Source code for apache_beam.transforms.util

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"""Simple utility PTransforms.

from __future__ import absolute_import

from apache_beam.transforms.core import CombinePerKey
from apache_beam.transforms.core import Flatten
from apache_beam.transforms.core import GroupByKey
from apache_beam.transforms.core import Map
from apache_beam.transforms.ptransform import PTransform
from apache_beam.transforms.ptransform import ptransform_fn

__all__ = [

[docs]class CoGroupByKey(PTransform): """Groups results across several PCollections by key. Given an input dict mapping serializable keys (called "tags") to 0 or more PCollections of (key, value) tuples, e.g.:: {'pc1': pcoll1, 'pc2': pcoll2, 33333: pcoll3} creates a single output PCollection of (key, value) tuples whose keys are the unique input keys from all inputs, and whose values are dicts mapping each tag to an iterable of whatever values were under the key in the corresponding PCollection:: ('some key', {'pc1': ['value 1 under "some key" in pcoll1', 'value 2 under "some key" in pcoll1'], 'pc2': [], 33333: ['only value under "some key" in pcoll3']}) Note that pcoll2 had no values associated with "some key". CoGroupByKey also works for tuples, lists, or other flat iterables of PCollections, in which case the values of the resulting PCollections will be tuples whose nth value is the list of values from the nth PCollection---conceptually, the "tags" are the indices into the input. Thus, for this input:: (pcoll1, pcoll2, pcoll3) the output PCollection's value for "some key" is:: ('some key', (['value 1 under "some key" in pcoll1', 'value 2 under "some key" in pcoll1'], [], ['only value under "some key" in pcoll3'])) Args: label: name of this transform instance. Useful while monitoring and debugging a pipeline execution. **kwargs: Accepts a single named argument "pipeline", which specifies the pipeline that "owns" this PTransform. Ordinarily CoGroupByKey can obtain this information from one of the input PCollections, but if there are none (or if there's a chance there may be none), this argument is the only way to provide pipeline information, and should be considered mandatory. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(CoGroupByKey, self).__init__() self.pipeline = kwargs.pop('pipeline', None) if kwargs: raise ValueError('Unexpected keyword arguments: %s' % kwargs.keys()) def _extract_input_pvalues(self, pvalueish): try: # If this works, it's a dict. return pvalueish, tuple(pvalueish.viewvalues()) except AttributeError: pcolls = tuple(pvalueish) return pcolls, pcolls
[docs] def expand(self, pcolls): """Performs CoGroupByKey on argument pcolls; see class docstring.""" # For associating values in K-V pairs with the PCollections they came from. def _pair_tag_with_value((key, value), tag): return (key, (tag, value)) # Creates the key, value pairs for the output PCollection. Values are either # lists or dicts (per the class docstring), initialized by the result of # result_ctor(result_ctor_arg). def _merge_tagged_vals_under_key((key, grouped), result_ctor, result_ctor_arg): result_value = result_ctor(result_ctor_arg) for tag, value in grouped: result_value[tag].append(value) return (key, result_value) try: # If pcolls is a dict, we turn it into (tag, pcoll) pairs for use in the # general-purpose code below. The result value constructor creates dicts # whose keys are the tags. result_ctor_arg = pcolls.keys() result_ctor = lambda tags: dict((tag, []) for tag in tags) pcolls = pcolls.items() except AttributeError: # Otherwise, pcolls is a list/tuple, so we turn it into (index, pcoll) # pairs. The result value constructor makes tuples with len(pcolls) slots. pcolls = list(enumerate(pcolls)) result_ctor_arg = len(pcolls) result_ctor = lambda size: tuple([] for _ in xrange(size)) # Check input PCollections for PCollection-ness, and that they all belong # to the same pipeline. for _, pcoll in pcolls: self._check_pcollection(pcoll) if self.pipeline: assert pcoll.pipeline == self.pipeline return ([pcoll | 'pair_with_%s' % tag >> Map(_pair_tag_with_value, tag) for tag, pcoll in pcolls] | Flatten(pipeline=self.pipeline) | GroupByKey() | Map(_merge_tagged_vals_under_key, result_ctor, result_ctor_arg))
[docs]def Keys(label='Keys'): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Produces a PCollection of first elements of 2-tuples in a PCollection.""" return label >> Map(lambda (k, v): k)
[docs]def Values(label='Values'): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Produces a PCollection of second elements of 2-tuples in a PCollection.""" return label >> Map(lambda (k, v): v)
[docs]def KvSwap(label='KvSwap'): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Produces a PCollection reversing 2-tuples in a PCollection.""" return label >> Map(lambda (k, v): (v, k))
@ptransform_fn def RemoveDuplicates(pcoll): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Produces a PCollection containing the unique elements of a PCollection.""" return (pcoll | 'ToPairs' >> Map(lambda v: (v, None)) | 'Group' >> CombinePerKey(lambda vs: None) | 'RemoveDuplicates' >> Keys())