apache_beam.dataframe.pandas_top_level_functions module

A module providing various functionality from the top-level pandas namespace.

class apache_beam.dataframe.pandas_top_level_functions.DeferredPandasModule[source]

Bases: object

static array(*args, **kwargs)
static bdate_range(*args, **kwargs)
static concat(objs, axis, join, ignore_index, keys, levels, names, verify_integrity, sort, copy)[source]
static date_range(*args, **kwargs)
static describe_option(*args, **kwargs)
static factorize(target, *args, **kwargs)
static get_option(*args, **kwargs)
static interval_range(*args, **kwargs)
static isna(target, *args, **kwargs)
static isnull(target, *args, **kwargs)
static json_normalize(*args, **kwargs)
static merge(target, *args, **kwargs)
static melt(target, *args, **kwargs)

pandas.pandas.merge_ordered is not supported in the Beam DataFrame API because it is sensitive to the order of the data.

For more information see {reason_data[‘url’]}.

static notnull(target, *args, **kwargs)
static option_context(*args, **kwargs)
static period_range(*args, **kwargs)
static pivot(target, *args, **kwargs)
static pivot_table(target, *args, **kwargs)
static show_versions(*args, **kwargs)

pandas.pandas.test is not supported in the Beam DataFrame API because it is an internal pandas testing utility.

static timedelta_range(*args, **kwargs)

pandas.pandas.to_pickle is not supported in the Beam DataFrame API because it is sensitive to the order of the data.

For more information see {reason_data[‘url’]}.

static to_datetime(*args, **kwargs)
static notna(target, *args, **kwargs)