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"""``PTransform`` for reading from and writing to Web APIs."""
import abc
import concurrent.futures
import contextlib
import logging
import sys
import time
from typing import Generic
from typing import Optional
from typing import TypeVar

from google.api_core.exceptions import TooManyRequests

import apache_beam as beam
from import AdaptiveThrottler
from apache_beam.metrics import Metrics
from import MSEC_TO_SEC
from apache_beam.utils import retry

RequestT = TypeVar('RequestT')
ResponseT = TypeVar('ResponseT')

DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SECS = 30  # seconds

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class UserCodeExecutionException(Exception): """Base class for errors related to calling Web APIs."""
[docs]class UserCodeQuotaException(UserCodeExecutionException): """Extends ``UserCodeExecutionException`` to signal specifically that the Web API client encountered a Quota or API overuse related error. """
[docs]class UserCodeTimeoutException(UserCodeExecutionException): """Extends ``UserCodeExecutionException`` to signal a user code timeout."""
[docs]def retry_on_exception(exception: Exception): """retry on exceptions caused by unavailability of the remote server.""" return isinstance( exception, (TooManyRequests, UserCodeTimeoutException, UserCodeQuotaException))
class _MetricsCollector: """A metrics collector that tracks RequestResponseIO related usage.""" def __init__(self, namespace: str): """ Args: namespace: Namespace for the metrics. """ self.requests = Metrics.counter(namespace, 'requests') self.responses = Metrics.counter(namespace, 'responses') self.failures = Metrics.counter(namespace, 'failures') self.throttled_requests = Metrics.counter(namespace, 'throttled_requests') self.throttled_secs = Metrics.counter( namespace, 'cumulativeThrottlingSeconds') self.timeout_requests = Metrics.counter(namespace, 'requests_timed_out') self.call_counter = Metrics.counter(namespace, 'call_invocations') self.setup_counter = Metrics.counter(namespace, 'setup_counter') self.teardown_counter = Metrics.counter(namespace, 'teardown_counter') self.backoff_counter = Metrics.counter(namespace, 'backoff_counter') self.sleeper_counter = Metrics.counter(namespace, 'sleeper_counter') self.should_backoff_counter = Metrics.counter( namespace, 'should_backoff_counter')
[docs]class Caller(contextlib.AbstractContextManager, abc.ABC, Generic[RequestT, ResponseT]): """Interface for user custom code intended for API calls. For setup and teardown of clients when applicable, implement the ``__enter__`` and ``__exit__`` methods respectively.""" @abc.abstractmethod def __call__(self, request: RequestT, *args, **kwargs) -> ResponseT: """Calls a Web API with the ``RequestT`` and returns a ``ResponseT``. ``RequestResponseIO`` expects implementations of the ``__call__`` method to throw either a ``UserCodeExecutionException``, ``UserCodeQuotaException``, or ``UserCodeTimeoutException``. """ pass def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): return None
[docs]class ShouldBackOff(abc.ABC): """ ShouldBackOff provides mechanism to apply adaptive throttling. """ pass
[docs]class Repeater(abc.ABC): """Repeater provides mechanism to repeat requests for a configurable condition."""
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def repeat( self, caller: Caller[RequestT, ResponseT], request: RequestT, timeout: float, metrics_collector: Optional[_MetricsCollector]) -> ResponseT: """repeat method is called from the RequestResponseIO when a repeater is enabled. Args: caller: :class:`` object that calls the API. request: input request to repeat. timeout: time to wait for the request to complete. metrics_collector: (Optional) a ``:class:```` object to collect the metrics for RequestResponseIO. """ pass
def _execute_request( caller: Caller[RequestT, ResponseT], request: RequestT, timeout: float, metrics_collector: Optional[_MetricsCollector] = None) -> ResponseT: with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: future = executor.submit(caller, request) try: return future.result(timeout=timeout) except TooManyRequests as e: 'request could not be completed. got code %i from the service.', e.code) raise e except concurrent.futures.TimeoutError: if metrics_collector: raise UserCodeTimeoutException( f'Timeout {timeout} exceeded ' f'while completing request: {request}') except RuntimeError: if metrics_collector: raise UserCodeExecutionException('could not complete request')
[docs]class ExponentialBackOffRepeater(Repeater): """Exponential BackOff Repeater uses exponential backoff retry strategy for exceptions due to the remote service such as TooManyRequests (HTTP 429), UserCodeTimeoutException, UserCodeQuotaException. It utilizes the decorator :func:`apache_beam.utils.retry.with_exponential_backoff`. """ def __init__(self): pass
[docs] @retry.with_exponential_backoff( num_retries=2, retry_filter=retry_on_exception) def repeat( self, caller: Caller[RequestT, ResponseT], request: RequestT, timeout: float, metrics_collector: Optional[_MetricsCollector] = None) -> ResponseT: """repeat method is called from the RequestResponseIO when a repeater is enabled. Args: caller: :class:`` object that calls the API. request: input request to repeat. timeout: time to wait for the request to complete. metrics_collector: (Optional) a ``:class:```` object to collect the metrics for RequestResponseIO. """ return _execute_request(caller, request, timeout, metrics_collector)
[docs]class NoOpsRepeater(Repeater): """ NoOpsRepeater executes a request just once irrespective of any exception. """
[docs] def repeat( self, caller: Caller[RequestT, ResponseT], request: RequestT, timeout: float, metrics_collector: Optional[_MetricsCollector]) -> ResponseT: return _execute_request(caller, request, timeout, metrics_collector)
[docs]class CacheReader(abc.ABC): """CacheReader provides mechanism to read from the cache.""" pass
[docs]class CacheWriter(abc.ABC): """CacheWriter provides mechanism to write to the cache.""" pass
[docs]class PreCallThrottler(abc.ABC): """PreCallThrottler provides a throttle mechanism before sending request.""" pass
[docs]class DefaultThrottler(PreCallThrottler): """Default throttler that uses :class:`` Args: window_ms (int): length of history to consider, in ms, to set throttling. bucket_ms (int): granularity of time buckets that we store data in, in ms. overload_ratio (float): the target ratio between requests sent and successful requests. This is "K" in the formula in delay_secs (int): minimum number of seconds to throttle a request. """ def __init__( self, window_ms: int = 1, bucket_ms: int = 1, overload_ratio: float = 2, delay_secs: int = 5): self.throttler = AdaptiveThrottler( window_ms=window_ms, bucket_ms=bucket_ms, overload_ratio=overload_ratio) self.delay_secs = delay_secs
[docs]class RequestResponseIO(beam.PTransform[beam.PCollection[RequestT], beam.PCollection[ResponseT]]): """A :class:`RequestResponseIO` transform to read and write to APIs. Processes an input :class:`~apache_beam.pvalue.PCollection` of requests by making a call to the API as defined in :class:`Caller`'s `__call__` and returns a :class:`~apache_beam.pvalue.PCollection` of responses. """ def __init__( self, caller: Caller[RequestT, ResponseT], timeout: Optional[float] = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SECS, should_backoff: Optional[ShouldBackOff] = None, repeater: Repeater = ExponentialBackOffRepeater(), cache_reader: Optional[CacheReader] = None, cache_writer: Optional[CacheWriter] = None, throttler: PreCallThrottler = DefaultThrottler(), ): """ Instantiates a RequestResponseIO transform. Args: caller ( an implementation of `Caller` object that makes call to the API. timeout (float): timeout value in seconds to wait for response from API. should_backoff ( (Optional) provides methods for backoff. repeater ( provides method to repeat failed requests to API due to service errors. Defaults to :class:`` to repeat requests with exponential backoff. cache_reader ( (Optional) provides methods to read external cache. cache_writer ( (Optional) provides methods to write to external cache. throttler ( provides methods to pre-throttle a request. Defaults to :class:`` for client-side adaptive throttling using :class:`` """ self._caller = caller self._timeout = timeout self._should_backoff = should_backoff if repeater: self._repeater = repeater else: self._repeater = NoOpsRepeater() self._cache_reader = cache_reader self._cache_writer = cache_writer self._throttler = throttler
[docs] def expand( self, requests: beam.PCollection[RequestT]) -> beam.PCollection[ResponseT]: # TODO(riteshghorse): handle Cache and Throttle PTransforms when available. if isinstance(self._throttler, DefaultThrottler): return requests | _Call( caller=self._caller, timeout=self._timeout, should_backoff=self._should_backoff, repeater=self._repeater, throttler=self._throttler) else: return requests | _Call( caller=self._caller, timeout=self._timeout, should_backoff=self._should_backoff, repeater=self._repeater)
class _Call(beam.PTransform[beam.PCollection[RequestT], beam.PCollection[ResponseT]]): """(Internal-only) PTransform that invokes a remote function on each element of the input PCollection. This PTransform uses a `Caller` object to invoke the actual API calls, and uses ``__enter__`` and ``__exit__`` to manage setup and teardown of clients when applicable. Additionally, a timeout value is specified to regulate the duration of each call, defaults to 30 seconds. Args: caller (:class:``): a callable object that invokes API call. timeout (float): timeout value in seconds to wait for response from API. should_backoff ( (Optional) provides methods for backoff. repeater ( (Optional) provides methods to repeat requests to API. throttler ( (Optional) provides methods to pre-throttle a request. """ def __init__( self, caller: Caller[RequestT, ResponseT], timeout: Optional[float] = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SECS, should_backoff: Optional[ShouldBackOff] = None, repeater: Repeater = None, throttler: PreCallThrottler = None, ): self._caller = caller self._timeout = timeout self._should_backoff = should_backoff self._repeater = repeater self._throttler = throttler def expand( self, requests: beam.PCollection[RequestT]) -> beam.PCollection[ResponseT]: return requests | beam.ParDo( _CallDoFn(self._caller, self._timeout, self._repeater, self._throttler)) class _CallDoFn(beam.DoFn): def setup(self): self._caller.__enter__() self._metrics_collector = _MetricsCollector(self._caller.__str__()) def __init__( self, caller: Caller[RequestT, ResponseT], timeout: float, repeater: Repeater, throttler: PreCallThrottler): self._metrics_collector = None self._caller = caller self._timeout = timeout self._repeater = repeater self._throttler = throttler def process(self, request: RequestT, *args, **kwargs): is_throttled_request = False if self._throttler: while self._throttler.throttler.throttle_request(time.time() * MSEC_TO_SEC): "Delaying request for %d seconds" % self._throttler.delay_secs) time.sleep(self._throttler.delay_secs) is_throttled_request = True if is_throttled_request: try: req_time = time.time() response = self._repeater.repeat( self._caller, request, self._timeout, self._metrics_collector) self._throttler.throttler.successful_request(req_time * MSEC_TO_SEC) yield response except Exception as e: raise e def teardown(self): self._caller.__exit__(*sys.exc_info())