Source code for apache_beam.utils.multi_process_shared

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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"""Implements a shared object that spans processes.

This object will be instanciated once per VM and methods will be invoked
on it via rpc.
# pytype: skip-file

import logging
import multiprocessing.managers
import os
import tempfile
import threading
from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import Dict
from typing import Generic
from typing import Optional
from typing import TypeVar

import fasteners

T = TypeVar('T')
AUTH_KEY = b'mps'

class _SingletonProxy:
  """Proxies the shared object so we can release it with better errors and no
  risk of dangling references in the multiprocessing manager infrastructure.
  def __init__(self, entry):
    # Guard names so as to not conflict with names of underlying object.
    self._SingletonProxy_entry = entry
    self._SingletonProxy_valid = True

  # Used to make the shared object callable (see _AutoProxyWrapper below)
  def singletonProxy_call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    if not self._SingletonProxy_valid:
      raise RuntimeError('Entry was released.')
    return self._SingletonProxy_entry.obj.__call__(*args, **kwargs)

  def _SingletonProxy_release(self):
    assert self._SingletonProxy_valid
    self._SingletonProxy_valid = False

  def __getattr__(self, name):
    if not self._SingletonProxy_valid:
      raise RuntimeError('Entry was released.')
    return getattr(self._SingletonProxy_entry.obj, name)

  def __dir__(self):
    # Needed for multiprocessing.managers's proxying.
    dir = self._SingletonProxy_entry.obj.__dir__()
    return dir

class _SingletonEntry:
  """Represents a single, refcounted entry in this process."""
  def __init__(self, constructor, initialize_eagerly=True):
    self.constructor = constructor
    self.refcount = 0
    self.lock = threading.Lock()
    if initialize_eagerly:
      self.obj = constructor()
      self.initialied = True
      self.initialied = False

  def acquire(self):
    with self.lock:
      if not self.initialied:
        self.obj = self.constructor()
        self.initialied = True
      self.refcount += 1
      return _SingletonProxy(self)

  def release(self, proxy):
    with self.lock:
      self.refcount -= 1
      if self.refcount == 0:
        del self.obj
        self.initialied = False

class _SingletonManager:
  entries: Dict[Any, Any] = {}

  def register_singleton(self, constructor, tag, initialize_eagerly=True):
    assert tag not in self.entries, tag
    self.entries[tag] = _SingletonEntry(constructor, initialize_eagerly)

  def has_singleton(self, tag):
    return tag in self.entries

  def acquire_singleton(self, tag):
    return self.entries[tag].acquire()

  def release_singleton(self, tag, obj):
    return self.entries[tag].release(obj)

_process_level_singleton_manager = _SingletonManager()

_process_local_lock = threading.Lock()

class _SingletonRegistrar(multiprocessing.managers.BaseManager):


# By default, objects registered with BaseManager.register will have only
# public methods available (excluding __call__). If you know the functions
# you would like to expose, you can do so at register time with the `exposed`
# attribute. Since we don't, we will add a wrapper around the returned AutoProxy
# object to handle __call__ function calls and turn them into
# singletonProxy_call__ calls (which is a wrapper around the underlying
# object's __call__ function)
class _AutoProxyWrapper:
  def __init__(self, proxyObject: multiprocessing.managers.BaseProxy):
    self._proxyObject = proxyObject

  def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    return self._proxyObject.singletonProxy_call__(*args, **kwargs)

  def __getattr__(self, name):
    return getattr(self._proxyObject, name)

[docs]class MultiProcessShared(Generic[T]): """MultiProcessShared is used to share a single object across processes. For example, one could have the class:: class MyExpensiveObject(object): def __init__(self, args): [expensive initialization and memory allocation] def method(self, arg): ... One could share a single instance of this class by wrapping it as:: shared_ptr = MultiProcessShared(lambda: MyExpensiveObject(...)) my_expensive_object = shared_ptr.acquire() which could then be invoked as:: my_expensive_object.method(arg) This can then be released with:: shared_ptr.release(my_expensive_object) but care should be taken to avoid releasing the object too soon or expensive re-initialization may be required, defeating the point of using a shared object. Args: constructor: function that initialises / constructs the object if not present in the cache. This function should take no arguments. It should return an initialised object, or raise an exception if the object could not be initialised / constructed. tag: an indentifier to store with the cached object. If multiple MultiProcessShared instances are created with the same tag, they will all share the same proxied object. path: a temporary path in which to create the inter-process lock always_proxy: whether to direct all calls through the proxy, rather than call the object directly for the process that created it """ def __init__( self, constructor: Callable[[], T], tag: Any, *, path: str = tempfile.gettempdir(), always_proxy: Optional[bool] = None): self._constructor = constructor self._tag = tag self._path = path self._always_proxy = False if always_proxy is None else always_proxy self._proxy = None self._manager = None self._rpc_address = None self._cross_process_lock = fasteners.InterProcessLock( os.path.join(self._path, self._tag) + '.lock') def _get_manager(self): if self._manager is None: address_file = os.path.join(self._path, self._tag) + ".address" while self._manager is None: with _process_local_lock: with self._cross_process_lock: if not os.path.exists(address_file): self._create_server(address_file) if _process_level_singleton_manager.has_singleton( self._tag) and not self._always_proxy: self._manager = _process_level_singleton_manager else: with open(address_file) as fin: address ='Connecting to remote proxy at %s', address) host, port = address.split(':') # We need to be able to authenticate with both the manager and # the process. manager = _SingletonRegistrar( address=(host, int(port)), authkey=AUTH_KEY) multiprocessing.current_process().authkey = AUTH_KEY try: manager.connect() self._manager = manager except ConnectionError: # The server is no longer good, assume it died. os.unlink(address_file) return self._manager
[docs] def acquire(self): # TODO: Allow passing/parameterizing the callable here, in case they are # not available at MultiProcessShared construction time (e.g. from side # inputs) # Caveat: They must always agree, as they will be ignored if the object # is already constructed. singleton = self._get_manager().acquire_singleton(self._tag) return _AutoProxyWrapper(singleton)
[docs] def release(self, obj): self._manager.release_singleton(self._tag, obj)
def _create_server(self, address_file): # We need to be able to authenticate with both the manager and the process. self._serving_manager = _SingletonRegistrar( address=('localhost', 0), authkey=AUTH_KEY) multiprocessing.current_process().authkey = AUTH_KEY # Initialize eagerly to avoid acting as the server if there are issues. # Note, however, that _create_server itself is called lazily. _process_level_singleton_manager.register_singleton( self._constructor, self._tag, initialize_eagerly=True) self._server = self._serving_manager.get_server() 'Starting proxy server at %s for shared %s', self._server.address, self._tag) with open(address_file + '.tmp', 'w') as fout: fout.write('%s:%d' % self._server.address) os.rename(address_file + '.tmp', address_file) t = threading.Thread(target=self._server.serve_forever, daemon=True) t.start()'Done starting server')