Source code for

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# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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# limitations under the License.

"""BigQuery sources and sinks.

This module implements reading from and writing to BigQuery tables. It relies
on several classes exposed by the BigQuery API: TableSchema, TableFieldSchema,
TableRow, and TableCell. The default mode is to return table rows read from a
BigQuery source as dictionaries. Similarly a Write transform to a BigQuerySink
accepts PCollections of dictionaries. This is done for more convenient
programming.  If desired, the native TableRow objects can be used throughout to
represent rows (use an instance of TableRowJsonCoder as a coder argument when
creating the sources or sinks respectively).

Also, for programming convenience, instances of TableReference and TableSchema
have a string representation that can be used for the corresponding arguments:

  - TableReference can be a PROJECT:DATASET.TABLE or DATASET.TABLE string.
  - TableSchema can be a NAME:TYPE{,NAME:TYPE}* string
    (e.g. 'month:STRING,event_count:INTEGER').

The syntax supported is described here:

BigQuery sources can be used as main inputs or side inputs. A main input
(common case) is expected to be massive and will be split into manageable chunks
and processed in parallel. Side inputs are expected to be small and will be read
completely every time a ParDo DoFn gets executed. In the example below the
lambda function implementing the DoFn for the Map transform will get on each
call *one* row of the main table and *all* rows of the side table. The runner
may use some caching techniques to share the side inputs between calls in order
to avoid excessive reading:::

  main_table = pipeline | 'VeryBig' >>
  side_table = pipeline | 'NotBig' >>
  results = (
      | 'ProcessData' >> beam.Map(
          lambda element, side_input: ..., AsList(side_table)))

There is no difference in how main and side inputs are read. What makes the
side_table a 'side input' is the AsList wrapper used when passing the table
as a parameter to the Map transform. AsList signals to the execution framework
that its input should be made available whole.

The main and side inputs are implemented differently. Reading a BigQuery table
as main input entails exporting the table to a set of GCS files (in AVRO or in
JSON format) and then processing those files.

Users may provide a query to read from rather than reading all of a BigQuery
table. If specified, the result obtained by executing the specified query will
be used as the data of the input transform.::

  query_results = pipeline |
      query='SELECT year, mean_temp FROM samples.weather_stations')

When creating a BigQuery input transform, users should provide either a query
or a table. Pipeline construction will fail with a validation error if neither
or both are specified.

When reading via `ReadFromBigQuery`, bytes are returned decoded as bytes.
This is due to the fact that ReadFromBigQuery uses Avro exports by default.
When reading from BigQuery using ``, bytes are
returned as base64-encoded bytes. To get base64-encoded bytes using
`ReadFromBigQuery`, you can use the flag `use_json_exports` to export
data as JSON, and receive base64-encoded bytes.

Beam 2.27.0 introduces a new transform called `ReadAllFromBigQuery` which
allows you to define table and query reads from BigQuery at pipeline

  read_requests = p | beam.Create([
      ReadFromBigQueryRequest(query='SELECT * FROM mydataset.mytable'),
  results = read_requests | ReadAllFromBigQuery()

A good application for this transform is in streaming pipelines to
refresh a side input coming from BigQuery. This would work like so:::

  side_input = (
      | 'PeriodicImpulse' >> PeriodicImpulse(
          first_timestamp, last_timestamp, interval, True)
      | 'MapToReadRequest' >> beam.Map(
          lambda x: ReadFromBigQueryRequest(table='dataset.table'))
  main_input = (
      | 'MpImpulse' >> beam.Create(sample_main_input_elements)
      'MapMpToTimestamped' >> beam.Map(lambda src: TimestampedValue(src, src))
      | 'WindowMpInto' >> beam.WindowInto(
  result = (
      | 'ApplyCrossJoin' >> beam.FlatMap(
          cross_join, rights=beam.pvalue.AsIter(side_input)))

**Note**: This transform is supported on Portable and Dataflow v2 runners.

**Note**: This transform does not currently clean up temporary datasets
created for its execution. (BEAM-11359)

Writing Data to BigQuery

The `WriteToBigQuery` transform is the recommended way of writing data to
BigQuery. It supports a large set of parameters to customize how you'd like to
write to BigQuery.

Table References

This transform allows you to provide static `project`, `dataset` and `table`
parameters which point to a specific BigQuery table to be created. The `table`
parameter can also be a dynamic parameter (i.e. a callable), which receives an
element to be written to BigQuery, and returns the table that that element
should be sent to.

You may also provide a tuple of PCollectionView elements to be passed as side
inputs to your callable. For example, suppose that one wishes to send
events of different types to different tables, and the table names are
computed at pipeline runtime, one may do something like the following::

    with Pipeline() as p:
      elements = (p | beam.Create([
        {'type': 'error', 'timestamp': '12:34:56', 'message': 'bad'},
        {'type': 'user_log', 'timestamp': '12:34:59', 'query': 'flu symptom'},

      table_names = (p | beam.Create([
        ('error', 'my_project:dataset1.error_table_for_today'),
        ('user_log', 'my_project:dataset1.query_table_for_today'),

      table_names_dict = beam.pvalue.AsDict(table_names)

      elements |
        table=lambda row, table_dict: table_dict[row['type']],

In the example above, the `table_dict` argument passed to the function in
`table_dict` is the side input coming from `table_names_dict`, which is passed
as part of the `table_side_inputs` argument.


This transform also allows you to provide a static or dynamic `schema`
parameter (i.e. a callable).

If providing a callable, this should take in a table reference (as returned by
the `table` parameter), and return the corresponding schema for that table.
This allows to provide different schemas for different tables::

    def compute_table_name(row):

    errors_schema = {'fields': [
      {'name': 'type', 'type': 'STRING', 'mode': 'NULLABLE'},
      {'name': 'message', 'type': 'STRING', 'mode': 'NULLABLE'}]}
    queries_schema = {'fields': [
      {'name': 'type', 'type': 'STRING', 'mode': 'NULLABLE'},
      {'name': 'query', 'type': 'STRING', 'mode': 'NULLABLE'}]}

    with Pipeline() as p:
      elements = (p | beam.Create([
        {'type': 'error', 'timestamp': '12:34:56', 'message': 'bad'},
        {'type': 'user_log', 'timestamp': '12:34:59', 'query': 'flu symptom'},

      elements |
        schema=lambda table: (errors_schema
                              if 'errors' in table
                              else queries_schema))

It may be the case that schemas are computed at pipeline runtime. In cases
like these, one can also provide a `schema_side_inputs` parameter, which is
a tuple of PCollectionViews to be passed to the schema callable (much like
the `table_side_inputs` parameter).

Additional Parameters for BigQuery Tables

This sink is able to create tables in BigQuery if they don't already exist. It
also relies on creating temporary tables when performing file loads.

The WriteToBigQuery transform creates tables using the BigQuery API by
inserting a load job (see the API reference [1]), or by inserting a new table
(see the API reference for that [2][3]).

When creating a new BigQuery table, there are a number of extra parameters
that one may need to specify. For example, clustering, partitioning, data
encoding, etc. It is possible to provide these additional parameters by
passing a Python dictionary as `additional_bq_parameters` to the transform.
As an example, to create a table that has specific partitioning, and
clustering properties, one would do the following::

    additional_bq_parameters = {
      'timePartitioning': {'type': 'DAY'},
      'clustering': {'fields': ['country']}}
    with Pipeline() as p:
      elements = (p | beam.Create([
        {'country': 'mexico', 'timestamp': '12:34:56', 'query': 'acapulco'},
        {'country': 'canada', 'timestamp': '12:34:59', 'query': 'influenza'},

      elements |

Much like the schema case, the parameter with `additional_bq_parameters` can
also take a callable that receives a table reference.


*** Short introduction to BigQuery concepts ***
Tables have rows (TableRow) and each row has cells (TableCell).
A table has a schema (TableSchema), which in turn describes the schema of each
cell (TableFieldSchema). The terms field and cell are used interchangeably.

TableSchema: Describes the schema (types and order) for values in each row.
  Has one attribute, 'field', which is list of TableFieldSchema objects.

TableFieldSchema: Describes the schema (type, name) for one field.
  Has several attributes, including 'name' and 'type'. Common values for
  the type attribute are: 'STRING', 'INTEGER', 'FLOAT', 'BOOLEAN', 'NUMERIC',
  All possible values are described at:

TableRow: Holds all values in a table row. Has one attribute, 'f', which is a
  list of TableCell instances.

TableCell: Holds the value for one cell (or field).  Has one attribute,
  'v', which is a JsonValue instance. This class is defined in module.

As of Beam 2.7.0, the NUMERIC data type is supported. This data type supports
high-precision decimal numbers (precision of 38 digits, scale of 9 digits).
The GEOGRAPHY data type works with Well-Known Text (See format for reading and writing
to BigQuery.
BigQuery IO requires values of BYTES datatype to be encoded using base64
encoding when writing to BigQuery.

# pytype: skip-file

from __future__ import absolute_import

import collections
import itertools
import json
import logging
import random
import time
import uuid
from builtins import object
from builtins import zip
from typing import Dict
from typing import Union

from future.utils import itervalues
from past.builtins import unicode

import apache_beam as beam
from apache_beam import coders
from apache_beam import pvalue
from apache_beam.internal.gcp.json_value import from_json_value
from apache_beam.internal.gcp.json_value import to_json_value
from import _create_avro_source as create_avro_source
from import CompressionTypes
from import FileSystems
from import bigquery_tools
from import create_bigquery_io_metadata
from import _BigQueryReadSplit
from import _JsonToDictCoder
from import _PassThroughThenCleanup
from import bigquery_export_destination_uri
from import RetryStrategy
from import bigquery
from import BoundedSource
from import RangeTracker
from import SDFBoundedSourceReader
from import SourceBundle
from import _TextSource as TextSource
from apache_beam.metrics import Metrics
from apache_beam.options import value_provider as vp
from apache_beam.options.pipeline_options import DebugOptions
from apache_beam.options.pipeline_options import GoogleCloudOptions
from apache_beam.options.pipeline_options import StandardOptions
from apache_beam.options.value_provider import StaticValueProvider
from apache_beam.options.value_provider import ValueProvider
from apache_beam.options.value_provider import check_accessible
from apache_beam.runners.dataflow.native_io import iobase as dataflow_io
from apache_beam.transforms import DoFn
from apache_beam.transforms import ParDo
from apache_beam.transforms import PTransform
from apache_beam.transforms.display import DisplayDataItem
from apache_beam.transforms.sideinputs import SIDE_INPUT_PREFIX
from apache_beam.transforms.sideinputs import get_sideinput_index
from apache_beam.transforms.util import ReshufflePerKey
from apache_beam.transforms.window import GlobalWindows
from apache_beam.utils import retry
from apache_beam.utils.annotations import deprecated
from apache_beam.utils.annotations import experimental

  from import DatasetReference
  from import TableReference
except ImportError:
  DatasetReference = None
  TableReference = None

__all__ = [

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
Template for BigQuery jobs created by BigQueryIO. This template is:
`"beam_bq_job_{job_type}_{job_id}_{step_id}_{random}"`, where:

- `job_type` represents the BigQuery job type (e.g. extract / copy / load /
- `job_id` is the Beam job name.
- `step_id` is a UUID representing the the Dataflow step that created the
    BQ job.
- `random` is a random string.

NOTE: This job name template does not have backwards compatibility guarantees.
BQ_JOB_NAME_TEMPLATE = "beam_bq_job_{job_type}_{job_id}_{step_id}{random}"
"""The number of shards per destination when writing via streaming inserts."""

@deprecated(since='2.11.0', current="bigquery_tools.parse_table_reference")
def _parse_table_reference(table, dataset=None, project=None):
  return bigquery_tools.parse_table_reference(table, dataset, project)

    since='2.11.0', current="bigquery_tools.parse_table_schema_from_json")
def parse_table_schema_from_json(schema_string):
  return bigquery_tools.parse_table_schema_from_json(schema_string)

@deprecated(since='2.11.0', current="bigquery_tools.default_encoder")
def default_encoder(obj):
  return bigquery_tools.default_encoder(obj)

@deprecated(since='2.11.0', current="bigquery_tools.RowAsDictJsonCoder")
def RowAsDictJsonCoder(*args, **kwargs):
  return bigquery_tools.RowAsDictJsonCoder(*args, **kwargs)

@deprecated(since='2.11.0', current="bigquery_tools.BigQueryReader")
def BigQueryReader(*args, **kwargs):
  return bigquery_tools.BigQueryReader(*args, **kwargs)

@deprecated(since='2.11.0', current="bigquery_tools.BigQueryWriter")
def BigQueryWriter(*args, **kwargs):
  return bigquery_tools.BigQueryWriter(*args, **kwargs)

@deprecated(since='2.11.0', current="bigquery_tools.BigQueryWrapper")
def BigQueryWrapper(*args, **kwargs):
  return bigquery_tools.BigQueryWrapper(*args, **kwargs)

[docs]class TableRowJsonCoder(coders.Coder): """A coder for a TableRow instance to/from a JSON string. Note that the encoding operation (used when writing to sinks) requires the table schema in order to obtain the ordered list of field names. Reading from sources on the other hand does not need the table schema. """ def __init__(self, table_schema=None): # The table schema is needed for encoding TableRows as JSON (writing to # sinks) because the ordered list of field names is used in the JSON # representation. self.table_schema = table_schema # Precompute field names since we need them for row encoding. if self.table_schema: self.field_names = tuple( for fs in self.table_schema.fields) self.field_types = tuple(fs.type for fs in self.table_schema.fields)
[docs] def encode(self, table_row): if self.table_schema is None: raise AttributeError( 'The TableRowJsonCoder requires a table schema for ' 'encoding operations. Please specify a table_schema argument.') try: return json.dumps( collections.OrderedDict( zip( self.field_names, [from_json_value(f.v) for f in table_row.f])), allow_nan=False, default=bigquery_tools.default_encoder) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError('%s. %s' % (e, bigquery_tools.JSON_COMPLIANCE_ERROR))
[docs] def decode(self, encoded_table_row): od = json.loads( encoded_table_row, object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict) return bigquery.TableRow( f=[bigquery.TableCell(v=to_json_value(e)) for e in itervalues(od)])
[docs]class BigQueryDisposition(object): """Class holding standard strings used for create and write dispositions.""" CREATE_NEVER = 'CREATE_NEVER' CREATE_IF_NEEDED = 'CREATE_IF_NEEDED' WRITE_TRUNCATE = 'WRITE_TRUNCATE' WRITE_APPEND = 'WRITE_APPEND' WRITE_EMPTY = 'WRITE_EMPTY'
[docs] @staticmethod def validate_create(disposition): values = ( BigQueryDisposition.CREATE_NEVER, BigQueryDisposition.CREATE_IF_NEEDED) if disposition not in values: raise ValueError( 'Invalid create disposition %s. Expecting %s' % (disposition, values)) return disposition
[docs] @staticmethod def validate_write(disposition): values = ( BigQueryDisposition.WRITE_TRUNCATE, BigQueryDisposition.WRITE_APPEND, BigQueryDisposition.WRITE_EMPTY) if disposition not in values: raise ValueError( 'Invalid write disposition %s. Expecting %s' % (disposition, values)) return disposition
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # BigQuerySource, BigQuerySink.
[docs]@deprecated(since='2.25.0', current="ReadFromBigQuery") def BigQuerySource( table=None, dataset=None, project=None, query=None, validate=False, coder=None, use_standard_sql=False, flatten_results=True, kms_key=None, use_dataflow_native_source=False): if use_dataflow_native_source: return _BigQuerySource( table, dataset, project, query, validate, coder, use_standard_sql, flatten_results, kms_key) else: return ReadFromBigQuery( table=table, dataset=dataset, project=project, query=query, validate=validate, coder=coder, use_standard_sql=use_standard_sql, flatten_results=flatten_results, use_json_exports=True, kms_key=kms_key)
@deprecated(since='2.25.0', current="ReadFromBigQuery") class _BigQuerySource(dataflow_io.NativeSource): """A source based on a BigQuery table.""" def __init__( self, table=None, dataset=None, project=None, query=None, validate=False, coder=None, use_standard_sql=False, flatten_results=True, kms_key=None, temp_dataset=None): """Initialize a :class:`BigQuerySource`. Args: table (str): The ID of a BigQuery table. If specified all data of the table will be used as input of the current source. The ID must contain only letters ``a-z``, ``A-Z``, numbers ``0-9``, or underscores ``_``. If dataset and query arguments are :data:`None` then the table argument must contain the entire table reference specified as: ``'DATASET.TABLE'`` or ``'PROJECT:DATASET.TABLE'``. dataset (str): The ID of the dataset containing this table or :data:`None` if the table reference is specified entirely by the table argument or a query is specified. project (str): The ID of the project containing this table or :data:`None` if the table reference is specified entirely by the table argument or a query is specified. query (str): A query to be used instead of arguments table, dataset, and project. validate (bool): If :data:`True`, various checks will be done when source gets initialized (e.g., is table present?). This should be :data:`True` for most scenarios in order to catch errors as early as possible (pipeline construction instead of pipeline execution). It should be :data:`False` if the table is created during pipeline execution by a previous step. coder (~apache_beam.coders.coders.Coder): The coder for the table rows if serialized to disk. If :data:`None`, then the default coder is :class:``, which will interpret every line in a file as a JSON serialized dictionary. This argument needs a value only in special cases when returning table rows as dictionaries is not desirable. use_standard_sql (bool): Specifies whether to use BigQuery's standard SQL dialect for this query. The default value is :data:`False`. If set to :data:`True`, the query will use BigQuery's updated SQL dialect with improved standards compliance. This parameter is ignored for table inputs. flatten_results (bool): Flattens all nested and repeated fields in the query results. The default value is :data:`True`. kms_key (str): Optional Cloud KMS key name for use when creating new tables. temp_dataset (````): The dataset in which to create temporary tables when performing file loads. By default, a new dataset is created in the execution project for temporary tables. Raises: ValueError: if any of the following is true: 1) the table reference as a string does not match the expected format 2) neither a table nor a query is specified 3) both a table and a query is specified. """ # Import here to avoid adding the dependency for local running scenarios. try: # pylint: disable=wrong-import-order, wrong-import-position from apitools.base import py # pylint: disable=unused-import except ImportError: raise ImportError( 'Google Cloud IO not available, ' 'please install apache_beam[gcp]') if table is not None and query is not None: raise ValueError( 'Both a BigQuery table and a query were specified.' ' Please specify only one of these.') elif table is None and query is None: raise ValueError('A BigQuery table or a query must be specified') elif table is not None: self.table_reference = bigquery_tools.parse_table_reference( table, dataset, project) self.query = None self.use_legacy_sql = True else: self.query = query # TODO(BEAM-1082): Change the internal flag to be standard_sql self.use_legacy_sql = not use_standard_sql self.table_reference = None self.validate = validate self.flatten_results = flatten_results self.coder = coder or bigquery_tools.RowAsDictJsonCoder() self.kms_key = kms_key self.temp_dataset = temp_dataset def display_data(self): if self.query is not None: res = {'query': DisplayDataItem(self.query, label='Query')} else: if self.table_reference.projectId is not None: tableSpec = '{}:{}.{}'.format( self.table_reference.projectId, self.table_reference.datasetId, self.table_reference.tableId) else: tableSpec = '{}.{}'.format( self.table_reference.datasetId, self.table_reference.tableId) res = {'table': DisplayDataItem(tableSpec, label='Table')} res['validation'] = DisplayDataItem( self.validate, label='Validation Enabled') return res @property def format(self): """Source format name required for remote execution.""" return 'bigquery' def reader(self, test_bigquery_client=None): return bigquery_tools.BigQueryReader( source=self, test_bigquery_client=test_bigquery_client, use_legacy_sql=self.use_legacy_sql, flatten_results=self.flatten_results, kms_key=self.kms_key) class _CustomBigQuerySource(BoundedSource): def __init__( self, gcs_location=None, table=None, dataset=None, project=None, query=None, validate=False, pipeline_options=None, coder=None, use_standard_sql=False, flatten_results=True, kms_key=None, bigquery_job_labels=None, use_json_exports=False, job_name=None, step_name=None, unique_id=None, temp_dataset=None): if table is not None and query is not None: raise ValueError( 'Both a BigQuery table and a query were specified.' ' Please specify only one of these.') elif table is None and query is None: raise ValueError('A BigQuery table or a query must be specified') elif table is not None: self.table_reference = bigquery_tools.parse_table_reference( table, dataset, project) self.query = None self.use_legacy_sql = True else: if isinstance(query, (str, unicode)): query = StaticValueProvider(str, query) self.query = query # TODO(BEAM-1082): Change the internal flag to be standard_sql self.use_legacy_sql = not use_standard_sql self.table_reference = None self.gcs_location = gcs_location self.project = project self.validate = validate self.flatten_results = flatten_results self.coder = coder or _JsonToDictCoder self.kms_key = kms_key self.split_result = None self.options = pipeline_options self.bq_io_metadata = None # Populate in setup, as it may make an RPC self.bigquery_job_labels = bigquery_job_labels or {} self.use_json_exports = use_json_exports self.temp_dataset = temp_dataset self._job_name = job_name or 'BQ_EXPORT_JOB' self._step_name = step_name self._source_uuid = unique_id def _get_bq_metadata(self): if not self.bq_io_metadata: self.bq_io_metadata = create_bigquery_io_metadata(self._step_name) return self.bq_io_metadata def display_data(self): export_format = 'JSON' if self.use_json_exports else 'AVRO' return { 'table': str(self.table_reference), 'query': str(self.query), 'project': str(self.project), 'use_legacy_sql': self.use_legacy_sql, 'bigquery_job_labels': json.dumps(self.bigquery_job_labels), 'export_file_format': export_format, 'launchesBigQueryJobs': DisplayDataItem( True, label="This Dataflow job launches bigquery jobs."), } def estimate_size(self): bq = bigquery_tools.BigQueryWrapper() if self.table_reference is not None: table_ref = self.table_reference if (isinstance(self.table_reference, vp.ValueProvider) and self.table_reference.is_accessible()): table_ref = bigquery_tools.parse_table_reference( table_ref, project=self._get_project()) elif isinstance(self.table_reference, vp.ValueProvider): # Size estimation is best effort. We return None as we have # no access to the table that we're querying. return None if not table_ref.projectId: table_ref.projectId = self._get_project() table = bq.get_table( table_ref.projectId, table_ref.datasetId, table_ref.tableId) return int(table.numBytes) elif self.query is not None and self.query.is_accessible(): project = self._get_project() query_job_name = bigquery_tools.generate_bq_job_name( self._job_name, self._source_uuid, bigquery_tools.BigQueryJobTypes.QUERY, random.randint(0, 1000)) job = bq._start_query_job( project, self.query.get(), self.use_legacy_sql, self.flatten_results, job_id=query_job_name, dry_run=True, kms_key=self.kms_key, job_labels=self._get_bq_metadata().add_additional_bq_job_labels( self.bigquery_job_labels)) size = int(job.statistics.totalBytesProcessed) return size else: # Size estimation is best effort. We return None as we have # no access to the query that we're running. return None def _get_project(self): """Returns the project that queries and exports will be billed to.""" project = self.options.view_as(GoogleCloudOptions).project if isinstance(project, vp.ValueProvider): project = project.get() if self.temp_dataset: return self.temp_dataset.projectId if not project: project = self.project return project def _create_source(self, path, schema): if not self.use_json_exports: return create_avro_source(path, use_fastavro=True) else: return TextSource( path, min_bundle_size=0, compression_type=CompressionTypes.UNCOMPRESSED, strip_trailing_newlines=True, coder=self.coder(schema)) def split(self, desired_bundle_size, start_position=None, stop_position=None): if self.split_result is None: bq = bigquery_tools.BigQueryWrapper( temp_dataset_id=( self.temp_dataset.datasetId if self.temp_dataset else None)) if self.query is not None: self._setup_temporary_dataset(bq) self.table_reference = self._execute_query(bq) if not self.table_reference.projectId: self.table_reference.projectId = self._get_project() schema, metadata_list = self._export_files(bq) self.split_result = [ self._create_source(metadata.path, schema) for metadata in metadata_list ] if self.query is not None: bq.clean_up_temporary_dataset(self._get_project()) for source in self.split_result: yield SourceBundle(0, source, None, None) def get_range_tracker(self, start_position, stop_position): class CustomBigQuerySourceRangeTracker(RangeTracker): """A RangeTracker that always returns positions as None.""" def start_position(self): return None def stop_position(self): return None return CustomBigQuerySourceRangeTracker() def read(self, range_tracker): raise NotImplementedError('BigQuery source must be split before being read') @check_accessible(['query']) def _setup_temporary_dataset(self, bq): location = bq.get_query_location( self._get_project(), self.query.get(), self.use_legacy_sql) bq.create_temporary_dataset(self._get_project(), location) @check_accessible(['query']) def _execute_query(self, bq): query_job_name = bigquery_tools.generate_bq_job_name( self._job_name, self._source_uuid, bigquery_tools.BigQueryJobTypes.QUERY, random.randint(0, 1000)) job = bq._start_query_job( self._get_project(), self.query.get(), self.use_legacy_sql, self.flatten_results, job_id=query_job_name, kms_key=self.kms_key, job_labels=self._get_bq_metadata().add_additional_bq_job_labels( self.bigquery_job_labels)) job_ref = job.jobReference bq.wait_for_bq_job(job_ref, max_retries=0) return bq._get_temp_table(self._get_project()) def _export_files(self, bq): """Runs a BigQuery export job. Returns: bigquery.TableSchema instance, a list of FileMetadata instances """ job_labels = self._get_bq_metadata().add_additional_bq_job_labels( self.bigquery_job_labels) export_job_name = bigquery_tools.generate_bq_job_name( self._job_name, self._source_uuid, bigquery_tools.BigQueryJobTypes.EXPORT, random.randint(0, 1000)) temp_location = self.options.view_as(GoogleCloudOptions).temp_location gcs_location = bigquery_export_destination_uri( self.gcs_location, temp_location, self._source_uuid) if self.use_json_exports: job_ref = bq.perform_extract_job([gcs_location], export_job_name, self.table_reference, bigquery_tools.FileFormat.JSON, project=self._get_project(), job_labels=job_labels, include_header=False) else: job_ref = bq.perform_extract_job([gcs_location], export_job_name, self.table_reference, bigquery_tools.FileFormat.AVRO, project=self._get_project(), include_header=False, job_labels=job_labels, use_avro_logical_types=True) bq.wait_for_bq_job(job_ref) metadata_list = FileSystems.match([gcs_location])[0].metadata_list if isinstance(self.table_reference, vp.ValueProvider): table_ref = bigquery_tools.parse_table_reference( self.table_reference.get(), project=self.project) else: table_ref = self.table_reference table = bq.get_table( table_ref.projectId, table_ref.datasetId, table_ref.tableId) return table.schema, metadata_list
[docs]@deprecated(since='2.11.0', current="WriteToBigQuery") class BigQuerySink(dataflow_io.NativeSink): """A sink based on a BigQuery table. This BigQuery sink triggers a Dataflow native sink for BigQuery that only supports batch pipelines. Instead of using this sink directly, please use WriteToBigQuery transform that works for both batch and streaming pipelines. """ def __init__( self, table, dataset=None, project=None, schema=None, create_disposition=BigQueryDisposition.CREATE_IF_NEEDED, write_disposition=BigQueryDisposition.WRITE_EMPTY, validate=False, coder=None, kms_key=None): """Initialize a BigQuerySink. Args: table (str): The ID of the table. The ID must contain only letters ``a-z``, ``A-Z``, numbers ``0-9``, or underscores ``_``. If **dataset** argument is :data:`None` then the table argument must contain the entire table reference specified as: ``'DATASET.TABLE'`` or ``'PROJECT:DATASET.TABLE'``. dataset (str): The ID of the dataset containing this table or :data:`None` if the table reference is specified entirely by the table argument. project (str): The ID of the project containing this table or :data:`None` if the table reference is specified entirely by the table argument. schema (str): The schema to be used if the BigQuery table to write has to be created. This can be either specified as a :class:`\ bigquery_v2_messages.TableSchema` object or a single string of the form ``'field1:type1,field2:type2,field3:type3'`` that defines a comma separated list of fields. Here ``'type'`` should specify the BigQuery type of the field. Single string based schemas do not support nested fields, repeated fields, or specifying a BigQuery mode for fields (mode will always be set to ``'NULLABLE'``). create_disposition (BigQueryDisposition): A string describing what happens if the table does not exist. Possible values are: * :attr:`BigQueryDisposition.CREATE_IF_NEEDED`: create if does not exist. * :attr:`BigQueryDisposition.CREATE_NEVER`: fail the write if does not exist. write_disposition (BigQueryDisposition): A string describing what happens if the table has already some data. Possible values are: * :attr:`BigQueryDisposition.WRITE_TRUNCATE`: delete existing rows. * :attr:`BigQueryDisposition.WRITE_APPEND`: add to existing rows. * :attr:`BigQueryDisposition.WRITE_EMPTY`: fail the write if table not empty. validate (bool): If :data:`True`, various checks will be done when sink gets initialized (e.g., is table present given the disposition arguments?). This should be :data:`True` for most scenarios in order to catch errors as early as possible (pipeline construction instead of pipeline execution). It should be :data:`False` if the table is created during pipeline execution by a previous step. coder (~apache_beam.coders.coders.Coder): The coder for the table rows if serialized to disk. If :data:`None`, then the default coder is :class:``, which will interpret every element written to the sink as a dictionary that will be JSON serialized as a line in a file. This argument needs a value only in special cases when writing table rows as dictionaries is not desirable. kms_key (str): Optional Cloud KMS key name for use when creating new tables. Raises: TypeError: if the schema argument is not a :class:`str` or a :class:`\ bigquery_v2_messages.TableSchema` object. ValueError: if the table reference as a string does not match the expected format. """ # Import here to avoid adding the dependency for local running scenarios. try: # pylint: disable=wrong-import-order, wrong-import-position from apitools.base import py # pylint: disable=unused-import except ImportError: raise ImportError( 'Google Cloud IO not available, ' 'please install apache_beam[gcp]') self.table_reference = bigquery_tools.parse_table_reference( table, dataset, project) # Transform the table schema into a bigquery.TableSchema instance. if isinstance(schema, (str, unicode)): # TODO(silviuc): Should add a regex-based validation of the format. table_schema = bigquery.TableSchema() schema_list = [s.strip(' ') for s in schema.split(',')] for field_and_type in schema_list: field_name, field_type = field_and_type.split(':') field_schema = bigquery.TableFieldSchema() = field_name field_schema.type = field_type field_schema.mode = 'NULLABLE' table_schema.fields.append(field_schema) self.table_schema = table_schema elif schema is None: # TODO(silviuc): Should check that table exists if no schema specified. self.table_schema = schema elif isinstance(schema, bigquery.TableSchema): self.table_schema = schema else: raise TypeError('Unexpected schema argument: %s.' % schema) self.create_disposition = BigQueryDisposition.validate_create( create_disposition) self.write_disposition = BigQueryDisposition.validate_write( write_disposition) self.validate = validate self.coder = coder or bigquery_tools.RowAsDictJsonCoder() self.kms_key = kms_key
[docs] def display_data(self): res = {} if self.table_reference is not None: tableSpec = '{}.{}'.format( self.table_reference.datasetId, self.table_reference.tableId) if self.table_reference.projectId is not None: tableSpec = '{}:{}'.format(self.table_reference.projectId, tableSpec) res['table'] = DisplayDataItem(tableSpec, label='Table') res['validation'] = DisplayDataItem( self.validate, label="Validation Enabled") return res
[docs] def schema_as_json(self): """Returns the TableSchema associated with the sink as a JSON string.""" def schema_list_as_object(schema_list): """Returns a list of TableFieldSchema objects as a list of dicts.""" fields = [] for f in schema_list: fs = {'name':, 'type': f.type} if f.description is not None: fs['description'] = f.description if f.mode is not None: fs['mode'] = f.mode if f.type.lower() == 'record': fs['fields'] = schema_list_as_object(f.fields) fields.append(fs) return fields return json.dumps( {'fields': schema_list_as_object(self.table_schema.fields)})
@property def format(self): """Sink format name required for remote execution.""" return 'bigquery'
[docs] def writer(self, test_bigquery_client=None, buffer_size=None): return bigquery_tools.BigQueryWriter( sink=self, test_bigquery_client=test_bigquery_client, buffer_size=buffer_size)
_KNOWN_TABLES = set() class BigQueryWriteFn(DoFn): """A ``DoFn`` that streams writes to BigQuery once the table is created.""" DEFAULT_MAX_BUFFERED_ROWS = 2000 DEFAULT_MAX_BATCH_SIZE = 500 FAILED_ROWS = 'FailedRows' STREAMING_API_LOGGING_FREQUENCY_SEC = 300 def __init__( self, batch_size, schema=None, create_disposition=None, write_disposition=None, kms_key=None, test_client=None, max_buffered_rows=None, retry_strategy=None, additional_bq_parameters=None, ignore_insert_ids=False): """Initialize a WriteToBigQuery transform. Args: batch_size: Number of rows to be written to BQ per streaming API insert. schema: The schema to be used if the BigQuery table to write has to be created. This can be either specified as a 'bigquery.TableSchema' object or a single string of the form 'field1:type1,field2:type2,field3:type3' that defines a comma separated list of fields. Here 'type' should specify the BigQuery type of the field. Single string based schemas do not support nested fields, repeated fields, or specifying a BigQuery mode for fields (mode will always be set to 'NULLABLE'). create_disposition: A string describing what happens if the table does not exist. Possible values are: - BigQueryDisposition.CREATE_IF_NEEDED: create if does not exist. - BigQueryDisposition.CREATE_NEVER: fail the write if does not exist. write_disposition: A string describing what happens if the table has already some data. Possible values are: - BigQueryDisposition.WRITE_TRUNCATE: delete existing rows. - BigQueryDisposition.WRITE_APPEND: add to existing rows. - BigQueryDisposition.WRITE_EMPTY: fail the write if table not empty. For streaming pipelines WriteTruncate can not be used. kms_key: Optional Cloud KMS key name for use when creating new tables. test_client: Override the default bigquery client used for testing. max_buffered_rows: The maximum number of rows that are allowed to stay buffered when running dynamic destinations. When destinations are dynamic, it is important to keep caches small even when a single batch has not been completely filled up. retry_strategy: The strategy to use when retrying streaming inserts into BigQuery. Options are shown in bigquery_tools.RetryStrategy attrs. additional_bq_parameters (dict, callable): A set of additional parameters to be passed when creating a BigQuery table. These are passed when triggering a load job for FILE_LOADS, and when creating a new table for STREAMING_INSERTS. ignore_insert_ids: When using the STREAMING_INSERTS method to write data to BigQuery, `insert_ids` are a feature of BigQuery that support deduplication of events. If your use case is not sensitive to duplication of data inserted to BigQuery, set `ignore_insert_ids` to True to increase the throughput for BQ writing. See: """ self.schema = schema self.test_client = test_client self.create_disposition = create_disposition self.write_disposition = write_disposition if write_disposition in (BigQueryDisposition.WRITE_EMPTY, BigQueryDisposition.WRITE_TRUNCATE): raise ValueError( 'Write disposition %s is not supported for' ' streaming inserts to BigQuery' % write_disposition) self._rows_buffer = [] self._reset_rows_buffer() self._total_buffered_rows = 0 self.kms_key = kms_key self._max_batch_size = batch_size or BigQueryWriteFn.DEFAULT_MAX_BATCH_SIZE self._max_buffered_rows = ( max_buffered_rows or BigQueryWriteFn.DEFAULT_MAX_BUFFERED_ROWS) self._retry_strategy = retry_strategy or RetryStrategy.RETRY_ALWAYS self.ignore_insert_ids = ignore_insert_ids self.additional_bq_parameters = additional_bq_parameters or {} # accumulate the total time spent in exponential backoff self._throttled_secs = Metrics.counter( BigQueryWriteFn, "cumulativeThrottlingSeconds") self.batch_size_metric = Metrics.distribution(self.__class__, "batch_size") self.batch_latency_metric = Metrics.distribution( self.__class__, "batch_latency_ms") self.failed_rows_metric = Metrics.distribution( self.__class__, "rows_failed_per_batch") self.bigquery_wrapper = None self.streaming_api_logging_frequency_sec = ( BigQueryWriteFn.STREAMING_API_LOGGING_FREQUENCY_SEC) def display_data(self): return { 'max_batch_size': self._max_batch_size, 'max_buffered_rows': self._max_buffered_rows, 'retry_strategy': self._retry_strategy, 'create_disposition': str(self.create_disposition), 'write_disposition': str(self.write_disposition), 'additional_bq_parameters': str(self.additional_bq_parameters), 'ignore_insert_ids': str(self.ignore_insert_ids) } def _reset_rows_buffer(self): self._rows_buffer = collections.defaultdict(lambda: []) @staticmethod def get_table_schema(schema): """Transform the table schema into a bigquery.TableSchema instance. Args: schema: The schema to be used if the BigQuery table to write has to be created. This is a dictionary object created in the WriteToBigQuery transform. Returns: table_schema: The schema to be used if the BigQuery table to write has to be created but in the bigquery.TableSchema format. """ if schema is None: return schema elif isinstance(schema, (str, unicode)): return bigquery_tools.parse_table_schema_from_json(schema) elif isinstance(schema, dict): return bigquery_tools.parse_table_schema_from_json(json.dumps(schema)) else: raise TypeError('Unexpected schema argument: %s.' % schema) def start_bundle(self): self._reset_rows_buffer() if not self.bigquery_wrapper: self.bigquery_wrapper = bigquery_tools.BigQueryWrapper( client=self.test_client) ( bigquery_tools.BigQueryWrapper.HISTOGRAM_METRIC_LOGGER. minimum_logging_frequency_msec ) = self.streaming_api_logging_frequency_sec * 1000 self._backoff_calculator = iter( retry.FuzzedExponentialIntervals( initial_delay_secs=0.2, num_retries=10000, max_delay_secs=1500)) def _create_table_if_needed(self, table_reference, schema=None): str_table_reference = '%s:%s.%s' % ( table_reference.projectId, table_reference.datasetId, table_reference.tableId) if str_table_reference in _KNOWN_TABLES: return if self.create_disposition == BigQueryDisposition.CREATE_NEVER: # If we never want to create the table, we assume it already exists, # and avoid the get-or-create step. return _LOGGER.debug( 'Creating or getting table %s with schema %s.', table_reference, schema) table_schema = self.get_table_schema(schema) if table_reference.projectId is None: table_reference.projectId = vp.RuntimeValueProvider.get_value( 'project', str, '') self.bigquery_wrapper.get_or_create_table( table_reference.projectId, table_reference.datasetId, table_reference.tableId, table_schema, self.create_disposition, self.write_disposition, additional_create_parameters=self.additional_bq_parameters) _KNOWN_TABLES.add(str_table_reference) def process(self, element, *schema_side_inputs): destination = element[0] if callable(self.schema): schema = self.schema(destination, *schema_side_inputs) elif isinstance(self.schema, vp.ValueProvider): schema = self.schema.get() else: schema = self.schema self._create_table_if_needed( bigquery_tools.parse_table_reference(destination), schema) destination = bigquery_tools.get_hashable_destination(destination) row_and_insert_id = element[1] self._rows_buffer[destination].append(row_and_insert_id) self._total_buffered_rows += 1 if len(self._rows_buffer[destination]) >= self._max_batch_size: return self._flush_batch(destination) elif self._total_buffered_rows >= self._max_buffered_rows: return self._flush_all_batches() def finish_bundle(self): bigquery_tools.BigQueryWrapper.HISTOGRAM_METRIC_LOGGER.log_metrics( reset_after_logging=True) return self._flush_all_batches() def _flush_all_batches(self): _LOGGER.debug( 'Attempting to flush to all destinations. Total buffered: %s', self._total_buffered_rows) return itertools.chain( *[ self._flush_batch(destination) for destination in list(self._rows_buffer.keys()) if self._rows_buffer[destination] ]) def _flush_batch(self, destination): # Flush the current batch of rows to BigQuery. rows_and_insert_ids = self._rows_buffer[destination] table_reference = bigquery_tools.parse_table_reference(destination) if table_reference.projectId is None: table_reference.projectId = vp.RuntimeValueProvider.get_value( 'project', str, '') _LOGGER.debug( 'Flushing data to %s. Total %s rows.', destination, len(rows_and_insert_ids)) self.batch_size_metric.update(len(rows_and_insert_ids)) rows = [r[0] for r in rows_and_insert_ids] if self.ignore_insert_ids: insert_ids = None else: insert_ids = [r[1] for r in rows_and_insert_ids] while True: start = time.time() passed, errors = self.bigquery_wrapper.insert_rows( project_id=table_reference.projectId, dataset_id=table_reference.datasetId, table_id=table_reference.tableId, rows=rows, insert_ids=insert_ids, skip_invalid_rows=True) self.batch_latency_metric.update((time.time() - start) * 1000) failed_rows = [rows[entry.index] for entry in errors] should_retry = any( RetryStrategy.should_retry( self._retry_strategy, entry.errors[0].reason) for entry in errors) if not passed: self.failed_rows_metric.update(len(failed_rows)) message = ( 'There were errors inserting to BigQuery. Will{} retry. ' 'Errors were {}'.format(("" if should_retry else " not"), errors)) if should_retry: _LOGGER.warning(message) else: _LOGGER.error(message) rows = failed_rows if not should_retry: break else: retry_backoff = next(self._backoff_calculator) 'Sleeping %s seconds before retrying insertion.', retry_backoff) time.sleep(retry_backoff) self._total_buffered_rows -= len(self._rows_buffer[destination]) del self._rows_buffer[destination] return [ pvalue.TaggedOutput( BigQueryWriteFn.FAILED_ROWS, GlobalWindows.windowed_value((destination, row))) for row in failed_rows ] class _StreamToBigQuery(PTransform): def __init__( self, table_reference, table_side_inputs, schema_side_inputs, schema, batch_size, create_disposition, write_disposition, kms_key, retry_strategy, additional_bq_parameters, ignore_insert_ids, test_client=None): self.table_reference = table_reference self.table_side_inputs = table_side_inputs self.schema_side_inputs = schema_side_inputs self.schema = schema self.batch_size = batch_size self.create_disposition = create_disposition self.write_disposition = write_disposition self.kms_key = kms_key self.retry_strategy = retry_strategy self.test_client = test_client self.additional_bq_parameters = additional_bq_parameters self.ignore_insert_ids = ignore_insert_ids class InsertIdPrefixFn(DoFn): def __init__(self, shards=DEFAULT_SHARDS_PER_DESTINATION): self.shards = shards def start_bundle(self): self.prefix = str(uuid.uuid4()) self._row_count = 0 def process(self, element): key = element[0] value = element[1] key = (key, random.randint(0, self.shards)) insert_id = '%s-%s' % (self.prefix, self._row_count) self._row_count += 1 yield (key, (value, insert_id)) def expand(self, input): bigquery_write_fn = BigQueryWriteFn( schema=self.schema, batch_size=self.batch_size, create_disposition=self.create_disposition, write_disposition=self.write_disposition, kms_key=self.kms_key, retry_strategy=self.retry_strategy, test_client=self.test_client, additional_bq_parameters=self.additional_bq_parameters, ignore_insert_ids=self.ignore_insert_ids) def drop_shard(elms): key_and_shard = elms[0] key = key_and_shard[0] value = elms[1] return (key, value) sharded_data = ( input | 'AppendDestination' >> beam.ParDo( bigquery_tools.AppendDestinationsFn(self.table_reference), *self.table_side_inputs) | 'AddInsertIdsWithRandomKeys' >> beam.ParDo( _StreamToBigQuery.InsertIdPrefixFn())) if not self.ignore_insert_ids: sharded_data = (sharded_data | 'CommitInsertIds' >> ReshufflePerKey()) return ( sharded_data | 'DropShard' >> beam.Map(drop_shard) | 'StreamInsertRows' >> ParDo( bigquery_write_fn, *self.schema_side_inputs).with_outputs( BigQueryWriteFn.FAILED_ROWS, main='main')) # Flag to be passed to WriteToBigQuery to force schema autodetection SCHEMA_AUTODETECT = 'SCHEMA_AUTODETECT'
[docs]class WriteToBigQuery(PTransform): """Write data to BigQuery. This transform receives a PCollection of elements to be inserted into BigQuery tables. The elements would come in as Python dictionaries, or as `TableRow` instances. """
def __init__( self, table, dataset=None, project=None, schema=None, create_disposition=BigQueryDisposition.CREATE_IF_NEEDED, write_disposition=BigQueryDisposition.WRITE_APPEND, kms_key=None, batch_size=None, max_file_size=None, max_files_per_bundle=None, test_client=None, custom_gcs_temp_location=None, method=None, insert_retry_strategy=None, additional_bq_parameters=None, table_side_inputs=None, schema_side_inputs=None, triggering_frequency=None, validate=True, temp_file_format=None, ignore_insert_ids=False): """Initialize a WriteToBigQuery transform. Args: table (str, callable, ValueProvider): The ID of the table, or a callable that returns it. The ID must contain only letters ``a-z``, ``A-Z``, numbers ``0-9``, or underscores ``_``. If dataset argument is :data:`None` then the table argument must contain the entire table reference specified as: ``'DATASET.TABLE'`` or ``'PROJECT:DATASET.TABLE'``. If it's a callable, it must receive one argument representing an element to be written to BigQuery, and return a TableReference, or a string table name as specified above. Multiple destinations are only supported on Batch pipelines at the moment. dataset (str): The ID of the dataset containing this table or :data:`None` if the table reference is specified entirely by the table argument. project (str): The ID of the project containing this table or :data:`None` if the table reference is specified entirely by the table argument. schema (str,dict,ValueProvider,callable): The schema to be used if the BigQuery table to write has to be created. This can be either specified as a :class:`\ bigquery_v2_messages.TableSchema`. or a `ValueProvider` that has a JSON string, or a python dictionary, or the string or dictionary itself, object or a single string of the form ``'field1:type1,field2:type2,field3:type3'`` that defines a comma separated list of fields. Here ``'type'`` should specify the BigQuery type of the field. Single string based schemas do not support nested fields, repeated fields, or specifying a BigQuery mode for fields (mode will always be set to ``'NULLABLE'``). If a callable, then it should receive a destination (in the form of a TableReference or a string, and return a str, dict or TableSchema. One may also pass ``SCHEMA_AUTODETECT`` here when using JSON-based file loads, and BigQuery will try to infer the schema for the files that are being loaded. create_disposition (BigQueryDisposition): A string describing what happens if the table does not exist. Possible values are: * :attr:`BigQueryDisposition.CREATE_IF_NEEDED`: create if does not exist. * :attr:`BigQueryDisposition.CREATE_NEVER`: fail the write if does not exist. write_disposition (BigQueryDisposition): A string describing what happens if the table has already some data. Possible values are: * :attr:`BigQueryDisposition.WRITE_TRUNCATE`: delete existing rows. * :attr:`BigQueryDisposition.WRITE_APPEND`: add to existing rows. * :attr:`BigQueryDisposition.WRITE_EMPTY`: fail the write if table not empty. For streaming pipelines WriteTruncate can not be used. kms_key (str): Optional Cloud KMS key name for use when creating new tables. batch_size (int): Number of rows to be written to BQ per streaming API insert. The default is 500. insert. test_client: Override the default bigquery client used for testing. max_file_size (int): The maximum size for a file to be written and then loaded into BigQuery. The default value is 4TB, which is 80% of the limit of 5TB for BigQuery to load any file. max_files_per_bundle(int): The maximum number of files to be concurrently written by a worker. The default here is 20. Larger values will allow writing to multiple destinations without having to reshard - but they increase the memory burden on the workers. custom_gcs_temp_location (str): A GCS location to store files to be used for file loads into BigQuery. By default, this will use the pipeline's temp_location, but for pipelines whose temp_location is not appropriate for BQ File Loads, users should pass a specific one. method: The method to use to write to BigQuery. It may be STREAMING_INSERTS, FILE_LOADS, or DEFAULT. An introduction on loading data to BigQuery: DEFAULT will use STREAMING_INSERTS on Streaming pipelines and FILE_LOADS on Batch pipelines. insert_retry_strategy: The strategy to use when retrying streaming inserts into BigQuery. Options are shown in bigquery_tools.RetryStrategy attrs. Default is to retry always. This means that whenever there are rows that fail to be inserted to BigQuery, they will be retried indefinitely. Other retry strategy settings will produce a deadletter PCollection as output. Appropriate values are: * `RetryStrategy.RETRY_ALWAYS`: retry all rows if there are any kind of errors. Note that this will hold your pipeline back if there are errors until you cancel or update it. * `RetryStrategy.RETRY_NEVER`: rows with errors will not be retried. Instead they will be output to a dead letter queue under the `'FailedRows'` tag. * `RetryStrategy.RETRY_ON_TRANSIENT_ERROR`: retry rows with transient errors (e.g. timeouts). Rows with permanent errors will be output to dead letter queue under `'FailedRows'` tag. additional_bq_parameters (callable): A function that returns a dictionary with additional parameters to pass to BQ when creating / loading data into a table. These can be 'timePartitioning', 'clustering', etc. They are passed directly to the job load configuration. See table_side_inputs (tuple): A tuple with ``AsSideInput`` PCollections to be passed to the table callable (if one is provided). schema_side_inputs: A tuple with ``AsSideInput`` PCollections to be passed to the schema callable (if one is provided). triggering_frequency (int): Every triggering_frequency duration, a BigQuery load job will be triggered for all the data written since the last load job. BigQuery has limits on how many load jobs can be triggered per day, so be careful not to set this duration too low, or you may exceed daily quota. Often this is set to 5 or 10 minutes to ensure that the project stays well under the BigQuery quota. See for more information about BigQuery quotas. validate: Indicates whether to perform validation checks on inputs. This parameter is primarily used for testing. temp_file_format: The format to use for file loads into BigQuery. The options are NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON or AVRO, with NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON being used by default. For advantages and limitations of the two formats, see and ignore_insert_ids: When using the STREAMING_INSERTS method to write data to BigQuery, `insert_ids` are a feature of BigQuery that support deduplication of events. If your use case is not sensitive to duplication of data inserted to BigQuery, set `ignore_insert_ids` to True to increase the throughput for BQ writing. See: """ self._table = table self._dataset = dataset self._project = project self.table_reference = bigquery_tools.parse_table_reference( table, dataset, project) self.create_disposition = BigQueryDisposition.validate_create( create_disposition) self.write_disposition = BigQueryDisposition.validate_write( write_disposition) if schema == SCHEMA_AUTODETECT: self.schema = schema else: self.schema = bigquery_tools.get_dict_table_schema(schema) self.batch_size = batch_size self.kms_key = kms_key self.test_client = test_client # TODO(pabloem): Consider handling ValueProvider for this location. self.custom_gcs_temp_location = custom_gcs_temp_location self.max_file_size = max_file_size self.max_files_per_bundle = max_files_per_bundle self.method = method or WriteToBigQuery.Method.DEFAULT self.triggering_frequency = triggering_frequency self.insert_retry_strategy = insert_retry_strategy self._validate = validate self._temp_file_format = temp_file_format or bigquery_tools.FileFormat.JSON self.additional_bq_parameters = additional_bq_parameters or {} self.table_side_inputs = table_side_inputs or () self.schema_side_inputs = schema_side_inputs or () self._ignore_insert_ids = ignore_insert_ids # Dict/schema methods were moved to bigquery_tools, but keep references # here for backward compatibility. get_table_schema_from_string = \ staticmethod(bigquery_tools.get_table_schema_from_string) table_schema_to_dict = staticmethod(bigquery_tools.table_schema_to_dict) get_dict_table_schema = staticmethod(bigquery_tools.get_dict_table_schema) def _compute_method(self, experiments, is_streaming_pipeline): # If the new BQ sink is not activated for experiment flags, then we use # streaming inserts by default (it gets overridden in if self.method == self.Method.DEFAULT and is_streaming_pipeline: return self.Method.STREAMING_INSERTS elif self.method == self.Method.DEFAULT and not is_streaming_pipeline: return self.Method.FILE_LOADS else: return self.method
[docs] def expand(self, pcoll): p = pcoll.pipeline if (isinstance(self.table_reference, TableReference) and self.table_reference.projectId is None): self.table_reference.projectId = pcoll.pipeline.options.view_as( GoogleCloudOptions).project experiments = p.options.view_as(DebugOptions).experiments or [] # TODO(pabloem): Use a different method to determine if streaming or batch. is_streaming_pipeline = p.options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming method_to_use = self._compute_method(experiments, is_streaming_pipeline) if method_to_use == WriteToBigQuery.Method.STREAMING_INSERTS: if self.schema == SCHEMA_AUTODETECT: raise ValueError( 'Schema auto-detection is not supported for streaming ' 'inserts into BigQuery. Only for File Loads.') if self.triggering_frequency: raise ValueError( 'triggering_frequency can only be used with ' 'FILE_LOADS method of writing to BigQuery.') outputs = pcoll | _StreamToBigQuery( self.table_reference, self.table_side_inputs, self.schema_side_inputs, self.schema, self.batch_size, self.create_disposition, self.write_disposition, self.kms_key, self.insert_retry_strategy, self.additional_bq_parameters, self._ignore_insert_ids, test_client=self.test_client) return {BigQueryWriteFn.FAILED_ROWS: outputs[BigQueryWriteFn.FAILED_ROWS]} else: if self._temp_file_format == bigquery_tools.FileFormat.AVRO: if self.schema == SCHEMA_AUTODETECT: raise ValueError( 'Schema auto-detection is not supported when using Avro based ' 'file loads into BigQuery. Please specify a schema or set ' 'temp_file_format="NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON"') if self.schema is None: raise ValueError( 'A schema must be provided when writing to BigQuery using ' 'Avro based file loads') from import bigquery_file_loads return pcoll | bigquery_file_loads.BigQueryBatchFileLoads( destination=self.table_reference, schema=self.schema, create_disposition=self.create_disposition, write_disposition=self.write_disposition, triggering_frequency=self.triggering_frequency, temp_file_format=self._temp_file_format, max_file_size=self.max_file_size, max_files_per_bundle=self.max_files_per_bundle, custom_gcs_temp_location=self.custom_gcs_temp_location, test_client=self.test_client, table_side_inputs=self.table_side_inputs, schema_side_inputs=self.schema_side_inputs, additional_bq_parameters=self.additional_bq_parameters, validate=self._validate, is_streaming_pipeline=is_streaming_pipeline)
[docs] def display_data(self): res = {} if self.table_reference is not None: tableSpec = '{}.{}'.format( self.table_reference.datasetId, self.table_reference.tableId) if self.table_reference.projectId is not None: tableSpec = '{}:{}'.format(self.table_reference.projectId, tableSpec) res['table'] = DisplayDataItem(tableSpec, label='Table') return res
[docs] def to_runner_api_parameter(self, context): from apache_beam.internal import pickler # It'd be nice to name these according to their actual # names/positions in the orignal argument list, but such a # transformation is currently irreversible given how # remove_objects_from_args and insert_values_in_args # are currently implemented. def serialize(side_inputs): return {(SIDE_INPUT_PREFIX + '%s') % ix: si.to_runner_api(context).SerializeToString() for ix, si in enumerate(side_inputs)} table_side_inputs = serialize(self.table_side_inputs) schema_side_inputs = serialize(self.schema_side_inputs) config = { 'table': self._table, 'dataset': self._dataset, 'project': self._project, 'schema': self.schema, 'create_disposition': self.create_disposition, 'write_disposition': self.write_disposition, 'kms_key': self.kms_key, 'batch_size': self.batch_size, 'max_file_size': self.max_file_size, 'max_files_per_bundle': self.max_files_per_bundle, 'custom_gcs_temp_location': self.custom_gcs_temp_location, 'method': self.method, 'insert_retry_strategy': self.insert_retry_strategy, 'additional_bq_parameters': self.additional_bq_parameters, 'table_side_inputs': table_side_inputs, 'schema_side_inputs': schema_side_inputs, 'triggering_frequency': self.triggering_frequency, 'validate': self._validate, 'temp_file_format': self._temp_file_format, } return 'beam:transform:write_to_big_query:v0', pickler.dumps(config)
[docs] @PTransform.register_urn('beam:transform:write_to_big_query:v0', bytes) def from_runner_api(unused_ptransform, payload, context): from apache_beam.internal import pickler from apache_beam.portability.api.beam_runner_api_pb2 import SideInput config = pickler.loads(payload) def deserialize(side_inputs): deserialized_side_inputs = {} for k, v in side_inputs.items(): side_input = SideInput() side_input.ParseFromString(v) deserialized_side_inputs[k] = side_input # This is an ordered list stored as a dict (see the comments in # to_runner_api_parameter above). indexed_side_inputs = [( get_sideinput_index(tag), pvalue.AsSideInput.from_runner_api(si, context)) for tag, si in deserialized_side_inputs.items()] return [si for _, si in sorted(indexed_side_inputs)] config['table_side_inputs'] = deserialize(config['table_side_inputs']) config['schema_side_inputs'] = deserialize(config['schema_side_inputs']) return WriteToBigQuery(**config)
[docs]class ReadFromBigQuery(PTransform): """Read data from BigQuery. This PTransform uses a BigQuery export job to take a snapshot of the table on GCS, and then reads from each produced file. File format is Avro by default. Args: table (str, callable, ValueProvider): The ID of the table, or a callable that returns it. The ID must contain only letters ``a-z``, ``A-Z``, numbers ``0-9``, or underscores ``_``. If dataset argument is :data:`None` then the table argument must contain the entire table reference specified as: ``'DATASET.TABLE'`` or ``'PROJECT:DATASET.TABLE'``. If it's a callable, it must receive one argument representing an element to be written to BigQuery, and return a TableReference, or a string table name as specified above. dataset (str): The ID of the dataset containing this table or :data:`None` if the table reference is specified entirely by the table argument. project (str): The ID of the project containing this table. query (str, ValueProvider): A query to be used instead of arguments table, dataset, and project. validate (bool): If :data:`True`, various checks will be done when source gets initialized (e.g., is table present?). This should be :data:`True` for most scenarios in order to catch errors as early as possible (pipeline construction instead of pipeline execution). It should be :data:`False` if the table is created during pipeline execution by a previous step. coder (~apache_beam.coders.coders.Coder): The coder for the table rows. If :data:`None`, then the default coder is _JsonToDictCoder, which will interpret every row as a JSON serialized dictionary. use_standard_sql (bool): Specifies whether to use BigQuery's standard SQL dialect for this query. The default value is :data:`False`. If set to :data:`True`, the query will use BigQuery's updated SQL dialect with improved standards compliance. This parameter is ignored for table inputs. flatten_results (bool): Flattens all nested and repeated fields in the query results. The default value is :data:`True`. kms_key (str): Optional Cloud KMS key name for use when creating new temporary tables. gcs_location (str, ValueProvider): The name of the Google Cloud Storage bucket where the extracted table should be written as a string or a :class:`~apache_beam.options.value_provider.ValueProvider`. If :data:`None`, then the temp_location parameter is used. bigquery_job_labels (dict): A dictionary with string labels to be passed to BigQuery export and query jobs created by this transform. See:\ Job#JobConfiguration use_json_exports (bool): By default, this transform works by exporting BigQuery data into Avro files, and reading those files. With this parameter, the transform will instead export to JSON files. JSON files are slower to read due to their larger size. When using JSON exports, the BigQuery types for DATE, DATETIME, TIME, and TIMESTAMP will be exported as strings. This behavior is consistent with BigQuerySource. When using Avro exports, these fields will be exported as native Python types (, datetime.datetime, datetime.datetime, and datetime.datetime respectively). Avro exports are recommended. To learn more about BigQuery types, and Time-related type representations, see:\ standard-sql/data-types To learn more about type conversions between BigQuery and Avro, see:\ #avro_conversions """ COUNTER = 0 def __init__(self, gcs_location=None, *args, **kwargs): if gcs_location: if not isinstance(gcs_location, (str, unicode, ValueProvider)): raise TypeError( '%s: gcs_location must be of type string' ' or ValueProvider; got %r instead' % (self.__class__.__name__, type(gcs_location))) if isinstance(gcs_location, (str, unicode)): gcs_location = StaticValueProvider(str, gcs_location) self.gcs_location = gcs_location self._args = args self._kwargs = kwargs
[docs] def expand(self, pcoll): # TODO(BEAM-11115): Make ReadFromBQ rely on ReadAllFromBQ implementation. temp_location = pcoll.pipeline.options.view_as( GoogleCloudOptions).temp_location job_name = pcoll.pipeline.options.view_as(GoogleCloudOptions).job_name gcs_location_vp = self.gcs_location unique_id = str(uuid.uuid4())[0:10] def file_path_to_remove(unused_elm): gcs_location = bigquery_export_destination_uri( gcs_location_vp, temp_location, unique_id, True) return gcs_location + '/' files_to_remove_pcoll = beam.pvalue.AsList( pcoll.pipeline | 'FilesToRemoveImpulse' >> beam.Create([None]) | 'MapFilesToRemove' >> beam.Map(file_path_to_remove)) try: step_name = self.label except AttributeError: step_name = 'ReadFromBigQuery_%d' % ReadFromBigQuery.COUNTER ReadFromBigQuery.COUNTER += 1 return ( pcoll | _CustomBigQuerySource( gcs_location=self.gcs_location, pipeline_options=pcoll.pipeline.options, job_name=job_name, step_name=step_name, unique_id=unique_id, *self._args, **self._kwargs)) | _PassThroughThenCleanup(files_to_remove_pcoll))
[docs]class ReadFromBigQueryRequest: """ Class that defines data to read from BQ. """ def __init__( self, query: str = None, use_standard_sql: bool = True, table: Union[str, TableReference] = None, flatten_results: bool = False): """ Only one of query or table should be specified. :param query: SQL query to fetch data. :param use_standard_sql: Specifies whether to use BigQuery's standard SQL dialect for this query. The default value is :data:`True`. If set to :data:`False`, the query will use BigQuery's legacy SQL dialect. This parameter is ignored for table inputs. :param table: The ID of the table to read. The ID must contain only letters ``a-z``, ``A-Z``, numbers ``0-9``, or underscores ``_``. Table should define project and dataset (ex.: ``'PROJECT:DATASET.TABLE'``). :param flatten_results: Flattens all nested and repeated fields in the query results. The default value is :data:`False`. """ self.flatten_results = flatten_results self.query = query self.use_standard_sql = use_standard_sql self.table = table self.validate() # We use this internal object ID to generate BigQuery export directories. self.obj_id = random.randint(0, 100000)
[docs] def validate(self): if self.table is not None and self.query is not None: raise ValueError( 'Both a BigQuery table and a query were specified.' ' Please specify only one of these.') elif self.table is None and self.query is None: raise ValueError('A BigQuery table or a query must be specified') if self.table is not None: if isinstance(self.table, str): assert self.table.find('.'), ( 'Expected a table reference ' '(PROJECT:DATASET.TABLE or DATASET.TABLE) instead of %s' % self.table)
[docs]@experimental() class ReadAllFromBigQuery(PTransform): """Read data from BigQuery. PTransform:ReadFromBigQueryRequest->Rows This PTransform uses a BigQuery export job to take a snapshot of the table on GCS, and then reads from each produced file. Data is exported into a new subdirectory for each export using UUIDs generated in `ReadFromBigQueryRequest` objects. It is recommended not to use this PTransform for streaming jobs on GlobalWindow, since it will not be able to cleanup snapshots. Args: gcs_location (str): The name of the Google Cloud Storage bucket where the extracted table should be written as a string. If :data:`None`, then the temp_location parameter is used. validate (bool): If :data:`True`, various checks will be done when source gets initialized (e.g., is table present?). kms_key (str): Experimental. Optional Cloud KMS key name for use when creating new temporary tables. """ COUNTER = 0 def __init__( self, gcs_location: Union[str, ValueProvider] = None, validate: bool = False, kms_key: str = None, temp_dataset: Union[str, DatasetReference] = None, bigquery_job_labels: Dict[str, str] = None): if gcs_location: if not isinstance(gcs_location, (str, ValueProvider)): raise TypeError( '%s: gcs_location must be of type string' ' or ValueProvider; got %r instead' % (self.__class__.__name__, type(gcs_location))) self.gcs_location = gcs_location self.validate = validate self.kms_key = kms_key self.bigquery_job_labels = bigquery_job_labels self.temp_dataset = temp_dataset
[docs] def expand(self, pcoll): job_name = pcoll.pipeline.options.view_as(GoogleCloudOptions).job_name project = pcoll.pipeline.options.view_as(GoogleCloudOptions).project unique_id = str(uuid.uuid4())[0:10] try: step_name = self.label except AttributeError: step_name = 'ReadAllFromBigQuery_%d' % ReadAllFromBigQuery.COUNTER ReadAllFromBigQuery.COUNTER += 1 sources_to_read, cleanup_locations = ( pcoll | beam.ParDo( _BigQueryReadSplit( options=pcoll.pipeline.options, gcs_location=self.gcs_location, bigquery_job_labels=self.bigquery_job_labels, job_name=job_name, step_name=step_name, unique_id=unique_id, kms_key=self.kms_key, project=project, temp_dataset=self.temp_dataset)).with_outputs( "location_to_cleanup", main="files_to_read") ) return ( sources_to_read | SDFBoundedSourceReader() | _PassThroughThenCleanup(beam.pvalue.AsIter(cleanup_locations)))