Source code for apache_beam.runners.interactive.cache_manager

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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# pytype: skip-file

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import collections
import os
import sys
import tempfile
import urllib

import apache_beam as beam
from apache_beam import coders
from import filesystems
from import textio
from import tfrecordio
from apache_beam.transforms import combiners

if sys.version_info[0] > 2:
  unquote_to_bytes = urllib.parse.unquote_to_bytes
  quote = urllib.parse.quote
  unquote_to_bytes = urllib.unquote  # pylint: disable=deprecated-urllib-function
  quote = urllib.quote  # pylint: disable=deprecated-urllib-function

[docs]class CacheManager(object): """Abstract class for caching PCollections. A PCollection cache is identified by labels, which consist of a prefix (either 'full' or 'sample') and a cache_label which is a hash of the PCollection derivation. """
[docs] def exists(self, *labels): # type (*str) -> bool """Returns if the PCollection cache exists.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def is_latest_version(self, version, *labels): # type (str, *str) -> bool """Returns if the given version number is the latest.""" return version == self._latest_version(*labels)
def _latest_version(self, *labels): # type (*str) -> str """Returns the latest version number of the PCollection cache.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def read(self, *labels, **args): # type (*str, Dict[str, Any]) -> Tuple[str, Generator[Any]] """Return the PCollection as a list as well as the version number. Args: *labels: List of labels for PCollection instance. **args: Dict of additional arguments. Currently only supports 'limiters' as a list of ElementLimiters, and 'tail' as a boolean. Limiters limits the amount of elements read and duration with respect to processing time. Returns: A tuple containing an iterator for the items in the PCollection and the version number. It is possible that the version numbers from read() and_latest_version() are different. This usually means that the cache's been evicted (thus unavailable => read() returns version = -1), but it had reached version n before eviction. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def write(self, value, *labels): # type (Any, *str) -> None """Writes the value to the given cache. Args: value: An encodable (with corresponding PCoder) value *labels: List of labels for PCollection instance """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def clear(self, *labels): # type (*str) -> Boolean """Clears the cache entry of the given labels and returns True on success. Args: value: An encodable (with corresponding PCoder) value *labels: List of labels for PCollection instance """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def source(self, *labels): # type (*str) -> ptransform.PTransform """Returns a PTransform that reads the PCollection cache.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def sink(self, labels, is_capture=False): # type (*str, bool) -> ptransform.PTransform """Returns a PTransform that writes the PCollection cache. TODO(BEAM-10514): Make sure labels will not be converted into an arbitrarily long file path: e.g., windows has a 260 path limit. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def save_pcoder(self, pcoder, *labels): # type (coders.Coder, *str) -> None """Saves pcoder for given PCollection. Correct reading of PCollection from Cache requires PCoder to be known. This method saves desired PCoder for PCollection that will subsequently be used by sink(...), source(...), and, most importantly, read(...) method. The latter must be able to read a PCollection written by Beam using non-Beam IO. Args: pcoder: A PCoder to be used for reading and writing a PCollection. *labels: List of labels for PCollection instance. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def load_pcoder(self, *labels): # type (*str) -> coders.Coder """Returns previously saved PCoder for reading and writing PCollection.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def cleanup(self): # type () -> None """Cleans up all the PCollection caches.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class FileBasedCacheManager(CacheManager): """Maps PCollections to local temp files for materialization.""" _available_formats = { 'text': (textio.ReadFromText, textio.WriteToText), 'tfrecord': (tfrecordio.ReadFromTFRecord, tfrecordio.WriteToTFRecord) } def __init__(self, cache_dir=None, cache_format='text'): if cache_dir: self._cache_dir = cache_dir else: self._cache_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp( prefix='it-', dir=os.environ.get('TEST_TMPDIR', None)) self._versions = collections.defaultdict(lambda: self._CacheVersion()) if cache_format not in self._available_formats: raise ValueError("Unsupported cache format: '%s'." % cache_format) self._reader_class, self._writer_class = self._available_formats[ cache_format] self._default_pcoder = ( SafeFastPrimitivesCoder() if cache_format == 'text' else None) # List of saved pcoders keyed by PCollection path. It is OK to keep this # list in memory because once FileBasedCacheManager object is # destroyed/re-created it loses the access to previously written cache # objects anyways even if cache_dir already exists. In other words, # it is not possible to resume execution of Beam pipeline from the # saved cache if FileBasedCacheManager has been reset. # # However, if we are to implement better cache persistence, one needs # to take care of keeping consistency between the cached PCollection # and its PCoder type. self._saved_pcoders = {}
[docs] def exists(self, *labels): return bool(self._match(*labels))
def _latest_version(self, *labels): timestamp = 0 for path in self._match(*labels): timestamp = max(timestamp, filesystems.FileSystems.last_updated(path)) result = self._versions["-".join(labels)].get_version(timestamp) return result
[docs] def save_pcoder(self, pcoder, *labels): self._saved_pcoders[self._path(*labels)] = pcoder
[docs] def load_pcoder(self, *labels): return ( self._default_pcoder if self._default_pcoder is not None else self._saved_pcoders[self._path(*labels)])
[docs] def read(self, *labels, **args): # Return an iterator to an empty list if it doesn't exist. if not self.exists(*labels): return iter([]), -1 limiters = args.pop('limiters', []) # Otherwise, return a generator to the cached PCollection. source = self.source(*labels)._source range_tracker = source.get_range_tracker(None, None) reader = version = self._latest_version(*labels) # The return type is a generator, so in order to implement the limiter for # the FileBasedCacheManager we wrap the original generator with the logic # to limit yielded elements. def limit_reader(r): for e in r: # Update the limiters and break early out of reading from cache if any # are triggered. for l in limiters: l.update(e) if any(l.is_triggered() for l in limiters): break yield e return limit_reader(reader), version
[docs] def write(self, values, *labels): sink = self.sink(labels)._sink path = self._path(*labels) init_result = sink.initialize_write() writer = sink.open_writer(init_result, path) for v in values: writer.write(v) writer.close()
[docs] def clear(self, *labels): if self.exists(*labels): filesystems.FileSystems.delete(self._match(*labels)) return True return False
[docs] def source(self, *labels): return self._reader_class( self._glob_path(*labels), coder=self.load_pcoder(*labels))
[docs] def sink(self, labels, is_capture=False): return self._writer_class( self._path(*labels), coder=self.load_pcoder(*labels))
[docs] def cleanup(self): if filesystems.FileSystems.exists(self._cache_dir): filesystems.FileSystems.delete([self._cache_dir]) self._saved_pcoders = {}
def _glob_path(self, *labels): return self._path(*labels) + '-*-of-*' def _path(self, *labels): return filesystems.FileSystems.join(self._cache_dir, *labels) def _match(self, *labels): match = filesystems.FileSystems.match([self._glob_path(*labels)]) assert len(match) == 1 return [metadata.path for metadata in match[0].metadata_list] class _CacheVersion(object): """This class keeps track of the timestamp and the corresponding version.""" def __init__(self): self.current_version = -1 self.current_timestamp = 0 def get_version(self, timestamp): """Updates version if necessary and returns the version number. Args: timestamp: (int) unix timestamp when the cache is updated. This value is zero if the cache has been evicted or doesn't exist. """ # Do not update timestamp if the cache's been evicted. if timestamp != 0 and timestamp != self.current_timestamp: assert timestamp > self.current_timestamp self.current_version = self.current_version + 1 self.current_timestamp = timestamp return self.current_version
[docs]class ReadCache(beam.PTransform): """A PTransform that reads the PCollections from the cache.""" def __init__(self, cache_manager, label): self._cache_manager = cache_manager self._label = label
[docs] def expand(self, pbegin): # pylint: disable=expression-not-assigned return pbegin | 'Read' >> self._cache_manager.source('full', self._label)
[docs]class WriteCache(beam.PTransform): """A PTransform that writes the PCollections to the cache.""" def __init__( self, cache_manager, label, sample=False, sample_size=0, is_capture=False): self._cache_manager = cache_manager self._label = label self._sample = sample self._sample_size = sample_size self._is_capture = is_capture
[docs] def expand(self, pcoll): prefix = 'sample' if self._sample else 'full' # We save pcoder that is necessary for proper reading of # cached PCollection. _cache_manager.sink(...) call below # should be using this saved pcoder. self._cache_manager.save_pcoder( coders.registry.get_coder(pcoll.element_type), prefix, self._label) if self._sample: pcoll |= 'Sample' >> ( combiners.Sample.FixedSizeGlobally(self._sample_size) | beam.FlatMap(lambda sample: sample)) # pylint: disable=expression-not-assigned return pcoll | 'Write' >> self._cache_manager.sink( (prefix, self._label), is_capture=self._is_capture)
[docs]class SafeFastPrimitivesCoder(coders.Coder): """This class add an quote/unquote step to escape special characters.""" # pylint: disable=deprecated-urllib-function
[docs] def encode(self, value): return quote( coders.coders.FastPrimitivesCoder().encode(value)).encode('utf-8')
[docs] def decode(self, value): return coders.coders.FastPrimitivesCoder().decode(unquote_to_bytes(value))