Source code for apache_beam.typehints.native_type_compatibility

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"""Module to convert Python's native typing types to Beam types."""

import collections
import typing

from apache_beam.typehints import typehints

# Describes an entry in the type map in convert_to_beam_type.
# match is a function that takes a user type and returns whether the conversion
# should trigger.
# arity is the expected arity of the user type. -1 means it's variadic.
# beam_type is the Beam type the user type should map to.
_TypeMapEntry = collections.namedtuple(
    '_TypeMapEntry', ['match', 'arity', 'beam_type'])

def _get_arg(typ, index):
  """Returns the index-th argument to the given type."""
  return typ.__args__[index]

def _len_arg(typ):
  """Returns the length of the arguments to the given type."""
    return len(typ.__args__)
  except AttributeError:
    # For Any type, which takes no arguments.
    return 0

def _safe_issubclass(derived, parent):
  """Like issubclass, but swallows TypeErrors.

  This is useful for when either parameter might not actually be a class,
  e.g. typing.Union isn't actually a class.

    derived: As in issubclass.
    parent: As in issubclass.

    issubclass(derived, parent), or False if a TypeError was raised.
    return issubclass(derived, parent)
  except TypeError:
    return False

def _match_issubclass(match_against):
  return lambda user_type: _safe_issubclass(user_type, match_against)

def _match_same_type(match_against):
  # For Union types. They can't be compared with isinstance either, so we
  # have to compare their types directly.
  return lambda user_type: type(user_type) == type(match_against)

def _match_is_named_tuple(user_type):
  return (_safe_issubclass(user_type, typing.Tuple) and
          hasattr(user_type, '_field_types'))

[docs]def convert_to_beam_type(typ): """Convert a given typing type to a Beam type. Args: typ (type): typing type. Returns: type: The given type converted to a Beam type as far as we can do the conversion. Raises: ~exceptions.ValueError: The type was malformed. """ type_map = [ _TypeMapEntry( match=_match_same_type(typing.Any), arity=0, beam_type=typehints.Any), _TypeMapEntry( match=_match_issubclass(typing.Dict), arity=2, beam_type=typehints.Dict), _TypeMapEntry( match=_match_issubclass(typing.List), arity=1, beam_type=typehints.List), _TypeMapEntry( match=_match_issubclass(typing.Set), arity=1, beam_type=typehints.Set), # NamedTuple is a subclass of Tuple, but it needs special handling. # We just convert it to Any for now. # This MUST appear before the entry for the normal Tuple. _TypeMapEntry( match=_match_is_named_tuple, arity=0, beam_type=typehints.Any), _TypeMapEntry( match=_match_issubclass(typing.Tuple), arity=-1, beam_type=typehints.Tuple), _TypeMapEntry( match=_match_same_type(typing.Union), arity=-1, beam_type=typehints.Union) ] # Find the first matching entry. matched_entry = next((entry for entry in type_map if entry.match(typ)), None) if not matched_entry: # No match: return original type. return typ if matched_entry.arity == -1: arity = _len_arg(typ) else: arity = matched_entry.arity if _len_arg(typ) != arity: raise ValueError('expecting type %s to have arity %d, had arity %d ' 'instead' % (str(typ), arity, _len_arg(typ))) typs = [convert_to_beam_type(_get_arg(typ, i)) for i in xrange(arity)] if arity == 0: # Nullary types (e.g. Any) don't accept empty tuples as arguments. return matched_entry.beam_type elif arity == 1: # Unary types (e.g. Set) don't accept 1-tuples as arguments return matched_entry.beam_type[typs[0]] else: return matched_entry.beam_type[tuple(typs)]
[docs]def convert_to_beam_types(args): """Convert the given list or dictionary of args to Beam types. Args: args: Either an iterable of types, or a dictionary where the values are types. Returns: If given an iterable, a list of converted types. If given a dictionary, a dictionary with the same keys, and values which have been converted. """ if isinstance(args, dict): return {k: convert_to_beam_type(v) for k, v in args.iteritems()} else: return [convert_to_beam_type(v) for v in args]