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# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
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# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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"""An executor that schedules and executes applied ptransforms."""

from __future__ import absolute_import

import collections
import logging
import Queue
import sys
import threading
from weakref import WeakValueDictionary

from apache_beam.metrics.execution import MetricsContainer
from apache_beam.metrics.execution import ScopedMetricsContainer

class _ExecutorService(object):
  """Thread pool for executing tasks in parallel."""

  class CallableTask(object):

    def call(self):

    def name(self):
      return None

  class _ExecutorServiceWorker(threading.Thread):
    """Worker thread for executing a single task at a time."""

    # Amount to block waiting for getting an item from the queue in seconds.
    TIMEOUT = 5

    def __init__(self, queue, index):
      super(_ExecutorService._ExecutorServiceWorker, self).__init__()
      self.queue = queue
      self._index = index
      self._default_name = 'ExecutorServiceWorker-' + str(index)
      self.shutdown_requested = False

    def _update_name(self, task=None):
      if task and
        name =
        name = self._default_name = 'Thread: %d, %s (%s)' % (
          self._index, name, 'executing' if task else 'idle')

    def _get_task_or_none(self):
        # Do not block indefinitely, otherwise we may not act for a requested
        # shutdown.
        return self.queue.get(
      except Queue.Empty:
        return None

    def run(self):

      while not self.shutdown_requested:
        task = self._get_task_or_none()
        if task:
            if not self.shutdown_requested:

    def shutdown(self):
      self.shutdown_requested = True

  def __init__(self, num_workers):
    self.queue = Queue.Queue()
    self.workers = [_ExecutorService._ExecutorServiceWorker(
        self.queue, i) for i in range(num_workers)]
    self.shutdown_requested = False

  def submit(self, task):
    assert isinstance(task, _ExecutorService.CallableTask)
    if not self.shutdown_requested:

  def await_completion(self):
    for worker in self.workers:

  def shutdown(self):
    self.shutdown_requested = True

    for worker in self.workers:

    # Consume all the remaining items in the queue
    while not self.queue.empty():
      except Queue.Empty:
    # All existing threads will eventually terminate (after they complete their
    # last task).

class _TransformEvaluationState(object):

  def __init__(self, executor_service, scheduled):
    self.executor_service = executor_service
    self.scheduled = scheduled

  def schedule(self, work):

  def complete(self, completed_work):

class _ParallelEvaluationState(_TransformEvaluationState):
  """A TransformEvaluationState with unlimited parallelism.

  Any TransformExecutor scheduled will be immediately submitted to the

  A principal use of this is for evaluators that can generate output bundles
  only using the input bundle (e.g. ParDo).

class _SerialEvaluationState(_TransformEvaluationState):
  """A TransformEvaluationState with a single work queue.

  Any TransformExecutor scheduled will be placed on the work queue. Only one
  item of work will be submitted to the ExecutorService at any time.

  A principal use of this is for evaluators that keeps a global state such as

  def __init__(self, executor_service, scheduled):
    super(_SerialEvaluationState, self).__init__(executor_service, scheduled)
    self.serial_queue = collections.deque()
    self.currently_evaluating = None
    self._lock = threading.Lock()

  def complete(self, completed_work):
    self._update_currently_evaluating(None, completed_work)
    super(_SerialEvaluationState, self).complete(completed_work)

  def schedule(self, new_work):
    self._update_currently_evaluating(new_work, None)

  def _update_currently_evaluating(self, new_work, completed_work):
    with self._lock:
      if new_work:
      if completed_work:
        assert self.currently_evaluating == completed_work
        self.currently_evaluating = None
      if self.serial_queue and not self.currently_evaluating:
        next_work = self.serial_queue.pop()
        self.currently_evaluating = next_work
        super(_SerialEvaluationState, self).schedule(next_work)

class _TransformExecutorServices(object):
  """Schedules and completes TransformExecutors.

  Controls the concurrency as appropriate for the applied transform the executor
  exists for.

  def __init__(self, executor_service):
    self._executor_service = executor_service
    self._scheduled = set()
    self._parallel = _ParallelEvaluationState(
        self._executor_service, self._scheduled)
    self._serial_cache = WeakValueDictionary()

  def parallel(self):
    return self._parallel

  def serial(self, step):
    cached = self._serial_cache.get(step)
    if not cached:
      cached = _SerialEvaluationState(self._executor_service, self._scheduled)
      self._serial_cache[step] = cached
    return cached

  def executors(self):
    return frozenset(self._scheduled)

class _CompletionCallback(object):
  """The default completion callback.

  The default completion callback is used to complete transform evaluations
  that are triggered due to the arrival of elements from an upstream transform,
  or for a source transform.

  def __init__(self, evaluation_context, all_updates, timers=None):
    self._evaluation_context = evaluation_context
    self._all_updates = all_updates
    self._timers = timers

  def handle_result(self, input_committed_bundle, transform_result):
    output_committed_bundles = self._evaluation_context.handle_result(
        input_committed_bundle, self._timers, transform_result)
    for output_committed_bundle in output_committed_bundles:
          output_committed_bundle, None))
    return output_committed_bundles

  def handle_exception(self, exception):
        _ExecutorServiceParallelExecutor._ExecutorUpdate(None, exception))

[docs]class TransformExecutor(_ExecutorService.CallableTask): """For internal use only; no backwards-compatibility guarantees. TransformExecutor will evaluate a bundle using an applied ptransform. A CallableTask responsible for constructing a TransformEvaluator and evaluating it on some bundle of input, and registering the result using the completion callback. """ def __init__(self, transform_evaluator_registry, evaluation_context, input_bundle, applied_transform, completion_callback, transform_evaluation_state): self._transform_evaluator_registry = transform_evaluator_registry self._evaluation_context = evaluation_context self._input_bundle = input_bundle self._applied_transform = applied_transform self._completion_callback = completion_callback self._transform_evaluation_state = transform_evaluation_state self._side_input_values = {} self.blocked = False self._call_count = 0
[docs] def call(self): self._call_count += 1 assert self._call_count <= (1 + len(self._applied_transform.side_inputs)) metrics_container = MetricsContainer(self._applied_transform.full_label) scoped_metrics_container = ScopedMetricsContainer(metrics_container) for side_input in self._applied_transform.side_inputs: if side_input not in self._side_input_values: has_result, value = ( self._evaluation_context.get_value_or_schedule_after_output( side_input, self)) if not has_result: # Monitor task will reschedule this executor once the side input is # available. return self._side_input_values[side_input] = value side_input_values = [self._side_input_values[side_input] for side_input in self._applied_transform.side_inputs] try: evaluator = self._transform_evaluator_registry.for_application( self._applied_transform, self._input_bundle, side_input_values, scoped_metrics_container) if self._input_bundle: for value in self._input_bundle.get_elements_iterable(): evaluator.process_element(value) with scoped_metrics_container: result = evaluator.finish_bundle() result.logical_metric_updates = metrics_container.get_cumulative() if self._evaluation_context.has_cache: for uncommitted_bundle in result.uncommitted_output_bundles: self._evaluation_context.append_to_cache( self._applied_transform, uncommitted_bundle.tag, uncommitted_bundle.get_elements_iterable()) undeclared_tag_values = result.undeclared_tag_values if undeclared_tag_values: for tag, value in undeclared_tag_values.iteritems(): self._evaluation_context.append_to_cache( self._applied_transform, tag, value) self._completion_callback.handle_result(self._input_bundle, result) return result except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except self._completion_callback.handle_exception(e) finally: self._evaluation_context.metrics().commit_physical( self._input_bundle, metrics_container.get_cumulative()) self._transform_evaluation_state.complete(self)
[docs]class Executor(object): """For internal use only; no backwards-compatibility guarantees.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._executor = _ExecutorServiceParallelExecutor(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def start(self, roots): self._executor.start(roots)
[docs] def await_completion(self): self._executor.await_completion()
class _ExecutorServiceParallelExecutor(object): """An internal implementation for Executor.""" NUM_WORKERS = 1 def __init__(self, value_to_consumers, transform_evaluator_registry, evaluation_context): self.executor_service = _ExecutorService( _ExecutorServiceParallelExecutor.NUM_WORKERS) self.transform_executor_services = _TransformExecutorServices( self.executor_service) self.value_to_consumers = value_to_consumers self.transform_evaluator_registry = transform_evaluator_registry self.evaluation_context = evaluation_context self.all_updates = _ExecutorServiceParallelExecutor._TypedUpdateQueue( _ExecutorServiceParallelExecutor._ExecutorUpdate) self.visible_updates = _ExecutorServiceParallelExecutor._TypedUpdateQueue( _ExecutorServiceParallelExecutor._VisibleExecutorUpdate) self.default_completion_callback = _CompletionCallback( evaluation_context, self.all_updates) def start(self, roots): self.root_nodes = frozenset(roots) self.executor_service.submit( _ExecutorServiceParallelExecutor._MonitorTask(self)) def await_completion(self): update = self.visible_updates.take() try: if update.exception: t, v, tb = update.exc_info raise t, v, tb finally: self.executor_service.shutdown() def schedule_consumers(self, committed_bundle): if committed_bundle.pcollection in self.value_to_consumers: consumers = self.value_to_consumers[committed_bundle.pcollection] for applied_ptransform in consumers: self.schedule_consumption(applied_ptransform, committed_bundle, self.default_completion_callback) def schedule_consumption(self, consumer_applied_transform, committed_bundle, on_complete): """Schedules evaluation of the given bundle with the transform.""" assert all([consumer_applied_transform, on_complete]) assert committed_bundle or consumer_applied_transform in self.root_nodes if (committed_bundle and self.transform_evaluator_registry.should_execute_serially( consumer_applied_transform)): transform_executor_service = self.transform_executor_services.serial( consumer_applied_transform) else: transform_executor_service = self.transform_executor_services.parallel() transform_executor = TransformExecutor( self.transform_evaluator_registry, self.evaluation_context, committed_bundle, consumer_applied_transform, on_complete, transform_executor_service) transform_executor_service.schedule(transform_executor) class _TypedUpdateQueue(object): """Type checking update queue with blocking and non-blocking operations.""" def __init__(self, item_type): self._item_type = item_type self._queue = Queue.Queue() def poll(self): try: item = self._queue.get_nowait() self._queue.task_done() return item except Queue.Empty: return None def take(self): item = self._queue.get() self._queue.task_done() return item def offer(self, item): assert isinstance(item, self._item_type) self._queue.put_nowait(item) class _ExecutorUpdate(object): """An internal status update on the state of the executor.""" def __init__(self, produced_bundle=None, exception=None): # Exactly one of them should be not-None assert bool(produced_bundle) != bool(exception) self.committed_bundle = produced_bundle self.exception = exception self.exc_info = sys.exc_info() if self.exc_info[1] is not exception: # Not the right exception. self.exc_info = (exception, None, None) class _VisibleExecutorUpdate(object): """An update of interest to the user. Used for awaiting the completion to decide whether to return normally or raise an exception. """ def __init__(self, exc_info=(None, None, None)): self.finished = exc_info[0] is not None self.exception = exc_info[1] or exc_info[0] self.exc_info = exc_info class _MonitorTask(_ExecutorService.CallableTask): """MonitorTask continuously runs to ensure that pipeline makes progress.""" def __init__(self, executor): self._executor = executor @property def name(self): return 'monitor' def call(self): try: update = self._executor.all_updates.poll() while update: if update.committed_bundle: self._executor.schedule_consumers(update.committed_bundle) else: assert update.exception logging.warning('A task failed with exception.\n %s', update.exception) self._executor.visible_updates.offer( _ExecutorServiceParallelExecutor._VisibleExecutorUpdate( update.exc_info)) update = self._executor.all_updates.poll() self._executor.evaluation_context.schedule_pending_unblocked_tasks( self._executor.executor_service) self._add_work_if_necessary(self._fire_timers()) except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except logging.error('Monitor task died due to exception.\n %s', e) self._executor.visible_updates.offer( _ExecutorServiceParallelExecutor._VisibleExecutorUpdate( sys.exc_info())) finally: if not self._should_shutdown(): self._executor.executor_service.submit(self) def _should_shutdown(self): """_should_shutdown checks whether pipeline is completed or not. It will check for successful completion by checking the watermarks of all transforms. If they all reached the maximum watermark it means that pipeline successfully reached to completion. If the above is not true, it will check that at least one executor is making progress. Otherwise pipeline will be declared stalled. If the pipeline reached to a terminal state as explained above _should_shutdown will request executor to gracefully shutdown. Returns: True if pipeline reached a terminal state and monitor task could finish. Otherwise monitor task should schedule itself again for future execution. """ if self._is_executing(): # There are some bundles still in progress. return False else: if self._executor.evaluation_context.is_done(): self._executor.visible_updates.offer( _ExecutorServiceParallelExecutor._VisibleExecutorUpdate()) else: # Nothing is scheduled for execution, but watermarks incomplete. self._executor.visible_updates.offer( _ExecutorServiceParallelExecutor._VisibleExecutorUpdate( (Exception('Monitor task detected a pipeline stall.'), None, None))) self._executor.executor_service.shutdown() return True def _fire_timers(self): """Schedules triggered consumers if any timers fired. Returns: True if timers fired. """ fired_timers = self._executor.evaluation_context.extract_fired_timers() for applied_ptransform in fired_timers: # Use an empty committed bundle. just to trigger. empty_bundle = ( self._executor.evaluation_context.create_empty_committed_bundle( applied_ptransform.inputs[0])) timer_completion_callback = _CompletionCallback( self._executor.evaluation_context, self._executor.all_updates, applied_ptransform) self._executor.schedule_consumption( applied_ptransform, empty_bundle, timer_completion_callback) return bool(fired_timers) def _is_executing(self): """Returns True if there is at least one non-blocked TransformExecutor.""" executors = self._executor.transform_executor_services.executors if not executors: # Nothing is executing. return False # Ensure that at least one of those executors is not blocked. for transform_executor in executors: if not transform_executor.blocked: return True return False def _add_work_if_necessary(self, timers_fired): """Adds more work from the roots if pipeline requires more input. If all active TransformExecutors are in a blocked state, add more work from root nodes that may have additional work. This ensures that if a pipeline has elements available from the root nodes it will add those elements when necessary. Args: timers_fired: True if any timers fired prior to this call. """ # If any timers have fired, they will add more work; No need to add more. if timers_fired: return if self._is_executing(): # We have at least one executor that can proceed without adding # additional work. return # All current TransformExecutors are blocked; add more work from the # roots. for applied_transform in self._executor.root_nodes: if not self._executor.evaluation_context.is_done(applied_transform): self._executor.schedule_consumption( applied_transform, None, self._executor.default_completion_callback)