Source code for apache_beam.typehints.decorators_test_py3

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# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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"""Tests for decorators module with Python 3 syntax not supported by 2.7."""

# pytype: skip-file

from __future__ import absolute_import

import functools
import typing
import unittest

# patches unittest.TestCase to be python3 compatible
import future.tests.base  # pylint: disable=unused-import

from apache_beam import Map
from apache_beam.typehints import Any
from apache_beam.typehints import Dict
from apache_beam.typehints import List
from apache_beam.typehints import Tuple
from apache_beam.typehints import TypeCheckError
from apache_beam.typehints import TypeVariable
from apache_beam.typehints import decorators

decorators._enable_from_callable = True
T = TypeVariable('T')
# Name is 'T' so it converts to a beam type with the same name.
T_typing = typing.TypeVar('T')

[docs]class IOTypeHintsTest(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def test_from_callable(self): def fn( a: int, b: str = '', *args: Tuple[T], foo: List[int], **kwargs: Dict[str, str]) -> Tuple[Any, ...]: return a, b, args, foo, kwargs th = decorators.IOTypeHints.from_callable(fn) self.assertEqual( th.input_types, ((int, str, Tuple[T]), { 'foo': List[int], 'kwargs': Dict[str, str] })) self.assertEqual(th.output_types, ((Tuple[Any, ...], ), {}))
[docs] def test_from_callable_partial_annotations(self): def fn(a: int, b=None, *args, foo: List[int], **kwargs): return a, b, args, foo, kwargs th = decorators.IOTypeHints.from_callable(fn) self.assertEqual( th.input_types, ((int, Any, Tuple[Any, ...]), { 'foo': List[int], 'kwargs': Dict[Any, Any] })) self.assertEqual(th.output_types, ((Any, ), {}))
[docs] def test_from_callable_class(self): class Class(object): def __init__(self, unused_arg: int): pass th = decorators.IOTypeHints.from_callable(Class) self.assertEqual(th.input_types, ((int, ), {})) self.assertEqual(th.output_types, ((Class, ), {}))
[docs] def test_from_callable_method(self): class Class(object): def method(self, arg: T = None) -> None: pass th = decorators.IOTypeHints.from_callable(Class.method) self.assertEqual(th.input_types, ((Any, T), {})) self.assertEqual(th.output_types, ((None, ), {})) th = decorators.IOTypeHints.from_callable(Class().method) self.assertEqual(th.input_types, ((T, ), {})) self.assertEqual(th.output_types, ((None, ), {}))
[docs] def test_from_callable_convert_to_beam_types(self): def fn( a: typing.List[int], b: str = None, *args: typing.Tuple[T_typing], foo: typing.List[int], **kwargs: typing.Dict[str, str]) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, ...]: return a, b, args, foo, kwargs th = decorators.IOTypeHints.from_callable(fn) self.assertEqual( th.input_types, ((List[int], str, Tuple[T]), { 'foo': List[int], 'kwargs': Dict[str, str] })) self.assertEqual(th.output_types, ((Tuple[Any, ...], ), {}))
[docs] def test_from_callable_partial(self): def fn(a: int) -> int: return a # functools.partial objects don't have __name__ attributes by default. fn = functools.partial(fn, 1) th = decorators.IOTypeHints.from_callable(fn) self.assertRegex(th.debug_str(), r'unknown')
[docs] def test_getcallargs_forhints(self): def fn( a: int, b: str = '', *args: Tuple[T], foo: List[int], **kwargs: Dict[str, str]) -> Tuple[Any, ...]: return a, b, args, foo, kwargs callargs = decorators.getcallargs_forhints(fn, float, foo=List[str]) self.assertDictEqual( callargs, { 'a': float, 'b': str, 'args': Tuple[T], 'foo': List[str], 'kwargs': Dict[str, str] })
[docs] def test_getcallargs_forhints_default_arg(self): # Default args are not necessarily types, so they should be ignored. def fn(a=List[int], b=None, *args, foo=(), **kwargs) -> Tuple[Any, ...]: return a, b, args, foo, kwargs callargs = decorators.getcallargs_forhints(fn) self.assertDictEqual( callargs, { 'a': Any, 'b': Any, 'args': Tuple[Any, ...], 'foo': Any, 'kwargs': Dict[Any, Any] })
[docs] def test_getcallargs_forhints_missing_arg(self): def fn(a, b=None, *args, foo, **kwargs): return a, b, args, foo, kwargs with self.assertRaisesRegex(decorators.TypeCheckError, "missing.*'a'"): decorators.getcallargs_forhints(fn, foo=List[int]) with self.assertRaisesRegex(decorators.TypeCheckError, "missing.*'foo'"): decorators.getcallargs_forhints(fn, 5)
[docs] def test_origin(self): def annotated(e: str) -> str: return e t = Map(annotated) th = t.get_type_hints() th = th.with_input_types(str) self.assertRegex(th.debug_str(), r'with_input_types') th = th.with_output_types(str) self.assertRegex( th.debug_str(), r'(?s)with_output_types.*with_input_types.*Map.annotated')
[docs]class DecoratorsTest(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def test_no_annotations(self): def fn(a: int) -> int: return a with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeCheckError, r'requires .*int.* but got .*str'): _ = ['a', 'b', 'c'] | Map(fn) # Same pipeline doesn't raise without annotations on fn. fn = decorators.no_annotations(fn) _ = ['a', 'b', 'c'] | Map(fn)
if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()