# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Simple utility PTransforms.
# pytype: skip-file
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
import collections
import contextlib
import random
import re
import sys
import time
import warnings
from builtins import filter
from builtins import object
from builtins import range
from builtins import zip
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from typing import Any
from typing import Iterable
from typing import List
from typing import Tuple
from typing import TypeVar
from typing import Union
from future.utils import itervalues
from past.builtins import long
from apache_beam import coders
from apache_beam import typehints
from apache_beam.metrics import Metrics
from apache_beam.portability import common_urns
from apache_beam.transforms import window
from apache_beam.transforms.combiners import CountCombineFn
from apache_beam.transforms.core import CombinePerKey
from apache_beam.transforms.core import DoFn
from apache_beam.transforms.core import FlatMap
from apache_beam.transforms.core import Flatten
from apache_beam.transforms.core import GroupByKey
from apache_beam.transforms.core import Map
from apache_beam.transforms.core import ParDo
from apache_beam.transforms.core import Windowing
from apache_beam.transforms.ptransform import PTransform
from apache_beam.transforms.ptransform import ptransform_fn
from apache_beam.transforms.timeutil import TimeDomain
from apache_beam.transforms.trigger import AccumulationMode
from apache_beam.transforms.trigger import AfterCount
from apache_beam.transforms.trigger import Repeatedly
from apache_beam.transforms.userstate import BagStateSpec
from apache_beam.transforms.userstate import CombiningValueStateSpec
from apache_beam.transforms.userstate import TimerSpec
from apache_beam.transforms.userstate import on_timer
from apache_beam.transforms.window import NonMergingWindowFn
from apache_beam.transforms.window import TimestampCombiner
from apache_beam.transforms.window import TimestampedValue
from apache_beam.utils import windowed_value
from apache_beam.utils.annotations import deprecated
from apache_beam.utils.annotations import experimental
from apache_beam import pvalue
from apache_beam.runners.pipeline_context import PipelineContext
__all__ = [
K = TypeVar('K')
V = TypeVar('V')
T = TypeVar('T')
[docs]class CoGroupByKey(PTransform):
"""Groups results across several PCollections by key.
Given an input dict of serializable keys (called "tags") to 0 or more
PCollections of (key, value) tuples, it creates a single output PCollection
of (key, value) tuples whose keys are the unique input keys from all inputs,
and whose values are dicts mapping each tag to an iterable of whatever values
were under the key in the corresponding PCollection, in this manner::
('some key', {'tag1': ['value 1 under "some key" in pcoll1',
'value 2 under "some key" in pcoll1',
'tag2': ... ,
... })
For example, given::
{'tag1': pc1, 'tag2': pc2, 333: pc3}
pc1 = [(k1, v1)]
pc2 = []
pc3 = [(k1, v31), (k1, v32), (k2, v33)]
The output PCollection would be::
[(k1, {'tag1': [v1], 'tag2': [], 333: [v31, v32]}),
(k2, {'tag1': [], 'tag2': [], 333: [v33]})]
CoGroupByKey also works for tuples, lists, or other flat iterables of
PCollections, in which case the values of the resulting PCollections
will be tuples whose nth value is the list of values from the nth
PCollection---conceptually, the "tags" are the indices into the input.
Thus, for this input::
(pc1, pc2, pc3)
the output would be::
[(k1, ([v1], [], [v31, v32]),
(k2, ([], [], [v33]))]
**kwargs: Accepts a single named argument "pipeline", which specifies the
pipeline that "owns" this PTransform. Ordinarily CoGroupByKey can obtain
this information from one of the input PCollections, but if there are none
(or if there's a chance there may be none), this argument is the only way
to provide pipeline information, and should be considered mandatory.
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(CoGroupByKey, self).__init__()
self.pipeline = kwargs.pop('pipeline', None)
if kwargs:
raise ValueError('Unexpected keyword arguments: %s' % list(kwargs.keys()))
def _extract_input_pvalues(self, pvalueish):
# If this works, it's a dict.
return pvalueish, tuple(itervalues(pvalueish))
except AttributeError:
pcolls = tuple(pvalueish)
return pcolls, pcolls
[docs] def expand(self, pcolls):
"""Performs CoGroupByKey on argument pcolls; see class docstring."""
# For associating values in K-V pairs with the PCollections they came from.
def _pair_tag_with_value(key_value, tag):
(key, value) = key_value
return (key, (tag, value))
# Creates the key, value pairs for the output PCollection. Values are either
# lists or dicts (per the class docstring), initialized by the result of
# result_ctor(result_ctor_arg).
def _merge_tagged_vals_under_key(key_grouped, result_ctor, result_ctor_arg):
(key, grouped) = key_grouped
result_value = result_ctor(result_ctor_arg)
for tag, value in grouped:
return (key, result_value)
# If pcolls is a dict, we turn it into (tag, pcoll) pairs for use in the
# general-purpose code below. The result value constructor creates dicts
# whose keys are the tags.
result_ctor_arg = list(pcolls)
result_ctor = lambda tags: dict((tag, []) for tag in tags)
pcolls = pcolls.items()
except AttributeError:
# Otherwise, pcolls is a list/tuple, so we turn it into (index, pcoll)
# pairs. The result value constructor makes tuples with len(pcolls) slots.
pcolls = list(enumerate(pcolls))
result_ctor_arg = len(pcolls)
result_ctor = lambda size: tuple([] for _ in range(size))
# Check input PCollections for PCollection-ness, and that they all belong
# to the same pipeline.
for _, pcoll in pcolls:
if self.pipeline:
assert pcoll.pipeline == self.pipeline
return ([
pcoll | 'pair_with_%s' % tag >> Map(_pair_tag_with_value, tag) for tag,
pcoll in pcolls
| Flatten(pipeline=self.pipeline)
| GroupByKey()
| Map(_merge_tagged_vals_under_key, result_ctor, result_ctor_arg))
[docs]def Keys(label='Keys'): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
"""Produces a PCollection of first elements of 2-tuples in a PCollection."""
return label >> Map(lambda k_v: k_v[0])
[docs]def Values(label='Values'): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
"""Produces a PCollection of second elements of 2-tuples in a PCollection."""
return label >> Map(lambda k_v1: k_v1[1])
[docs]def KvSwap(label='KvSwap'): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
"""Produces a PCollection reversing 2-tuples in a PCollection."""
return label >> Map(lambda k_v2: (k_v2[1], k_v2[0]))
def Distinct(pcoll): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
"""Produces a PCollection containing distinct elements of a PCollection."""
return (
| 'ToPairs' >> Map(lambda v: (v, None))
| 'Group' >> CombinePerKey(lambda vs: None)
| 'Distinct' >> Keys())
[docs]@deprecated(since='2.12', current='Distinct')
def RemoveDuplicates(pcoll):
"""Produces a PCollection containing distinct elements of a PCollection."""
return pcoll | 'RemoveDuplicates' >> Distinct()
class _BatchSizeEstimator(object):
"""Estimates the best size for batches given historical timing.
def __init__(
if min_batch_size > max_batch_size:
raise ValueError(
"Minimum (%s) must not be greater than maximum (%s)" %
(min_batch_size, max_batch_size))
if target_batch_overhead and not 0 < target_batch_overhead <= 1:
raise ValueError(
"target_batch_overhead (%s) must be between 0 and 1" %
if target_batch_duration_secs and target_batch_duration_secs <= 0:
raise ValueError(
"target_batch_duration_secs (%s) must be positive" %
if not (target_batch_overhead or target_batch_duration_secs):
raise ValueError(
"At least one of target_batch_overhead or "
"target_batch_duration_secs must be positive.")
if ignore_first_n_seen_per_batch_size < 0:
raise ValueError(
'ignore_first_n_seen_per_batch_size (%s) must be non '
'negative' % (ignore_first_n_seen_per_batch_size))
self._min_batch_size = min_batch_size
self._max_batch_size = max_batch_size
self._target_batch_overhead = target_batch_overhead
self._target_batch_duration_secs = target_batch_duration_secs
self._variance = variance
self._clock = clock
self._data = []
self._ignore_next_timing = False
self._ignore_first_n_seen_per_batch_size = (
self._batch_size_num_seen = {}
self._replay_last_batch_size = None
self._size_distribution = Metrics.distribution(
'BatchElements', 'batch_size')
self._time_distribution = Metrics.distribution(
'BatchElements', 'msec_per_batch')
# Beam distributions only accept integer values, so we use this to
# accumulate under-reported values until they add up to whole milliseconds.
# (Milliseconds are chosen because that's conventionally used elsewhere in
# profiling-style counters.)
self._remainder_msecs = 0
def ignore_next_timing(self):
"""Call to indicate the next timing should be ignored.
For example, the first emit of a ParDo operation is known to be anomalous
due to setup that may occur.
self._ignore_next_timing = True
def record_time(self, batch_size):
start = self._clock()
elapsed = self._clock() - start
elapsed_msec = 1e3 * elapsed + self._remainder_msecs
self._remainder_msecs = elapsed_msec - int(elapsed_msec)
# If we ignore the next timing, replay the batch size to get accurate
# timing.
if self._ignore_next_timing:
self._ignore_next_timing = False
self._replay_last_batch_size = batch_size
self._data.append((batch_size, elapsed))
if len(self._data) >= self._MAX_DATA_POINTS:
def _thin_data(self):
# Make sure we don't change the parity of len(self._data)
# As it's used below to alternate jitter.
self._data.pop(random.randrange(len(self._data) // 4))
self._data.pop(random.randrange(len(self._data) // 2))
def linear_regression_no_numpy(xs, ys):
# Least squares fit for y = a + bx over all points.
n = float(len(xs))
xbar = sum(xs) / n
ybar = sum(ys) / n
if xbar == 0:
return ybar, 0
if all(xs[0] == x for x in xs):
# Simply use the mean if all values in xs are same.
return 0, ybar / xbar
b = (
sum([(x - xbar) * (y - ybar)
for x, y in zip(xs, ys)]) / sum([(x - xbar)**2 for x in xs]))
a = ybar - b * xbar
return a, b
def linear_regression_numpy(xs, ys):
# pylint: disable=wrong-import-order, wrong-import-position
import numpy as np
from numpy import sum
n = len(xs)
if all(xs[0] == x for x in xs):
# If all values of xs are same then fallback to linear_regression_no_numpy
return _BatchSizeEstimator.linear_regression_no_numpy(xs, ys)
xs = np.asarray(xs, dtype=float)
ys = np.asarray(ys, dtype=float)
# First do a simple least squares fit for y = a + bx over all points.
b, a = np.polyfit(xs, ys, 1)
if n < 10:
return a, b
# Refine this by throwing out outliers, according to Cook's distance.
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cook%27s_distance
sum_x = sum(xs)
sum_x2 = sum(xs**2)
errs = a + b * xs - ys
s2 = sum(errs**2) / (n - 2)
if s2 == 0:
# It's an exact fit!
return a, b
h = (sum_x2 - 2 * sum_x * xs + n * xs**2) / (n * sum_x2 - sum_x**2)
cook_ds = 0.5 / s2 * errs**2 * (h / (1 - h)**2)
# Re-compute the regression, excluding those points with Cook's distance
# greater than 0.5, and weighting by the inverse of x to give a more
# stable y-intercept (as small batches have relatively more information
# about the fixed overhead).
weight = (cook_ds <= 0.5) / xs
b, a = np.polyfit(xs, ys, 1, w=weight)
return a, b
# pylint: disable=wrong-import-order, wrong-import-position
import numpy as np
linear_regression = linear_regression_numpy
except ImportError:
linear_regression = linear_regression_no_numpy
def _calculate_next_batch_size(self):
if self._min_batch_size == self._max_batch_size:
return self._min_batch_size
elif len(self._data) < 1:
return self._min_batch_size
elif len(self._data) < 2:
# Force some variety so we have distinct batch sizes on which to do
# linear regression below.
return int(
self._min_batch_size * self._MAX_GROWTH_FACTOR),
self._min_batch_size + 1))
# There tends to be a lot of noise in the top quantile, which also
# has outsided influence in the regression. If we have enough data,
# Simply declare the top 20% to be outliers.
trimmed_data = sorted(self._data)[:max(20, len(self._data) * 4 // 5)]
# Linear regression for y = a + bx, where x is batch size and y is time.
xs, ys = zip(*trimmed_data)
a, b = self.linear_regression(xs, ys)
# Avoid nonsensical or division-by-zero errors below due to noise.
a = max(a, 1e-10)
b = max(b, 1e-20)
last_batch_size = self._data[-1][0]
cap = min(last_batch_size * self._MAX_GROWTH_FACTOR, self._max_batch_size)
target = self._max_batch_size
if self._target_batch_duration_secs:
# Solution to a + b*x = self._target_batch_duration_secs.
target = min(target, (self._target_batch_duration_secs - a) / b)
if self._target_batch_overhead:
# Solution to a / (a + b*x) = self._target_batch_overhead.
target = min(target, (a / b) * (1 / self._target_batch_overhead - 1))
# Avoid getting stuck at a single batch size (especially the minimal
# batch size) which would not allow us to extrapolate to other batch
# sizes.
# Jitter alternates between 0 and 1.
jitter = len(self._data) % 2
# Smear our samples across a range centered at the target.
if len(self._data) > 10:
target += int(target * self._variance * 2 * (random.random() - .5))
return int(max(self._min_batch_size + jitter, min(target, cap)))
def next_batch_size(self):
# Check if we should replay a previous batch size due to it not being
# recorded.
if self._replay_last_batch_size:
result = self._replay_last_batch_size
self._replay_last_batch_size = None
result = self._calculate_next_batch_size()
seen_count = self._batch_size_num_seen.get(result, 0) + 1
if seen_count <= self._ignore_first_n_seen_per_batch_size:
self._batch_size_num_seen[result] = seen_count
return result
class _GlobalWindowsBatchingDoFn(DoFn):
def __init__(self, batch_size_estimator):
self._batch_size_estimator = batch_size_estimator
def start_bundle(self):
self._batch = []
self._batch_size = self._batch_size_estimator.next_batch_size()
# The first emit often involves non-trivial setup.
def process(self, element):
if len(self._batch) >= self._batch_size:
with self._batch_size_estimator.record_time(self._batch_size):
yield self._batch
self._batch = []
self._batch_size = self._batch_size_estimator.next_batch_size()
def finish_bundle(self):
if self._batch:
with self._batch_size_estimator.record_time(self._batch_size):
yield window.GlobalWindows.windowed_value(self._batch)
self._batch = None
self._batch_size = self._batch_size_estimator.next_batch_size()
class _WindowAwareBatchingDoFn(DoFn):
def __init__(self, batch_size_estimator):
self._batch_size_estimator = batch_size_estimator
def start_bundle(self):
self._batches = collections.defaultdict(list)
self._batch_size = self._batch_size_estimator.next_batch_size()
# The first emit often involves non-trivial setup.
def process(self, element, window=DoFn.WindowParam):
if len(self._batches[window]) >= self._batch_size:
with self._batch_size_estimator.record_time(self._batch_size):
yield windowed_value.WindowedValue(
self._batches[window], window.max_timestamp(), (window, ))
del self._batches[window]
self._batch_size = self._batch_size_estimator.next_batch_size()
elif len(self._batches) > self._MAX_LIVE_WINDOWS:
window, _ = sorted(
key=lambda window_batch: len(window_batch[1]),
with self._batch_size_estimator.record_time(self._batch_size):
yield windowed_value.WindowedValue(
self._batches[window], window.max_timestamp(), (window, ))
del self._batches[window]
self._batch_size = self._batch_size_estimator.next_batch_size()
def finish_bundle(self):
for window, batch in self._batches.items():
if batch:
with self._batch_size_estimator.record_time(self._batch_size):
yield windowed_value.WindowedValue(
batch, window.max_timestamp(), (window, ))
self._batches = None
self._batch_size = self._batch_size_estimator.next_batch_size()
class BatchElements(PTransform):
"""A Transform that batches elements for amortized processing.
This transform is designed to precede operations whose processing cost
is of the form
time = fixed_cost + num_elements * per_element_cost
where the per element cost is (often significantly) smaller than the fixed
cost and could be amortized over multiple elements. It consumes a PCollection
of element type T and produces a PCollection of element type List[T].
This transform attempts to find the best batch size between the minimim
and maximum parameters by profiling the time taken by (fused) downstream
operations. For a fixed batch size, set the min and max to be equal.
Elements are batched per-window and batches emitted in the window
corresponding to its contents.
min_batch_size: (optional) the smallest number of elements per batch
max_batch_size: (optional) the largest number of elements per batch
target_batch_overhead: (optional) a target for fixed_cost / time,
as used in the formula above
target_batch_duration_secs: (optional) a target for total time per bundle,
in seconds
variance: (optional) the permitted (relative) amount of deviation from the
(estimated) ideal batch size used to produce a wider base for
linear interpolation
clock: (optional) an alternative to time.time for measuring the cost of
donwstream operations (mostly for testing)
def __init__(
self._batch_size_estimator = _BatchSizeEstimator(
[docs] def expand(self, pcoll):
if getattr(pcoll.pipeline.runner, 'is_streaming', False):
raise NotImplementedError("Requires stateful processing (BEAM-2687)")
elif pcoll.windowing.is_default():
# This is the same logic as _GlobalWindowsBatchingDoFn, but optimized
# for that simpler case.
return pcoll | ParDo(
return pcoll | ParDo(_WindowAwareBatchingDoFn(self._batch_size_estimator))
class _IdentityWindowFn(NonMergingWindowFn):
"""Windowing function that preserves existing windows.
To be used internally with the Reshuffle transform.
Will raise an exception when used after DoFns that return TimestampedValue
def __init__(self, window_coder):
"""Create a new WindowFn with compatible coder.
To be applied to PCollections with windows that are compatible with the
given coder.
window_coder: coders.Coder object to be used on windows.
super(_IdentityWindowFn, self).__init__()
if window_coder is None:
raise ValueError('window_coder should not be None')
self._window_coder = window_coder
def assign(self, assign_context):
if assign_context.window is None:
raise ValueError(
'assign_context.window should not be None. '
'This might be due to a DoFn returning a TimestampedValue.')
return [assign_context.window]
def get_window_coder(self):
return self._window_coder
@typehints.with_input_types(Tuple[K, V])
@typehints.with_output_types(Tuple[K, V])
class ReshufflePerKey(PTransform):
"""PTransform that returns a PCollection equivalent to its input,
but operationally provides some of the side effects of a GroupByKey,
in particular preventing fusion of the surrounding transforms,
checkpointing, and deduplication by id.
ReshufflePerKey is experimental. No backwards compatibility guarantees.
def expand(self, pcoll):
windowing_saved = pcoll.windowing
if windowing_saved.is_default():
# In this (common) case we can use a trivial trigger driver
# and avoid the (expensive) window param.
globally_windowed = window.GlobalWindows.windowed_value(None)
def reify_timestamps(element, timestamp=DoFn.TimestampParam):
key, value = element
if timestamp == MIN_TIMESTAMP:
timestamp = None
return key, (value, timestamp)
def restore_timestamps(element):
key, values = element
return [
globally_windowed.with_value((key, value)) if timestamp is None else
window.GlobalWindows.windowed_value((key, value), timestamp)
for (value, timestamp) in values
def reify_timestamps(
element, timestamp=DoFn.TimestampParam, window=DoFn.WindowParam):
key, value = element
# Transport the window as part of the value and restore it later.
return key, windowed_value.WindowedValue(value, timestamp, [window])
def restore_timestamps(element):
key, windowed_values = element
return [wv.with_value((key, wv.value)) for wv in windowed_values]
ungrouped = pcoll | Map(reify_timestamps).with_output_types(Any)
# TODO(BEAM-8104) Using global window as one of the standard window.
# This is to mitigate the Dataflow Java Runner Harness limitation to
# accept only standard coders.
ungrouped._windowing = Windowing(
result = (
| GroupByKey()
| FlatMap(restore_timestamps).with_output_types(Any))
result._windowing = windowing_saved
return result
class Reshuffle(PTransform):
"""PTransform that returns a PCollection equivalent to its input,
but operationally provides some of the side effects of a GroupByKey,
in particular preventing fusion of the surrounding transforms,
checkpointing, and deduplication by id.
Reshuffle adds a temporary random key to each element, performs a
ReshufflePerKey, and finally removes the temporary key.
Reshuffle is experimental. No backwards compatibility guarantees.
[docs] def expand(self, pcoll):
# type: (pvalue.PValue) -> pvalue.PCollection
if sys.version_info >= (3, ):
KeyedT = Tuple[int, T]
KeyedT = Tuple[long, T] # pylint: disable=long-builtin
return (
| 'AddRandomKeys' >> Map(lambda t: (random.getrandbits(
32), t)).with_input_types(T).with_output_types(KeyedT)
| ReshufflePerKey()
| 'RemoveRandomKeys' >>
Map(lambda t: t[1]).with_input_types(KeyedT).with_output_types(T))
[docs] def to_runner_api_parameter(self, unused_context):
# type: (PipelineContext) -> Tuple[str, None]
return common_urns.composites.RESHUFFLE.urn, None
[docs] @staticmethod
@PTransform.register_urn(common_urns.composites.RESHUFFLE.urn, None)
def from_runner_api_parameter(
unused_ptransform, unused_parameter, unused_context):
return Reshuffle()
def WithKeys(pcoll, k):
"""PTransform that takes a PCollection, and either a constant key or a
callable, and returns a PCollection of (K, V), where each of the values in
the input PCollection has been paired with either the constant key or a key
computed from the value.
if callable(k):
return pcoll | Map(lambda v: (k(v), v))
return pcoll | Map(lambda v: (k, v))
@typehints.with_input_types(Tuple[K, V])
class GroupIntoBatches(PTransform):
"""PTransform that batches the input into desired batch size. Elements are
buffered until they are equal to batch size provided in the argument at which
point they are output to the output Pcollection.
Windows are preserved (batches will contain elements from the same window)
GroupIntoBatches is experimental. Its use case will depend on the runner if
it has support of States and Timers.
def __init__(self, batch_size):
"""Create a new GroupIntoBatches with batch size.
batch_size: (required) How many elements should be in a batch
'Use of GroupIntoBatches transform requires State/Timer '
'support from the runner')
self.batch_size = batch_size
[docs] def expand(self, pcoll):
input_coder = coders.registry.get_coder(pcoll)
return pcoll | ParDo(
_pardo_group_into_batches(self.batch_size, input_coder))
def _pardo_group_into_batches(batch_size, input_coder):
ELEMENT_STATE = BagStateSpec('values', input_coder)
COUNT_STATE = CombiningValueStateSpec('count', input_coder, CountCombineFn())
EXPIRY_TIMER = TimerSpec('expiry', TimeDomain.WATERMARK)
class _GroupIntoBatchesDoFn(DoFn):
def process(
# Allowed lateness not supported in Python SDK
# https://beam.apache.org/documentation/programming-guide/#watermarks-and-late-data
count = count_state.read()
if count >= batch_size:
batch = [element for element in element_state.read()]
yield batch
def expiry(
batch = [element for element in element_state.read()]
if batch:
yield batch
return _GroupIntoBatchesDoFn()
[docs]class ToString(object):
PTransform for converting a PCollection element, KV or PCollection Iterable
to string.
[docs] class Kvs(PTransform):
Transforms each element of the PCollection to a string on the key followed
by the specific delimiter and the value.
def __init__(self, delimiter=None):
self.delimiter = delimiter or ","
[docs] def expand(self, pcoll):
input_type = Tuple[Any, Any]
output_type = str
return (
pcoll | (
'%s:KeyVaueToString' % self.label >>
(Map(lambda x: "{}{}{}".format(x[0], self.delimiter, x[1]))
).with_input_types(input_type) # type: ignore[misc]
[docs] class Element(PTransform):
Transforms each element of the PCollection to a string.
[docs] def expand(self, pcoll):
input_type = T
output_type = str
return (
pcoll | (
'%s:ElementToString' % self.label >>
(Map(lambda x: str(x))
[docs] class Iterables(PTransform):
Transforms each item in the iterable of the input of PCollection to a
string. There is no trailing delimiter.
def __init__(self, delimiter=None):
self.delimiter = delimiter or ","
[docs] def expand(self, pcoll):
input_type = Iterable[Any]
output_type = str
return (
pcoll | (
'%s:IterablesToString' % self.label >>
(Map(lambda x: self.delimiter.join(str(_x) for _x in x))
[docs]class Reify(object):
"""PTransforms for converting between explicit and implicit form of various
Beam values."""
[docs] @typehints.with_input_types(T)
class Timestamp(PTransform):
"""PTransform to wrap a value in a TimestampedValue with it's
associated timestamp."""
[docs] @staticmethod
def add_timestamp_info(element, timestamp=DoFn.TimestampParam):
yield TimestampedValue(element, timestamp)
[docs] def expand(self, pcoll):
return pcoll | ParDo(self.add_timestamp_info)
[docs] @typehints.with_input_types(T)
class Window(PTransform):
"""PTransform to convert an element in a PCollection into a tuple of
(element, timestamp, window), wrapped in a TimestampedValue with it's
associated timestamp."""
[docs] @staticmethod
def add_window_info(
element, timestamp=DoFn.TimestampParam, window=DoFn.WindowParam):
yield TimestampedValue((element, timestamp, window), timestamp)
[docs] def expand(self, pcoll):
return pcoll | ParDo(self.add_window_info)
[docs] @typehints.with_input_types(Tuple[K, V])
@typehints.with_output_types(Tuple[K, V])
class TimestampInValue(PTransform):
"""PTransform to wrap the Value in a KV pair in a TimestampedValue with
the element's associated timestamp."""
[docs] @staticmethod
def add_timestamp_info(element, timestamp=DoFn.TimestampParam):
key, value = element
yield (key, TimestampedValue(value, timestamp))
[docs] def expand(self, pcoll):
return pcoll | ParDo(self.add_timestamp_info)
[docs] @typehints.with_input_types(Tuple[K, V])
@typehints.with_output_types(Tuple[K, V])
class WindowInValue(PTransform):
"""PTransform to convert the Value in a KV pair into a tuple of
(value, timestamp, window), with the whole element being wrapped inside a
[docs] @staticmethod
def add_window_info(
element, timestamp=DoFn.TimestampParam, window=DoFn.WindowParam):
key, value = element
yield TimestampedValue((key, (value, timestamp, window)), timestamp)
[docs] def expand(self, pcoll):
return pcoll | ParDo(self.add_window_info)
[docs]class Regex(object):
PTransform to use Regular Expression to process the elements in a
ALL = "__regex_all_groups"
def _regex_compile(regex):
"""Return re.compile if the regex has a string value"""
if isinstance(regex, str):
regex = re.compile(regex)
return regex
[docs] @staticmethod
def matches(pcoll, regex, group=0):
Returns the matches (group 0 by default) if zero or more characters at the
beginning of string match the regular expression. To match the entire
string, add "$" sign at the end of regex expression.
Group can be integer value or a string value.
regex: the regular expression string or (re.compile) pattern.
group: (optional) name/number of the group, it can be integer or a string
value. Defaults to 0, meaning the entire matched string will be
regex = Regex._regex_compile(regex)
def _process(element):
m = regex.match(element)
if m:
yield m.group(group)
return pcoll | FlatMap(_process)
[docs] @staticmethod
def all_matches(pcoll, regex):
Returns all matches (groups) if zero or more characters at the beginning
of string match the regular expression.
regex: the regular expression string or (re.compile) pattern.
regex = Regex._regex_compile(regex)
def _process(element):
m = regex.match(element)
if m:
yield [m.group(ix) for ix in range(m.lastindex + 1)]
return pcoll | FlatMap(_process)
[docs] @staticmethod
@typehints.with_output_types(Tuple[str, str])
def matches_kv(pcoll, regex, keyGroup, valueGroup=0):
Returns the KV pairs if the string matches the regular expression, deriving
the key & value from the specified group of the regular expression.
regex: the regular expression string or (re.compile) pattern.
keyGroup: The Regex group to use as the key. Can be int or str.
valueGroup: (optional) Regex group to use the value. Can be int or str.
The default value "0" returns entire matched string.
regex = Regex._regex_compile(regex)
def _process(element):
match = regex.match(element)
if match:
yield (match.group(keyGroup), match.group(valueGroup))
return pcoll | FlatMap(_process)
[docs] @staticmethod
def find(pcoll, regex, group=0):
Returns the matches if a portion of the line matches the Regex. Returns
the entire group (group 0 by default). Group can be integer value or a
string value.
regex: the regular expression string or (re.compile) pattern.
group: (optional) name of the group, it can be integer or a string value.
regex = Regex._regex_compile(regex)
def _process(element):
r = regex.search(element)
if r:
yield r.group(group)
return pcoll | FlatMap(_process)
[docs] @staticmethod
@typehints.with_output_types(Union[List[str], Tuple[str, str]])
def find_all(pcoll, regex, group=0, outputEmpty=True):
Returns the matches if a portion of the line matches the Regex. By default,
list of group 0 will return with empty items. To get all groups, pass the
`Regex.ALL` flag in the `group` parameter which returns all the groups in
the tuple format.
regex: the regular expression string or (re.compile) pattern.
group: (optional) name of the group, it can be integer or a string value.
outputEmpty: (optional) Should empty be output. True to output empties
and false if not.
regex = Regex._regex_compile(regex)
def _process(element):
matches = regex.finditer(element)
if group == Regex.ALL:
yield [(m.group(), m.groups()[0]) for m in matches
if outputEmpty or m.groups()[0]]
yield [m.group(group) for m in matches if outputEmpty or m.group(group)]
return pcoll | FlatMap(_process)
[docs] @staticmethod
@typehints.with_output_types(Tuple[str, str])
def find_kv(pcoll, regex, keyGroup, valueGroup=0):
Returns the matches if a portion of the line matches the Regex. Returns the
specified groups as the key and value pair.
regex: the regular expression string or (re.compile) pattern.
keyGroup: The Regex group to use as the key. Can be int or str.
valueGroup: (optional) Regex group to use the value. Can be int or str.
The default value "0" returns entire matched string.
regex = Regex._regex_compile(regex)
def _process(element):
matches = regex.finditer(element)
if matches:
for match in matches:
yield (match.group(keyGroup), match.group(valueGroup))
return pcoll | FlatMap(_process)
[docs] @staticmethod
def replace_all(pcoll, regex, replacement):
Returns the matches if a portion of the line matches the regex and
replaces all matches with the replacement string.
regex: the regular expression string or (re.compile) pattern.
replacement: the string to be substituted for each match.
regex = Regex._regex_compile(regex)
return pcoll | Map(lambda elem: regex.sub(replacement, elem))
[docs] @staticmethod
def replace_first(pcoll, regex, replacement):
Returns the matches if a portion of the line matches the regex and replaces
the first match with the replacement string.
regex: the regular expression string or (re.compile) pattern.
replacement: the string to be substituted for each match.
regex = Regex._regex_compile(regex)
return pcoll | Map(lambda elem: regex.sub(replacement, elem, 1))
[docs] @staticmethod
def split(pcoll, regex, outputEmpty=False):
Returns the list string which was splitted on the basis of regular
expression. It will not output empty items (by defaults).
regex: the regular expression string or (re.compile) pattern.
outputEmpty: (optional) Should empty be output. True to output empties
and false if not.
regex = Regex._regex_compile(regex)
outputEmpty = bool(outputEmpty)
def _process(element):
r = regex.split(element)
if r and not outputEmpty:
r = list(filter(None, r))
yield r
return pcoll | FlatMap(_process)