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"""iobase.RangeTracker implementations provided with Dataflow SDK.

import logging
import math
import threading

from import iobase

__all__ = ['OffsetRangeTracker', 'LexicographicKeyRangeTracker',
           'OrderedPositionRangeTracker', 'UnsplittableRangeTracker']

[docs]class OffsetRangeTracker(iobase.RangeTracker): """A 'RangeTracker' for non-negative positions of type 'long'.""" # Offset corresponding to infinity. This can only be used as the upper-bound # of a range, and indicates reading all of the records until the end without # specifying exactly what the end is. # Infinite ranges cannot be split because it is impossible to estimate # progress within them. OFFSET_INFINITY = float('inf') def __init__(self, start, end): super(OffsetRangeTracker, self).__init__() if start is None: raise ValueError('Start offset must not be \'None\'') if end is None: raise ValueError('End offset must not be \'None\'') assert isinstance(start, (int, long)) if end != self.OFFSET_INFINITY: assert isinstance(end, (int, long)) assert start <= end self._start_offset = start self._stop_offset = end self._last_record_start = -1 self._offset_of_last_split_point = -1 self._lock = threading.Lock() self._split_points_seen = 0 self._split_points_unclaimed_callback = None
[docs] def start_position(self): return self._start_offset
[docs] def stop_position(self): return self._stop_offset
@property def last_record_start(self): return self._last_record_start def _validate_record_start(self, record_start, split_point): # This function must only be called under the lock self.lock. if not self._lock.locked(): raise ValueError( 'This function must only be called under the lock self.lock.') if record_start < self._last_record_start: raise ValueError( 'Trying to return a record [starting at %d] which is before the ' 'last-returned record [starting at %d]' % (record_start, self._last_record_start)) if split_point: if (self._offset_of_last_split_point != -1 and record_start == self._offset_of_last_split_point): raise ValueError( 'Record at a split point has same offset as the previous split ' 'point: %d' % record_start) elif self._last_record_start == -1: raise ValueError( 'The first record [starting at %d] must be at a split point' % record_start) if (split_point and self._offset_of_last_split_point != -1 and record_start == self._offset_of_last_split_point): raise ValueError( 'Record at a split point has same offset as the previous split ' 'point: %d' % record_start) if not split_point and self._last_record_start == -1: raise ValueError( 'The first record [starting at %d] must be at a split point' % record_start)
[docs] def try_claim(self, record_start): with self._lock: self._validate_record_start(record_start, True) if record_start >= self.stop_position(): return False self._offset_of_last_split_point = record_start self._last_record_start = record_start self._split_points_seen += 1 return True
[docs] def set_current_position(self, record_start): with self._lock: self._validate_record_start(record_start, False) self._last_record_start = record_start
[docs] def try_split(self, split_offset): assert isinstance(split_offset, (int, long)) with self._lock: if self._stop_offset == OffsetRangeTracker.OFFSET_INFINITY: logging.debug('refusing to split %r at %d: stop position unspecified', self, split_offset) return if self._last_record_start == -1: logging.debug('Refusing to split %r at %d: unstarted', self, split_offset) return if split_offset <= self._last_record_start: logging.debug( 'Refusing to split %r at %d: already past proposed stop offset', self, split_offset) return if (split_offset < self.start_position() or split_offset >= self.stop_position()): logging.debug( 'Refusing to split %r at %d: proposed split position out of range', self, split_offset) return logging.debug('Agreeing to split %r at %d', self, split_offset) split_fraction = (float(split_offset - self._start_offset) / ( self._stop_offset - self._start_offset)) self._stop_offset = split_offset return self._stop_offset, split_fraction
[docs] def fraction_consumed(self): with self._lock: fraction = ((1.0 * (self._last_record_start - self.start_position()) / (self.stop_position() - self.start_position())) if self.stop_position() != self.start_position() else 0.0) # self.last_record_start may become larger than self.end_offset when # reading the records since any record that starts before the first 'split # point' at or after the defined 'stop offset' is considered to be within # the range of the OffsetRangeTracker. Hence fraction could be > 1. # self.last_record_start is initialized to -1, hence fraction may be < 0. # Bounding the to range [0, 1]. return max(0.0, min(1.0, fraction))
[docs] def position_at_fraction(self, fraction): if self.stop_position() == OffsetRangeTracker.OFFSET_INFINITY: raise Exception( 'get_position_for_fraction_consumed is not applicable for an ' 'unbounded range') return int(math.ceil(self.start_position() + fraction * ( self.stop_position() - self.start_position())))
[docs] def split_points(self): with self._lock: split_points_consumed = ( 0 if self._split_points_seen == 0 else self._split_points_seen - 1) split_points_unclaimed = ( self._split_points_unclaimed_callback(self.stop_position()) if self._split_points_unclaimed_callback else iobase.RangeTracker.SPLIT_POINTS_UNKNOWN) split_points_remaining = ( iobase.RangeTracker.SPLIT_POINTS_UNKNOWN if split_points_unclaimed == iobase.RangeTracker.SPLIT_POINTS_UNKNOWN else (split_points_unclaimed + 1)) return (split_points_consumed, split_points_remaining)
[docs] def set_split_points_unclaimed_callback(self, callback): self._split_points_unclaimed_callback = callback
class GroupedShuffleRangeTracker(iobase.RangeTracker): """For internal use only; no backwards-compatibility guarantees. A 'RangeTracker' for positions used by'GroupedShuffleReader'. These positions roughly correspond to hashes of keys. In case of hash collisions, multiple groups can have the same position. In that case, the first group at a particular position is considered a split point (because it is the first to be returned when reading a position range starting at this position), others are not. """ def __init__(self, decoded_start_pos, decoded_stop_pos): super(GroupedShuffleRangeTracker, self).__init__() self._decoded_start_pos = decoded_start_pos self._decoded_stop_pos = decoded_stop_pos self._decoded_last_group_start = None self._last_group_was_at_a_split_point = False self._split_points_seen = 0 self._lock = threading.Lock() def start_position(self): return self._decoded_start_pos def stop_position(self): return self._decoded_stop_pos def last_group_start(self): return self._decoded_last_group_start def _validate_decoded_group_start(self, decoded_group_start, split_point): if self.start_position() and decoded_group_start < self.start_position(): raise ValueError('Trying to return record at %r which is before the' ' starting position at %r' % (decoded_group_start, self.start_position())) if (self.last_group_start() and decoded_group_start < self.last_group_start()): raise ValueError('Trying to return group at %r which is before the' ' last-returned group at %r' % (decoded_group_start, self.last_group_start())) if (split_point and self.last_group_start() and self.last_group_start() == decoded_group_start): raise ValueError('Trying to return a group at a split point with ' 'same position as the previous group: both at %r, ' 'last group was %sat a split point.' % (decoded_group_start, ('' if self._last_group_was_at_a_split_point else 'not '))) if not split_point: if self.last_group_start() is None: raise ValueError('The first group [at %r] must be at a split point' % decoded_group_start) if self.last_group_start() != decoded_group_start: # This case is not a violation of general RangeTracker semantics, but it # is contrary to how GroupingShuffleReader in particular works. Hitting # it would mean it's behaving unexpectedly. raise ValueError('Trying to return a group not at a split point, but ' 'with a different position than the previous group: ' 'last group was %r at %r, current at a %s split' ' point.' % (self.last_group_start() , decoded_group_start , ('' if self._last_group_was_at_a_split_point else 'non-'))) def try_claim(self, decoded_group_start): with self._lock: self._validate_decoded_group_start(decoded_group_start, True) if (self.stop_position() and decoded_group_start >= self.stop_position()): return False self._decoded_last_group_start = decoded_group_start self._last_group_was_at_a_split_point = True self._split_points_seen += 1 return True def set_current_position(self, decoded_group_start): with self._lock: self._validate_decoded_group_start(decoded_group_start, False) self._decoded_last_group_start = decoded_group_start self._last_group_was_at_a_split_point = False def try_split(self, decoded_split_position): with self._lock: if self.last_group_start() is None:'Refusing to split %r at %r: unstarted' , self, decoded_split_position) return if decoded_split_position <= self.last_group_start():'Refusing to split %r at %r: already past proposed split ' 'position' , self, decoded_split_position) return if ((self.stop_position() and decoded_split_position >= self.stop_position()) or (self.start_position() and decoded_split_position <= self.start_position())): logging.error('Refusing to split %r at %r: proposed split position out ' 'of range', self, decoded_split_position) return logging.debug('Agreeing to split %r at %r' , self, decoded_split_position) self._decoded_stop_pos = decoded_split_position # Since GroupedShuffleRangeTracker cannot determine relative sizes of the # two splits, returning 0.5 as the fraction below so that the framework # assumes the splits to be of the same size. return self._decoded_stop_pos, 0.5 def fraction_consumed(self): # GroupingShuffle sources have special support on the service and the # service will estimate progress from positions for us. raise RuntimeError('GroupedShuffleRangeTracker does not measure fraction' ' consumed due to positions being opaque strings' ' that are interpreted by the service') def split_points(self): with self._lock: splits_points_consumed = ( 0 if self._split_points_seen <= 1 else (self._split_points_seen - 1)) return (splits_points_consumed, iobase.RangeTracker.SPLIT_POINTS_UNKNOWN)
[docs]class OrderedPositionRangeTracker(iobase.RangeTracker): """ An abstract base class for range trackers whose positions are comparable. Subclasses only need to implement the mapping from position ranges to and from the closed interval [0, 1]. """ UNSTARTED = object() def __init__(self, start_position=None, stop_position=None): self._start_position = start_position self._stop_position = stop_position self._lock = threading.Lock() self._last_claim = self.UNSTARTED
[docs] def start_position(self): return self._start_position
[docs] def stop_position(self): with self._lock: return self._stop_position
[docs] def try_claim(self, position): with self._lock: if self._last_claim is not self.UNSTARTED and position < self._last_claim: raise ValueError( "Positions must be claimed in order: " "claim '%s' attempted after claim '%s'" % ( position, self._last_claim)) elif self._start_position is not None and position < self._start_position: raise ValueError("Claim '%s' is before start '%s'" % ( position, self._start_position)) if self._stop_position is None or position < self._stop_position: self._last_claim = position return True else: return False
[docs] def position_at_fraction(self, fraction): return self.fraction_to_position( fraction, self._start_position, self._stop_position)
[docs] def try_split(self, position): with self._lock: if ((self._stop_position is not None and position >= self._stop_position) or (self._start_position is not None and position <= self._start_position)): raise ValueError("Split at '%s' not in range %s" % ( position, [self._start_position, self._stop_position])) if self._last_claim is self.UNSTARTED or self._last_claim < position: fraction = self.position_to_fraction( position, start=self._start_position, end=self._stop_position) self._stop_position = position return position, fraction else: return None
[docs] def fraction_consumed(self): if self._last_claim is self.UNSTARTED: return 0 else: return self.position_to_fraction( self._last_claim, self._start_position, self._stop_position)
[docs] def position_to_fraction(self, pos, start, end): """ Converts a position `pos` betweeen `start` and `end` (inclusive) to a fraction between 0 and 1. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def fraction_to_position(self, fraction, start, end): """ Converts a fraction between 0 and 1 to a position between start and end. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class UnsplittableRangeTracker(iobase.RangeTracker): """A RangeTracker that always ignores split requests. This can be used to make a given ``RangeTracker`` object unsplittable by ignoring all calls to ``try_split()``. All other calls will be delegated to the given ``RangeTracker``. """ def __init__(self, range_tracker): """Initializes UnsplittableRangeTracker. Args: range_tracker: a ``RangeTracker`` to which all method calls expect calls to ``try_split()`` will be delegated. """ assert isinstance(range_tracker, iobase.RangeTracker) self._range_tracker = range_tracker
[docs] def start_position(self): return self._range_tracker.start_position()
[docs] def stop_position(self): return self._range_tracker.stop_position()
[docs] def position_at_fraction(self, fraction): return self._range_tracker.position_at_fraction(fraction)
[docs] def try_claim(self, position): return self._range_tracker.try_claim(position)
[docs] def try_split(self, position): return None
[docs] def set_current_position(self, position): self._range_tracker.set_current_position(position)
[docs] def fraction_consumed(self): return self._range_tracker.fraction_consumed()
[docs] def split_points(self): # An unsplittable range only contains a single split point. return (0, 1)
[docs] def set_split_points_unclaimed_callback(self, callback): self._range_tracker.set_split_points_unclaimed_callback(callback)
[docs]class LexicographicKeyRangeTracker(OrderedPositionRangeTracker): """ A range tracker that tracks progress through a lexicographically ordered keyspace of strings. """ @classmethod
[docs] def fraction_to_position(cls, fraction, start=None, end=None): """ Linearly interpolates a key that is lexicographically fraction of the way between start and end. """ assert 0 <= fraction <= 1, fraction if start is None: start = '' if fraction == 1: return end elif fraction == 0: return start else: if not end: common_prefix_len = len(start) - len(start.lstrip('\xFF')) else: for ix, (s, e) in enumerate(zip(start, end)): if s != e: common_prefix_len = ix break else: common_prefix_len = min(len(start), len(end)) # Convert the relative precision of fraction (~53 bits) to an absolute # precision needed to represent values between start and end distinctly. prec = common_prefix_len + int(-math.log(fraction, 256)) + 7 istart = cls._string_to_int(start, prec) iend = cls._string_to_int(end, prec) if end else 1 << (prec * 8) ikey = istart + int((iend - istart) * fraction) # Could be equal due to rounding. # Adjust to ensure we never return the actual start and end # unless fraction is exatly 0 or 1. if ikey == istart: ikey += 1 elif ikey == iend: ikey -= 1 return cls._string_from_int(ikey, prec).rstrip('\0')
[docs] def position_to_fraction(cls, key, start=None, end=None): """ Returns the fraction of keys in the range [start, end) that are less than the given key. """ if not key: return 0 if start is None: start = '' prec = len(start) + 7 if key.startswith(start): # Higher absolute precision needed for very small values of fixed # relative position. prec = max(prec, len(key) - len(key[len(start):].strip('\0')) + 7) istart = cls._string_to_int(start, prec) ikey = cls._string_to_int(key, prec) iend = cls._string_to_int(end, prec) if end else 1 << (prec * 8) return float(ikey - istart) / (iend - istart)
@staticmethod def _string_to_int(s, prec): """ Returns int(256**prec * f) where f is the fraction represented by interpreting '.' + s as a base-256 floating point number. """ if not s: return 0 elif len(s) < prec: s += '\0' * (prec - len(s)) else: s = s[:prec] return int(s.encode('hex'), 16) @staticmethod def _string_from_int(i, prec): """ Inverse of _string_to_int. """ h = '%x' % i return ('0' * (2 * prec - len(h)) + h).decode('hex')