Source code for apache_beam.utils.processes

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
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# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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"""Cross-platform utilities for creating subprocesses.

For internal use only; no backwards-compatibility guarantees.

# pytype: skip-file

from __future__ import absolute_import

import platform
import subprocess
import traceback
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

# On Windows, we need to use shell=True when creating subprocesses for binary
# paths to be resolved correctly.
force_shell = platform.system() == 'Windows'

# We mimic the interface of the standard Python subprocess module.
PIPE = subprocess.PIPE
STDOUT = subprocess.STDOUT
CalledProcessError = subprocess.CalledProcessError

  call =
  check_call = subprocess.check_call
  check_output = subprocess.check_output
  Popen = subprocess.Popen


[docs] def call(*args, **kwargs): if force_shell: kwargs['shell'] = True try: out =*args, **kwargs) except OSError: raise RuntimeError("Executable {} not found".format(args[0])) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as error: if isinstance(args, tuple) and (args[0][2] == "pip"): raise RuntimeError( \ "Full traceback: {}\n Pip install failed for package: {} \ \n Output from execution of subprocess: {}" \ .format(traceback.format_exc(), args[0][6], error. output)) else: raise RuntimeError("Full trace: {}\ \n Output of the failed child process: {} " \ .format(traceback.format_exc(), error.output)) return out
[docs] def check_call(*args, **kwargs): if force_shell: kwargs['shell'] = True try: out = subprocess.check_call(*args, **kwargs) except OSError: raise RuntimeError("Executable {} not found".format(args[0])) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as error: if isinstance(args, tuple) and (args[0][2] == "pip"): raise RuntimeError( \ "Full traceback: {} \n Pip install failed for package: {} \ \n Output from execution of subprocess: {}" \ .format(traceback.format_exc(), args[0][6], error.output)) else: raise RuntimeError("Full trace: {} \ \n Output of the failed child process: {}" \ .format(traceback.format_exc(), error.output)) return out
[docs] def check_output(*args, **kwargs): if force_shell: kwargs['shell'] = True try: out = subprocess.check_output(*args, **kwargs) except OSError: raise RuntimeError("Executable {} not found".format(args[0])) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as error: if isinstance(args, tuple) and (args[0][2] == "pip"): raise RuntimeError( \ "Full traceback: {} \n Pip install failed for package: {} \ \n Output from execution of subprocess: {}" \ .format(traceback.format_exc(), args[0][6], error.output)) else: raise RuntimeError("Full trace: {}, \ output of the failed child process {} "\ .format(traceback.format_exc(), error.output)) return out
[docs] def Popen(*args, **kwargs): if force_shell: kwargs['shell'] = True return subprocess.Popen(*args, **kwargs)