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# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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from __future__ import absolute_import

from io import BytesIO
from io import StringIO
from io import TextIOWrapper

import pandas as pd

import apache_beam as beam
from apache_beam import io
from apache_beam.dataframe import frame_base
from import fileio

[docs]def read_csv(path, *args, **kwargs): """Emulates `pd.read_csv` from Pandas, but as a Beam PTransform. Use this as df = p | to get a deferred Beam dataframe representing the contents of the file. """ return _ReadFromPandas(pd.read_csv, path, args, kwargs, incremental=True)
def _as_pc(df): from apache_beam.dataframe import convert # avoid circular import # TODO(roberwb): Amortize the computation for multiple writes? return convert.to_pcollection(df, yield_elements='pandas')
[docs]def to_csv(df, path, *args, **kwargs): return _as_pc(df) | _WriteToPandas( 'to_csv', path, args, kwargs, incremental=True, binary=False)
[docs]def read_fwf(path, *args, **kwargs): return _ReadFromPandas(pd.read_fwf, path, args, kwargs, incremental=True)
[docs]def read_json(path, *args, **kwargs): return _ReadFromPandas( pd.read_json, path, args, kwargs, incremental=kwargs.get('lines', False), binary=False)
[docs]def to_json(df, path, orient=None, *args, **kwargs): if orient is None: if isinstance(df._expr.proxy(), pd.DataFrame): orient = 'columns' elif isinstance(df._expr.proxy(), pd.Series): orient = 'index' else: raise frame_base.WontImplementError('not dataframes or series') kwargs['orient'] = orient return _as_pc(df) | _WriteToPandas( 'to_json', path, args, kwargs, incremental=orient in ('index', 'records', 'values'), binary=False)
[docs]def read_html(path, *args, **kwargs): return _ReadFromPandas( lambda *args, **kwargs: pd.read_html(*args, **kwargs)[0], path, args, kwargs)
[docs]def to_html(df, path, *args, **kwargs): return _as_pc(df) | _WriteToPandas( 'to_html', path, args, kwargs, incremental=( df._expr.proxy().index.nlevels == 1 or not kwargs.get('sparsify', True)), binary=False)
def _binary_reader(format): func = getattr(pd, 'read_%s' % format) return lambda path, *args, **kwargs: _ReadFromPandas(func, path, args, kwargs) def _binary_writer(format): return ( lambda df, path, *args, **kwargs: _as_pc(df) | _WriteToPandas(f'to_{format}', path, args, kwargs)) for format in ('excel', 'feather', 'parquet', 'stata'): globals()['read_%s' % format] = _binary_reader(format) globals()['to_%s' % format] = _binary_writer(format) for format in ('sas', 'spss'): if hasattr(pd, 'read_%s' % format): # Depends on pandas version. globals()['read_%s' % format] = _binary_reader(format) read_clipboard = to_clipboard = frame_base.wont_implement_method('clipboard') read_msgpack = to_msgpack = frame_base.wont_implement_method('deprecated') read_hdf = to_hdf = frame_base.wont_implement_method('random access files') def _prefix_range_index_with(prefix, df): if isinstance(df.index, pd.RangeIndex): return df.set_index(prefix + else: return df class _ReadFromPandas(beam.PTransform): def __init__( self, reader, path, args, kwargs, incremental=False, binary=True): if 'compression' in kwargs: raise NotImplementedError('compression') if not isinstance(path, str): raise frame_base.WontImplementError('non-deferred') self.reader = reader self.path = path self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs self.incremental = incremental self.binary = binary def expand(self, root): # TODO(robertwb): Handle streaming (with explicit schema). paths_pcoll = root | beam.Create([self.path]) first = io.filesystems.FileSystems.match([self.path], limits=[1 ])[0].metadata_list[0].path with as handle: if not self.binary: handle = TextIOWrapper(handle) if self.incremental: sample = next( self.reader(handle, *self.args, **dict(self.kwargs, chunksize=100))) else: sample = self.reader(handle, *self.args, **self.kwargs) pcoll = ( paths_pcoll | fileio.MatchFiles(self.path) | beam.Reshuffle() | fileio.ReadMatches() | beam.ParDo( _ReadFromPandasDoFn( self.reader, self.args, self.kwargs, self.incremental, self.binary))) from apache_beam.dataframe import convert return convert.to_dataframe( pcoll, proxy=_prefix_range_index_with(':', sample[:0])) # TODO(robertwb): Actually make an SDF. class _ReadFromPandasDoFn(beam.DoFn): def __init__(self, reader, args, kwargs, incremental, binary): # avoid pickling issues if reader.__module__.startswith('pandas.'): reader = reader.__name__ self.reader = reader self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs self.incremental = incremental self.binary = binary def process(self, readable_file): reader = self.reader if isinstance(reader, str): reader = getattr(pd, self.reader) with as handle: if not self.binary: handle = TextIOWrapper(handle) if self.incremental: if 'chunksize' not in self.kwargs: self.kwargs['chunksize'] = 10_000 frames = reader(handle, *self.args, **self.kwargs) else: frames = [reader(handle, *self.args, **self.kwargs)] for df in frames: yield _prefix_range_index_with(readable_file.metadata.path + ':', df) class _WriteToPandas(beam.PTransform): def __init__( self, writer, path, args, kwargs, incremental=False, binary=True): self.writer = writer self.path = path self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs self.incremental = incremental self.binary = binary def expand(self, pcoll): dir, name = io.filesystems.FileSystems.split(self.path) return pcoll | fileio.WriteToFiles( path=dir, file_naming=fileio.default_file_naming(name), sink=_WriteToPandasFileSink( self.writer, self.args, self.kwargs, self.incremental, self.binary)) class _WriteToPandasFileSink(fileio.FileSink): def __init__(self, writer, args, kwargs, incremental, binary): if 'compression' in kwargs: raise NotImplementedError('compression') self.writer = writer self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs self.incremental = incremental self.binary = binary self.StringOrBytesIO = BytesIO if binary else StringIO if incremental: self.write = self.write_record_incremental self.flush = self.close_incremental else: self.write = self.buffer_record self.flush = self.flush_buffer def open(self, file_handle): self.buffer = [] self.empty = self.header = self.footer = None if not self.binary: file_handle = TextIOWrapper(file_handle) self.file_handle = file_handle def write_to(self, df, file_handle=None): non_none_handle = file_handle or self.StringOrBytesIO() getattr(df, self.writer)(non_none_handle, *self.args, **self.kwargs) if file_handle is None: return non_none_handle.getvalue() def write_record_incremental(self, value): if self.empty is None: self.empty = self.write_to(value[:0]) if self.header is None and len(value): def new_value(ix): if isinstance(ix, tuple): return (new_value(ix[0]), ) + ix[1:] else: return str('x') + '_again' def change_index(df): df.index = return df one_row = self.write_to(value[:1]) another_row = self.write_to(change_index(value[:1])) two_rows = self.write_to(pd.concat([value[:1], change_index(value[:1])])) for ix, c in enumerate(self.empty): if one_row[ix] != c: break else: ix = len(self.empty) self.header = self.empty[:ix] self.footer = self.empty[ix:] self.delimiter = two_rows[len(one_row) - len(self.footer):-( len(another_row) - len(self.header)) or None] self.file_handle.write(self.header) self.first = True if len(value): if self.first: self.first = False else: self.file_handle.write(self.delimiter) # IDEA(robertwb): Construct a "truncating" stream wrapper to avoid the # in-memory copy. rows = self.write_to(value) self.file_handle.write(rows[len(self.header):-len(self.footer) or None]) def close_incremental(self): if self.footer is not None: self.file_handle.write(self.footer) elif self.empty is not None: self.file_handle.write(self.empty) self.file_handle.flush() def buffer_record(self, value): self.buffer.append(value) def flush_buffer(self): if self.buffer: self.write_to(pd.concat(self.buffer), self.file_handle) self.file_handle.flush()