Source code for apache_beam.runners.dataflow.ptransform_overrides

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"""Ptransform overrides for DataflowRunner."""

# pytype: skip-file

from __future__ import absolute_import

from apache_beam.options.pipeline_options import DebugOptions
from apache_beam.options.pipeline_options import StandardOptions
from apache_beam.pipeline import PTransformOverride

[docs]class CreatePTransformOverride(PTransformOverride): """A ``PTransformOverride`` for ``Create`` in streaming mode."""
[docs] def matches(self, applied_ptransform): # Imported here to avoid circular dependencies. # pylint: disable=wrong-import-order, wrong-import-position from apache_beam import Create from apache_beam.runners.dataflow.internal import apiclient if isinstance(applied_ptransform.transform, Create): return not apiclient._use_fnapi( applied_ptransform.outputs[None].pipeline._options) else: return False
[docs] def get_replacement_transform(self, ptransform): # Imported here to avoid circular dependencies. # pylint: disable=wrong-import-order, wrong-import-position from apache_beam import PTransform # Return a wrapper rather than ptransform.as_read() directly to # ensure backwards compatibility of the pipeline structure. class LegacyCreate(PTransform): def expand(self, pbegin): return pbegin | ptransform.as_read() return LegacyCreate().with_output_types(ptransform.get_output_type())
[docs]class ReadPTransformOverride(PTransformOverride): """A ``PTransformOverride`` for ``Read(BoundedSource)``"""
[docs] def matches(self, applied_ptransform): from import Read from import BoundedSource # Only overrides Read(BoundedSource) transform if (isinstance(applied_ptransform.transform, Read) and not getattr(applied_ptransform.transform, 'override', False)): if isinstance(applied_ptransform.transform.source, BoundedSource): return True return False
[docs] def get_replacement_transform(self, ptransform): from apache_beam import pvalue from import iobase class Read(iobase.Read): override = True def expand(self, pbegin): return pvalue.PCollection( self.pipeline, is_bounded=self.source.is_bounded()) return Read(ptransform.source).with_output_types( ptransform.get_type_hints().simple_output_type('Read'))
[docs]class JrhReadPTransformOverride(PTransformOverride): """A ``PTransformOverride`` for ``Read(BoundedSource)``"""
[docs] def matches(self, applied_ptransform): from import Read from import BoundedSource return ( isinstance(applied_ptransform.transform, Read) and isinstance(applied_ptransform.transform.source, BoundedSource))
[docs] def get_replacement_transform(self, ptransform): from import Read from apache_beam.transforms import core from apache_beam.transforms import util # Make this a local to narrow what's captured in the closure. source = ptransform.source class JrhRead(core.PTransform): def expand(self, pbegin): return ( pbegin | core.Impulse() | 'Split' >> core.FlatMap( lambda _: source.split( Read.get_desired_chunk_size(source.estimate_size()))) | util.Reshuffle() | 'ReadSplits' >> core.FlatMap( lambda split: split.source.get_range_tracker( split.start_position, split.stop_position)))) return JrhRead().with_output_types( ptransform.get_type_hints().simple_output_type('Read'))
[docs]class CombineValuesPTransformOverride(PTransformOverride): """A ``PTransformOverride`` for ``CombineValues``. The DataflowRunner expects that the CombineValues PTransform acts as a primitive. So this override replaces the CombineValues with a primitive. """
[docs] def matches(self, applied_ptransform): # Imported here to avoid circular dependencies. # pylint: disable=wrong-import-order, wrong-import-position from apache_beam import CombineValues if isinstance(applied_ptransform.transform, CombineValues): self.transform = applied_ptransform.transform return True return False
[docs] def get_replacement_transform(self, ptransform): # Imported here to avoid circular dependencies. # pylint: disable=wrong-import-order, wrong-import-position from apache_beam import PTransform from apache_beam.pvalue import PCollection # The DataflowRunner still needs access to the CombineValues members to # generate a V1B3 proto representation, so we remember the transform from # the matches method and forward it here. class CombineValuesReplacement(PTransform): def __init__(self, transform): self.transform = transform def expand(self, pcoll): return PCollection.from_(pcoll) return CombineValuesReplacement(self.transform)
[docs]class NativeReadPTransformOverride(PTransformOverride): """A ``PTransformOverride`` for ``Read`` using native sources. The DataflowRunner expects that the Read PTransform using native sources act as a primitive. So this override replaces the Read with a primitive. """
[docs] def matches(self, applied_ptransform): # Imported here to avoid circular dependencies. # pylint: disable=wrong-import-order, wrong-import-position from import Read # Consider the native Read to be a primitive for Dataflow by replacing. return ( isinstance(applied_ptransform.transform, Read) and not getattr(applied_ptransform.transform, 'override', False) and hasattr(applied_ptransform.transform.source, 'format'))
[docs] def get_replacement_transform(self, ptransform): # Imported here to avoid circular dependencies. # pylint: disable=wrong-import-order, wrong-import-position from apache_beam import pvalue from import iobase # This is purposely subclassed from the Read transform to take advantage of # the existing windowing, typing, and display data. class Read(iobase.Read): override = True def expand(self, pbegin): return pvalue.PCollection.from_(pbegin) # Use the source's coder type hint as this replacement's output. Otherwise, # the typing information is not properly forwarded to the DataflowRunner and # will choose the incorrect coder for this transform. return Read(ptransform.source).with_output_types( ptransform.source.coder.to_type_hint())
[docs]class WriteToBigQueryPTransformOverride(PTransformOverride): def __init__(self, pipeline, options): super(WriteToBigQueryPTransformOverride, self).__init__() self.options = options self.outputs = [] self._check_bq_outputs(pipeline) def _check_bq_outputs(self, pipeline): """Checks that there are no consumers if the transform will be replaced. The WriteToBigQuery replacement is the native BigQuerySink which has an output of a PDone. The original transform, however, returns a dict. The user may be inadvertantly using the dict output which will have no side-effects or fail pipeline construction esoterically. This checks the outputs and gives a user-friendsly error. """ # Imported here to avoid circular dependencies. # pylint: disable=wrong-import-order, wrong-import-position from apache_beam.pipeline import PipelineVisitor from import WriteToBigQuery # First, retrieve all the outpts from all the WriteToBigQuery transforms # that will be replaced. Later, we will use these to make sure no one # consumes these. class GetWriteToBqOutputsVisitor(PipelineVisitor): def __init__(self, matches): self.matches = matches self.outputs = set() def enter_composite_transform(self, transform_node): # Only add outputs that are going to be replaced. if self.matches(transform_node): self.outputs.update(set(transform_node.outputs.values())) outputs_visitor = GetWriteToBqOutputsVisitor(self.matches) pipeline.visit(outputs_visitor) # Finally, verify that there are no consumers to the previously found # outputs. class VerifyWriteToBqOutputsVisitor(PipelineVisitor): def __init__(self, outputs): self.outputs = outputs def enter_composite_transform(self, transform_node): self.visit_transform(transform_node) def visit_transform(self, transform_node): # Internal consumers of the outputs we're overriding are expected. # We only error out on non-internal consumers. if ('BigQueryBatchFileLoads' not in transform_node.full_label and [o for o in self.outputs if o in transform_node.inputs]): raise ValueError( 'WriteToBigQuery was being replaced with the native ' 'BigQuerySink, but the transform "{}" has an input which will be ' 'replaced with a PDone. To fix, please remove all transforms ' 'that read from any WriteToBigQuery transforms.'.format( transform_node.full_label)) pipeline.visit(VerifyWriteToBqOutputsVisitor(outputs_visitor.outputs))
[docs] def matches(self, applied_ptransform): # Imported here to avoid circular dependencies. # pylint: disable=wrong-import-order, wrong-import-position from apache_beam import io transform = applied_ptransform.transform if (not isinstance(transform, io.WriteToBigQuery) or getattr(transform, 'override', False)): return False experiments = self.options.view_as(DebugOptions).experiments or [] if 'use_legacy_bq_sink' not in experiments: return False if transform.schema == io.gcp.bigquery.SCHEMA_AUTODETECT: raise RuntimeError( 'Schema auto-detection is not supported on the native sink') # The replacement is only valid for Batch. standard_options = self.options.view_as(StandardOptions) if standard_options.streaming: if transform.write_disposition == io.BigQueryDisposition.WRITE_TRUNCATE: raise RuntimeError('Can not use write truncation mode in streaming') return False self.outputs = list(applied_ptransform.outputs.keys()) return True
[docs] def get_replacement_transform(self, ptransform): # Imported here to avoid circular dependencies. # pylint: disable=wrong-import-order, wrong-import-position from apache_beam import io class WriteToBigQuery(io.WriteToBigQuery): override = True def __init__(self, transform, outputs): self.transform = transform self.outputs = outputs def __getattr__(self, name): """Returns the given attribute from the parent. This allows this transform to act like a WriteToBigQuery transform without having to construct a new WriteToBigQuery transform. """ return self.transform.__getattribute__(name) def expand(self, pcoll): from import parse_table_schema_from_json import json schema = None if self.schema: schema = parse_table_schema_from_json(json.dumps(self.schema)) out = pcoll | io.Write( io.BigQuerySink( self.table_reference.tableId, self.table_reference.datasetId, self.table_reference.projectId, schema, self.create_disposition, self.write_disposition, kms_key=self.kms_key)) # The WriteToBigQuery can have different outputs depending on if it's # Batch or Streaming. This retrieved the output keys from the node and # is replacing them here to be consistent. return {key: out for key in self.outputs} return WriteToBigQuery(ptransform, self.outputs)