a distributed implementation, but streaming mode may force some size restrictions. Neither mode is able to push lookups directly up into key-based sources.

Yes : fully supported

Using Spark's broadcast variables. In streaming mode, side inputs may update but only between micro-batches.

Partially : fully supported in batch mode

Using Spark's broadcast variables.

Yes : fully supported

Uses Samza's broadcast operator to distribute the side inputs.

Yes : fully supported

Partially : with restrictions

Supported only when the side input source is bounded and windowing uses global window

Yes : fully supported

Yes : fully supported

Support includes autotuning features (

Yes : fully supported

Yes : fully supported

Partially : bounded source only

Using Spark's DatasourceV2 API in microbatch mode (Continuous streaming mode is tagged experimental in spark and does not support aggregation).

Yes : fully supported

Yes : fully supported

Yes : fully supported

Yes : fully supported


Gauge metrics are not supported. All other metric types are supported.

Partially : All metrics types are supported.

Only attempted values are supported. No committed values for metrics.

Partially : All metric types are supported.

Only attempted values are supported. No committed values for metrics.

Partially : All metric types are supported in batch mode.

Only attempted values are supported. No committed values for metrics.

Partially : Counter and Gauge are supported.

Only attempted values are supported. No committed values for metrics.

No : not implemented

Partially : All metrics types supported, both in batching and streaming mode.

Doesn't differentiate between committed and attempted values.

No : not implemented

Partially : non-merging windows

State is supported for non-merging windows. The MapState, SetState, and MultimapState state types are supported in the following scenarios: Java pipelines that don't use Streaming Engine; Java pipelines that use Streaming Engine and version 2.58.0 or later of the Java SDK. SetState, MapState, and MultimapState are not supported for pipelines that use Runner v2.

Partially : non-merging windows

State is supported for non-merging windows. SetState and MapState are not yet supported.

Partially : full support in batch mode

No : not implemented

Partially : non-merging windows

States are backed up by either rocksDb KV store or in-memory hash map, and persist using changelog.

No : not implemented

Partially : non-merging windows

No : not implemented

Last updated on 2025/03/08

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