# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# pytype: skip-file
from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import Dict
from typing import Iterable
from typing import List
import torch
from apache_beam.io.filesystems import FileSystems
from apache_beam.ml.inference.api import PredictionResult
from apache_beam.ml.inference.base import InferenceRunner
from apache_beam.ml.inference.base import ModelLoader
[docs]class PytorchInferenceRunner(InferenceRunner):
This class runs Pytorch inferences with the run_inference method. It also has
other methods to get the bytes of a batch of Tensors as well as the namespace
for Pytorch models.
def __init__(self, device: torch.device):
self._device = device
[docs] def run_inference(self, batch: List[torch.Tensor],
model: torch.nn.Module) -> Iterable[PredictionResult]:
Runs inferences on a batch of Tensors and returns an Iterable of
Tensor Predictions.
This method stacks the list of Tensors in a vectorized format to optimize
the inference call.
torch_batch = torch.stack(batch)
if torch_batch.device != self._device:
torch_batch = torch_batch.to(self._device)
predictions = model(torch_batch)
return [PredictionResult(x, y) for x, y in zip(batch, predictions)]
[docs] def get_num_bytes(self, batch: List[torch.Tensor]) -> int:
"""Returns the number of bytes of data for a batch of Tensors."""
return sum((el.element_size() for tensor in batch for el in tensor))
[docs] def get_metrics_namespace(self) -> str:
Returns a namespace for metrics collected by the RunInference transform.
return 'RunInferencePytorch'
[docs]class PytorchModelLoader(ModelLoader):
"""Loads a Pytorch Model."""
def __init__(
state_dict_path: str,
model_class: Callable[..., torch.nn.Module],
model_params: Dict[str, Any],
device: str = 'CPU'):
Initializes a PytorchModelLoader
:param state_dict_path: path to the saved dictionary of the model state.
:param model_class: class of the Pytorch model that defines the model
:param device: the device on which you wish to run the model. If
``device = GPU`` then a GPU device will be used if it is available.
Otherwise, it will be CPU.
See https://pytorch.org/tutorials/beginner/saving_loading_models.html
for details
self._state_dict_path = state_dict_path
if device == 'GPU' and torch.cuda.is_available():
self._device = torch.device('cuda')
self._device = torch.device('cpu')
self._model_class = model_class
self.model_params = model_params
self._inference_runner = PytorchInferenceRunner(device=self._device)
[docs] def load_model(self) -> torch.nn.Module:
"""Loads and initializes a Pytorch model for processing."""
model = self._model_class(**self.model_params)
file = FileSystems.open(self._state_dict_path, 'rb')
return model
[docs] def get_inference_runner(self) -> InferenceRunner:
"""Returns a Pytorch implementation of InferenceRunner."""
return self._inference_runner