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Utility functions used for integrating Metrics API into load tests pipelines.
Metrics are send to BigQuery in following format:
test_id | submit_timestamp | metric_type | value
The 'test_id' is common for all metrics for one run.
Currently it is possible to have following metrics types:
* runtime
* total_bytes_count
# pytype: skip-file
import json
import logging
import time
import uuid
from typing import List
from typing import Mapping
from typing import Optional
from typing import Union
import pandas as pd
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
import apache_beam as beam
from apache_beam.metrics import Metrics
from apache_beam.metrics.metric import MetricResults
from apache_beam.metrics.metric import MetricsFilter
from apache_beam.runners.runner import PipelineResult
from apache_beam.transforms.window import TimestampedValue
from apache_beam.utils.timestamp import Timestamp
from google.cloud import bigquery
from google.cloud.bigquery.schema import SchemaField
from google.cloud.exceptions import NotFound
except ImportError:
bigquery = None # type: ignore
SchemaField = None # type: ignore
NotFound = None # type: ignore
RUNTIME_METRIC = 'runtime'
COUNTER_LABEL = 'total_bytes_count'
ID_LABEL = 'test_id'
VALUE_LABEL = 'value'
'name': ID_LABEL, 'field_type': 'STRING', 'mode': 'REQUIRED'
'field_type': 'TIMESTAMP',
'mode': 'REQUIRED'
'field_type': 'STRING',
'mode': 'REQUIRED'
}, {
'name': VALUE_LABEL, 'field_type': 'FLOAT', 'mode': 'REQUIRED'
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]def parse_step(step_name):
"""Replaces white spaces and removes 'Step:' label
step_name(str): step name passed in metric ParDo
lower case step name without namespace and step label
prefix = 'step'
step_name = step_name.lower().replace(' ', '_')
step_name = (
if prefix and step_name.startswith(prefix) else step_name)
return step_name.strip(':_')
[docs]def split_metrics_by_namespace_and_name(metrics, namespace, name):
"""Splits metrics list namespace and name.
metrics: list of metrics from pipeline result
namespace(str): filter metrics by namespace
name(str): filter metrics by name
two lists - one of metrics which are matching filters
and second of not matching
matching_metrics = []
not_matching_metrics = []
for dist in metrics:
if dist.key.metric.namespace == namespace\
and dist.key.metric.name == name:
return matching_metrics, not_matching_metrics
[docs]def get_generic_distributions(generic_dists, metric_id):
"""Creates flatten list of distributions per its value type.
A generic distribution is the one which is not processed but saved in
the most raw version.
generic_dists: list of distributions to be saved
metric_id(uuid): id of the current test run
list of dictionaries made from :class:`DistributionMetric`
return sum((
get_all_distributions_by_type(dist, metric_id) for dist in generic_dists),
[docs]def get_all_distributions_by_type(dist, metric_id):
"""Creates new list of objects with type of each distribution
metric value.
dist(object): DistributionMetric object to be parsed
metric_id(uuid): id of the current test run
list of :class:`DistributionMetric` objects
submit_timestamp = time.time()
dist_types = ['count', 'max', 'min', 'sum', 'mean']
distribution_dicts = []
for dist_type in dist_types:
get_distribution_dict(dist_type, submit_timestamp, dist, metric_id))
except ValueError:
# Ignore metrics with 'None' values.
return distribution_dicts
[docs]def get_distribution_dict(metric_type, submit_timestamp, dist, metric_id):
"""Function creates :class:`DistributionMetric`
metric_type(str): type of value from distribution metric which will
be saved (ex. max, min, mean, sum)
submit_timestamp: timestamp when metric is saved
dist(object) distribution object from pipeline result
metric_id(uuid): id of the current test run
dictionary prepared for saving according to schema
return DistributionMetric(dist, submit_timestamp, metric_id,
[docs]class MetricsReader(object):
A :class:`MetricsReader` retrieves metrics from pipeline result,
prepares it for publishers and setup publishers.
def __init__(
influxdb_options=None, # type: Optional[InfluxDBMetricsPublisherOptions]
"""Initializes :class:`MetricsReader` .
project_name (str): project with BigQuery where metrics will be saved
bq_table (str): BigQuery table where metrics will be saved
bq_dataset (str): BigQuery dataset where metrics will be saved
namespace (str): Namespace of the metrics
filters: MetricFilter to query only filtered metrics
self._namespace = namespace
self.publishers: List[MetricsPublisher] = []
# publish to console output
bq_check = project_name and bq_table and bq_dataset and publish_to_bq
if bq_check:
# publish to BigQuery
bq_publisher = BigQueryMetricsPublisher(
project_name, bq_table, bq_dataset)
if influxdb_options and influxdb_options.validate():
# publish to InfluxDB
'Missing InfluxDB options. Metrics will not be published to '
self.filters = filters
[docs] def get_counter_metric(self, result: PipelineResult, name: str) -> int:
Return the current value for a long counter, or -1 if can't be retrieved.
Note this uses only attempted metrics because some runners don't support
committed metrics.
filters = MetricsFilter().with_namespace(self._namespace).with_name(name)
counters = result.metrics().query(filters)[MetricResults.COUNTERS]
num_results = len(counters)
if num_results > 1:
raise ValueError(
f"More than one metric result matches name: {name} in namespace "\
f"{self._namespace}. Metric results count: {num_results}")
elif num_results == 0:
return -1
return counters[0].attempted
[docs] def publish_metrics(
self, result: PipelineResult, extra_metrics: Optional[dict] = None):
"""Publish metrics from pipeline result to registered publishers."""
metric_id = uuid.uuid4().hex
metrics = result.metrics().query(self.filters)
# Metrics from pipeline result are stored in map with keys: 'gauges',
# 'distributions' and 'counters'.
# Under each key there is list of objects of each metric type. It is
# required to prepare metrics for publishing purposes. Expected is to have
# a list of dictionaries matching the schema.
insert_dicts = self._prepare_all_metrics(metrics, metric_id)
insert_dicts += self._prepare_extra_metrics(metric_id, extra_metrics)
if len(insert_dicts) > 0:
for publisher in self.publishers:
def _prepare_extra_metrics(
self, metric_id: str, extra_metrics: Optional[dict] = None):
ts = time.time()
if not extra_metrics:
extra_metrics = {}
return [
Metric(ts, metric_id, v, label=k).as_dict() for k,
v in extra_metrics.items()
[docs] def publish_values(self, labeled_values):
"""The method to publish simple labeled values.
labeled_values (List[Tuple(str, int)]): list of (label, value)
metric_dicts = [
Metric(time.time(), uuid.uuid4().hex, value, label=label).as_dict()
for label,
value in labeled_values
for publisher in self.publishers:
def _prepare_all_metrics(self, metrics, metric_id):
insert_rows = self._get_counters(metrics['counters'], metric_id)
insert_rows += self._get_distributions(metrics['distributions'], metric_id)
return insert_rows
def _get_counters(self, counters, metric_id):
submit_timestamp = time.time()
return [
CounterMetric(counter, submit_timestamp, metric_id).as_dict()
for counter in counters
def _get_distributions(self, distributions, metric_id):
rows = []
matching_namsespace, not_matching_namespace = \
split_metrics_by_namespace_and_name(distributions, self._namespace,
if len(matching_namsespace) > 0:
runtime_metric = RuntimeMetric(matching_namsespace, metric_id)
if len(not_matching_namespace) > 0:
rows += get_generic_distributions(not_matching_namespace, metric_id)
return rows
[docs]class Metric(object):
"""Metric base class in ready-to-save format."""
def __init__(
self, submit_timestamp, metric_id, value, metric=None, label=None):
"""Initializes :class:`Metric`
metric (object): object of metric result
submit_timestamp (float): date-time of saving metric to database
metric_id (uuid): unique id to identify test run
value: value of metric
label: custom metric name to be saved in database
self.submit_timestamp = submit_timestamp
self.metric_id = metric_id
self.label = label or metric.key.metric.namespace + \
'_' + parse_step(metric.key.step) + \
'_' + metric.key.metric.name
self.value = value
[docs] def as_dict(self):
return {
SUBMIT_TIMESTAMP_LABEL: self.submit_timestamp,
ID_LABEL: self.metric_id,
VALUE_LABEL: self.value,
[docs]class CounterMetric(Metric):
"""The Counter Metric in ready-to-publish format.
counter_metric (object): counter metric object from MetricResult
submit_timestamp (float): date-time of saving metric to database
metric_id (uuid): unique id to identify test run
def __init__(self, counter_metric, submit_timestamp, metric_id):
value = counter_metric.result
super().__init__(submit_timestamp, metric_id, value, counter_metric)
[docs]class DistributionMetric(Metric):
"""The Distribution Metric in ready-to-publish format.
dist_metric (object): distribution metric object from MetricResult
submit_timestamp (float): date-time of saving metric to database
metric_id (uuid): unique id to identify test run
def __init__(self, dist_metric, submit_timestamp, metric_id, metric_type):
custom_label = dist_metric.key.metric.namespace + \
'_' + parse_step(dist_metric.key.step) + \
'_' + metric_type + \
'_' + dist_metric.key.metric.name
value = getattr(dist_metric.result, metric_type)
if value is None:
msg = '%s: the result is expected to be an integer, ' \
'not None.' % custom_label
raise ValueError(msg)
super() \
.__init__(submit_timestamp, metric_id, value, dist_metric, custom_label)
[docs]class RuntimeMetric(Metric):
"""The Distribution Metric in ready-to-publish format.
runtime_list: list of distributions metrics from MetricResult
with runtime name
metric_id(uuid): unique id to identify test run
def __init__(self, runtime_list, metric_id):
value = self._prepare_runtime_metrics(runtime_list)
submit_timestamp = time.time()
# Label does not include step name, because it is one value calculated
# out of many steps
label = runtime_list[0].key.metric.namespace + \
super().__init__(submit_timestamp, metric_id, value, None, label)
def _prepare_runtime_metrics(self, distributions):
min_values = []
max_values = []
for dist in distributions:
# finding real start
min_value = min(min_values)
# finding real end
max_value = max(max_values)
runtime_in_s = float(max_value - min_value)
return runtime_in_s
[docs]class MetricsPublisher:
"""Base class for metrics publishers."""
[docs] def publish(self, results):
raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class ConsoleMetricsPublisher(MetricsPublisher):
"""A :class:`ConsoleMetricsPublisher` publishes collected metrics
to console output."""
[docs] def publish(self, results):
if len(results) > 0:
log = "Load test results for test: %s and timestamp: %s:" \
% (results[0][ID_LABEL], results[0][SUBMIT_TIMESTAMP_LABEL])
for result in results:
log = "Metric: %s Value: %d" \
_LOGGER.info("No test results were collected.")
[docs]class BigQueryMetricsPublisher(MetricsPublisher):
"""A :class:`BigQueryMetricsPublisher` publishes collected metrics
to BigQuery output."""
def __init__(self, project_name, table, dataset, bq_schema=None):
if not bq_schema:
bq_schema = SCHEMA
self.bq = BigQueryClient(project_name, table, dataset, bq_schema)
[docs] def publish(self, results):
outputs = self.bq.save(results)
if len(outputs) > 0:
for output in outputs:
if output['errors']:
raise ValueError(
'Unable save rows in BigQuery: {}'.format(output['errors']))
[docs]class BigQueryClient(object):
"""A :class:`BigQueryClient` publishes collected metrics to
BigQuery output."""
def __init__(self, project_name, table, dataset, bq_schema=None):
self.schema = bq_schema
self._namespace = table
self._client = bigquery.Client(project=project_name)
self._schema_names = self._get_schema_names()
schema = self._prepare_schema()
self._get_or_create_table(schema, dataset)
def _get_schema_names(self):
return [schema['name'] for schema in self.schema]
def _prepare_schema(self):
return [SchemaField(**row) for row in self.schema]
def _get_or_create_table(self, bq_schemas, dataset):
if self._namespace == '':
raise ValueError('Namespace cannot be empty.')
dataset = self._get_dataset(dataset)
table_ref = dataset.table(self._namespace)
self._bq_table = self._client.get_table(table_ref)
except NotFound:
table = bigquery.Table(table_ref, schema=bq_schemas)
self._bq_table = self._client.create_table(table)
def _get_dataset(self, dataset_name):
bq_dataset_ref = self._client.dataset(dataset_name)
bq_dataset = self._client.get_dataset(bq_dataset_ref)
except NotFound:
raise ValueError(
'Dataset {} does not exist in your project. '
'You have to create table first.'.format(dataset_name))
return bq_dataset
[docs] def save(self, results):
return self._client.insert_rows(self._bq_table, results)
[docs]class InfluxDBMetricsPublisherOptions(object):
def __init__(
measurement, # type: str
db_name, # type: str
hostname, # type: str
user=None, # type: Optional[str]
password=None # type: Optional[str]
self.measurement = measurement
self.db_name = db_name
self.hostname = hostname
self.user = user
self.password = password
[docs] def validate(self):
# type: () -> bool
return bool(self.measurement) and bool(self.db_name)
[docs] def http_auth_enabled(self):
# type: () -> bool
return self.user is not None and self.password is not None
[docs]class InfluxDBMetricsPublisher(MetricsPublisher):
"""Publishes collected metrics to InfluxDB database."""
def __init__(
options # type: InfluxDBMetricsPublisherOptions
self.options = options
[docs] def publish(self, results):
# type: (List[Mapping[str, Union[float, str, int]]]) -> None
url = '{}/write'.format(self.options.hostname)
payload = self._build_payload(results)
query_str = {'db': self.options.db_name, 'precision': 's'}
auth = HTTPBasicAuth(self.options.user, self.options.password) if \
self.options.http_auth_enabled() else None
response = requests.post(url, params=query_str, data=payload, auth=auth)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
_LOGGER.warning('Failed to publish metrics to InfluxDB: ' + str(e))
if response.status_code != 204:
content = json.loads(response.content)
'Failed to publish metrics to InfluxDB. Received status code %s '
'with an error message: %s' %
(response.status_code, content['error']))
def _build_payload(self, results):
# type: (List[Mapping[str, Union[float, str, int]]]) -> str
def build_kv(mapping, key):
return '{}={}'.format(key, mapping[key])
points = []
for result in results:
comma_separated = [
build_kv(result, METRICS_TYPE_LABEL),
build_kv(result, ID_LABEL),
point = ','.join(comma_separated) + ' ' + build_kv(result, VALUE_LABEL) \
+ ' ' + str(int(result[SUBMIT_TIMESTAMP_LABEL]))
return '\n'.join(points)
[docs]class MeasureTime(beam.DoFn):
"""A distribution metric prepared to be added to pipeline as ParDo
to measure runtime."""
def __init__(self, namespace):
"""Initializes :class:`MeasureTime`.
namespace(str): namespace of metric
self.namespace = namespace
self.runtime = Metrics.distribution(self.namespace, RUNTIME_METRIC)
[docs] def start_bundle(self):
[docs] def finish_bundle(self):
[docs] def process(self, element):
yield element
[docs]class MeasureBytes(beam.DoFn):
"""Metric to measure how many bytes was observed in pipeline."""
LABEL = 'total_bytes'
def __init__(self, namespace, extractor=None):
"""Initializes :class:`MeasureBytes`.
namespace(str): metric namespace
extractor: function to extract elements to be count
self.namespace = namespace
self.counter = Metrics.counter(self.namespace, self.LABEL)
self.extractor = extractor if extractor else lambda x: (yield x)
[docs] def process(self, element, *args):
for value in self.extractor(element, *args):
yield element
[docs]class CountMessages(beam.DoFn):
LABEL = 'total_messages'
def __init__(self, namespace):
self.namespace = namespace
self.counter = Metrics.counter(self.namespace, self.LABEL)
[docs] def process(self, element):
yield element
[docs]class MeasureLatency(beam.DoFn):
"""A distribution metric which captures the latency based on the timestamps
of the processed elements."""
LABEL = 'latency'
def __init__(self, namespace):
"""Initializes :class:`MeasureLatency`.
namespace(str): namespace of metric
self.namespace = namespace
self.latency_ms = Metrics.distribution(self.namespace, self.LABEL)
self.time_fn = time.time
[docs] def process(self, element, timestamp=beam.DoFn.TimestampParam):
int(self.time_fn() * 1000) - (timestamp.micros // 1000))
yield element
[docs]class AssignTimestamps(beam.DoFn):
"""DoFn to assigned timestamps to elements."""
def __init__(self):
# Avoid having to use save_main_session
self.time_fn = time.time
self.timestamp_val_fn = TimestampedValue
self.timestamp_fn = Timestamp
[docs] def process(self, element):
yield self.timestamp_val_fn(
element, self.timestamp_fn(micros=int(self.time_fn() * 1000000)))
[docs]class BigQueryMetricsFetcher:
def __init__(self):
self.client = bigquery.Client()
[docs] def fetch(self, query) -> pd.DataFrame:
query_job = self.client.query(query=query)
result = query_job.result()
return result.to_dataframe()