Beam SDK for Java dependencies
The Apache Beam SDKs depend on common third-party components. These components import additional dependencies. You need to manage your dependencies for the following reasons:
- Dependencies might have version collisions or incompatible classes and libraries.
- Some libraries are not forward compatible. When you use these packages in your code, you might need to pin to the appropriate versions so that those versions are used when you run your pipeline.
When problems occur with dependencies, you might see unexpected behavior in the service,
including errors such as NoClassDefFoundError
, NoSuchMethodError
, NoSuchFieldError
or FATAL ERROR in native method
This page explains how to view the dependencies that your SDK is using and how to manage your dependencies to avoid issues.
View dependencies
To view your dependencies, either use the
file or retrieve the list by creating a new project
through Maven and resolving the dependencies.
Use BeamModulePlugin.groovy to retrieve dependencies
The BeamModulePlugin.groovy
file in the Beam repository lists compile and runtime
dependencies for your Beam SDK version.
Use the following link to open the
Replace BEAM_VERSION with the SDK version that you're using. The following example provides the dependencies for the 2.63.0 release:
, review the list of dependencies. Some dependencies in the list use version variables, such asgoogle_cloud_bigdataoss_version
. These variables are defined before theproject.ext.library
map definition.
Use a Maven project to resolve dependencies
You can retrieve the list of dependencies by creating a new project through Maven and then resolving the dependencies.
In your terminal or command line, use the following command to define the Beam SDK and Java versions for the new project.
export BEAM_VERSION=2.63.0 export JAVA_VERSION=11
Create the project.
mvn archetype:generate \ -DinteractiveMode=false \ -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.beam \ -DarchetypeArtifactId=beam-sdks-java-maven-archetypes-starter \ -DarchetypeVersion=$BEAM_VERSION \ -DtargetPlatform=$JAVA_VERSION \ -DartifactId=check-pipeline-dependencies \ -DgroupId=org.apache.beam.samples
Change to the new project directory.
cd check-pipeline-dependencies
Resolve and list the dependencies.
mvn dependency:resolve && mvn -o dependency:list
Manage dependencies
To simplify dependency management, Beam provides Bill of Materials (BOM) artifacts that help dependency management tools select compatible combinations.
When you import Apache Beam, using a Bill of Material artifact is recommended. When a project import contains unspecified or ambiguous dependencies, the BOM provides the information that the SDK needs to use the correct dependency version.
Apache Beam provides two BOMs:
: manages Apache Beam dependencies, which allows you to specify the version only one timebeam-sdks-java-io-google-cloud-platform-bom
: manages Apache Beam, Google Cloud, and third-party dependencies
Because errors are more likely to occur when you use third-party dependencies,
the beam-sdks-java-io-google-cloud-platform-bom
BOM is recommended.
Import the BOM
To use a BOM, import the BOM into your Maven or Gradle
dependency configuration. For example, to
use beam-sdks-java-io-google-cloud-platform-bom
make the following changes in the pom.xml
file of your SDK artifact.
In the following examples, replace BEAM_VERSION with the appropriate
Apache Beam SDK version.
dependencies {
Remove version pinning
After you import the BOM, you can remove specific version pinning from your dependencies. For example,
you can remove the versions associated with org.apache.beam
, io.grpc
, and
including libraries-bom
. Because the dependencies aren’t automatically imported by the BOM,
don’t remove them entirely. Keep the dependency without specifying a version.
The following example shows dependencies without versions in Maven:
The following example shows dependencies without versions in Gradle:
View the depenencies managed by the BOM
To see a full list of dependency versions that are managed by a specific BOM, use the
Maven tool help:effective-pom
by running the following command.
Replace BEAM_VERSION with the appropriate Apache Beam SDK version.
mvn help:effective-pom -f ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/beam/beam-sdks-java-google-cloud-platform-bom/BEAM_VERSION/beam-sdks-java-google-cloud-platform-bom-BEAM_VERSION.pom
- Beam SDKs Java Google Cloud Platform BOM in the Maven repository.