Source code for apache_beam.typehints.trivial_inference

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"""Trivial type inference for simple functions.

For internal use only; no backwards-compatibility guarantees.
import __builtin__
import collections
import dis
import pprint
import sys
import types

from apache_beam.typehints import Any
from apache_beam.typehints import typehints

[docs]class TypeInferenceError(ValueError): """Error to raise when type inference failed.""" pass
[docs]def instance_to_type(o): """Given a Python object o, return the corresponding type hint. """ t = type(o) if o is None: return type(None) elif t not in typehints.DISALLOWED_PRIMITIVE_TYPES: if t == types.InstanceType: return o.__class__ elif t == BoundMethod: return types.MethodType return t elif t == tuple: return typehints.Tuple[[instance_to_type(item) for item in o]] elif t == list: return typehints.List[ typehints.Union[[instance_to_type(item) for item in o]] ] elif t == set: return typehints.Set[ typehints.Union[[instance_to_type(item) for item in o]] ] elif t == dict: return typehints.Dict[ typehints.Union[[instance_to_type(k) for k, v in o.items()]], typehints.Union[[instance_to_type(v) for k, v in o.items()]], ] else: raise TypeInferenceError('Unknown forbidden type: %s' % t)
[docs]def union_list(xs, ys): assert len(xs) == len(ys) return [union(x, y) for x, y in zip(xs, ys)]
[docs]class Const(object): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value self.type = instance_to_type(value) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, Const) and self.value == other.value def __hash__(self): return hash(self.value) def __repr__(self): return 'Const[%s]' % str(self.value)[:100] @staticmethod
[docs] def unwrap(x): if isinstance(x, Const): return x.type return x
[docs] def unwrap_all(xs): return [Const.unwrap(x) for x in xs]
[docs]class FrameState(object): """Stores the state of the frame at a particular point of execution. """ def __init__(self, f, local_vars=None, stack=()): self.f = f = f.func_code self.vars = list(local_vars) self.stack = list(stack) def __eq__(self, other): return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
[docs] def copy(self): return FrameState(self.f, self.vars, self.stack)
[docs] def const_type(self, i): return Const([i])
[docs] def closure_type(self, i): ncellvars = len( if i < ncellvars: return Any return Const(self.f.func_closure[i - ncellvars].cell_contents)
[docs] def get_global(self, i): name = self.get_name(i) if name in self.f.func_globals: return Const(self.f.func_globals[name]) if name in __builtin__.__dict__: return Const(__builtin__.__dict__[name]) return Any
[docs] def get_name(self, i): return[i]
def __repr__(self): return 'Stack: %s Vars: %s' % (self.stack, self.vars) def __or__(self, other): if self is None: return other.copy() elif other is None: return self.copy() return FrameState(self.f, union_list(self.vars, other.vars), union_list( self.stack, other.stack)) def __ror__(self, left): return self | left
[docs]def union(a, b): """Returns the union of two types or Const values. """ if a == b: return a elif not a: return b elif not b: return a a = Const.unwrap(a) b = Const.unwrap(b) # TODO(robertwb): Work this into the Union code in a more generic way. if type(a) == type(b) and element_type(a) == typehints.Union[()]: return b elif type(a) == type(b) and element_type(b) == typehints.Union[()]: return a return typehints.Union[a, b]
[docs]def element_type(hint): """Returns the element type of a composite type. """ hint = Const.unwrap(hint) if isinstance(hint, typehints.SequenceTypeConstraint): return hint.inner_type elif isinstance(hint, typehints.TupleHint.TupleConstraint): return typehints.Union[hint.tuple_types] return Any
[docs]def key_value_types(kv_type): """Returns the key and value type of a KV type. """ # TODO(robertwb): Unions of tuples, etc. # TODO(robertwb): Assert? if (isinstance(kv_type, typehints.TupleHint.TupleConstraint) and len(kv_type.tuple_types) == 2): return kv_type.tuple_types return Any, Any
known_return_types = {len: int, hash: int,}
[docs]class BoundMethod(object): """Used to create a bound method when we only know the type of the instance. """ def __init__(self, unbound): self.unbound = unbound
[docs]def hashable(c): try: hash(c) return True except TypeError: return False
[docs]def infer_return_type(c, input_types, debug=False, depth=5): """Analyses a callable to deduce its return type. Args: c: A Python callable to infer the return type of. input_types: A sequence of inputs corresponding to the input types. debug: Whether to print verbose debugging information. depth: Maximum inspection depth during type inference. Returns: A TypeConstraint that that the return value of this function will (likely) satisfy given the specified inputs. """ try: if hashable(c) and c in known_return_types: return known_return_types[c] elif isinstance(c, types.FunctionType): return infer_return_type_func(c, input_types, debug, depth) elif isinstance(c, types.MethodType): if c.im_self is not None: input_types = [Const(c.im_self)] + input_types return infer_return_type_func(c.im_func, input_types, debug, depth) elif isinstance(c, BoundMethod): input_types = [c.unbound.im_class] + input_types return infer_return_type_func( c.unbound.im_func, input_types, debug, depth) elif isinstance(c, (type, types.ClassType)): if c in typehints.DISALLOWED_PRIMITIVE_TYPES: return { list: typehints.List[Any], set: typehints.Set[Any], tuple: typehints.Tuple[Any, ...], dict: typehints.Dict[Any, Any] }[c] return c else: return Any except TypeInferenceError: return Any except Exception: if debug: sys.stdout.flush() raise else: return Any
[docs]def infer_return_type_func(f, input_types, debug=False, depth=0): """Analyses a function to deduce its return type. Args: f: A Python function object to infer the return type of. input_types: A sequence of inputs corresponding to the input types. debug: Whether to print verbose debugging information. depth: Maximum inspection depth during type inference. Returns: A TypeConstraint that that the return value of this function will (likely) satisfy given the specified inputs. Raises: TypeInferenceError: if no type can be inferred. """ if debug: print print f, id(f), input_types import opcodes simple_ops = dict((k.upper(), v) for k, v in opcodes.__dict__.items()) co = f.func_code code = co.co_code end = len(code) pc = 0 extended_arg = 0 free = None yields = set() returns = set() # TODO(robertwb): Default args via inspect module. local_vars = list(input_types) + [typehints.Union[()]] * (len(co.co_varnames) - len(input_types)) state = FrameState(f, local_vars) states = collections.defaultdict(lambda: None) jumps = collections.defaultdict(int) last_pc = -1 while pc < end: start = pc op = ord(code[pc]) if debug: print '-->' if pc == last_pc else ' ', print repr(pc).rjust(4), print dis.opname[op].ljust(20), pc += 1 if op >= dis.HAVE_ARGUMENT: arg = ord(code[pc]) + ord(code[pc + 1]) * 256 + extended_arg extended_arg = 0 pc += 2 if op == dis.EXTENDED_ARG: extended_arg = arg * 65536L if debug: print str(arg).rjust(5), if op in dis.hasconst: print '(' + repr(co.co_consts[arg]) + ')', elif op in dis.hasname: print '(' + co.co_names[arg] + ')', elif op in dis.hasjrel: print '(to ' + repr(pc + arg) + ')', elif op in dis.haslocal: print '(' + co.co_varnames[arg] + ')', elif op in dis.hascompare: print '(' + dis.cmp_op[arg] + ')', elif op in dis.hasfree: if free is None: free = co.co_cellvars + co.co_freevars print '(' + free[arg] + ')', # Acutally emulate the op. if state is None and states[start] is None: # No control reaches here (yet). if debug: print continue state |= states[start] opname = dis.opname[op] jmp = jmp_state = None if opname.startswith('CALL_FUNCTION'): standard_args = (arg & 0xF) + (arg & 0xF0) / 8 var_args = 'VAR' in opname kw_args = 'KW' in opname pop_count = standard_args + var_args + kw_args + 1 if depth <= 0: return_type = Any elif arg & 0xF0: # TODO(robertwb): Handle this case. return_type = Any elif isinstance(state.stack[-pop_count], Const): # TODO(robertwb): Handle this better. if var_args or kw_args: state.stack[-1] = Any state.stack[-var_args - kw_args] = Any return_type = infer_return_type(state.stack[-pop_count].value, state.stack[1 - pop_count:], debug=debug, depth=depth - 1) else: return_type = Any state.stack[-pop_count:] = [return_type] elif opname in simple_ops: simple_ops[opname](state, arg) elif opname == 'RETURN_VALUE': returns.add(state.stack[-1]) state = None elif opname == 'YIELD_VALUE': yields.add(state.stack[-1]) elif opname == 'JUMP_FORWARD': jmp = pc + arg jmp_state = state state = None elif opname == 'JUMP_ABSOLUTE': jmp = arg jmp_state = state state = None elif opname in ('POP_JUMP_IF_TRUE', 'POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE'): state.stack.pop() jmp = arg jmp_state = state.copy() elif opname in ('JUMP_IF_TRUE_OR_POP', 'JUMP_IF_FALSE_OR_POP'): jmp = arg jmp_state = state.copy() state.stack.pop() elif opname == 'FOR_ITER': jmp = pc + arg jmp_state = state.copy() jmp_state.stack.pop() state.stack.append(element_type(state.stack[-1])) else: raise TypeInferenceError('unable to handle %s' % opname) if jmp is not None: # TODO(robertwb): Is this guerenteed to converge? new_state = states[jmp] | jmp_state if jmp < pc and new_state != states[jmp] and jumps[pc] < 5: jumps[pc] += 1 pc = jmp states[jmp] = new_state if debug: print print state pprint.pprint(dict(item for item in states.items() if item[1])) if yields: result = typehints.Iterable[reduce(union, Const.unwrap_all(yields))] else: result = reduce(union, Const.unwrap_all(returns)) if debug: print f, id(f), input_types, '->', result return result