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"""An evaluator of a specific application of a transform."""

from __future__ import absolute_import

import collections

from apache_beam import coders
from apache_beam import pvalue
from apache_beam.internal import pickler
import as io
from apache_beam.runners.common import DoFnRunner
from apache_beam.runners.common import DoFnState
from import WatermarkManager
from import TransformResult
from apache_beam.runners.dataflow.native_io.iobase import _NativeWrite  # pylint: disable=protected-access
from apache_beam.transforms import core
from apache_beam.transforms.window import GlobalWindows
from apache_beam.transforms.window import WindowedValue
from apache_beam.typehints.typecheck import OutputCheckWrapperDoFn
from apache_beam.typehints.typecheck import TypeCheckError
from apache_beam.typehints.typecheck import TypeCheckWrapperDoFn
from apache_beam.utils import counters
from apache_beam.options.pipeline_options import TypeOptions

[docs]class TransformEvaluatorRegistry(object): """For internal use only; no backwards-compatibility guarantees. Creates instances of TransformEvaluator for the application of a transform. """ def __init__(self, evaluation_context): assert evaluation_context self._evaluation_context = evaluation_context self._evaluators = { io.Read: _BoundedReadEvaluator, core.Flatten: _FlattenEvaluator, core.ParDo: _ParDoEvaluator, core._GroupByKeyOnly: _GroupByKeyOnlyEvaluator, _NativeWrite: _NativeWriteEvaluator, }
[docs] def for_application( self, applied_ptransform, input_committed_bundle, side_inputs, scoped_metrics_container): """Returns a TransformEvaluator suitable for processing given inputs.""" assert applied_ptransform assert bool(applied_ptransform.side_inputs) == bool(side_inputs) # Walk up the class hierarchy to find an evaluable type. This is necessary # for supporting sub-classes of core transforms. for cls in applied_ptransform.transform.__class__.mro(): evaluator = self._evaluators.get(cls) if evaluator: break if not evaluator: raise NotImplementedError( 'Execution of [%s] not implemented in runner %s.' % ( type(applied_ptransform.transform), self)) return evaluator(self._evaluation_context, applied_ptransform, input_committed_bundle, side_inputs, scoped_metrics_container)
[docs] def should_execute_serially(self, applied_ptransform): """Returns True if this applied_ptransform should run one bundle at a time. Some TransformEvaluators use a global state object to keep track of their global execution state. For example evaluator for _GroupByKeyOnly uses this state as an in memory dictionary to buffer keys. Serially executed evaluators will act as syncing point in the graph and execution will not move forward until they receive all of their inputs. Once they receive all of their input, they will release the combined output. Their output may consist of multiple bundles as they may divide their output into pieces before releasing. Args: applied_ptransform: Transform to be used for execution. Returns: True if executor should execute applied_ptransform serially. """ return isinstance(applied_ptransform.transform, (core._GroupByKeyOnly, _NativeWrite))
class _TransformEvaluator(object): """An evaluator of a specific application of a transform.""" def __init__(self, evaluation_context, applied_ptransform, input_committed_bundle, side_inputs, scoped_metrics_container): self._evaluation_context = evaluation_context self._applied_ptransform = applied_ptransform self._input_committed_bundle = input_committed_bundle self._side_inputs = side_inputs self._expand_outputs() self._execution_context = evaluation_context.get_execution_context( applied_ptransform) self.scoped_metrics_container = scoped_metrics_container with scoped_metrics_container: self.start_bundle() def _expand_outputs(self): outputs = set() for pval in self._applied_ptransform.outputs.values(): if isinstance(pval, pvalue.DoOutputsTuple): pvals = (v for v in pval) else: pvals = (pval,) for v in pvals: outputs.add(v) self._outputs = frozenset(outputs) def _split_list_into_bundles( self, output_pcollection, elements, max_element_per_bundle, element_size_fn): """Splits elements, an iterable, into multiple output bundles. Args: output_pcollection: PCollection that the elements belong to. elements: elements to be chunked into bundles. max_element_per_bundle: (approximately) the maximum element per bundle. If it is None, only a single bundle will be produced. element_size_fn: Function to return the size of a given element. Returns: List of output uncommitted bundles with at least one bundle. """ bundle = self._evaluation_context.create_bundle(output_pcollection) bundle_size = 0 bundles = [bundle] for element in elements: if max_element_per_bundle and bundle_size >= max_element_per_bundle: bundle = self._evaluation_context.create_bundle(output_pcollection) bundle_size = 0 bundles.append(bundle) bundle.output(element) bundle_size += element_size_fn(element) return bundles def start_bundle(self): """Starts a new bundle.""" pass def process_element(self, element): """Processes a new element as part of the current bundle.""" raise NotImplementedError('%s do not process elements.', type(self)) def finish_bundle(self): """Finishes the bundle and produces output.""" pass class _BoundedReadEvaluator(_TransformEvaluator): """TransformEvaluator for bounded Read transform.""" # After some benchmarks, 1000 was optimal among {100,1000,10000} MAX_ELEMENT_PER_BUNDLE = 1000 def __init__(self, evaluation_context, applied_ptransform, input_committed_bundle, side_inputs, scoped_metrics_container): assert not input_committed_bundle assert not side_inputs self._source = applied_ptransform.transform.source self._source.pipeline_options = evaluation_context.pipeline_options super(_BoundedReadEvaluator, self).__init__( evaluation_context, applied_ptransform, input_committed_bundle, side_inputs, scoped_metrics_container) def finish_bundle(self): assert len(self._outputs) == 1 output_pcollection = list(self._outputs)[0] def _read_values_to_bundles(reader): read_result = [GlobalWindows.windowed_value(e) for e in reader] return self._split_list_into_bundles( output_pcollection, read_result, _BoundedReadEvaluator.MAX_ELEMENT_PER_BUNDLE, lambda _: 1) if isinstance(self._source, io.iobase.BoundedSource): # Getting a RangeTracker for the default range of the source and reading # the full source using that. range_tracker = self._source.get_range_tracker(None, None) reader = bundles = _read_values_to_bundles(reader) else: with self._source.reader() as reader: bundles = _read_values_to_bundles(reader) return TransformResult( self._applied_ptransform, bundles, None, None, None, None) class _FlattenEvaluator(_TransformEvaluator): """TransformEvaluator for Flatten transform.""" def __init__(self, evaluation_context, applied_ptransform, input_committed_bundle, side_inputs, scoped_metrics_container): assert not side_inputs super(_FlattenEvaluator, self).__init__( evaluation_context, applied_ptransform, input_committed_bundle, side_inputs, scoped_metrics_container) def start_bundle(self): assert len(self._outputs) == 1 output_pcollection = list(self._outputs)[0] self.bundle = self._evaluation_context.create_bundle(output_pcollection) def process_element(self, element): self.bundle.output(element) def finish_bundle(self): bundles = [self.bundle] return TransformResult( self._applied_ptransform, bundles, None, None, None, None) class _TaggedReceivers(dict): """Received ParDo output and redirect to the associated output bundle.""" def __init__(self, evaluation_context): self._evaluation_context = evaluation_context self._null_receiver = None self._undeclared_in_memory_tag_values = None super(_TaggedReceivers, self).__init__() @property def undeclared_in_memory_tag_values(self): assert (not self._undeclared_in_memory_tag_values or self._evaluation_context.has_cache) return self._undeclared_in_memory_tag_values class NullReceiver(object): """Ignores undeclared outputs, default execution mode.""" def output(self, element): pass class _InMemoryReceiver(object): """Buffers undeclared outputs to the given dictionary.""" def __init__(self, target, tag): self._target = target self._tag = tag def output(self, element): self._target[self._tag].append(element) def __missing__(self, key): if self._evaluation_context.has_cache: if not self._undeclared_in_memory_tag_values: self._undeclared_in_memory_tag_values = collections.defaultdict(list) receiver = _TaggedReceivers._InMemoryReceiver( self._undeclared_in_memory_tag_values, key) else: if not self._null_receiver: self._null_receiver = _TaggedReceivers.NullReceiver() receiver = self._null_receiver return receiver class _ParDoEvaluator(_TransformEvaluator): """TransformEvaluator for ParDo transform.""" def start_bundle(self): transform = self._applied_ptransform.transform self._tagged_receivers = _TaggedReceivers(self._evaluation_context) for output_tag in self._applied_ptransform.outputs: output_pcollection = pvalue.PCollection(None, tag=output_tag) output_pcollection.producer = self._applied_ptransform self._tagged_receivers[output_tag] = ( self._evaluation_context.create_bundle(output_pcollection)) self._tagged_receivers[output_tag].tag = output_tag self._counter_factory = counters.CounterFactory() # TODO(aaltay): Consider storing the serialized form as an optimization. dofn = pickler.loads(pickler.dumps(transform.dofn)) pipeline_options = self._evaluation_context.pipeline_options if (pipeline_options is not None and pipeline_options.view_as(TypeOptions).runtime_type_check): dofn = TypeCheckWrapperDoFn(dofn, transform.get_type_hints()) dofn = OutputCheckWrapperDoFn(dofn, self._applied_ptransform.full_label) self.runner = DoFnRunner( dofn, transform.args, transform.kwargs, self._side_inputs, self._applied_ptransform.inputs[0].windowing, tagged_receivers=self._tagged_receivers, step_name=self._applied_ptransform.full_label, state=DoFnState(self._counter_factory), scoped_metrics_container=self.scoped_metrics_container) self.runner.start() def process_element(self, element): self.runner.process(element) def finish_bundle(self): self.runner.finish() bundles = self._tagged_receivers.values() result_counters = self._counter_factory.get_counters() return TransformResult( self._applied_ptransform, bundles, None, None, result_counters, None, self._tagged_receivers.undeclared_in_memory_tag_values) class _GroupByKeyOnlyEvaluator(_TransformEvaluator): """TransformEvaluator for _GroupByKeyOnly transform.""" MAX_ELEMENT_PER_BUNDLE = None class _GroupByKeyOnlyEvaluatorState(object): def __init__(self): # output: {} key -> [values] self.output = collections.defaultdict(list) self.completed = False def __init__(self, evaluation_context, applied_ptransform, input_committed_bundle, side_inputs, scoped_metrics_container): assert not side_inputs super(_GroupByKeyOnlyEvaluator, self).__init__( evaluation_context, applied_ptransform, input_committed_bundle, side_inputs, scoped_metrics_container) @property def _is_final_bundle(self): return (self._execution_context.watermarks.input_watermark == WatermarkManager.WATERMARK_POS_INF) def start_bundle(self): self.state = (self._execution_context.existing_state if self._execution_context.existing_state else _GroupByKeyOnlyEvaluator._GroupByKeyOnlyEvaluatorState()) assert len(self._outputs) == 1 self.output_pcollection = list(self._outputs)[0] # The input type of a GroupByKey will be KV[Any, Any] or more specific. kv_type_hint = ( self._applied_ptransform.transform.get_type_hints().input_types[0]) self.key_coder = coders.registry.get_coder(kv_type_hint[0].tuple_types[0]) def process_element(self, element): assert not self.state.completed if (isinstance(element, WindowedValue) and isinstance(element.value, collections.Iterable) and len(element.value) == 2): k, v = element.value self.state.output[self.key_coder.encode(k)].append(v) else: raise TypeCheckError('Input to _GroupByKeyOnly must be a PCollection of ' 'windowed key-value pairs. Instead received: %r.' % element) def finish_bundle(self): if self._is_final_bundle: if self.state.completed: # Ignore empty bundles after emitting output. (This may happen because # empty bundles do not affect input watermarks.) bundles = [] else: gbk_result = ( map(GlobalWindows.windowed_value, ( (self.key_coder.decode(k), v) for k, v in self.state.output.iteritems()))) def len_element_fn(element): _, v = element.value return len(v) bundles = self._split_list_into_bundles( self.output_pcollection, gbk_result, _GroupByKeyOnlyEvaluator.MAX_ELEMENT_PER_BUNDLE, len_element_fn) self.state.completed = True state = self.state hold = WatermarkManager.WATERMARK_POS_INF else: bundles = [] state = self.state hold = WatermarkManager.WATERMARK_NEG_INF return TransformResult( self._applied_ptransform, bundles, state, None, None, hold) class _NativeWriteEvaluator(_TransformEvaluator): """TransformEvaluator for _NativeWrite transform.""" def __init__(self, evaluation_context, applied_ptransform, input_committed_bundle, side_inputs, scoped_metrics_container): assert not side_inputs super(_NativeWriteEvaluator, self).__init__( evaluation_context, applied_ptransform, input_committed_bundle, side_inputs, scoped_metrics_container) assert applied_ptransform.transform.sink self._sink = applied_ptransform.transform.sink @property def _is_final_bundle(self): return (self._execution_context.watermarks.input_watermark == WatermarkManager.WATERMARK_POS_INF) @property def _has_already_produced_output(self): return (self._execution_context.watermarks.output_watermark == WatermarkManager.WATERMARK_POS_INF) def start_bundle(self): # state: [values] self.state = (self._execution_context.existing_state if self._execution_context.existing_state else []) def process_element(self, element): self.state.append(element) def finish_bundle(self): # finish_bundle will append incoming bundles in memory until all the bundles # carrying data is processed. This is done to produce only a single output # shard (some tests depends on this behavior). It is possible to have # incoming empty bundles after the output is produced, these bundles will be # ignored and would not generate additional output files. # TODO(altay): Do not wait until the last bundle to write in a single shard. if self._is_final_bundle: if self._has_already_produced_output: # Ignore empty bundles that arrive after the output is produced. assert self.state == [] else: self._sink.pipeline_options = self._evaluation_context.pipeline_options with self._sink.writer() as writer: for v in self.state: writer.Write(v.value) state = None hold = WatermarkManager.WATERMARK_POS_INF else: state = self.state hold = WatermarkManager.WATERMARK_NEG_INF return TransformResult( self._applied_ptransform, [], state, None, None, hold)