Source code for apache_beam.typehints.typehints

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"""Syntax & semantics for type-hinting custom-functions/PTransforms in the SDK.

This module defines type-hinting objects and the corresponding syntax for
type-hinting function arguments, function return types, or PTransform object
themselves. TypeHint's defined in the module can be used to implement either
static or run-time type-checking in regular Python code.

Type-hints are defined by 'indexing' a type-parameter into a defined
CompositeTypeHint instance:

  * 'List[int]'.

Valid type-hints are partitioned into two categories: simple, and composite.

Simple type hints are type hints based on a subset of Python primitive types:
int, bool, float, str, object, None, and bytes. No other primitive types are

Composite type-hints are reserved for hinting the types of container-like
Python objects such as 'list'. Composite type-hints can be parameterized by an
inner simple or composite type-hint, using the 'indexing' syntax. In order to
avoid conflicting with the namespace of the built-in container types, when
specifying this category of type-hints, the first letter should capitalized.
The following composite type-hints are permitted. NOTE: 'T' can be any of the
type-hints listed or a simple Python type:

  * Any
  * Union[T, T, T]
  * Optional[T]
  * Tuple[T, T]
  * Tuple[T, ...]
  * List[T]
  * KV[T, T]
  * Dict[T, T]
  * Set[T]
  * Iterable[T]
  * Iterator[T]
  * Generator[T]

Type-hints can be nested, allowing one to define type-hints for complex types:

  * 'List[Tuple[int, int, str]]

In addition, type-hints can be used to implement run-time type-checking via the
'type_check' method on each TypeConstraint.


import collections
import copy
import types

__all__ = [

# A set of the built-in Python types we don't support, guiding the users
# to templated (upper-case) versions instead.
DISALLOWED_PRIMITIVE_TYPES = (list, set, tuple, dict)

class SimpleTypeHintError(TypeError):

class CompositeTypeHintError(TypeError):

class GetitemConstructor(type):
  """A metaclass that makes Cls[arg] an alias for Cls(arg)."""
  def __getitem__(cls, arg):
    return cls(arg)

class TypeConstraint(object):

  """The base-class for all created type-constraints defined below.

  A :class:`TypeConstraint` is the result of parameterizing a
  :class:`CompositeTypeHint` with with one of the allowed Python types or
  another :class:`CompositeTypeHint`. It binds and enforces a specific
  version of a generalized TypeHint.

  def _consistent_with_check_(self, sub):
    """Returns whether sub is consistent with self.

    Has the same relationship to is_consistent_with() as
    __subclasscheck__ does for issubclass().

    Not meant to be called directly; call is_consistent_with(sub, self)

    Implementation may assume that maybe_sub_type is not Any
    and has been normalized.
    raise NotImplementedError

  def type_check(self, instance):
    """Determines if the type of 'instance' satisfies this type constraint.

      instance: An instance of a Python object.

      :class:`~exceptions.TypeError`: The passed **instance** doesn't satisfy
        this :class:`TypeConstraint`. Subclasses of
        :class:`TypeConstraint` are free to raise any of the subclasses of
        :class:`~exceptions.TypeError` defined above, depending on
        the manner of the type hint error.

    All :class:`TypeConstraint` sub-classes must define this method in other
    for the class object to be created.
    raise NotImplementedError

  def match_type_variables(self, unused_concrete_type):
    return {}

  def bind_type_variables(self, unused_bindings):
    return self

  def _inner_types(self):
    """Iterates over the inner types of the composite type."""
    return []

  def visit(self, visitor, visitor_arg):
    """Visitor method to visit all inner types of a composite type.

      visitor: A callable invoked for all nodes in the type tree comprising
        a composite type. The visitor will be called with the node visited
        and the visitor argument specified here.
      visitor_arg: Visitor callback second argument.
    visitor(self, visitor_arg)
    for t in self._inner_types():
      if isinstance(t, TypeConstraint):
        t.visit(visitor, visitor_arg)
        visitor(t, visitor_arg)

def match_type_variables(type_constraint, concrete_type):
  if isinstance(type_constraint, TypeConstraint):
    return type_constraint.match_type_variables(concrete_type)
  return {}

def bind_type_variables(type_constraint, bindings):
  if isinstance(type_constraint, TypeConstraint):
    return type_constraint.bind_type_variables(bindings)
  return type_constraint

class SequenceTypeConstraint(TypeConstraint):
  """A common base-class for all sequence related type-constraint classes.

  A sequence is defined as an arbitrary length homogeneous container type. Type
  hints which fall under this category include: List[T], Set[T], Iterable[T],
  and Tuple[T, ...].

  Sub-classes may need to override '_consistent_with_check_' if a particular
  sequence requires special handling with respect to type compatibility.

    inner_type: The type which every element in the sequence should be an
      instance of.

  def __init__(self, inner_type, sequence_type):
    self.inner_type = inner_type
    self._sequence_type = sequence_type

  def __eq__(self, other):
    return (isinstance(other, SequenceTypeConstraint)
            and type(self) == type(other)
            and self.inner_type == other.inner_type)

  def __hash__(self):
    return hash(self.inner_type) ^ 13 * hash(type(self))

  def _inner_types(self):
    yield self.inner_type

  def _consistent_with_check_(self, sub):
    return (isinstance(sub, self.__class__)
            and is_consistent_with(sub.inner_type, self.inner_type))

  def type_check(self, sequence_instance):
    if not isinstance(sequence_instance, self._sequence_type):
      raise CompositeTypeHintError(
          "%s type-constraint violated. Valid object instance "
          "must be of type '%s'. Instead, an instance of '%s' "
          "was received."
          % (self._sequence_type.__name__.title(),

    for index, elem in enumerate(sequence_instance):
        check_constraint(self.inner_type, elem)
      except SimpleTypeHintError as e:
        raise CompositeTypeHintError(
            '%s hint type-constraint violated. The type of element #%s in '
            'the passed %s is incorrect. Expected an instance of type %s, '
            'instead received an instance of type %s.' %
            (repr(self), index, _unified_repr(self._sequence_type),
             _unified_repr(self.inner_type), elem.__class__.__name__))
      except CompositeTypeHintError as e:
        raise CompositeTypeHintError(
            '%s hint type-constraint violated. The type of element #%s in '
            'the passed %s is incorrect: %s'
            % (repr(self), index, self._sequence_type.__name__, e))

  def match_type_variables(self, concrete_type):
    if isinstance(concrete_type, SequenceTypeConstraint):
      return match_type_variables(self.inner_type, concrete_type.inner_type)
    return {}

  def bind_type_variables(self, bindings):
    bound_inner_type = bind_type_variables(self.inner_type, bindings)
    if bound_inner_type == self.inner_type:
      return self
    bound_self = copy.copy(self)
    bound_self.inner_type = bound_inner_type
    return bound_self

class CompositeTypeHint(object):
  """The base-class for all created type-hint classes defined below.

  CompositeTypeHint's serve primarily as TypeConstraint factories. They are
  only required to define a single method: '__getitem__' which should return a
  parameterized TypeConstraint, that can be used to enforce static or run-time

  '__getitem__' is used as a factory function in order to provide a familiar
  API for defining type-hints. The ultimate result is that one will be able to
  use: CompositeTypeHint[type_parameter] to create a type-hint object that
  behaves like any other Python object. This allows one to create
  'type-aliases' by assigning the returned type-hints to a variable.

    * Example: 'Coordinates = List[Tuple[int, int]]'

  def __getitem___(self, py_type):
    """Given a type creates a TypeConstraint instance parameterized by the type.

    This function serves as a factory function which creates TypeConstraint
    instances. Additionally, implementations by sub-classes should perform any
    sanity checking of the passed types in this method in order to rule-out
    disallowed behavior. Such as, attempting to create a TypeConstraint whose
    parameterized type is actually an object instance.

      py_type: An instance of a Python type or TypeConstraint.

    Returns: An instance of a custom TypeConstraint for this CompositeTypeHint.

      TypeError: If the passed type violates any contraints for this particular
    raise NotImplementedError

def validate_composite_type_param(type_param, error_msg_prefix):
  """Determines if an object is a valid type parameter to a

  Implements sanity checking to disallow things like::

    List[1, 2, 3] or Dict[5].

    type_param: An object instance.
    error_msg_prefix (:class:`str`): A string prefix used to format an error
      message in the case of an exception.

    ~exceptions.TypeError: If the passed **type_param** is not a valid type
      parameter for a :class:`CompositeTypeHint`.
  # Must either be a TypeConstraint instance or a basic Python type.
  is_not_type_constraint = (
      not isinstance(type_param, (type, types.ClassType, TypeConstraint))
      and type_param is not None)
  is_forbidden_type = (isinstance(type_param, type) and
                       type_param in DISALLOWED_PRIMITIVE_TYPES)

  if is_not_type_constraint or is_forbidden_type:
    raise TypeError('%s must be a non-sequence, a type, or a TypeConstraint. %s'
                    ' is an instance of %s.' % (error_msg_prefix, type_param,

def _unified_repr(o):
  """Given an object return a qualified name for the object.

  This function closely mirrors '__qualname__' which was introduced in
  Python 3.3. It is used primarily to format types or object instances for
  error messages.

    o: An instance of a TypeConstraint or a type.

    A qualified name for the passed Python object fit for string formatting.
  return repr(o) if isinstance(
      o, (TypeConstraint, types.NoneType)) else o.__name__

def check_constraint(type_constraint, object_instance):
  """Determine if the passed type instance satisfies the TypeConstraint.

  When examining a candidate type for constraint satisfaction in
  'type_check', all CompositeTypeHint's eventually call this function. This
  function may end up being called recursively if the hinted type of a
  CompositeTypeHint is another CompositeTypeHint.

    type_constraint: An instance of a TypeConstraint or a built-in Python type.
    object_instance: An object instance.

    SimpleTypeHintError: If 'type_constraint' is a one of the allowed primitive
      Python types and 'object_instance' isn't an instance of this type.
    CompositeTypeHintError: If 'type_constraint' is a TypeConstraint object and
      'object_instance' does not satisfy its constraint.
  if type_constraint is None and object_instance is None:
  elif isinstance(type_constraint, TypeConstraint):
  elif type_constraint is None:
    # TODO(robertwb): Fix uses of None for Any.
  elif not isinstance(type_constraint, type):
    raise RuntimeError("bad type: %s" % (type_constraint,))
  elif not isinstance(object_instance, type_constraint):
    raise SimpleTypeHintError

class AnyTypeConstraint(TypeConstraint):
  """An Any type-hint.

  Any is intended to be used as a "don't care" when hinting the types of
  function arguments or return types. All other TypeConstraint's are equivalent
  to 'Any', and its 'type_check' method is a no-op.

  def __repr__(self):
    return 'Any'

  def type_check(self, instance):

[docs]class TypeVariable(AnyTypeConstraint): def __init__(self, name): = name def __repr__(self): return 'TypeVariable[%s]' %
[docs] def match_type_variables(self, concrete_type): return {self: concrete_type}
[docs] def bind_type_variables(self, bindings): return bindings.get(self, self)
class UnionHint(CompositeTypeHint): """A Union type-hint. Union[X, Y] accepts instances of type X OR type Y. Duplicate type parameters are ignored. Additonally, Nested Union hints will be flattened out. For example: * Union[Union[str, int], bool] -> Union[str, int, bool] A candidate type instance satisfies a UnionConstraint if it is an instance of any of the parameterized 'union_types' for a Union. Union[X] is disallowed, and all type parameters will be sanity checked to ensure compatibility with nested type-hints. When comparing two Union hints, ordering is enforced before comparison. * Union[int, str] == Union[str, int] """ class UnionConstraint(TypeConstraint): def __init__(self, union_types): self.union_types = set(union_types) def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, UnionHint.UnionConstraint) and self.union_types == other.union_types) def __hash__(self): return 1 + sum(hash(t) for t in self.union_types) def __repr__(self): # Sorting the type name strings simplifies unit tests. return 'Union[%s]' % (', '.join(sorted(_unified_repr(t) for t in self.union_types))) def _inner_types(self): for t in self.union_types: yield t def _consistent_with_check_(self, sub): if isinstance(sub, UnionConstraint): # A union type is compatible if every possible type is compatible. # E.g. Union[A, B, C] > Union[A, B]. return all(is_consistent_with(elem, self) for elem in sub.union_types) # Other must be compatible with at least one of this union's subtypes. # E.g. Union[A, B, C] > T if T > A or T > B or T > C. return any(is_consistent_with(sub, elem) for elem in self.union_types) def type_check(self, instance): error_msg = '' for t in self.union_types: try: check_constraint(t, instance) return except TypeError as e: error_msg = str(e) continue raise CompositeTypeHintError( '%s type-constraint violated. Expected an instance of one of: %s, ' 'received %s instead.%s' % (repr(self), tuple(sorted(_unified_repr(t) for t in self.union_types)), instance.__class__.__name__, error_msg)) def __getitem__(self, type_params): if not isinstance(type_params, (collections.Sequence, set)): raise TypeError('Cannot create Union without a sequence of types.') # Flatten nested Union's and duplicated repeated type hints. params = set() for t in type_params: validate_composite_type_param( t, error_msg_prefix='All parameters to a Union hint' ) if isinstance(t, self.UnionConstraint): params |= t.union_types else: params.add(t) if Any in params: return Any elif len(params) == 1: return iter(params).next() return self.UnionConstraint(params) UnionConstraint = UnionHint.UnionConstraint class OptionalHint(UnionHint): """An Option type-hint. Optional[X] accepts instances of X or None. The Optional[X] factory function proxies to Union[X, type(None)] """ def __getitem__(self, py_type): # A single type must have been passed. if isinstance(py_type, collections.Sequence): raise TypeError('An Option type-hint only accepts a single type ' 'parameter.') return Union[py_type, type(None)] class TupleHint(CompositeTypeHint): """A Tuple type-hint. Tuple can accept 1 or more type-hint parameters. Tuple[X, Y] represents a tuple of *exactly* two elements, with the first being of type 'X' and the second an instance of type 'Y'. * (1, 2) satisfies Tuple[int, int] Additionally, one is able to type-hint an arbitary length, homogeneous tuple by passing the Ellipsis (...) object as the second parameter. As an example, Tuple[str, ...] indicates a tuple of any length with each element being an instance of 'str'. """ class TupleSequenceConstraint(SequenceTypeConstraint): def __init__(self, type_param): super(TupleHint.TupleSequenceConstraint, self).__init__(type_param, tuple) def __repr__(self): return 'Tuple[%s, ...]' % _unified_repr(self.inner_type) def _consistent_with_check_(self, sub): if isinstance(sub, TupleConstraint): # E.g. Tuple[A, B] < Tuple[C, ...] iff A < C and B < C. return all(is_consistent_with(elem, self.inner_type) for elem in sub.tuple_types) return super(TupleSequenceConstraint, self)._consistent_with_check_(sub) class TupleConstraint(TypeConstraint): def __init__(self, type_params): self.tuple_types = tuple(type_params) def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, TupleHint.TupleConstraint) and self.tuple_types == other.tuple_types) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.tuple_types) def __repr__(self): return 'Tuple[%s]' % (', '.join(_unified_repr(t) for t in self.tuple_types)) def _inner_types(self): for t in self.tuple_types: yield t def _consistent_with_check_(self, sub): return (isinstance(sub, self.__class__) and len(sub.tuple_types) == len(self.tuple_types) and all(is_consistent_with(sub_elem, elem) for sub_elem, elem in zip(sub.tuple_types, self.tuple_types))) def type_check(self, tuple_instance): if not isinstance(tuple_instance, tuple): raise CompositeTypeHintError( "Tuple type constraint violated. Valid object instance must be of " "type 'tuple'. Instead, an instance of '%s' was received." % tuple_instance.__class__.__name__) if len(tuple_instance) != len(self.tuple_types): raise CompositeTypeHintError( 'Passed object instance is of the proper type, but differs in ' 'length from the hinted type. Expected a tuple of length %s, ' 'received a tuple of length %s.' % (len(self.tuple_types), len(tuple_instance))) for type_pos, (expected, actual) in enumerate(zip(self.tuple_types, tuple_instance)): try: check_constraint(expected, actual) continue except SimpleTypeHintError: raise CompositeTypeHintError( '%s hint type-constraint violated. The type of element #%s in ' 'the passed tuple is incorrect. Expected an instance of ' 'type %s, instead received an instance of type %s.' % (repr(self), type_pos, _unified_repr(expected), actual.__class__.__name__)) except CompositeTypeHintError as e: raise CompositeTypeHintError( '%s hint type-constraint violated. The type of element #%s in ' 'the passed tuple is incorrect. %s' % (repr(self), type_pos, e)) def match_type_variables(self, concrete_type): bindings = {} if isinstance(concrete_type, TupleConstraint): for a, b in zip(self.tuple_types, concrete_type.tuple_types): bindings.update(match_type_variables(a, b)) return bindings def bind_type_variables(self, bindings): bound_tuple_types = tuple( bind_type_variables(t, bindings) for t in self.tuple_types) if bound_tuple_types == self.tuple_types: return self return Tuple[bound_tuple_types] def __getitem__(self, type_params): ellipsis = False if not isinstance(type_params, collections.Iterable): # Special case for hinting tuples with arity-1. type_params = (type_params,) if type_params and type_params[-1] == Ellipsis: if len(type_params) != 2: raise TypeError('Ellipsis can only be used to type-hint an arbitrary ' 'length tuple of containing a single type: ' 'Tuple[A, ...].') # Tuple[A, ...] indicates an arbitary length homogeneous tuple. type_params = type_params[:1] ellipsis = True for t in type_params: validate_composite_type_param( t, error_msg_prefix='All parameters to a Tuple hint' ) if ellipsis: return self.TupleSequenceConstraint(type_params[0]) return self.TupleConstraint(type_params) TupleConstraint = TupleHint.TupleConstraint TupleSequenceConstraint = TupleHint.TupleSequenceConstraint class ListHint(CompositeTypeHint): """A List type-hint. List[X] represents an instance of a list populated by a single homogeneous type. The parameterized type 'X' can either be a built-in Python type or an instance of another TypeConstraint. * ['1', '2', '3'] satisfies List[str] """ class ListConstraint(SequenceTypeConstraint): def __init__(self, list_type): super(ListHint.ListConstraint, self).__init__(list_type, list) def __repr__(self): return 'List[%s]' % _unified_repr(self.inner_type) def __getitem__(self, t): validate_composite_type_param(t, error_msg_prefix='Parameter to List hint') return self.ListConstraint(t) ListConstraint = ListHint.ListConstraint class KVHint(CompositeTypeHint): """A KV type-hint, represents a Key-Value pair of a particular type. Internally, KV[X, Y] proxies to Tuple[X, Y]. A KV type-hint accepts only accepts exactly two type-parameters. The first represents the required key-type and the second the required value-type. """ def __getitem__(self, type_params): if not isinstance(type_params, tuple): raise TypeError('Parameter to KV type-hint must be a tuple of types: ' 'KV[.., ..].') if len(type_params) != 2: raise TypeError( 'Length of parameters to a KV type-hint must be exactly 2. Passed ' 'parameters: %s, have a length of %s.' % (type_params, len(type_params)) ) return Tuple[type_params] def key_value_types(kv): """Returns the key and value type of a KV type-hint. Args: kv: An instance of a TypeConstraint sub-class. Returns: A tuple: (key_type, value_type) if the passed type-hint is an instance of a KV type-hint, and (Any, Any) otherwise. """ if isinstance(kv, TupleHint.TupleConstraint): return kv.tuple_types return Any, Any class DictHint(CompositeTypeHint): """A Dict type-hint. Dict[K, V] Represents a dictionary where all keys are of a particular type and all values are of another (possible the same) type. """ class DictConstraint(TypeConstraint): def __init__(self, key_type, value_type): self.key_type = key_type self.value_type = value_type def __repr__(self): return 'Dict[%s, %s]' % (_unified_repr(self.key_type), _unified_repr(self.value_type)) def __eq__(self, other): return (type(self) == type(other) and self.key_type == other.key_type and self.value_type == other.value_type) def __hash__(self): return hash((type(self), self.key_type, self.value_type)) def _inner_types(self): yield self.key_type yield self.value_type def _consistent_with_check_(self, sub): return (isinstance(sub, self.__class__) and is_consistent_with(sub.key_type, self.key_type) and is_consistent_with(sub.key_type, self.key_type)) def _raise_hint_exception_or_inner_exception(self, is_key, incorrect_instance, inner_error_message=''): incorrect_type = 'values' if not is_key else 'keys' hinted_type = self.value_type if not is_key else self.key_type if inner_error_message: raise CompositeTypeHintError( '%s hint %s-type constraint violated. All %s should be of type ' '%s. Instead: %s' % (repr(self), incorrect_type[:-1], incorrect_type, _unified_repr(hinted_type), inner_error_message) ) else: raise CompositeTypeHintError( '%s hint %s-type constraint violated. All %s should be of ' 'type %s. Instead, %s is of type %s.' % (repr(self), incorrect_type[:-1], incorrect_type, _unified_repr(hinted_type), incorrect_instance, incorrect_instance.__class__.__name__) ) def type_check(self, dict_instance): if not isinstance(dict_instance, dict): raise CompositeTypeHintError( 'Dict type-constraint violated. All passed instances must be of ' 'type dict. %s is of type %s.' % (dict_instance, dict_instance.__class__.__name__)) for key, value in dict_instance.iteritems(): try: check_constraint(self.key_type, key) except CompositeTypeHintError as e: self._raise_hint_exception_or_inner_exception(True, key, str(e)) except SimpleTypeHintError: self._raise_hint_exception_or_inner_exception(True, key) try: check_constraint(self.value_type, value) except CompositeTypeHintError as e: self._raise_hint_exception_or_inner_exception(False, value, str(e)) except SimpleTypeHintError: self._raise_hint_exception_or_inner_exception(False, value) def match_type_variables(self, concrete_type): if isinstance(concrete_type, DictConstraint): bindings = {} bindings.update( match_type_variables(self.key_type, concrete_type.key_type)) bindings.update( match_type_variables(self.value_type, concrete_type.value_type)) return bindings return {} def bind_type_variables(self, bindings): bound_key_type = bind_type_variables(self.key_type, bindings) bound_value_type = bind_type_variables(self.value_type, bindings) if (bound_key_type, self.key_type) == (bound_value_type, self.value_type): return self return Dict[bound_key_type, bound_value_type] def __getitem__(self, type_params): # Type param must be a (k, v) pair. if not isinstance(type_params, tuple): raise TypeError('Parameter to Dict type-hint must be a tuple of types: ' 'Dict[.., ..].') if len(type_params) != 2: raise TypeError( 'Length of parameters to a Dict type-hint must be exactly 2. Passed ' 'parameters: %s, have a length of %s.' % (type_params, len(type_params)) ) key_type, value_type = type_params validate_composite_type_param( key_type, error_msg_prefix='Key-type parameter to a Dict hint' ) validate_composite_type_param( value_type, error_msg_prefix='Value-type parameter to a Dict hint' ) return self.DictConstraint(key_type, value_type) DictConstraint = DictHint.DictConstraint class SetHint(CompositeTypeHint): """A Set type-hint. Set[X] defines a type-hint for a set of homogeneous types. 'X' may be either a built-in Python type or a another nested TypeConstraint. """ class SetTypeConstraint(SequenceTypeConstraint): def __init__(self, type_param): super(SetHint.SetTypeConstraint, self).__init__(type_param, set) def __repr__(self): return 'Set[%s]' % _unified_repr(self.inner_type) def __getitem__(self, type_param): validate_composite_type_param( type_param, error_msg_prefix='Parameter to a Set hint' ) return self.SetTypeConstraint(type_param) SetTypeConstraint = SetHint.SetTypeConstraint class IterableHint(CompositeTypeHint): """An Iterable type-hint. Iterable[X] defines a type-hint for an object implementing an '__iter__' method which yields objects which are all of the same type. """ class IterableTypeConstraint(SequenceTypeConstraint): def __init__(self, iter_type): super(IterableHint.IterableTypeConstraint, self).__init__( iter_type, collections.Iterable) def __repr__(self): return 'Iterable[%s]' % _unified_repr(self.inner_type) def _consistent_with_check_(self, sub): if isinstance(sub, SequenceTypeConstraint): return is_consistent_with(sub.inner_type, self.inner_type) elif isinstance(sub, TupleConstraint): if not sub.tuple_types: # The empty tuple is consistent with Iterator[T] for any T. return True # Each element in the hetrogenious tuple must be consistent with # the iterator type. # E.g. Tuple[A, B] < Iterable[C] if A < C and B < C. return all(is_consistent_with(elem, self.inner_type) for elem in sub.tuple_types) return False def __getitem__(self, type_param): validate_composite_type_param( type_param, error_msg_prefix='Parameter to an Iterable hint' ) return self.IterableTypeConstraint(type_param) IterableTypeConstraint = IterableHint.IterableTypeConstraint class IteratorHint(CompositeTypeHint): """An Iterator type-hint. Iterator[X] defines a type-hint for an object implementing both '__iter__' and a 'next' method which yields objects which are all of the same type. Type checking a type-hint of this type is deferred in order to avoid depleting the underlying lazily generated sequence. See decorators.interleave_type_check for further information. """ class IteratorTypeConstraint(TypeConstraint): def __init__(self, t): self.yielded_type = t def __repr__(self): return 'Iterator[%s]' % _unified_repr(self.yielded_type) def _inner_types(self): yield self.yielded_type def _consistent_with_check_(self, sub): return (isinstance(sub, self.__class__) and is_consistent_with(sub.yielded_type, self.yielded_type)) def type_check(self, instance): # Special case for lazy types, we only need to enforce the underlying # type. This avoid having to compute the entirety of the generator/iter. try: check_constraint(self.yielded_type, instance) return except CompositeTypeHintError as e: raise CompositeTypeHintError( '%s hint type-constraint violated: %s' % (repr(self), str(e))) except SimpleTypeHintError: raise CompositeTypeHintError( '%s hint type-constraint violated. Expected a iterator of type %s. ' 'Instead received a iterator of type %s.' % (repr(self), _unified_repr(self.yielded_type), instance.__class__.__name__)) def __getitem__(self, type_param): validate_composite_type_param( type_param, error_msg_prefix='Parameter to an Iterator hint' ) return self.IteratorTypeConstraint(type_param) IteratorTypeConstraint = IteratorHint.IteratorTypeConstraint class WindowedTypeConstraint(TypeConstraint): """A type constraint for WindowedValue objects. Mostly for internal use. Attributes: inner_type: The type which the element should be an instance of. """ __metaclass__ = GetitemConstructor def __init__(self, inner_type): self.inner_type = inner_type def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, WindowedTypeConstraint) and self.inner_type == other.inner_type) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.inner_type) ^ 13 * hash(type(self)) def _inner_types(self): yield self.inner_type def _consistent_with_check_(self, sub): return (isinstance(sub, self.__class__) and is_consistent_with(sub.inner_type, self.inner_type)) def type_check(self, instance): from apache_beam.transforms import window if not isinstance(instance, window.WindowedValue): raise CompositeTypeHintError( "Window type-constraint violated. Valid object instance " "must be of type 'WindowedValue'. Instead, an instance of '%s' " "was received." % (instance.__class__.__name__)) try: check_constraint(self.inner_type, instance.value) except (CompositeTypeHintError, SimpleTypeHintError): raise CompositeTypeHintError( '%s hint type-constraint violated. The type of element in ' 'is incorrect. Expected an instance of type %s, ' 'instead received an instance of type %s.' % (repr(self), _unified_repr(self.inner_type), instance.value.__class__.__name__)) class GeneratorHint(IteratorHint): pass # Create the actual instances for all defined type-hints above. Any = AnyTypeConstraint() Union = UnionHint() Optional = OptionalHint() Tuple = TupleHint() List = ListHint() KV = KVHint() Dict = DictHint() Set = SetHint() Iterable = IterableHint() Iterator = IteratorHint() Generator = GeneratorHint() WindowedValue = WindowedTypeConstraint _KNOWN_PRIMITIVE_TYPES = { dict: Dict[Any, Any], list: List[Any], tuple: Tuple[Any, ...], set: Set[Any], # Using None for the NoneType is a common convention. None: type(None), } def normalize(x): if x in _KNOWN_PRIMITIVE_TYPES: return _KNOWN_PRIMITIVE_TYPES[x] return x def is_consistent_with(sub, base): """Returns whether the type a is consistent with b. This is accordig to the terminology of PEP 483/484. This relationship is neither symmetric nor transitive, but a good mnemonic to keep in mind is that is_consistent_with(a, b) is roughly equivalent to the issubclass(a, b) relation, but also handles the special Any type as well as type parameterization. """ if sub == base: # Common special case. return True if isinstance(sub, AnyTypeConstraint) or isinstance(base, AnyTypeConstraint): return True sub = normalize(sub) base = normalize(base) if isinstance(base, TypeConstraint): if isinstance(sub, UnionConstraint): return all(is_consistent_with(c, base) for c in sub.union_types) return base._consistent_with_check_(sub) elif isinstance(sub, TypeConstraint): # Nothing but object lives above any type constraints. return base == object return issubclass(sub, base)