Source code for apache_beam.transforms.external
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# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
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# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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"""Defines Transform whose expansion is implemented elsewhere.
No backward compatibility guarantees. Everything in this module is experimental.
# pytype: skip-file
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
import contextlib
import copy
import threading
from typing import Dict
from apache_beam import pvalue
from apache_beam.coders import registry
from apache_beam.portability import common_urns
from apache_beam.portability.api import beam_expansion_api_pb2
from apache_beam.portability.api import beam_runner_api_pb2
from apache_beam.portability.api.external_transforms_pb2 import ConfigValue
from apache_beam.portability.api.external_transforms_pb2 import ExternalConfigurationPayload
from apache_beam.runners import pipeline_context
from apache_beam.transforms import ptransform
from apache_beam.typehints.native_type_compatibility import convert_to_beam_type
from apache_beam.typehints.trivial_inference import instance_to_type
from apache_beam.typehints.typehints import Union
from apache_beam.typehints.typehints import UnionConstraint
# Protect against environments where grpc is not available.
# pylint: disable=wrong-import-order, wrong-import-position, ungrouped-imports
import grpc
from apache_beam.portability.api import beam_expansion_api_pb2_grpc
from apache_beam.utils import subprocess_server
except ImportError:
grpc = None
# pylint: enable=wrong-import-order, wrong-import-position, ungrouped-imports
def _is_optional_or_none(typehint):
return (
type(None) in typehint.union_types if isinstance(
typehint, UnionConstraint) else typehint is type(None))
def _strip_optional(typehint):
if not _is_optional_or_none(typehint):
return typehint
new_types = typehint.union_types.difference({type(None)})
if len(new_types) == 1:
return list(new_types)[0]
return Union[new_types]
[docs]def iter_urns(coder, context=None):
yield coder.to_runner_api_parameter(context)[0]
for child in coder._get_component_coders():
for urn in iter_urns(child, context):
yield urn
[docs]class PayloadBuilder(object):
Abstract base class for building payloads to pass to ExternalTransform.
def _config_value(cls, obj, typehint):
Helper to create a ConfigValue with an encoded value.
coder = registry.get_coder(typehint)
urns = list(iter_urns(coder))
if 'beam:coder:pickled_python:v1' in urns:
raise RuntimeError("Found non-portable coder for %s" % (typehint, ))
return ConfigValue(
coder_urn=urns, payload=coder.get_impl().encode_nested(obj))
[docs] def payload(self):
The serialized ExternalConfigurationPayload
:return: bytes
[docs]class SchemaBasedPayloadBuilder(PayloadBuilder):
Base class for building payloads based on a schema that provides
type information for each configuration value to encode.
Note that if the schema defines a type as Optional, the corresponding value
will be omitted from the encoded payload, and thus the native transform
will determine the default.
def __init__(self, values, schema):
:param values: mapping of config names to values
:param schema: mapping of config names to types
self._values = values
self._schema = schema
def _encode_config(cls, values, schema):
result = {}
for key, value in values.items():
typehint = schema[key]
except KeyError:
raise RuntimeError("No typehint provided for key %r" % key)
typehint = convert_to_beam_type(typehint)
if value is None:
if not _is_optional_or_none(typehint):
raise RuntimeError(
"If value is None, typehint should be "
"optional. Got %r" % typehint)
# make it easy for user to filter None by default
# strip Optional from typehint so that pickled_python coder is not used
# for known types.
typehint = _strip_optional(typehint)
result[key] = cls._config_value(value, typehint)
return result
[docs] def build(self):
:return: ExternalConfigurationPayload
args = self._encode_config(self._values, self._schema)
return ExternalConfigurationPayload(configuration=args)
[docs]class ImplicitSchemaPayloadBuilder(SchemaBasedPayloadBuilder):
Build a payload that generates a schema from the provided values.
def __init__(self, values):
schema = {key: instance_to_type(value) for key, value in values.items()}
super(ImplicitSchemaPayloadBuilder, self).__init__(values, schema)
[docs]class NamedTupleBasedPayloadBuilder(SchemaBasedPayloadBuilder):
Build a payload based on a NamedTuple schema.
def __init__(self, tuple_instance):
:param tuple_instance: an instance of a typing.NamedTuple
super(NamedTupleBasedPayloadBuilder, self).__init__(
values=tuple_instance._asdict(), schema=tuple_instance._field_types)
[docs]class AnnotationBasedPayloadBuilder(SchemaBasedPayloadBuilder):
Build a payload based on an external transform's type annotations.
Supported in python 3 only.
def __init__(self, transform, **values):
:param transform: a PTransform instance or class. type annotations will
be gathered from its __init__ method
:param values: values to encode
schema = {
k: v
for k,
v in transform.__init__.__annotations__.items() if k in values
super(AnnotationBasedPayloadBuilder, self).__init__(values, schema)
[docs]class DataclassBasedPayloadBuilder(SchemaBasedPayloadBuilder):
Build a payload based on an external transform that uses dataclasses.
Supported in python 3 only.
def __init__(self, transform):
:param transform: a dataclass-decorated PTransform instance from which to
gather type annotations and values
import dataclasses
schema = { field.type for field in dataclasses.fields(transform)}
self).__init__(dataclasses.asdict(transform), schema)
[docs]class ExternalTransform(ptransform.PTransform):
External provides a cross-language transform via expansion services in
foreign SDKs.
Experimental; no backwards compatibility guarantees.
_namespace_counter = 0
_namespace = threading.local() # type: ignore[assignment]
_IMPULSE_PREFIX = 'impulse'
def __init__(self, urn, payload, expansion_service=None):
"""Wrapper for an external transform with the given urn and payload.
:param urn: the unique beam identifier for this transform
:param payload: the payload, either as a byte string or a PayloadBuilder
:param expansion_service: an expansion service implementing the beam
ExpansionService protocol, either as an object with an Expand method
or an address (as a str) to a grpc server that provides this method.
expansion_service = expansion_service or DEFAULT_EXPANSION_SERVICE
if grpc is None and isinstance(expansion_service, str):
raise NotImplementedError('Grpc required for external transforms.')
self._urn = urn
self._payload = (
payload.payload() if isinstance(payload, PayloadBuilder) else payload)
self._expansion_service = expansion_service
self._namespace = self._fresh_namespace()
self._inputs = {} # type: Dict[str, pvalue.PCollection]
self._output = {} # type: Dict[str, pvalue.PCollection]
def __post_init__(self, expansion_service):
This will only be invoked if ExternalTransform is used as a base class
for a class decorated with dataclasses.dataclass
self, self.URN, DataclassBasedPayloadBuilder(self), expansion_service)
[docs] @classmethod
def get_local_namespace(cls):
return getattr(cls._namespace, 'value', 'external')
[docs] @classmethod
def outer_namespace(cls, namespace):
prev = cls.get_local_namespace()
cls._namespace.value = namespace
cls._namespace.value = prev
def _fresh_namespace(cls):
# type: () -> str
ExternalTransform._namespace_counter += 1
return '%s_%d' % (cls.get_local_namespace(), cls._namespace_counter)
[docs] def expand(self, pvalueish):
# type: (pvalue.PCollection) -> pvalue.PCollection
if isinstance(pvalueish, pvalue.PBegin):
self._inputs = {}
elif isinstance(pvalueish, (list, tuple)):
self._inputs = {str(ix): pvalue for ix, pvalue in enumerate(pvalueish)}
elif isinstance(pvalueish, dict):
self._inputs = pvalueish
self._inputs = {'input': pvalueish}
pipeline = (
if self._inputs else pvalueish.pipeline)
context = pipeline_context.PipelineContext()
transform_proto = beam_runner_api_pb2.PTransform(
urn=self._urn, payload=self._payload))
for tag, pcoll in self._inputs.items():
transform_proto.inputs[tag] = context.pcollections.get_id(pcoll)
# Conversion to/from proto assumes producers.
# TODO: Possibly loosen this.
'%s_%s' % (self._IMPULSE_PREFIX, tag),
unique_name='%s_%s' % (self._IMPULSE_PREFIX, tag),
outputs={'out': transform_proto.inputs[tag]}))
components = context.to_runner_api()
request = beam_expansion_api_pb2.ExpansionRequest(
namespace=self._namespace, # type: ignore # mypy thinks self._namespace is threading.local
if isinstance(self._expansion_service, str):
# Some environments may not support unsecure channels. Hence using a
# secure channel with local credentials here.
# TODO: update this to support secure non-local channels.
channel_creds = grpc.local_channel_credentials()
with grpc.secure_channel(self._expansion_service,
channel_creds) as channel:
response = beam_expansion_api_pb2_grpc.ExpansionServiceStub(
response = self._expansion_service.Expand(request, None)
if response.error:
raise RuntimeError(response.error)
self._expanded_components = response.components
self._expanded_transform = response.transform
self._expanded_requirements = response.requirements
result_context = pipeline_context.PipelineContext(response.components)
def fix_output(pcoll, tag):
pcoll.pipeline = pipeline
pcoll.tag = tag
return pcoll
self._outputs = {
tag: fix_output(result_context.pcollections.get_by_id(pcoll_id), tag)
for tag,
pcoll_id in self._expanded_transform.outputs.items()
return self._output_to_pvalueish(self._outputs)
def _output_to_pvalueish(self, output_dict):
if len(output_dict) == 1:
return next(iter(output_dict.values()))
return output_dict
[docs] def to_runner_api_transform(self, context, full_label):
pcoll_renames = {}
renamed_tag_seen = False
for tag, pcoll in self._inputs.items():
if tag not in self._expanded_transform.inputs:
if renamed_tag_seen:
raise RuntimeError(
'Ambiguity due to non-preserved tags: %s vs %s' % (
renamed_tag_seen = True
tag, = self._expanded_transform.inputs.keys()
pcoll_renames[self._expanded_transform.inputs[tag]] = (
for tag, pcoll in self._outputs.items():
pcoll_renames[self._expanded_transform.outputs[tag]] = (
def _equivalent(coder1, coder2):
return coder1 == coder2 or _normalize(coder1) == _normalize(coder2)
def _normalize(coder_proto):
normalized = copy.copy(coder_proto)
normalized.spec.environment_id = ''
# TODO(robertwb): Normalize components as well.
return normalized
for id, proto in self._expanded_components.coders.items():
if id.startswith(self._namespace):
context.coders.put_proto(id, proto)
elif id in context.coders:
if not _equivalent(context.coders._id_to_proto[id], proto):
raise RuntimeError(
'Re-used coder id: %s\n%s\n%s' %
(id, context.coders._id_to_proto[id], proto))
context.coders.put_proto(id, proto)
for id, proto in self._expanded_components.windowing_strategies.items():
if id.startswith(self._namespace):
context.windowing_strategies.put_proto(id, proto)
for id, proto in self._expanded_components.environments.items():
if id.startswith(self._namespace):
context.environments.put_proto(id, proto)
for id, proto in self._expanded_components.pcollections.items():
id = pcoll_renames.get(id, id)
if id not in context.pcollections._id_to_obj.keys():
context.pcollections.put_proto(id, proto)
for id, proto in self._expanded_components.transforms.items():
if id.startswith(self._IMPULSE_PREFIX):
# Our fake inputs.
assert id.startswith(self._namespace), (id, self._namespace)
new_proto = beam_runner_api_pb2.PTransform(
tag: pcoll_renames.get(pcoll, pcoll)
for tag,
pcoll in proto.inputs.items()
tag: pcoll_renames.get(pcoll, pcoll)
for tag,
pcoll in proto.outputs.items()
context.transforms.put_proto(id, new_proto)
for requirement in self._expanded_requirements:
return beam_runner_api_pb2.PTransform(
tag: pcoll_renames.get(pcoll, pcoll)
for tag,
pcoll in self._expanded_transform.inputs.items()
tag: pcoll_renames.get(pcoll, pcoll)
for tag,
pcoll in self._expanded_transform.outputs.items()
[docs]class JavaJarExpansionService(object):
"""An expansion service based on an Java Jar file.
This can be passed into an ExternalTransform as the expansion_service
argument which will spawn a subprocess using this jar to expand the
def __init__(self, path_to_jar, extra_args=None):
if extra_args is None:
extra_args = ['{{PORT}}']
self._path_to_jar = path_to_jar
self._extra_args = extra_args
[docs] def Expand(self, request, context):
self._path_to_jar = subprocess_server.JavaJarServer.local_jar(
# Consider memoizing these servers (with some timeout).
with subprocess_server.JavaJarServer(
self._extra_args) as service:
return service.Expand(request, context)
[docs]class BeamJarExpansionService(JavaJarExpansionService):
"""An expansion service based on an Beam Java Jar file.
Attempts to use a locally-build copy of the jar based on the gradle target,
if it exists, otherwise attempts to download and cache the released artifact
corresponding to this version of Beam from the apache maven repository.
def __init__(self, gradle_target, extra_args=None, gradle_appendix=None):
path_to_jar = subprocess_server.JavaJarServer.path_to_beam_jar(
gradle_target, gradle_appendix)
super(BeamJarExpansionService, self).__init__(path_to_jar, extra_args)
[docs]def memoize(func):
cache = {}
def wrapper(*args):
if args not in cache:
cache[args] = func(*args)
return cache[args]
return wrapper