Source code for apache_beam.runners.interactive.interactive_environment

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"""Module of the current Interactive Beam environment.

For internal use only; no backwards-compatibility guarantees.
Provides interfaces to interact with existing Interactive Beam environment.
External Interactive Beam users please use interactive_beam module in
application code or notebook.
from __future__ import absolute_import

import atexit
import importlib
import logging
import sys

import apache_beam as beam
from apache_beam.runners import runner
from apache_beam.runners.utils import is_interactive

# Interactive Beam user flow is data-centric rather than pipeline-centric, so
# there is only one global interactive environment instance that manages
# implementation that enables interactivity.
_interactive_beam_env = None

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger()

[docs]def current_env(cache_manager=None): """Gets current Interactive Beam environment.""" global _interactive_beam_env if not _interactive_beam_env: _interactive_beam_env = InteractiveEnvironment(cache_manager) return _interactive_beam_env
[docs]def new_env(cache_manager=None): """Creates a new Interactive Beam environment to replace current one.""" global _interactive_beam_env if _interactive_beam_env: _interactive_beam_env.cleanup() _interactive_beam_env = None return current_env(cache_manager)
[docs]class InteractiveEnvironment(object): """An interactive environment with cache and pipeline variable metadata. Interactive Beam will use the watched variable information to determine if a PCollection is assigned to a variable in user pipeline definition. When executing the pipeline, interactivity is applied with implicit cache mechanism for those PCollections if the pipeline is interactive. Users can also visualize and introspect those PCollections in user code since they have handles to the variables. """ def __init__(self, cache_manager=None): self._cache_manager = cache_manager # Register a cleanup routine when kernel is restarted or terminated. if cache_manager: atexit.register(self.cleanup) # Holds class instances, module object, string of module names. self._watching_set = set() # Holds variables list of (Dict[str, object]). self._watching_dict_list = [] # Holds results of pipeline runs as Dict[Pipeline, PipelineResult]. # Each key is a pipeline instance defined by the end user. The # InteractiveRunner is responsible for populating this dictionary # implicitly. self._pipeline_results = {} # Always watch __main__ module.'__main__') # Do a warning level logging if current python version is below 3.6. if sys.version_info < (3, 6): self._is_py_version_ready = False _LOGGER.warning('Interactive Beam requires Python 3.5.3+.') else: self._is_py_version_ready = True # Check if [interactive] dependencies are installed. try: import IPython # pylint: disable=unused-import import jsons # pylint: disable=unused-import import timeloop # pylint: disable=unused-import from facets_overview.generic_feature_statistics_generator import GenericFeatureStatisticsGenerator # pylint: disable=unused-import self._is_interactive_ready = True except ImportError: self._is_interactive_ready = False _LOGGER.warning('Dependencies required for Interactive Beam PCollection ' 'visualization are not available, please use: `pip ' 'install apache-beam[interactive]` to install necessary ' 'dependencies to enable all data visualization features.') self._is_in_ipython, self._is_in_notebook = is_interactive() if not self._is_in_ipython: _LOGGER.warning('You cannot use Interactive Beam features when you are ' 'not in an interactive environment such as a Jupyter ' 'notebook or ipython terminal.') if self._is_in_ipython and not self._is_in_notebook: _LOGGER.warning('You have limited Interactive Beam features since your ' 'ipython kernel is not connected any notebook frontend.') @property def is_py_version_ready(self): """If Python version is above the minimum requirement.""" return self._is_py_version_ready @property def is_interactive_ready(self): """If the [interactive] dependencies are installed.""" return self._is_interactive_ready @property def is_in_ipython(self): """If the runtime is within an IPython kernel.""" return self._is_in_ipython @property def is_in_notebook(self): """If the kernel is connected to a notebook frontend. If not, it could be that the user is using kernel in a terminal or a unit test. """ return self._is_in_notebook
[docs] def cleanup(self): # Utilizes cache manager to clean up cache from everywhere. if self.cache_manager(): self.cache_manager().cleanup()
[docs] def watch(self, watchable): """Watches a watchable. A watchable can be a dictionary of variable metadata such as locals(), a str name of a module, a module object or an instance of a class. The variable can come from any scope even local. Duplicated variable naming doesn't matter since they are different instances. Duplicated variables are also allowed when watching. """ if isinstance(watchable, dict): self._watching_dict_list.append(watchable.items()) else: self._watching_set.add(watchable)
[docs] def watching(self): """Analyzes and returns a list of pair lists referring to variable names and values from watched scopes. Each entry in the list represents the variable defined within a watched watchable. Currently, each entry holds a list of pairs. The format might change in the future to hold more metadata. Duplicated pairs are allowed. And multiple paris can have the same variable name as the "first" while having different variable values as the "second" since variables in different scopes can have the same name. """ watching = list(self._watching_dict_list) for watchable in self._watching_set: if isinstance(watchable, str): module = importlib.import_module(watchable) watching.append(vars(module).items()) else: watching.append(vars(watchable).items()) return watching
[docs] def set_cache_manager(self, cache_manager): """Sets the cache manager held by current Interactive Environment.""" if self._cache_manager is cache_manager: # NOOP if setting to the same cache_manager. return if self._cache_manager: # Invoke cleanup routine when a new cache_manager is forcefully set and # current cache_manager is not None. self.cleanup() atexit.unregister(self.cleanup) self._cache_manager = cache_manager if self._cache_manager: # Re-register cleanup routine for the new cache_manager if it's not None. atexit.register(self.cleanup)
[docs] def cache_manager(self): """Gets the cache manager held by current Interactive Environment.""" return self._cache_manager
[docs] def set_pipeline_result(self, pipeline, result): """Sets the pipeline run result. Adds one if absent. Otherwise, replace.""" assert issubclass(type(pipeline), beam.Pipeline), ( 'pipeline must be an instance of apache_beam.Pipeline or its subclass') assert issubclass(type(result), runner.PipelineResult), ( 'result must be an instance of ' 'apache_beam.runners.runner.PipelineResult or its subclass') self._pipeline_results[pipeline] = result
[docs] def evict_pipeline_result(self, pipeline): """Evicts the tracking of given pipeline run. Noop if absent.""" return self._pipeline_results.pop(pipeline, None)
[docs] def pipeline_result(self, pipeline): """Gets the pipeline run result. None if absent.""" return self._pipeline_results.get(pipeline, None)
[docs] def is_terminated(self, pipeline): """Queries if the most recent job (by executing the given pipeline) state is in a terminal state. True if absent.""" result = self.pipeline_result(pipeline) if result: return runner.PipelineState.is_terminal(result.state) return True