# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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from __future__ import absolute_import
import pandas as pd
import apache_beam as beam
from apache_beam import transforms
from apache_beam.dataframe import expressions
from apache_beam.dataframe import frames # pylint: disable=unused-import
class _DataframeExpressionsTransform(transforms.PTransform):
def __init__(self, outputs):
self._outputs = outputs
def expand(self, inputs):
return self._apply_deferred_ops(inputs, self._outputs)
def _apply_deferred_ops(
inputs, # type: Dict[PlaceholderExpr, PCollection]
outputs, # type: Dict[Any, Expression]
): # -> Dict[Any, PCollection]
"""Construct a Beam graph that evaluates a set of expressions on a set of
input PCollections.
:param inputs: A mapping of placeholder expressions to PCollections.
:param outputs: A mapping of keys to expressions defined in terms of the
placeholders of inputs.
Returns a dictionary whose keys are those of outputs, and whose values are
PCollections corresponding to the values of outputs evaluated at the
values of inputs.
Logically, `_apply_deferred_ops({x: a, y: b}, {f: F(x, y), g: G(x, y)})`
returns `{f: F(a, b), g: G(a, b)}`.
class ComputeStage(beam.PTransform):
"""A helper transform that computes a single stage of operations.
def __init__(self, stage):
self.stage = stage
def default_label(self):
return '%s:%s' % (self.stage.ops, id(self))
def expand(self, pcolls):
if self.stage.is_grouping:
# Arrange such that partitioned_pcoll is properly partitioned.
input_pcolls = {
tag: pcoll | 'Flat%s' % tag >> beam.FlatMap(partition_by_index)
for (tag, pcoll) in pcolls.items()
partitioned_pcoll = input_pcolls | beam.CoGroupByKey(
) | beam.MapTuple(
lambda _,
inputs: {tag: pd.concat(vs)
for tag, vs in inputs.items()})
# Already partitioned, or no partitioning needed.
(k, pcoll), = pcolls.items()
partitioned_pcoll = pcoll | beam.Map(lambda df: {k: df})
# Actually evaluate the expressions.
def evaluate(partition, stage=self.stage):
session = expressions.Session(
{expr: partition[expr._id]
for expr in stage.inputs})
for expr in stage.outputs:
yield beam.pvalue.TaggedOutput(expr._id, expr.evaluate_at(session))
return partitioned_pcoll | beam.FlatMap(evaluate).with_outputs()
class Stage(object):
"""Used to build up a set of operations that can be fused together.
def __init__(self, inputs, is_grouping):
self.inputs = set(inputs)
self.is_grouping = is_grouping or len(self.inputs) > 1
self.ops = []
self.outputs = set()
# First define some helper functions.
def output_is_partitioned_by_index(expr, stage):
if expr in stage.inputs:
return stage.is_grouping
elif expr.preserves_partition_by_index():
if expr.requires_partition_by_index():
return True
return all(
output_is_partitioned_by_index(arg, stage) for arg in expr.args())
return False
def partition_by_index(df, levels=None, parts=10):
if levels is None:
levels = list(range(df.index.nlevels))
elif isinstance(levels, (int, str)):
levels = [levels]
hashes = sum(
for level in levels)
for key in range(parts):
yield key, df[hashes % parts == key]
def common_stages(stage_lists):
# Set intersection, with a preference for earlier items in the list.
if stage_lists:
for stage in stage_lists[0]:
if all(stage in other for other in stage_lists[1:]):
yield stage
def expr_to_stages(expr):
assert expr not in inputs
# First attempt to compute this expression as part of an existing stage,
# if possible.
# If expr does not require partitioning, just grab any stage, else grab
# the first stage where all of expr's inputs are partitioned as required.
# In either case, use the first such stage because earlier stages are
# closer to the inputs (have fewer intermediate stages).
for stage in common_stages([expr_to_stages(arg) for arg in expr.args()
if arg not in inputs]):
if (not expr.requires_partition_by_index() or
all(output_is_partitioned_by_index(arg, stage)
for arg in expr.args())):
# Otherwise, compute this expression as part of a new stage.
stage = Stage(expr.args(), expr.requires_partition_by_index())
for arg in expr.args():
if arg not in inputs:
# For each non-input argument, declare that it is also available in
# this new stage.
# It also must be declared as an output of the producing stage.
# This is a list as given expression may be available in many stages.
return [stage]
def expr_to_stage(expr):
# Any will do; the first requires the fewest intermediate stages.
return expr_to_stages(expr)[0]
# Ensure each output is computed.
for expr in outputs.values():
if expr not in inputs:
def stage_to_result(stage):
return {expr._id: expr_to_pcoll(expr)
for expr in stage.inputs} | ComputeStage(stage)
def expr_to_pcoll(expr):
if expr in inputs:
return inputs[expr]
return stage_to_result(expr_to_stage(expr))[expr._id]
# Now we can compute and return the result.
return {k: expr_to_pcoll(expr) for k, expr in outputs.items()}
[docs]def memoize(f):
cache = {}
def wrapper(*args):
if args not in cache:
cache[args] = f(*args)
return cache[args]
return wrapper
def _dict_union(dicts):
result = {}
for d in dicts:
return result
def _flatten(valueish, root=()):
"""Given a nested structure of dicts, tuples, and lists, return a flat
dictionary where the values are the leafs and the keys are the "paths" to
these leaves.
For example `{a: x, b: (y, z)}` becomes `{(a,): x, (b, 0): y, (b, 1): c}`.
if isinstance(valueish, dict):
return _dict_union(_flatten(v, root + (k, )) for k, v in valueish.items())
elif isinstance(valueish, (tuple, list)):
return _dict_union(
_flatten(v, root + (ix, )) for ix, v in enumerate(valueish))
return {root: valueish}
def _substitute(valueish, replacements, root=()):
"""Substitutes the values in valueish with those in replacements where the
keys are as in _flatten.
For example,
{a: x, b: (y, z)},
{(a,): X, (b, 0): Y, (b, 1): Z})
returns `{a: X, b: (Y, Z)}`.
if isinstance(valueish, dict):
return type(valueish)({
k: _substitute(v, replacements, root + (k, ))
for (k, v) in valueish.items()
elif isinstance(valueish, (tuple, list)):
return type(valueish)((
_substitute(v, replacements, root + (ix, ))
for (ix, v) in enumerate(valueish)))
return replacements[root]