Source code for apache_beam.dataframe.pandas_top_level_functions

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"""A module providing various functionality from the top-level pandas namespace.

import re
from typing import Mapping

import pandas as pd

from apache_beam.dataframe import expressions
from apache_beam.dataframe import frame_base
from apache_beam.dataframe import partitionings

def _call_on_first_arg(name):
  def wrapper(target, *args, **kwargs):
    if isinstance(target, frame_base.DeferredBase):
      return getattr(target, name)(*args, **kwargs)
      return getattr(pd, name)(target, *args, **kwargs)

  return staticmethod(wrapper)

def _defer_to_pandas(name):
  def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
    res = getattr(pd, name)(*args, **kwargs)
    if type(res) in frame_base.DeferredBase._pandas_type_map.keys():
      return frame_base.DeferredBase.wrap(
          expressions.ConstantExpression(res, res[0:0]))
      return res

  return staticmethod(wrapper)

def _is_top_level_function(o):
  return (
      callable(o) and not isinstance(o, type) and hasattr(o, '__name__') and
      re.match('[a-z].*', o.__name__))

[docs]class DeferredPandasModule(object): array = _defer_to_pandas('array') bdate_range = _defer_to_pandas('bdate_range')
[docs] @staticmethod @frame_base.args_to_kwargs(pd) @frame_base.populate_defaults(pd) def concat( objs, axis, join, ignore_index, keys, levels, names, verify_integrity, sort, copy): if ignore_index: raise NotImplementedError('concat(ignore_index)') if levels: raise NotImplementedError('concat(levels)') if isinstance(objs, Mapping): if keys is None: keys = list(objs.keys()) objs = [objs[k] for k in keys] else: objs = list(objs) deferred_none = expressions.ConstantExpression(None) exprs = [deferred_none if o is None else o._expr for o in objs] if axis in (1, 'columns'): required_partitioning = partitionings.Index() elif verify_integrity: required_partitioning = partitionings.Index() else: required_partitioning = partitionings.Nothing() return frame_base.DeferredBase.wrap( expressions.ComputedExpression( 'concat', lambda *objs: pd.concat( objs, axis=axis, join=join, ignore_index=ignore_index, keys=keys, levels=levels, names=names, verify_integrity=verify_integrity), # yapf break exprs, requires_partition_by=required_partitioning, preserves_partition_by=partitionings.Index()))
date_range = _defer_to_pandas('date_range') describe_option = _defer_to_pandas('describe_option') factorize = _call_on_first_arg('factorize') get_option = _defer_to_pandas('get_option') interval_range = _defer_to_pandas('interval_range') isna = _call_on_first_arg('isna') isnull = _call_on_first_arg('isnull') json_normalize = _defer_to_pandas('json_normalize') melt = _call_on_first_arg('melt') merge = _call_on_first_arg('merge') melt = _call_on_first_arg('melt') merge_ordered = frame_base.wont_implement_method('order-sensitive') notna = _call_on_first_arg('notna') notnull = _call_on_first_arg('notnull') option_context = _defer_to_pandas('option_context') period_range = _defer_to_pandas('period_range') pivot = _call_on_first_arg('pivot') pivot_table = _call_on_first_arg('pivot_table') show_versions = _defer_to_pandas('show_versions') test = frame_base.wont_implement_method('test') timedelta_range = _defer_to_pandas('timedelta_range') to_pickle = frame_base.wont_implement_method('order-sensitive') notna = _call_on_first_arg('notna') def __getattr__(self, name): if name.startswith('read_'): return frame_base.wont_implement_method( 'Use p |' % name) res = getattr(pd, name) if _is_top_level_function(res): return frame_base.not_implemented_method(name) else: return res
pd_wrapper = DeferredPandasModule()