Source code for apache_beam.yaml.yaml_provider

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"""This module defines Providers usable from yaml, which is a specification
for where to find and how to invoke services that vend implementations of
various PTransforms."""

import collections
import hashlib
import json
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import uuid
from typing import Any
from typing import Iterable
from typing import Mapping

import yaml
from yaml.loader import SafeLoader

import apache_beam as beam
import apache_beam.transforms.util
from apache_beam.portability.api import schema_pb2
from apache_beam.transforms import external
from apache_beam.transforms.fully_qualified_named_transform import FullyQualifiedNamedTransform
from apache_beam.typehints import schemas
from apache_beam.typehints import trivial_inference
from apache_beam.utils import python_callable
from apache_beam.utils import subprocess_server
from apache_beam.version import __version__ as beam_version

[docs]class Provider: """Maps transform types names and args to concrete PTransform instances."""
[docs] def available(self) -> bool: """Returns whether this provider is available to use in this environment.""" raise NotImplementedError(type(self))
[docs] def provided_transforms(self) -> Iterable[str]: """Returns a list of transform type names this provider can handle.""" raise NotImplementedError(type(self))
[docs] def create_transform( self, typ: str, args: Mapping[str, Any]) -> beam.PTransform: """Creates a PTransform instance for the given transform type and arguments. """ raise NotImplementedError(type(self))
[docs]class ExternalProvider(Provider): """A Provider implemented via the cross language transform service.""" def __init__(self, urns, service): self._urns = urns self._service = service self._schema_transforms = None
[docs] def provided_transforms(self): return self._urns.keys()
[docs] def create_transform(self, type, args): if callable(self._service): self._service = self._service() if self._schema_transforms is None: try: self._schema_transforms = [ config.identifier for config in self._service) ] except Exception: self._schema_transforms = [] urn = self._urns[type] if urn in self._schema_transforms: return external.SchemaAwareExternalTransform(urn, self._service, **args) else: return type >> self.create_external_transform(urn, args)
[docs] def create_external_transform(self, urn, args): return external.ExternalTransform( urn, external.ImplicitSchemaPayloadBuilder(args).payload(), self._service)
[docs] @staticmethod def provider_from_spec(spec): urns = spec['transforms'] type = spec['type'] if spec.get('version', None) == 'BEAM_VERSION': spec['version'] = beam_version if type == 'jar': return ExternalJavaProvider(urns, lambda: spec['jar']) elif type == 'mavenJar': return ExternalJavaProvider( urns, lambda: subprocess_server.JavaJarServer.path_to_maven_jar( **{ key: value for (key, value) in spec.items() if key in [ 'artifact_id', 'group_id', 'version', 'repository', 'classifier', 'appendix' ] })) elif type == 'beamJar': return ExternalJavaProvider( urns, lambda: subprocess_server.JavaJarServer.path_to_beam_jar( **{ key: value for (key, value) in spec.items() if key in ['gradle_target', 'version', 'appendix', 'artifact_id'] })) elif type == 'pypi': return ExternalPythonProvider(urns, spec['packages']) elif type == 'remote': return RemoteProvider(spec['address']) elif type == 'docker': raise NotImplementedError() else: raise NotImplementedError(f'Unknown provider type: {type}')
[docs]class RemoteProvider(ExternalProvider): _is_available = None
[docs] def available(self): if self._is_available is None: try: with external.ExternalTransform.service(self._service) as service: service.ready(1) self._is_available = True except Exception: self._is_available = False return self._is_available
[docs]class ExternalJavaProvider(ExternalProvider): def __init__(self, urns, jar_provider): super().__init__( urns, lambda: external.JavaJarExpansionService(jar_provider()))
[docs] def available(self): # pylint: disable=subprocess-run-check return['which', 'java'], capture_output=True).returncode == 0
[docs]class ExternalPythonProvider(ExternalProvider): def __init__(self, urns, packages): super().__init__(urns, PypiExpansionService(packages))
[docs] def available(self): return True # If we're running this script, we have Python installed.
[docs] def create_external_transform(self, urn, args): # Python transforms are "registered" by fully qualified name. return external.ExternalTransform( "beam:transforms:python:fully_qualified_named", external.ImplicitSchemaPayloadBuilder({ 'constructor': urn, 'kwargs': args, }).payload(), self._service)
# This is needed because type inference can't handle *args, **kwargs forwarding. # TODO(BEAM-24755): Add support for type inference of through kwargs calls.
[docs]def fix_pycallable(): from apache_beam.transforms.ptransform import label_from_callable def default_label(self): src = self._source.strip() last_line = src.split('\n')[-1] if last_line[0] != ' ' and len(last_line) < 72: return last_line return label_from_callable(self._callable) def _argspec_fn(self): return self._callable python_callable.PythonCallableWithSource.default_label = default_label python_callable.PythonCallableWithSource._argspec_fn = property(_argspec_fn) original_infer_return_type = trivial_inference.infer_return_type def infer_return_type(fn, *args, **kwargs): if isinstance(fn, python_callable.PythonCallableWithSource): fn = fn._callable return original_infer_return_type(fn, *args, **kwargs) trivial_inference.infer_return_type = infer_return_type original_fn_takes_side_inputs = ( apache_beam.transforms.util.fn_takes_side_inputs) def fn_takes_side_inputs(fn): if isinstance(fn, python_callable.PythonCallableWithSource): fn = fn._callable return original_fn_takes_side_inputs(fn) apache_beam.transforms.util.fn_takes_side_inputs = fn_takes_side_inputs
[docs]class InlineProvider(Provider): def __init__(self, transform_factories): self._transform_factories = transform_factories
[docs] def available(self): return True
[docs] def provided_transforms(self): return self._transform_factories.keys()
[docs] def create_transform(self, type, args): return self._transform_factories[type](**args)
[docs] def to_json(self): return {'type': "InlineProvider"}
PRIMITIVE_NAMES_TO_ATOMIC_TYPE = { py_type.__name__: schema_type for (py_type, schema_type) in schemas.PRIMITIVE_TO_ATOMIC_TYPE.items() if py_type.__module__ != 'typing' }
[docs]def create_builtin_provider(): def with_schema(**args): # TODO: This is preliminary. def parse_type(spec): if spec in PRIMITIVE_NAMES_TO_ATOMIC_TYPE: return schema_pb2.FieldType( atomic_type=PRIMITIVE_NAMES_TO_ATOMIC_TYPE[spec]) elif isinstance(spec, list): if len(spec) != 1: raise ValueError("Use single-element lists to denote list types.") else: return schema_pb2.FieldType( iterable_type=schema_pb2.IterableType( element_type=parse_type(spec[0]))) elif isinstance(spec, dict): return schema_pb2.FieldType( iterable_type=schema_pb2.RowType(schema=parse_schema(spec[0]))) else: raise ValueError("Unknown schema type: {spec}") def parse_schema(spec): return schema_pb2.Schema( fields=[ schema_pb2.Field(name=key, type=parse_type(value), id=ix) for (ix, (key, value)) in enumerate(spec.items()) ], id=str(uuid.uuid4())) named_tuple = schemas.named_tuple_from_schema(parse_schema(args)) names = list(args.keys()) def extract_field(x, name): if isinstance(x, dict): return x[name] else: return getattr(x, name) return 'WithSchema(%s)' % ', '.join(names) >> beam.Map( lambda x: named_tuple(*[extract_field(x, name) for name in names]) ).with_output_types(named_tuple) # Or should this be posargs, args? # pylint: disable=dangerous-default-value def fully_qualified_named_transform(constructor, args=(), kwargs={}): with FullyQualifiedNamedTransform.with_filter('*'): return constructor >> FullyQualifiedNamedTransform( constructor, args, kwargs) # This intermediate is needed because there is no way to specify a tuple of # exactly zero or one PCollection in yaml (as they would be interpreted as # PBegin and the PCollection itself respectively). class Flatten(beam.PTransform): def expand(self, pcolls): if isinstance(pcolls, beam.PCollection): pipeline_arg = {} pcolls = (pcolls, ) elif isinstance(pcolls, dict): pipeline_arg = {} pcolls = tuple(pcolls.values()) else: pipeline_arg = {'pipeline': pcolls.pipeline} pcolls = () return pcolls | beam.Flatten(**pipeline_arg) ios = { key: getattr(, key) for key in dir( if key.startswith('ReadFrom') or key.startswith('WriteTo') } ios['ReadFromCsv'] = lambda **kwargs: 'csv', **kwargs) ios['WriteToCsv'] = lambda **kwargs: 'csv', **kwargs) ios['ReadFromJson'] = ( lambda *, orient='records', lines=True, **kwargs: 'json', orient=orient, lines=lines, **kwargs)) ios['WriteToJson'] = ( lambda *, orient='records', lines=True, **kwargs: 'json', orient=orient, lines=lines, **kwargs)) return InlineProvider( dict({ 'Create': lambda elements, reshuffle=True: beam.Create(elements, reshuffle), 'PyMap': lambda fn: beam.Map( python_callable.PythonCallableWithSource(fn)), 'PyMapTuple': lambda fn: beam.MapTuple( python_callable.PythonCallableWithSource(fn)), 'PyFlatMap': lambda fn: beam.FlatMap( python_callable.PythonCallableWithSource(fn)), 'PyFlatMapTuple': lambda fn: beam.FlatMapTuple( python_callable.PythonCallableWithSource(fn)), 'PyFilter': lambda fn: beam.Filter( python_callable.PythonCallableWithSource(fn)), 'PyTransform': fully_qualified_named_transform, 'PyToRow': lambda fields: beam.Select( **{ name: python_callable.PythonCallableWithSource(fn) for (name, fn) in fields.items() }), 'WithSchema': with_schema, 'Flatten': Flatten, 'GroupByKey': beam.GroupByKey, }, **ios))
[docs]class PypiExpansionService: """Expands transforms by fully qualified name in a virtual environment with the given dependencies. """ VENV_CACHE = os.path.expanduser("~/.apache_beam/cache/venvs") def __init__(self, packages, base_python=sys.executable): self._packages = packages self._base_python = base_python def _key(self): return json.dumps({'binary': self._base_python, 'packages': self._packages}) def _venv(self): venv = os.path.join( self.VENV_CACHE, hashlib.sha256(self._key().encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()) if not os.path.exists(venv): python_binary = os.path.join(venv, 'bin', 'python')[self._base_python, '-m', 'venv', venv], check=True)[python_binary, '-m', 'ensurepip'], check=True)[python_binary, '-m', 'pip', 'install'] + self._packages, check=True) with open(venv + '-requirements.txt', 'w') as fout: fout.write('\n'.join(self._packages)) return venv def __enter__(self): venv = self._venv() self._service_provider = subprocess_server.SubprocessServer( external.ExpansionAndArtifactRetrievalStub, [ os.path.join(venv, 'bin', 'python'), '-m', 'apache_beam.runners.portability.expansion_service_main', '--port', '{{PORT}}', '--fully_qualified_name_glob=*', '--pickle_library=cloudpickle', '--requirements_file=' + os.path.join(venv + '-requirements.txt') ]) self._service = self._service_provider.__enter__() return self._service def __exit__(self, *args): self._service_provider.__exit__(*args) self._service = None
[docs]def parse_providers(provider_specs): providers = collections.defaultdict(list) for provider_spec in provider_specs: provider = ExternalProvider.provider_from_spec(provider_spec) for transform_type in provider.provided_transforms(): providers[transform_type].append(provider) # TODO: Do this better. provider.to_json = lambda result=provider_spec: result return providers
[docs]def merge_providers(*provider_sets): result = collections.defaultdict(list) for provider_set in provider_sets: for transform_type, providers in provider_set.items(): result[transform_type].extend(providers) return result
[docs]def standard_providers(): builtin_providers = collections.defaultdict(list) builtin_provider = create_builtin_provider() for transform_type in builtin_provider.provided_transforms(): builtin_providers[transform_type].append(builtin_provider) with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'standard_providers.yaml')) as fin: standard_providers = yaml.load(fin, Loader=SafeLoader) return merge_providers(builtin_providers, parse_providers(standard_providers))