Source code for apache_beam.metrics.monitoring_infos

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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# cython: language_level=3
# cython: profile=True

# pytype: skip-file

from __future__ import absolute_import

import collections
import time
from functools import reduce
from typing import FrozenSet
from typing import Hashable
from typing import List

from google.protobuf import timestamp_pb2

from apache_beam.metrics.cells import DistributionData
from apache_beam.metrics.cells import DistributionResult
from apache_beam.metrics.cells import GaugeData
from apache_beam.metrics.cells import GaugeResult
from apache_beam.portability import common_urns
from apache_beam.portability.api import metrics_pb2

ELEMENT_COUNT_URN = common_urns.monitoring_info_specs.ELEMENT_COUNT.spec.urn
TOTAL_MSECS_URN = common_urns.monitoring_info_specs.TOTAL_MSECS.spec.urn
USER_COUNTER_URN = common_urns.monitoring_info_specs.USER_COUNTER.spec.urn
WORK_REMAINING_URN = common_urns.monitoring_info_specs.WORK_REMAINING.spec.urn
WORK_COMPLETED_URN = common_urns.monitoring_info_specs.WORK_COMPLETED.spec.urn

# TODO(ajamato): Implement the remaining types, i.e. Double types
# Extrema types, etc. See:
SUM_INT64_TYPE = common_urns.monitoring_info_types.SUM_INT64_TYPE.urn
LATEST_INT64_TYPE = common_urns.monitoring_info_types.LATEST_INT64_TYPE.urn
LATEST_DOUBLES_TYPE = common_urns.monitoring_info_types.LATEST_DOUBLES_TYPE.urn


# TODO(migryz) extract values from beam_fn_api.proto::MonitoringInfoLabels

[docs]def to_timestamp_proto(timestamp_secs): """Converts seconds since epoch to a google.protobuf.Timestamp. Args: timestamp_secs: The timestamp in seconds since epoch. """ seconds = int(timestamp_secs) nanos = int((timestamp_secs - seconds) * 10**9) return timestamp_pb2.Timestamp(seconds=seconds, nanos=nanos)
[docs]def to_timestamp_secs(timestamp_proto): """Converts a google.protobuf.Timestamp to seconds since epoch. Args: timestamp_proto: The google.protobuf.Timestamp. """ return timestamp_proto.seconds + timestamp_proto.nanos * 10**-9
[docs]def extract_counter_value(monitoring_info_proto): """Returns the int coutner value of the monitoring info.""" if is_counter(monitoring_info_proto) or is_gauge(monitoring_info_proto): return monitoring_info_proto.metric.counter_data.int64_value return None
[docs]def extract_distribution(monitoring_info_proto): """Returns the relevant DistributionInt64 or DistributionDouble. Args: monitoring_info_proto: The monitoring infor for the distribution. """ if is_distribution(monitoring_info_proto): return monitoring_info_proto.metric.distribution_data.int_distribution_data return None
[docs]def create_labels(ptransform=None, tag=None, namespace=None, name=None): """Create the label dictionary based on the provided tags. Args: ptransform: The ptransform/step name. tag: he output tag name, used as a label. """ labels = {} if tag: labels[TAG_LABEL] = tag if ptransform: labels[PTRANSFORM_LABEL] = ptransform if namespace: labels[NAMESPACE_LABEL] = namespace if name: labels[NAME_LABEL] = name return labels
[docs]def int64_user_counter(namespace, name, metric, ptransform=None, tag=None): # type: (...) -> metrics_pb2.MonitoringInfo """Return the counter monitoring info for the specifed URN, metric and labels. Args: urn: The URN of the monitoring info/metric. metric: The metric proto field to use in the monitoring info. Or an int value. ptransform: The ptransform/step name used as a label. tag: The output tag name, used as a label. """ labels = create_labels( ptransform=ptransform, tag=tag, namespace=namespace, name=name) if isinstance(metric, int): metric = metrics_pb2.Metric( counter_data=metrics_pb2.CounterData(int64_value=metric)) return create_monitoring_info( USER_COUNTER_URN, SUM_INT64_TYPE, metric, labels)
[docs]def int64_counter(urn, metric, ptransform=None, tag=None): # type: (...) -> metrics_pb2.MonitoringInfo """Return the counter monitoring info for the specifed URN, metric and labels. Args: urn: The URN of the monitoring info/metric. metric: The metric proto field to use in the monitoring info. Or an int value. ptransform: The ptransform/step name used as a label. tag: The output tag name, used as a label. """ labels = create_labels(ptransform=ptransform, tag=tag) if isinstance(metric, int): metric = metrics_pb2.Metric( counter_data=metrics_pb2.CounterData(int64_value=metric)) return create_monitoring_info(urn, SUM_INT64_TYPE, metric, labels)
[docs]def int64_user_distribution(namespace, name, metric, ptransform=None, tag=None): """Return the distribution monitoring info for the URN, metric and labels. Args: urn: The URN of the monitoring info/metric. metric: The metric proto field to use in the monitoring info. Or an int value. ptransform: The ptransform/step name used as a label. tag: The output tag name, used as a label. """ labels = create_labels( ptransform=ptransform, tag=tag, namespace=namespace, name=name) return create_monitoring_info( USER_DISTRIBUTION_COUNTER_URN, DISTRIBUTION_INT64_TYPE, metric, labels)
[docs]def int64_distribution(urn, metric, ptransform=None, tag=None): # type: (...) -> metrics_pb2.MonitoringInfo """Return a distribution monitoring info for the URN, metric and labels. Args: urn: The URN of the monitoring info/metric. metric: The metric proto field to use in the monitoring info. ptransform: The ptransform/step name used as a label. tag: The output tag name, used as a label. """ labels = create_labels(ptransform=ptransform, tag=tag) return create_monitoring_info(urn, DISTRIBUTION_INT64_TYPE, metric, labels)
[docs]def int64_user_gauge(namespace, name, metric, ptransform=None, tag=None): # type: (...) -> metrics_pb2.MonitoringInfo """Return the gauge monitoring info for the URN, metric and labels. Args: namespace: User-defined namespace of counter. name: Name of counter. metric: The metric proto field to use in the monitoring info. Or an int value. ptransform: The ptransform/step name used as a label. tag: The output tag name, used as a label. """ labels = create_labels( ptransform=ptransform, tag=tag, namespace=namespace, name=name) return create_monitoring_info( USER_COUNTER_URN, LATEST_INT64_TYPE, metric, labels)
[docs]def int64_gauge(urn, metric, ptransform=None, tag=None): """Return the gauge monitoring info for the URN, metric and labels. Args: urn: The URN of the monitoring info/metric. metric: The metric proto field to use in the monitoring info. ptransform: The ptransform/step name used as a label. tag: The output tag name, used as a label. """ labels = create_labels(ptransform=ptransform, tag=tag) if isinstance(metric, int): metric = metrics_pb2.Metric( counter_data=metrics_pb2.CounterData(int64_value=metric)) return create_monitoring_info(urn, LATEST_INT64_TYPE, metric, labels)
[docs]def create_monitoring_info(urn, type_urn, metric_proto, labels=None): # type: (...) -> metrics_pb2.MonitoringInfo """Return the gauge monitoring info for the URN, type, metric and labels. Args: urn: The URN of the monitoring info/metric. type_urn: The URN of the type of the monitoring info/metric. i.e. beam:metrics:sum_int_64, beam:metrics:latest_int_64. metric_proto: The metric proto field to use in the monitoring info. Or an int value. labels: The label dictionary to use in the MonitoringInfo. """ return metrics_pb2.MonitoringInfo( urn=urn, type=type_urn, labels=labels or dict(), metric=metric_proto, timestamp=to_timestamp_proto(time.time()))
[docs]def is_counter(monitoring_info_proto): """Returns true if the monitoring info is a coutner metric.""" return monitoring_info_proto.type in COUNTER_TYPES
[docs]def is_distribution(monitoring_info_proto): """Returns true if the monitoring info is a distrbution metric.""" return monitoring_info_proto.type in DISTRIBUTION_TYPES
[docs]def is_gauge(monitoring_info_proto): """Returns true if the monitoring info is a gauge metric.""" return monitoring_info_proto.type in GAUGE_TYPES
def _is_user_monitoring_info(monitoring_info_proto): return monitoring_info_proto.urn == USER_COUNTER_URN def _is_user_distribution_monitoring_info(monitoring_info_proto): return monitoring_info_proto.urn == USER_DISTRIBUTION_COUNTER_URN
[docs]def is_user_monitoring_info(monitoring_info_proto): """Returns true if the monitoring info is a user metric.""" return _is_user_monitoring_info( monitoring_info_proto) or _is_user_distribution_monitoring_info( monitoring_info_proto)
[docs]def extract_metric_result_map_value(monitoring_info_proto): """Returns the relevant GaugeResult, DistributionResult or int value. These are the proper format for use in the MetricResult.query() result. """ # Returns a metric result (AKA the legacy format). # from the MonitoringInfo if is_counter(monitoring_info_proto): return extract_counter_value(monitoring_info_proto) if is_distribution(monitoring_info_proto): distribution_data = extract_distribution(monitoring_info_proto) return DistributionResult( DistributionData( distribution_data.sum, distribution_data.count, distribution_data.min, distribution_data.max)) if is_gauge(monitoring_info_proto): timestamp_secs = to_timestamp_secs(monitoring_info_proto.timestamp) return GaugeResult( GaugeData(extract_counter_value(monitoring_info_proto), timestamp_secs))
[docs]def parse_namespace_and_name(monitoring_info_proto): """Returns the (namespace, name) tuple of the URN in the monitoring info.""" # Remove the URN prefix which indicates that it is a user counter. if is_user_monitoring_info(monitoring_info_proto): labels = monitoring_info_proto.labels return labels[NAMESPACE_LABEL], labels[NAME_LABEL] # If it is not a user counter, just use the first part of the URN, i.e. 'beam' split = monitoring_info_proto.urn.split(':', 1) return split[0], split[1]
[docs]def get_step_name(monitoring_info_proto): """Returns a step name for the given monitoring info or None if step name cannot be specified.""" # Right now only metrics that have a PTRANSFORM are taken into account return monitoring_info_proto.labels.get(PTRANSFORM_LABEL)
[docs]def to_key(monitoring_info_proto): # type: (metrics_pb2.MonitoringInfo) -> FrozenSet[Hashable] """Returns a key based on the URN and labels. This is useful in maps to prevent reporting the same MonitoringInfo twice. """ key_items = list(monitoring_info_proto.labels.items()) # type: List[Hashable] key_items.append(monitoring_info_proto.urn) return frozenset(key_items)
[docs]def distribution_combiner(metric_a, metric_b): a_data = metric_a.distribution_data.int_distribution_data b_data = metric_b.distribution_data.int_distribution_data return metrics_pb2.Metric( distribution_data=metrics_pb2.DistributionData( int_distribution_data=metrics_pb2.IntDistributionData( count=a_data.count + b_data.count, sum=a_data.sum + b_data.sum, min=min(a_data.min, b_data.min), max=max(a_data.max, b_data.max))))
_KNOWN_COMBINERS = { SUM_INT64_TYPE: lambda a, b: metrics_pb2.Metric( counter_data=metrics_pb2.CounterData( int64_value=a.counter_data.int64_value + b.counter_data.int64_value) ), DISTRIBUTION_INT64_TYPE: distribution_combiner, }
[docs]def max_timestamp(a, b): if a.ToNanoseconds() > b.ToNanoseconds(): return a else: return b
[docs]def consolidate(metrics, key=to_key): grouped = collections.defaultdict(list) for metric in metrics: grouped[key(metric)].append(metric) for values in grouped.values(): if len(values) == 1: yield values[0] else: combiner = _KNOWN_COMBINERS.get(values[0].type) if combiner: def merge(a, b): # pylint: disable=cell-var-from-loop return metrics_pb2.MonitoringInfo( urn=a.urn, type=a.type, labels=dict((label, value) for label, value in a.labels.items() if b.labels.get(label) == value), metric=combiner(a.metric, b.metric), timestamp=max_timestamp(a.timestamp, b.timestamp)) yield reduce(merge, values) else: for value in values: yield value