Source code for

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# pytype: skip-file

import collections
import os
import typing
import uuid
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Sequence
from typing import Union

import numpy as np

import apache_beam as beam
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_transform.beam as tft_beam
from import ArtifactMode
from import ProcessHandler
from import _EXPECTED_TYPES
from import TFTOperation
from apache_beam.typehints import native_type_compatibility
from apache_beam.typehints.row_type import RowTypeConstraint
from tensorflow_metadata.proto.v0 import schema_pb2
from tensorflow_transform import common_types
from tensorflow_transform.beam.tft_beam_io import beam_metadata_io
from tensorflow_transform.beam.tft_beam_io import transform_fn_io
from tensorflow_transform.tf_metadata import dataset_metadata
from tensorflow_transform.tf_metadata import metadata_io
from tensorflow_transform.tf_metadata import schema_utils

__all__ = [

_ID_COLUMN = 'tmp_uuid'  # Name for a temporary column.

RAW_DATA_METADATA_DIR = 'raw_data_metadata'
SCHEMA_FILE = 'schema.pbtxt'
# tensorflow transform doesn't support the types other than tf.int64,
# tf.float32 and tf.string.
_default_type_to_tensor_type_map = {
    int: tf.int64,
    float: tf.float32,
    str: tf.string,
    bytes: tf.string,
    np.int64: tf.int64,
    np.int32: tf.int64,
    np.float32: tf.float32,
    np.float64: tf.float32,
    np.bytes_: tf.string,
    np.str_: tf.string,
_primitive_types_to_typing_container_type = {
    int: List[int], float: List[float], str: List[str], bytes: List[bytes]

tft_process_handler_input_type = typing.Union[typing.NamedTuple,
tft_process_handler_output_type = typing.Union[beam.Row, Dict[str, np.ndarray]]

class _ConvertScalarValuesToListValues(beam.DoFn):
  def process(
    id, element = element
    new_dict = {}
    for key, value in element.items():
      if isinstance(value,
        new_dict[key] = [value]
        new_dict[key] = value
    yield (id, new_dict)

class _ConvertNamedTupleToDict(
    beam.PTransform[beam.PCollection[typing.Union[beam.Row, typing.NamedTuple]],
    A PTransform that converts a collection of NamedTuples or Rows into a
    collection of dictionaries.
  def expand(
      self, pcoll: beam.PCollection[typing.Union[beam.Row, typing.NamedTuple]]
  ) -> beam.PCollection[common_types.InstanceDictType]:
      pcoll: A PCollection of NamedTuples or Rows.
      A PCollection of dictionaries.
    if isinstance(pcoll.element_type, RowTypeConstraint):
      # Row instance
      return pcoll | beam.Map(lambda x: x.as_dict())
      # named tuple
      return pcoll | beam.Map(lambda x: x._asdict())

class _ComputeAndAttachUniqueID(beam.DoFn):
  Computes and attaches a unique id to each element in the PCollection.
  def process(self, element):
    # UUID1 includes machine-specific bits and has a counter. As long as not too
    # many are generated at the same time, they should be unique.
    # UUID4 generation should be unique in practice as long as underlying random
    # number generation is not compromised.
    # A combintation of both should avoid the anecdotal pitfalls where
    # replacing one with the other has helped some users.
    # UUID collision will result in data loss, but we can detect that and fail.

    # TODO( Evaluate MLTransform
    # implementation without CoGBK.
    unique_key = uuid.uuid1().bytes + uuid.uuid4().bytes
    yield (unique_key, element)

class _GetMissingColumns(beam.DoFn):
  Returns data containing only the columns that are not
  present in the schema. This is needed since TFT only outputs
  columns that are transformed by any of the data processing transforms.
  def __init__(self, existing_columns):
    self.existing_columns = existing_columns

  def process(self, element):
    id, row_dict = element
    new_dict = {
        k: v
        for k, v in row_dict.items() if k not in self.existing_columns
    yield (id, new_dict)

class _MakeIdAsColumn(beam.DoFn):
  Extracts the id from the element and adds it as a column instead.
  def process(self, element):
    id, element = element
    element[_ID_COLUMN] = id
    yield element

class _ExtractIdAndKeyPColl(beam.DoFn):
  Extracts the id and return id and element as a tuple.
  def process(self, element):
    id = element[_ID_COLUMN][0]
    del element[_ID_COLUMN]
    yield (id, element)

class _MergeDicts(beam.DoFn):
  Merges processed and unprocessed columns from CoGBK result into a single row.
  def process(self, element):
    unused_row_id, row_dicts_tuple = element
    new_dict = {}
    for d in row_dicts_tuple:
      # After CoGBK, dicts with processed and unprocessed portions of each row
      # are wrapped in 1-element lists, since all rows have a unique id.
      # Assertion could fail due to UUID collision.
      assert len(d) == 1, f"Expected 1 element, got: {len(d)}."
    yield new_dict

[docs]class TFTProcessHandler(ProcessHandler[tft_process_handler_input_type, tft_process_handler_output_type]): def __init__( self, *, artifact_location: str, transforms: Optional[Sequence[TFTOperation]] = None, artifact_mode: str = ArtifactMode.PRODUCE): """ A handler class for processing data with TensorFlow Transform (TFT) operations. """ self.transforms = transforms if transforms else [] self.transformed_schema: Dict[str, type] = {} self.artifact_location = artifact_location self.artifact_mode = artifact_mode if artifact_mode not in ['produce', 'consume']: raise ValueError('artifact_mode must be either `produce` or `consume`.')
[docs] def append_transform(self, transform): self.transforms.append(transform)
def _map_column_names_to_types(self, row_type): """ Return a dictionary of column names and types. Args: element_type: A type of the element. This could be a NamedTuple or a Row. Returns: A dictionary of column names and types. """ try: if not isinstance(row_type, RowTypeConstraint): row_type = RowTypeConstraint.from_user_type(row_type) inferred_types = {name: typ for name, typ in row_type._fields} for k, t in inferred_types.items(): if t in _primitive_types_to_typing_container_type: inferred_types[k] = _primitive_types_to_typing_container_type[t] # sometimes a numpy type can be provided as np.dtype('int64'). # convert numpy.dtype to numpy type since both are same. for name, typ in inferred_types.items(): if isinstance(typ, np.dtype): inferred_types[name] = typ.type return inferred_types except: # pylint: disable=bare-except return {} def _map_column_names_to_types_from_transforms(self): column_type_mapping = {} for transform in self.transforms: for col in transform.columns: if col not in column_type_mapping: # we just need to dtype of first occurance of column in transforms. class_name = transform.__class__.__name__ if class_name not in _EXPECTED_TYPES: raise KeyError( f"Transform {class_name} is not registered with a supported " "type. Please register the transform with a supported type " "using register_input_dtype decorator.") column_type_mapping[col] = _EXPECTED_TYPES[ transform.__class__.__name__] return column_type_mapping
[docs] def get_raw_data_feature_spec( self, input_types: Dict[str, type]) -> Dict[str,]: """ Return a DatasetMetadata object to be used with tft_beam.AnalyzeAndTransformDataset. Args: input_types: A dictionary of column names and types. Returns: A DatasetMetadata object. """ raw_data_feature_spec = {} for key, value in input_types.items(): raw_data_feature_spec[key] = self._get_raw_data_feature_spec_per_column( typ=value, col_name=key) return raw_data_feature_spec
[docs] def convert_raw_data_feature_spec_to_dataset_metadata( self, raw_data_feature_spec) -> dataset_metadata.DatasetMetadata: raw_data_metadata = dataset_metadata.DatasetMetadata( schema_utils.schema_from_feature_spec(raw_data_feature_spec)) return raw_data_metadata
def _get_raw_data_feature_spec_per_column( self, typ: type, col_name: str) -> """ Return a FeatureSpec object to be used with tft_beam.AnalyzeAndTransformDataset Args: typ: A type of the column. col_name: A name of the column. Returns: A FeatureSpec object. """ # lets conver the builtin types to typing types for consistency. typ = native_type_compatibility.convert_builtin_to_typing(typ) primitive_containers_type = ( list,, ) is_primitive_container = ( typing.get_origin(typ) in primitive_containers_type) if is_primitive_container: dtype = typing.get_args(typ)[0] if len(typing.get_args(typ)) > 1 or typing.get_origin(dtype) == Union: raise RuntimeError( f"Union type is not supported for column: {col_name}. " f"Please pass a PCollection with valid schema for column " f"{col_name} by passing a single type " "in container. For example, List[int].") elif issubclass(typ, np.generic) or typ in _default_type_to_tensor_type_map: dtype = typ else: raise TypeError( f"Unable to identify type: {typ} specified on column: {col_name}. " f"Please provide a valid type from the following: " f"{_default_type_to_tensor_type_map.keys()}") return[dtype])
[docs] def get_raw_data_metadata( self, input_types: Dict[str, type]) -> dataset_metadata.DatasetMetadata: raw_data_feature_spec = self.get_raw_data_feature_spec(input_types) raw_data_feature_spec[_ID_COLUMN] = return self.convert_raw_data_feature_spec_to_dataset_metadata( raw_data_feature_spec)
[docs] def write_transform_artifacts(self, transform_fn, location): """ Write transform artifacts to the given location. Args: transform_fn: A transform_fn object. location: A location to write the artifacts. Returns: A PCollection of WriteTransformFn writing a TF transform graph. """ return ( transform_fn | 'Write Transform Artifacts' >> transform_fn_io.WriteTransformFn(location))
def _fail_on_non_default_windowing(self, pcoll: beam.PCollection): if not pcoll.windowing.is_default(): raise RuntimeError( "MLTransform only supports GlobalWindows when producing " "artifacts such as min, max, variance etc over the dataset." "Please use beam.WindowInto(beam.transforms.window.GlobalWindows()) " "to convert your PCollection to GlobalWindow.")
[docs] def process_data_fn( self, inputs: Dict[str, common_types.ConsistentTensorType] ) -> Dict[str, common_types.ConsistentTensorType]: """ This method is used in the AnalyzeAndTransformDataset step. It applies the transforms to the `inputs` in sequential order on the columns provided for a given transform. Args: inputs: A dictionary of column names and data. Returns: A dictionary of column names and transformed data. """ outputs = inputs.copy() for transform in self.transforms: columns = transform.columns for col in columns: intermediate_result = transform(outputs[col], output_column_name=col) for key, value in intermediate_result.items(): outputs[key] = value return outputs
def _get_transformed_data_schema( self, metadata: dataset_metadata.DatasetMetadata, ): schema = metadata._schema transformed_types = {} for feature in schema.feature: name = feature_type = feature.type if feature_type == schema_pb2.FeatureType.FLOAT: transformed_types[name] = typing.Sequence[np.float32] elif feature_type == schema_pb2.FeatureType.INT: transformed_types[name] = typing.Sequence[np.int64] # type: ignore[assignment] else: transformed_types[name] = typing.Sequence[bytes] # type: ignore[assignment] return transformed_types
[docs] def expand( self, raw_data: beam.PCollection[tft_process_handler_input_type] ) -> beam.PCollection[tft_process_handler_output_type]: """ This method also computes the required dataset metadata for the tft AnalyzeDataset/TransformDataset step. This method uses tensorflow_transform's Analyze step to produce the artifacts and Transform step to apply the transforms on the data. Artifacts are only produced if the artifact_mode is set to `produce`. If artifact_mode is set to `consume`, then the artifacts are read from the artifact_location, which was previously used to store the produced artifacts. """ if self.artifact_mode == ArtifactMode.PRODUCE: # If we are computing artifacts, we should fail for windows other than # default windowing since for example, for a fixed window, each window can # be treated as a separate dataset and we might need to compute artifacts # for each window. This is not supported yet. self._fail_on_non_default_windowing(raw_data) element_type = raw_data.element_type column_type_mapping = {} if (isinstance(element_type, RowTypeConstraint) or native_type_compatibility.match_is_named_tuple(element_type)): column_type_mapping = self._map_column_names_to_types( row_type=element_type) # convert Row or NamedTuple to Dict raw_data = ( raw_data | _ConvertNamedTupleToDict().with_output_types( Dict[str, typing.Union[tuple(column_type_mapping.values())]])) # type: ignore # AnalyzeAndTransformDataset raise type hint since this is # schema'd PCollection and the current output type would be a # custom type(NamedTuple) or a beam.Row type. else: column_type_mapping = self._map_column_names_to_types_from_transforms() # Add id so TFT can output id as output but as a no-op. raw_data_metadata = self.get_raw_data_metadata( input_types=column_type_mapping) # Write untransformed metadata to a file so that it can be re-used # during Transform step. metadata_io.write_metadata( metadata=raw_data_metadata, path=os.path.join(self.artifact_location, RAW_DATA_METADATA_DIR)) else: # Read the metadata from the artifact_location. if not os.path.exists(os.path.join( self.artifact_location, RAW_DATA_METADATA_DIR, SCHEMA_FILE)): raise FileNotFoundError( "Artifacts not found at location: %s when using " "read_artifact_location. Make sure you've run the pipeline with " "write_artifact_location using this artifact location before " "running with read_artifact_location set." % os.path.join(self.artifact_location, RAW_DATA_METADATA_DIR)) raw_data_metadata = metadata_io.read_metadata( os.path.join(self.artifact_location, RAW_DATA_METADATA_DIR)) keyed_raw_data = (raw_data | beam.ParDo(_ComputeAndAttachUniqueID())) feature_set = [ for feature in raw_data_metadata.schema.feature] keyed_columns_not_in_schema = ( keyed_raw_data | beam.ParDo(_GetMissingColumns(feature_set))) # To maintain consistency by outputting numpy array all the time, # whether a scalar value or list or np array is passed as input, # we will convert scalar values to list values and TFT will ouput # numpy array all the time. keyed_raw_data = keyed_raw_data | beam.ParDo( _ConvertScalarValuesToListValues()) raw_data_list = (keyed_raw_data | beam.ParDo(_MakeIdAsColumn())) with tft_beam.Context(temp_dir=self.artifact_location): data = (raw_data_list, raw_data_metadata) if self.artifact_mode == ArtifactMode.PRODUCE: transform_fn = ( data | "AnalyzeDataset" >> tft_beam.AnalyzeDataset(self.process_data_fn)) # TODO: Remove the 'id' column from the transformed # dataset schema generated by TFT. self.write_transform_artifacts(transform_fn, self.artifact_location) else: transform_fn = ( raw_data_list.pipeline | "ReadTransformFn" >> tft_beam.ReadTransformFn( self.artifact_location)) (transformed_dataset, transformed_metadata) = ( (data, transform_fn) | "TransformDataset" >> tft_beam.TransformDataset()) if isinstance(transformed_metadata, beam_metadata_io.BeamDatasetMetadata): self.transformed_schema = self._get_transformed_data_schema( metadata=transformed_metadata.dataset_metadata) else: self.transformed_schema = self._get_transformed_data_schema( transformed_metadata) # We will a pass a schema'd PCollection to the next step. # So we will use a RowTypeConstraint to create a schema'd PCollection. # this is needed since new columns are included in the # transformed_dataset. del self.transformed_schema[_ID_COLUMN] row_type = RowTypeConstraint.from_fields( list(self.transformed_schema.items())) # If a non schema PCollection is passed, and one of the input columns # is not transformed by any of the transforms, then the output will # not have that column. So we will join the missing columns from the # raw_data to the transformed_dataset. keyed_transformed_dataset = ( transformed_dataset | beam.ParDo(_ExtractIdAndKeyPColl())) # The grouping is needed here since tensorflow transform only outputs # columns that are transformed by any of the transforms. So we will # join the missing columns from the raw_data to the transformed_dataset # using the id. transformed_dataset = ( (keyed_transformed_dataset, keyed_columns_not_in_schema) | beam.CoGroupByKey() | beam.ParDo(_MergeDicts())) # The schema only contains the columns that are transformed. transformed_dataset = ( transformed_dataset | "ConvertToRowType" >> beam.Map(lambda x: beam.Row(**x)).with_output_types(row_type)) return transformed_dataset