Source code for apache_beam.runners.dataflow.native_io.iobase

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# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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"""Dataflow native sources and sinks.

For internal use only; no backwards-compatibility guarantees.

import logging

from apache_beam import pvalue
from import iobase
from apache_beam.transforms import ptransform
from apache_beam.transforms.display import HasDisplayData

def _dict_printable_fields(dict_object, skip_fields):
  """Returns a list of strings for the interesting fields of a dict."""
  return ['%s=%r' % (name, value)
          for name, value in dict_object.iteritems()
          # want to output value 0 but not None nor []
          if (value or value == 0)
          and name not in skip_fields]

_minor_fields = ['coder', 'key_coder', 'value_coder',
                 'config_bytes', 'elements',
                 'append_trailing_newlines', 'strip_trailing_newlines',

[docs]class NativeSource(iobase.SourceBase): """A source implemented by Dataflow service. This class is to be only inherited by sources natively implemented by Cloud Dataflow service, hence should not be sub-classed by users. This class is deprecated and should not be used to define new sources. """
[docs] def reader(self): """Returns a NativeSourceReader instance associated with this source.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def is_bounded(self): return True
def __repr__(self): return '<{name} {vals}>'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, vals=', '.join(_dict_printable_fields(self.__dict__, _minor_fields)))
[docs]class NativeSourceReader(object): """A reader for a source implemented by Dataflow service.""" def __enter__(self): """Opens everything necessary for a reader to function properly.""" raise NotImplementedError def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback): """Cleans up after a reader executed.""" raise NotImplementedError def __iter__(self): """Returns an iterator over all the records of the source.""" raise NotImplementedError @property def returns_windowed_values(self): """Returns whether this reader returns windowed values.""" return False
[docs] def get_progress(self): """Returns a representation of how far the reader has read. Returns: A SourceReaderProgress object that gives the current progress of the reader. """ return
[docs] def request_dynamic_split(self, dynamic_split_request): """Attempts to split the input in two parts. The two parts are named the "primary" part and the "residual" part. The current 'NativeSourceReader' keeps processing the primary part, while the residual part will be processed elsewhere (e.g. perhaps on a different worker). The primary and residual parts, if concatenated, must represent the same input as the current input of this 'NativeSourceReader' before this call. The boundary between the primary part and the residual part is specified in a framework-specific way using 'DynamicSplitRequest' e.g., if the framework supports the notion of positions, it might be a position at which the input is asked to split itself (which is not necessarily the same position at which it *will* split itself); it might be an approximate fraction of input, or something else. This function returns a 'DynamicSplitResult', which encodes, in a framework-specific way, the information sufficient to construct a description of the resulting primary and residual inputs. For example, it might, again, be a position demarcating these parts, or it might be a pair of fully-specified input descriptions, or something else. After a successful call to 'request_dynamic_split()', subsequent calls should be interpreted relative to the new primary. Args: dynamic_split_request: A 'DynamicSplitRequest' describing the split request. Returns: 'None' if the 'DynamicSplitRequest' cannot be honored (in that case the input represented by this 'NativeSourceReader' stays the same), or a 'DynamicSplitResult' describing how the input was split into a primary and residual part. """ logging.debug( 'SourceReader %r does not support dynamic splitting. Ignoring dynamic ' 'split request: %r', self, dynamic_split_request) return
[docs]class ReaderProgress(object): """A representation of how far a NativeSourceReader has read.""" def __init__(self, position=None, percent_complete=None, remaining_time=None, consumed_split_points=None, remaining_split_points=None): self._position = position if percent_complete is not None: percent_complete = float(percent_complete) if percent_complete < 0 or percent_complete > 1: raise ValueError( 'The percent_complete argument was %f. Must be in range [0, 1].' % percent_complete) self._percent_complete = percent_complete self._remaining_time = remaining_time self._consumed_split_points = consumed_split_points self._remaining_split_points = remaining_split_points @property def position(self): """Returns progress, represented as a ReaderPosition object.""" return self._position @property def percent_complete(self): """Returns progress, represented as a percentage of total work. Progress range from 0.0 (beginning, nothing complete) to 1.0 (end of the work range, entire WorkItem complete). Returns: Progress represented as a percentage of total work. """ return self._percent_complete @property def remaining_time(self): """Returns progress, represented as an estimated time remaining.""" return self._remaining_time @property def consumed_split_points(self): return self._consumed_split_points @property def remaining_split_points(self): return self._remaining_split_points
[docs]class ReaderPosition(object): """A representation of position in an iteration of a 'NativeSourceReader'.""" def __init__(self, end=None, key=None, byte_offset=None, record_index=None, shuffle_position=None, concat_position=None): """Initializes ReaderPosition. A ReaderPosition may get instantiated for one of these position types. Only one of these should be specified. Args: end: position is past all other positions. For example, this may be used to represent the end position of an unbounded range. key: position is a string key. byte_offset: position is a byte offset. record_index: position is a record index shuffle_position: position is a base64 encoded shuffle position. concat_position: position is a 'ConcatPosition'. """ self.end = end self.key = key self.byte_offset = byte_offset self.record_index = record_index self.shuffle_position = shuffle_position if concat_position is not None: assert isinstance(concat_position, ConcatPosition) self.concat_position = concat_position
[docs]class ConcatPosition(object): """A position that encapsulate an inner position and an index. This is used to represent the position of a source that encapsulate several other sources. """ def __init__(self, index, position): """Initializes ConcatPosition. Args: index: index of the source currently being read. position: inner position within the source currently being read. """ if position is not None: assert isinstance(position, ReaderPosition) self.index = index self.position = position
[docs]class DynamicSplitRequest(object): """Specifies how 'NativeSourceReader.request_dynamic_split' should split. """ def __init__(self, progress): assert isinstance(progress, ReaderProgress) self.progress = progress
[docs]class DynamicSplitResult(object): pass
[docs]class DynamicSplitResultWithPosition(DynamicSplitResult): def __init__(self, stop_position): assert isinstance(stop_position, ReaderPosition) self.stop_position = stop_position
[docs]class NativeSink(HasDisplayData): """A sink implemented by Dataflow service. This class is to be only inherited by sinks natively implemented by Cloud Dataflow service, hence should not be sub-classed by users. """
[docs] def writer(self): """Returns a SinkWriter for this source.""" raise NotImplementedError
def __repr__(self): return '<{name} {vals}>'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, vals=_dict_printable_fields(self.__dict__, _minor_fields))
[docs]class NativeSinkWriter(object): """A writer for a sink implemented by Dataflow service.""" def __enter__(self): """Opens everything necessary for a writer to function properly.""" raise NotImplementedError def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback): """Cleans up after a writer executed.""" raise NotImplementedError @property def takes_windowed_values(self): """Returns whether this writer takes windowed values.""" return False
[docs] def Write(self, o): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Writes a record to the sink associated with this writer.""" raise NotImplementedError
class _NativeWrite(ptransform.PTransform): """A PTransform for writing to a Dataflow native sink. These are sinks that are implemented natively by the Dataflow service and hence should not be updated by users. These sinks are processed using a Dataflow native write transform. Applying this transform results in a ``pvalue.PDone``. """ def __init__(self, sink): """Initializes a Write transform. Args: sink: Sink to use for the write """ super(_NativeWrite, self).__init__() self.sink = sink def expand(self, pcoll): self._check_pcollection(pcoll) return pvalue.PDone(pcoll.pipeline)