Source code for apache_beam.typehints.typecheck_test_py3

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Unit tests for typecheck.

See additional runtime_type_check=True tests in

# pytype: skip-file

from __future__ import absolute_import

import os
import tempfile
import unittest
from typing import Iterable
from typing import Tuple

import apache_beam as beam
from apache_beam import Pipeline
from apache_beam.options.pipeline_options import PipelineOptions
from apache_beam.options.pipeline_options import TypeOptions
from apache_beam.testing.test_pipeline import TestPipeline
from apache_beam.testing.util import assert_that
from apache_beam.testing.util import equal_to
from apache_beam.typehints import TypeCheckError
from apache_beam.typehints import decorators
from apache_beam.typehints import with_input_types
from apache_beam.typehints import with_output_types
# TODO(BEAM-8371): Use tempfile.TemporaryDirectory.
from apache_beam.utils.subprocess_server_test import TemporaryDirectory

decorators._enable_from_callable = True

# Disable frequent lint warning due to pipe operator for chaining transforms.
# pylint: disable=expression-not-assigned

[docs]class MyDoFn(beam.DoFn): def __init__(self, output_filename): super().__init__() self.output_filename = output_filename def _output(self): """Returns a file used to record function calls.""" if not hasattr(self, 'output_file'): self._output_file = open(self.output_filename, 'at', buffering=1) return self._output_file
[docs] def start_bundle(self): self._output().write('start_bundle\n')
[docs] def finish_bundle(self): self._output().write('finish_bundle\n')
[docs] def setup(self): self._output().write('setup\n')
[docs] def teardown(self): self._output().write('teardown\n') self._output().close()
[docs] def process(self, element: int, *args, **kwargs) -> Iterable[int]: self._output().write('process\n') yield element
[docs]class MyDoFnBadAnnotation(MyDoFn):
[docs] def process(self, element: int, *args, **kwargs) -> int: # Should raise an exception about return type not being iterable. return super().process()
[docs]class RuntimeTypeCheckTest(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def setUp(self): self.p = TestPipeline( options=PipelineOptions( runtime_type_check=True, performance_runtime_type_check=False))
[docs] def test_setup(self): # Verifies that runtime type checking is enabled for test cases. def fn(e: int) -> int: return str(e) # type: ignore with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeCheckError, r'output should be.*int.*received.*str'): _ = self.p | beam.Create([1, 2, 3]) | beam.Map(fn)
[docs] def test_wrapper_pass_through(self): # We use a file to check the result because the MyDoFn instance passed is # not the same one that actually runs in the pipeline (it is serialized # here and deserialized in the worker). with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dirname: path = os.path.join(tmp_dirname + "tmp_filename") dofn = MyDoFn(path) result = self.p | beam.Create([1, 2, 3]) | beam.ParDo(dofn) assert_that(result, equal_to([1, 2, 3])) with open(path, mode="r") as ft: lines = [line.strip() for line in ft] self.assertListEqual([ 'setup', 'start_bundle', 'process', 'process', 'process', 'finish_bundle', 'teardown', ], lines)
[docs] def test_wrapper_pipeline_type_check(self): # Verifies that type hints are not masked by the wrapper. What actually # happens is that the wrapper is applied during (not invoked # in this case), while pipeline type checks happen during pipeline creation. # Thus, the wrapper does not have to implement: default_type_hints, # infer_output_type, get_type_hints. with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+t') as f: dofn = MyDoFnBadAnnotation( with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, r'int.*is not iterable'): _ = self.p | beam.Create([1, 2, 3]) | beam.ParDo(dofn)
[docs]class PerformanceRuntimeTypeCheckTest(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def setUp(self): self.p = Pipeline( options=PipelineOptions( performance_runtime_type_check=True, pipeline_type_check=False))
[docs] def assertStartswith(self, msg, prefix): self.assertTrue( msg.startswith(prefix), '"%s" does not start with "%s"' % (msg, prefix))
[docs] def test_simple_input_error(self): with self.assertRaises(TypeCheckError) as e: ( self.p | beam.Create([1, 1]) | beam.FlatMap(lambda x: [int(x)]).with_input_types( str).with_output_types(int)) self.assertIn( "Type-hint for argument: 'x' violated. " "Expected an instance of {}, " "instead found 1, an instance of {}".format(str, int), e.exception.args[0])
[docs] def test_simple_output_error(self): with self.assertRaises(TypeCheckError) as e: ( self.p | beam.Create(['1', '1']) | beam.FlatMap(lambda x: [int(x)]).with_input_types( int).with_output_types(int)) self.assertIn( "Type-hint for argument: 'x' violated. " "Expected an instance of {}, " "instead found 1, an instance of {}.".format(int, str), e.exception.args[0])
[docs] def test_simple_input_error_with_kwarg_typehints(self): @with_input_types(element=int) @with_output_types(int) class ToInt(beam.DoFn): def process(self, element, *args, **kwargs): yield int(element) with self.assertRaises(TypeCheckError) as e: (self.p | beam.Create(['1', '1']) | beam.ParDo(ToInt())) self.assertStartswith( e.exception.args[0], "Runtime type violation detected within " "ParDo(ToInt): Type-hint for argument: " "'element' violated. Expected an instance of " "{}, instead found 1, " "an instance of {}.".format(int, str))
[docs] def test_do_fn_returning_non_iterable_throws_error(self): # This function is incorrect because it returns a non-iterable object def incorrect_par_do_fn(x): return x + 5 with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm: (self.p | beam.Create([1, 1]) | beam.FlatMap(incorrect_par_do_fn)) self.assertStartswith(cm.exception.args[0], "'int' object is not iterable ")
[docs] def test_simple_type_satisfied(self): @with_input_types(int, int) @with_output_types(int) class AddWithNum(beam.DoFn): def process(self, element, num): return [element + num] results = ( self.p | 'T' >> beam.Create([1, 2, 3]).with_output_types(int) | 'Add' >> beam.ParDo(AddWithNum(), 1)) assert_that(results, equal_to([2, 3, 4]))
[docs] def test_simple_type_violation(self): self.p._options.view_as(TypeOptions).pipeline_type_check = False @with_output_types(str) @with_input_types(x=int) def int_to_string(x): return str(x) ( self.p | 'Create' >> beam.Create(['some_string']) | 'ToStr' >> beam.Map(int_to_string)) with self.assertRaises(TypeCheckError) as e: self.assertStartswith( e.exception.args[0], "Runtime type violation detected within ParDo(ToStr): " "Type-hint for argument: 'x' violated. " "Expected an instance of {}, " "instead found some_string, an instance of {}.".format(int, str))
[docs] def test_pipeline_checking_satisfied_but_run_time_types_violate(self): self.p._options.view_as(TypeOptions).pipeline_type_check = False @with_output_types(Tuple[bool, int]) @with_input_types(a=int) def is_even_as_key(a): # Simulate a programming error, should be: return (a % 2 == 0, a) # However this returns Tuple[int, int] return (a % 2, a) ( self.p | 'Nums' >> beam.Create(range(1)).with_output_types(int) | 'IsEven' >> beam.Map(is_even_as_key) | 'Parity' >> beam.GroupByKey()) with self.assertRaises(TypeCheckError) as e: self.assertStartswith( e.exception.args[0], "Runtime type violation detected within ParDo(IsEven): " "Type-hint for return type violated: " "Tuple[bool, int] hint type-constraint violated. " "The type of element #0 in the passed tuple is incorrect. " "Expected an instance of type bool, " "instead received an instance of type int. ")
[docs] def test_pipeline_runtime_checking_violation_composite_type_output(self): self.p._options.view_as(TypeOptions).pipeline_type_check = False # The type-hinted applied via the 'returns()' method indicates the ParDo # should return an instance of type: Tuple[float, int]. However, an instance # of 'int' will be generated instead. with self.assertRaises(TypeCheckError) as e: ( self.p | beam.Create([(1, 3.0)]) | ( 'Swap' >> beam.FlatMap(lambda x_y1: [x_y1[0] + x_y1[1]]).with_input_types( Tuple[int, float]).with_output_types(int))) self.assertStartswith( e.exception.args[0], "Runtime type violation detected within ParDo(Swap): " "Type-hint for return type violated. " "Expected an instance of {}, " "instead found 4.0, an instance of {}.".format(int, float))
[docs] def test_downstream_input_type_hint_error_has_descriptive_error_msg(self): @with_input_types(int) @with_output_types(int) class IntToInt(beam.DoFn): def process(self, element, *args, **kwargs): yield element @with_input_types(str) @with_output_types(int) class StrToInt(beam.DoFn): def process(self, element, *args, **kwargs): yield int(element) # This will raise a type check error in IntToInt even though the actual # type check error won't happen until StrToInt. The user will be told that # StrToInt's input type hints were not satisfied while running IntToInt. with self.assertRaises(TypeCheckError) as e: ( self.p | beam.Create([9]) | beam.ParDo(IntToInt()) | beam.ParDo(StrToInt())) self.assertStartswith( e.exception.args[0], "Runtime type violation detected within ParDo(StrToInt): " "Type-hint for argument: 'element' violated. " "Expected an instance of {}, " "instead found 9, an instance of {}. " "[while running 'ParDo(IntToInt)']".format(str, int))
if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()