Source code for apache_beam.transforms.enrichment

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import logging
from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import Dict
from typing import Optional
from typing import TypeVar

import apache_beam as beam
from import Caller
from import DefaultThrottler
from import ExponentialBackOffRepeater
from import PreCallThrottler
from import Repeater
from import RequestResponseIO

__all__ = [

InputT = TypeVar('InputT')
OutputT = TypeVar('OutputT')

JoinFn = Callable[[Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any]], beam.Row]

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def cross_join(left: Dict[str, Any], right: Dict[str, Any]) -> beam.Row: """cross_join performs a cross join on two `dict` objects. Joins the columns of the right row onto the left row. Args: left (Dict[str, Any]): input request dictionary. right (Dict[str, Any]): response dictionary from the API. Returns: `beam.Row` containing the merged columns. """ for k, v in right.items(): if k not in left: # Don't override the values in left. left[k] = v elif left[k] != v: _LOGGER.warning( '%s exists in the input row as well the row fetched ' 'from API but have different values - %s and %s. Using the input ' 'value (%s) for the enriched row. You can override this behavior by ' 'passing a custom `join_fn` to Enrichment transform.' % (k, left[k], v, left[k])) return beam.Row(**left)
[docs]class EnrichmentSourceHandler(Caller[InputT, OutputT]): """Wrapper class for :class:``. Ensure that the implementation of ``__call__`` method returns a tuple of `beam.Row` objects. """ pass
[docs]class Enrichment(beam.PTransform[beam.PCollection[InputT], beam.PCollection[OutputT]]): """A :class:`apache_beam.transforms.enrichment.Enrichment` transform to enrich elements in a PCollection. **NOTE:** This transform and its implementation are under development and do not provide backward compatibility guarantees. Uses the :class:`apache_beam.transforms.enrichment.EnrichmentSourceHandler` to enrich elements by joining the metadata from external source. Processes an input :class:`~apache_beam.pvalue.PCollection` of `beam.Row` by applying a :class:`apache_beam.transforms.enrichment.EnrichmentSourceHandler` to each element and returning the enriched :class:`~apache_beam.pvalue.PCollection`. Args: source_handler: Handles source lookup and metadata retrieval. Implements the :class:`apache_beam.transforms.enrichment.EnrichmentSourceHandler` join_fn: A lambda function to join original element with lookup metadata. Defaults to `CROSS_JOIN`. timeout: (Optional) timeout for source requests. Defaults to 30 seconds. repeater ( provides method to repeat failed requests to API due to service errors. Defaults to :class:`` to repeat requests with exponential backoff. throttler ( provides methods to pre-throttle a request. Defaults to :class:`` for client-side adaptive throttling using :class:``. """ def __init__( self, source_handler: EnrichmentSourceHandler, join_fn: JoinFn = cross_join, timeout: Optional[float] = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SECS, repeater: Repeater = ExponentialBackOffRepeater(), throttler: PreCallThrottler = DefaultThrottler(), ): self._source_handler = source_handler self._join_fn = join_fn self._timeout = timeout self._repeater = repeater self._throttler = throttler
[docs] def expand(self, input_row: beam.PCollection[InputT]) -> beam.PCollection[OutputT]: fetched_data = input_row | RequestResponseIO( caller=self._source_handler, timeout=self._timeout, repeater=self._repeater, throttler=self._throttler) # EnrichmentSourceHandler returns a tuple of (request,response). return fetched_data | beam.Map( lambda x: self._join_fn(x[0]._asdict(), x[1]._asdict()))