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Beam Datastore types.

# pytype: skip-file

import copy
from typing import Iterable
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Text
from typing import Union

from import entity
from import key
from import query

from apache_beam.options.value_provider import ValueProvider

__all__ = ['Query', 'Key', 'Entity']

[docs]class Query(object): def __init__( self, kind=None, project=None, namespace=None, ancestor=None, filters=(), projection=(), order=(), distinct_on=(), limit=None): """Represents a Datastore query. Args: kind: (str) The kind to query. project: (str) Required. Project associated with query. namespace: (str, ValueProvider(str)) (Optional) Namespace to restrict results to. ancestor: (:class:``) (Optional) key of the ancestor to which this query's results are restricted. filters: (sequence of tuple[str, str, str], sequence of tuple[ValueProvider(str), ValueProvider(str), ValueProvider(str)]) Property filters applied by this query. The sequence is ``(property_name, operator, value)``. projection: (sequence of string) fields returned as part of query results. order: (sequence of string) field names used to order query results. Prepend ``-`` to a field name to sort it in descending order. distinct_on: (sequence of string) field names used to group query results. limit: (int) Maximum amount of results to return. """ self.kind = kind self.project = project self.namespace = namespace self.ancestor = ancestor self.filters = filters or () self.projection = projection self.order = order self.distinct_on = distinct_on self.limit = limit def _to_client_query(self, client): """ Returns a ```` instance that represents this query. Args: client: (````) Datastore client instance to use. """ ancestor_client_key = None if self.ancestor is not None: ancestor_client_key = self.ancestor.to_client_key() # Resolve ValueProvider arguments. self.filters = self._set_runtime_filters() if isinstance(self.namespace, ValueProvider): self.namespace = self.namespace.get() return query.Query( client, kind=self.kind, project=self.project, namespace=self.namespace, ancestor=ancestor_client_key, filters=self.filters, projection=self.projection, order=self.order, distinct_on=self.distinct_on) def _set_runtime_filters(self): """ Extracts values from ValueProviders in `self.filters` if available :param filters: sequence of tuple[str, str, str] or sequence of tuple[ValueProvider, ValueProvider, ValueProvider] :return: tuple[str, str, str] """ runtime_filters = [] if not all(len(filter_tuple) == 3 for filter_tuple in self.filters): raise TypeError( '%s: filters must be a sequence of tuple with length=3' ' got %r instead' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.filters)) for filter_type, filter_operator, filter_value in self.filters: if isinstance(filter_type, ValueProvider): filter_type = filter_type.get() if isinstance(filter_operator, ValueProvider): filter_operator = filter_operator.get() if isinstance(filter_value, ValueProvider): filter_value = filter_value.get() runtime_filters.append((filter_type, filter_operator, filter_value)) return runtime_filters or ()
[docs] def clone(self): return copy.copy(self)
def __repr__(self): return ( '<Query(kind=%s, project=%s, namespace=%s, ancestor=%s, filters=%s,' 'projection=%s, order=%s, distinct_on=%s, limit=%s)>' % ( self.kind, self.project, self.namespace, self.ancestor, self.filters, self.projection, self.order, self.distinct_on, self.limit))
[docs]class Key(object): def __init__(self, path_elements, # type: List[Union[Text, int]] parent=None, # type: Optional[Key] project=None, # type: Optional[Text] namespace=None # type: Optional[Text] ): """ Represents a Datastore key. The partition ID is represented by its components: namespace and project. If key has a parent, project and namespace should either be unset or match the parent's. Args: path_elements: (list of str and int) Key path: an alternating sequence of kind and identifier. The kind must be of type ``str`` and identifier may be a ``str`` or an ``int``. If the last identifier is omitted this is an incomplete key, which is unsupported in ``WriteToDatastore`` and ``DeleteFromDatastore``. See :class:`` for more details. parent: (:class:``) (optional) Parent for this key. project: (str) Project ID. Required unless set by parent. namespace: (str) (optional) Namespace ID """ # Verification or arguments is delegated to to_client_key(). self.path_elements = tuple(path_elements) self.parent = parent self.namespace = namespace self.project = project
[docs] @staticmethod def from_client_key(client_key): return Key( client_key.flat_path, project=client_key.project, namespace=client_key.namespace)
[docs] def to_client_key(self): """ Returns a :class:`` instance that represents this key. """ parent = self.parent if parent is not None: parent = parent.to_client_key() return key.Key( *self.path_elements, parent=parent, namespace=self.namespace, project=self.project)
def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Key): return False if self.path_elements != other.path_elements: return False if self.project != other.project: return False if self.parent is not None and other.parent is not None: return self.parent == other.parent return self.parent is None and other.parent is None __hash__ = None # type: ignore[assignment] def __repr__(self): return '<%s(%s, parent=%s, project=%s, namespace=%s)>' % ( self.__class__.__name__, str(self.path_elements), str(self.parent), self.project, self.namespace)
[docs]class Entity(object): def __init__( self, key, # type: Key exclude_from_indexes=() # type: Iterable[str] ): """ Represents a Datastore entity. Does not support the property value "meaning" field. Args: key: (Key) A complete Key representing this Entity. exclude_from_indexes: (iterable of str) List of property keys whose values should not be indexed for this entity. """ self.key = key self.exclude_from_indexes = set(exclude_from_indexes) = {}
[docs] def set_properties(self, property_dict): """Sets a dictionary of properties on this entity. Args: property_dict: A map from property name to value. See :class:`` documentation for allowed values. """
[docs] @staticmethod def from_client_entity(client_entity): res = Entity( Key.from_client_key(client_entity.key), exclude_from_indexes=set(client_entity.exclude_from_indexes)) for name, value in client_entity.items(): if isinstance(value, key.Key): value = Key.from_client_key(value) if isinstance(value, entity.Entity): value = Entity.from_client_entity(value)[name] = value return res
[docs] def to_client_entity(self): """ Returns a :class:`` instance that represents this entity. """ res = entity.Entity( key=self.key.to_client_key(), exclude_from_indexes=tuple(self.exclude_from_indexes)) for name, value in if isinstance(value, Key): if not value.project: value.project = self.key.project value = value.to_client_key() if isinstance(value, Entity): if not value.key.project: value.key.project = self.key.project value = value.to_client_entity() res[name] = value return res
def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Entity): return False return ( self.key == other.key and self.exclude_from_indexes == other.exclude_from_indexes and == __hash__ = None # type: ignore[assignment] def __repr__(self): return "<%s(key=%s, exclude_from_indexes=%s) properties=%s>" % ( self.__class__.__name__, str(self.key), str(self.exclude_from_indexes), str(