Source code for apache_beam.transforms.external
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# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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"""Defines Transform whose expansion is implemented elsewhere.
No backward compatibility guarantees. Everything in this module is experimental.
# pytype: skip-file
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
import contextlib
import copy
import threading
from typing import Dict
from apache_beam import pvalue
from apache_beam.coders import registry
from apache_beam.portability import common_urns
from apache_beam.portability.api import beam_expansion_api_pb2
from apache_beam.portability.api import beam_runner_api_pb2
from apache_beam.portability.api.external_transforms_pb2 import ConfigValue
from apache_beam.portability.api.external_transforms_pb2 import ExternalConfigurationPayload
from apache_beam.runners import pipeline_context
from apache_beam.transforms import ptransform
from apache_beam.typehints.native_type_compatibility import convert_to_beam_type
from apache_beam.typehints.trivial_inference import instance_to_type
from apache_beam.typehints.typehints import Union
from apache_beam.typehints.typehints import UnionConstraint
# Protect against environments where grpc is not available.
# pylint: disable=wrong-import-order, wrong-import-position, ungrouped-imports
import grpc
from apache_beam.portability.api import beam_expansion_api_pb2_grpc
from apache_beam.utils import subprocess_server
except ImportError:
grpc = None
# pylint: enable=wrong-import-order, wrong-import-position, ungrouped-imports
def _is_optional_or_none(typehint):
return (
type(None) in typehint.union_types if isinstance(
typehint, UnionConstraint) else typehint is type(None))
def _strip_optional(typehint):
if not _is_optional_or_none(typehint):
return typehint
new_types = typehint.union_types.difference({type(None)})
if len(new_types) == 1:
return list(new_types)[0]
return Union[new_types]
[docs]def iter_urns(coder, context=None):
yield coder.to_runner_api_parameter(context)[0]
for child in coder._get_component_coders():
for urn in iter_urns(child, context):
yield urn
[docs]class PayloadBuilder(object):
Abstract base class for building payloads to pass to ExternalTransform.
def _config_value(cls, obj, typehint):
Helper to create a ConfigValue with an encoded value.
coder = registry.get_coder(typehint)
urns = list(iter_urns(coder))
if 'beam:coder:pickled_python:v1' in urns:
raise RuntimeError("Found non-portable coder for %s" % (typehint, ))
return ConfigValue(
coder_urn=urns, payload=coder.get_impl().encode_nested(obj))
[docs] def payload(self):
The serialized ExternalConfigurationPayload
:return: bytes
[docs]class SchemaBasedPayloadBuilder(PayloadBuilder):
Base class for building payloads based on a schema that provides
type information for each configuration value to encode.
Note that if the schema defines a type as Optional, the corresponding value
will be omitted from the encoded payload, and thus the native transform
will determine the default.
def __init__(self, values, schema):
:param values: mapping of config names to values
:param schema: mapping of config names to types
self._values = values
self._schema = schema
def _encode_config(cls, values, schema):
result = {}
for key, value in values.items():
typehint = schema[key]
except KeyError:
raise RuntimeError("No typehint provided for key %r" % key)
typehint = convert_to_beam_type(typehint)
if value is None:
if not _is_optional_or_none(typehint):
raise RuntimeError(
"If value is None, typehint should be "
"optional. Got %r" % typehint)
# make it easy for user to filter None by default
# strip Optional from typehint so that pickled_python coder is not used
# for known types.
typehint = _strip_optional(typehint)
result[key] = cls._config_value(value, typehint)
return result
[docs] def build(self):
:return: ExternalConfigurationPayload
args = self._encode_config(self._values, self._schema)
return ExternalConfigurationPayload(configuration=args)
[docs]class ImplicitSchemaPayloadBuilder(SchemaBasedPayloadBuilder):
Build a payload that generates a schema from the provided values.
def __init__(self, values):
schema = {key: instance_to_type(value) for key, value in values.items()}
super(ImplicitSchemaPayloadBuilder, self).__init__(values, schema)
[docs]class NamedTupleBasedPayloadBuilder(SchemaBasedPayloadBuilder):
Build a payload based on a NamedTuple schema.
def __init__(self, tuple_instance):
:param tuple_instance: an instance of a typing.NamedTuple
super(NamedTupleBasedPayloadBuilder, self).__init__(
values=tuple_instance._asdict(), schema=tuple_instance._field_types)
[docs]class AnnotationBasedPayloadBuilder(SchemaBasedPayloadBuilder):
Build a payload based on an external transform's type annotations.
Supported in python 3 only.
def __init__(self, transform, **values):
:param transform: a PTransform instance or class. type annotations will
be gathered from its __init__ method
:param values: values to encode
schema = {
k: v
for k,
v in transform.__init__.__annotations__.items() if k in values
super(AnnotationBasedPayloadBuilder, self).__init__(values, schema)
[docs]class DataclassBasedPayloadBuilder(SchemaBasedPayloadBuilder):
Build a payload based on an external transform that uses dataclasses.
Supported in python 3 only.
def __init__(self, transform):
:param transform: a dataclass-decorated PTransform instance from which to
gather type annotations and values
import dataclasses
schema = { field.type for field in dataclasses.fields(transform)}
self).__init__(dataclasses.asdict(transform), schema)
[docs]class ExternalTransform(ptransform.PTransform):
External provides a cross-language transform via expansion services in
foreign SDKs.
Experimental; no backwards compatibility guarantees.
_namespace_counter = 0
_namespace = threading.local()
_IMPULSE_PREFIX = 'impulse'
def __init__(self, urn, payload, expansion_service=None):
"""Wrapper for an external transform with the given urn and payload.
:param urn: the unique beam identifier for this transform
:param payload: the payload, either as a byte string or a PayloadBuilder
:param expansion_service: an expansion service implementing the beam
ExpansionService protocol, either as an object with an Expand method
or an address (as a str) to a grpc server that provides this method.
expansion_service = expansion_service or DEFAULT_EXPANSION_SERVICE
if grpc is None and isinstance(expansion_service, str):
raise NotImplementedError('Grpc required for external transforms.')
self._urn = urn
self._payload = (
payload.payload() if isinstance(payload, PayloadBuilder) else payload)
self._expansion_service = expansion_service
self._namespace = self._fresh_namespace()
self._inputs = {} # type: Dict[str, pvalue.PCollection]
self._output = {} # type: Dict[str, pvalue.PCollection]
def __post_init__(self, expansion_service):
This will only be invoked if ExternalTransform is used as a base class
for a class decorated with dataclasses.dataclass
self, self.URN, DataclassBasedPayloadBuilder(self), expansion_service)
[docs] @classmethod
def get_local_namespace(cls):
return getattr(cls._namespace, 'value', 'external')
[docs] @classmethod
def outer_namespace(cls, namespace):
prev = cls.get_local_namespace()
cls._namespace.value = namespace
cls._namespace.value = prev
def _fresh_namespace(cls):
# type: () -> str
ExternalTransform._namespace_counter += 1
return '%s_%d' % (cls.get_local_namespace(), cls._namespace_counter)
[docs] def expand(self, pvalueish):
# type: (pvalue.PCollection) -> pvalue.PCollection
if isinstance(pvalueish, pvalue.PBegin):
self._inputs = {}
elif isinstance(pvalueish, (list, tuple)):
self._inputs = {str(ix): pvalue for ix, pvalue in enumerate(pvalueish)}
elif isinstance(pvalueish, dict):
self._inputs = pvalueish
self._inputs = {'input': pvalueish}
pipeline = (
if self._inputs else pvalueish.pipeline)
context = pipeline_context.PipelineContext()
transform_proto = beam_runner_api_pb2.PTransform(
urn=self._urn, payload=self._payload))
for tag, pcoll in self._inputs.items():
transform_proto.inputs[tag] = context.pcollections.get_id(pcoll)
# Conversion to/from proto assumes producers.
# TODO: Possibly loosen this.
'%s_%s' % (self._IMPULSE_PREFIX, tag),
unique_name='%s_%s' % (self._IMPULSE_PREFIX, tag),
outputs={'out': transform_proto.inputs[tag]}))
components = context.to_runner_api()
request = beam_expansion_api_pb2.ExpansionRequest(
namespace=self._namespace, # type: ignore # mypy thinks self._namespace is threading.local
if isinstance(self._expansion_service, str):
# Some environments may not support unsecure channels. Hence using a
# secure channel with local credentials here.
# TODO: update this to support secure non-local channels.
channel_creds = grpc.local_channel_credentials()
with grpc.secure_channel(self._expansion_service,
channel_creds) as channel:
response = beam_expansion_api_pb2_grpc.ExpansionServiceStub(
response = self._expansion_service.Expand(request, None)
if response.error:
raise RuntimeError(response.error)
self._expanded_components = response.components
self._expanded_transform = response.transform
self._expanded_requirements = response.requirements
result_context = pipeline_context.PipelineContext(response.components)
def fix_output(pcoll, tag):
pcoll.pipeline = pipeline
pcoll.tag = tag
return pcoll
self._outputs = {
tag: fix_output(result_context.pcollections.get_by_id(pcoll_id), tag)
for tag,
pcoll_id in self._expanded_transform.outputs.items()
return self._output_to_pvalueish(self._outputs)
def _output_to_pvalueish(self, output_dict):
if len(output_dict) == 1:
return next(iter(output_dict.values()))
return output_dict
[docs] def to_runner_api_transform(self, context, full_label):
pcoll_renames = {}
renamed_tag_seen = False
for tag, pcoll in self._inputs.items():
if tag not in self._expanded_transform.inputs:
if renamed_tag_seen:
raise RuntimeError(
'Ambiguity due to non-preserved tags: %s vs %s' % (
renamed_tag_seen = True
tag, = self._expanded_transform.inputs.keys()
pcoll_renames[self._expanded_transform.inputs[tag]] = (
for tag, pcoll in self._outputs.items():
pcoll_renames[self._expanded_transform.outputs[tag]] = (
def _equivalent(coder1, coder2):
return coder1 == coder2 or _normalize(coder1) == _normalize(coder2)
def _normalize(coder_proto):
normalized = copy.copy(coder_proto)
normalized.spec.environment_id = ''
# TODO(robertwb): Normalize components as well.
return normalized
for id, proto in self._expanded_components.coders.items():
if id.startswith(self._namespace):
context.coders.put_proto(id, proto)
elif id in context.coders:
if not _equivalent(context.coders._id_to_proto[id], proto):
raise RuntimeError(
'Re-used coder id: %s\n%s\n%s' %
(id, context.coders._id_to_proto[id], proto))
context.coders.put_proto(id, proto)
for id, proto in self._expanded_components.windowing_strategies.items():
if id.startswith(self._namespace):
context.windowing_strategies.put_proto(id, proto)
for id, proto in self._expanded_components.environments.items():
if id.startswith(self._namespace):
context.environments.put_proto(id, proto)
for id, proto in self._expanded_components.pcollections.items():
id = pcoll_renames.get(id, id)
if id not in context.pcollections._id_to_obj.keys():
context.pcollections.put_proto(id, proto)
for id, proto in self._expanded_components.transforms.items():
if id.startswith(self._IMPULSE_PREFIX):
# Our fake inputs.
assert id.startswith(self._namespace), (id, self._namespace)
new_proto = beam_runner_api_pb2.PTransform(
tag: pcoll_renames.get(pcoll, pcoll)
for tag,
pcoll in proto.inputs.items()
tag: pcoll_renames.get(pcoll, pcoll)
for tag,
pcoll in proto.outputs.items()
context.transforms.put_proto(id, new_proto)
for requirement in self._expanded_requirements:
return beam_runner_api_pb2.PTransform(
tag: pcoll_renames.get(pcoll, pcoll)
for tag,
pcoll in self._expanded_transform.inputs.items()
tag: pcoll_renames.get(pcoll, pcoll)
for tag,
pcoll in self._expanded_transform.outputs.items()
[docs]class JavaJarExpansionService(object):
"""An expansion service based on an Java Jar file.
This can be passed into an ExternalTransform as the expansion_service
argument which will spawn a subprocess using this jar to expand the
def __init__(self, path_to_jar, extra_args=None):
if extra_args is None:
extra_args = ['{{PORT}}']
self._path_to_jar = path_to_jar
self._extra_args = extra_args
[docs] def Expand(self, request, context):
self._path_to_jar = subprocess_server.JavaJarServer.local_jar(
# Consider memoizing these servers (with some timeout).
with subprocess_server.JavaJarServer(
self._extra_args) as service:
return service.Expand(request, context)
[docs]class BeamJarExpansionService(JavaJarExpansionService):
"""An expansion service based on an Beam Java Jar file.
Attempts to use a locally-build copy of the jar based on the gradle target,
if it exists, otherwise attempts to download it (with caching) from the
apache maven repository.
def __init__(self, gradle_target, extra_args=None, gradle_appendix=None):
path_to_jar = subprocess_server.JavaJarServer.path_to_beam_jar(
gradle_target, gradle_appendix)
super(BeamJarExpansionService, self).__init__(path_to_jar, extra_args)
[docs]def memoize(func):
cache = {}
def wrapper(*args):
if args not in cache:
cache[args] = func(*args)
return cache[args]
return wrapper