Source code for apache_beam.yaml.yaml_io

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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"""This module contains the Python implementations for the builtin IOs.

They are referenced from

Note that in the case that they overlap with other (likely Java)
implementations of the same transforms, the configs must be kept in sync.

import io
import logging
import os
from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import Iterable
from typing import List
from typing import Mapping
from typing import Optional
from typing import Tuple

import fastavro
import yaml

import apache_beam as beam
import as beam_io
from import ReadFromBigQuery
from import WriteToBigQuery
from import avroio
from import BigQueryDisposition
from apache_beam.portability.api import schema_pb2
from apache_beam.typehints import schemas
from apache_beam.yaml import json_utils
from apache_beam.yaml import yaml_mapping
from apache_beam.yaml import yaml_provider

[docs]def read_from_text(path: str): # TODO(yaml): Consider passing the filename and offset, possibly even # by default. """Reads lines from a text files. The resulting PCollection consists of rows with a single string filed named "line." Args: path (str): The file path to read from. The path can contain glob characters such as ``*`` and ``?``. """ return beam_io.ReadFromText(path) | beam.Map(lambda s: beam.Row(line=s))
[docs]@beam.ptransform_fn def write_to_text(pcoll, path: str): """Writes a PCollection to a (set of) text files(s). The input must be a PCollection whose schema has exactly one field. Args: path (str): The file path to write to. The files written will begin with this prefix, followed by a shard identifier. """ try: field_names = [ name for name, _ in schemas.named_fields_from_element_type(pcoll.element_type) ] except Exception as exn: raise ValueError( "WriteToText requires an input schema with exactly one field.") from exn if len(field_names) != 1: raise ValueError( "WriteToText requires an input schema with exactly one field, got %s" % field_names) sole_field_name, = field_names return pcoll | beam.Map( lambda x: str(getattr(x, sole_field_name))) |
[docs]def read_from_bigquery( *, table: Optional[str] = None, query: Optional[str] = None, row_restriction: Optional[str] = None, fields: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None): """Reads data from BigQuery. Exactly one of table or query must be set. If query is set, neither row_restriction nor fields should be set. Args: table (str): The table to read from, specified as `DATASET.TABLE` or `PROJECT:DATASET.TABLE`. query (str): A query to be used instead of the table argument. row_restriction (str): Optional SQL text filtering statement, similar to a WHERE clause in a query. Aggregates are not supported. Restricted to a maximum length for 1 MB. selected_fields (List[str]): Optional List of names of the fields in the table that should be read. If empty, all fields will be read. If the specified field is a nested field, all the sub-fields in the field will be selected. The output field order is unrelated to the order of fields given here. """ if query is None: assert table is not None else: assert table is None and row_restriction is None and fields is None return ReadFromBigQuery( query=query, table=table, row_restriction=row_restriction, selected_fields=fields, method='DIRECT_READ', output_type='BEAM_ROW')
[docs]def write_to_bigquery( table: str, *, create_disposition: Optional[str] = BigQueryDisposition.CREATE_IF_NEEDED, write_disposition: Optional[str] = BigQueryDisposition.WRITE_APPEND, error_handling=None): f"""Writes data to a BigQuery table. Args: table (str): The table to read from, specified as `DATASET.TABLE` or `PROJECT:DATASET.TABLE`. create_disposition (BigQueryDisposition): A string describing what happens if the table does not exist. Possible values are: * :attr:`{BigQueryDisposition.CREATE_IF_NEEDED}`: create if does not exist. * :attr:`{BigQueryDisposition.CREATE_NEVER}`: fail the write if does not exist. Defaults to `{BigQueryDisposition.CREATE_IF_NEEDED}`. write_disposition (BigQueryDisposition): A string describing what happens if the table has already some data. Possible values are: * :attr:`{BigQueryDisposition.WRITE_TRUNCATE}`: delete existing rows. * :attr:`{BigQueryDisposition.WRITE_APPEND}`: add to existing rows. * :attr:`{BigQueryDisposition.WRITE_EMPTY}`: fail the write if table not empty. For streaming pipelines WriteTruncate can not be used. Defaults to `{BigQueryDisposition.WRITE_APPEND}`. error_handling: If specified, should be a mapping giving an output into which to emit records that failed to bet written to BigQuery, as described at Otherwise permanently failing records will cause pipeline failure. """ class WriteToBigQueryHandlingErrors(beam.PTransform): def default_label(self): return 'WriteToBigQuery' def expand(self, pcoll): write_result = pcoll | WriteToBigQuery( table, method=WriteToBigQuery.Method.STORAGE_WRITE_API if error_handling else None, create_disposition=create_disposition, write_disposition=write_disposition, temp_file_format='AVRO') if error_handling and 'output' in error_handling: # TODO: Support error rates. return { 'post_write': write_result.failed_rows_with_errors | beam.FlatMap(lambda x: None), error_handling['output']: write_result.failed_rows_with_errors } else: if write_result._method == WriteToBigQuery.Method.FILE_LOADS: # Never returns errors, just fails. return { 'post_write': write_result.destination_load_jobid_pairs | beam.FlatMap(lambda x: None) } else: # This should likely be pushed into the BQ read itself to avoid # the possibility of silently ignoring errors. def raise_exception(failed_row_with_error): raise RuntimeError(failed_row_with_error.error_message) _ = write_result.failed_rows_with_errors | beam.Map(raise_exception) return { 'post_write': write_result.failed_rows_with_errors | beam.FlatMap(lambda x: None) } return WriteToBigQueryHandlingErrors()
def _create_parser( format, schema: Any) -> Tuple[schema_pb2.Schema, Callable[[bytes], beam.Row]]: if format.islower(): format = format.upper() logging.warning('Lowercase formats will be deprecated in version 2.60') if format == 'RAW': if schema: raise ValueError('RAW format does not take a schema') return ( schema_pb2.Schema(fields=[schemas.schema_field('payload', bytes)]), lambda payload: beam.Row(payload=payload)) elif format == 'JSON': beam_schema = json_utils.json_schema_to_beam_schema(schema) return beam_schema, json_utils.json_parser(beam_schema, schema) elif format == 'AVRO': beam_schema = avroio.avro_schema_to_beam_schema(schema) covert_to_row = avroio.avro_dict_to_beam_row(schema, beam_schema) # pylint: disable=line-too-long return ( beam_schema, lambda record: covert_to_row( fastavro.schemaless_reader(io.BytesIO(record), schema))) # type: ignore[call-arg] else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown format: {format}') def _create_formatter( format, schema: Any, beam_schema: schema_pb2.Schema) -> Callable[[beam.Row], bytes]: if format.islower(): format = format.upper() logging.warning('Lowercase formats will be deprecated in version 2.60') if format == 'RAW': if schema: raise ValueError('RAW format does not take a schema') field_names = [ for field in beam_schema.fields] if len(field_names) != 1: raise ValueError(f'Expecting exactly one field, found {field_names}') return lambda row: getattr(row, field_names[0]) elif format == 'JSON': return json_utils.json_formater(beam_schema) elif format == 'AVRO': avro_schema = schema or avroio.beam_schema_to_avro_schema(beam_schema) from_row = avroio.beam_row_to_avro_dict(avro_schema, beam_schema) def formatter(row): buffer = io.BytesIO() fastavro.schemaless_writer(buffer, avro_schema, from_row(row)) return return formatter else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown format: {format}')
[docs]@beam.ptransform_fn @yaml_mapping.maybe_with_exception_handling_transform_fn def read_from_pubsub( root, *, topic: Optional[str] = None, subscription: Optional[str] = None, format: str, schema: Optional[Any] = None, attributes: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, attributes_map: Optional[str] = None, id_attribute: Optional[str] = None, timestamp_attribute: Optional[str] = None): """Reads messages from Cloud Pub/Sub. Args: topic: Cloud Pub/Sub topic in the form "projects/<project>/topics/<topic>". If provided, subscription must be None. subscription: Existing Cloud Pub/Sub subscription to use in the form "projects/<project>/subscriptions/<subscription>". If not specified, a temporary subscription will be created from the specified topic. If provided, topic must be None. format: The expected format of the message payload. Currently suported formats are - RAW: Produces records with a single `payload` field whose contents are the raw bytes of the pubsub message. - AVRO: Parses records with a given Avro schema. - JSON: Parses records with a given JSON schema. schema: Schema specification for the given format. attributes: List of attribute keys whose values will be flattened into the output message as additional fields. For example, if the format is `raw` and attributes is `["a", "b"]` then this read will produce elements of the form `Row(payload=..., a=..., b=...)`. attribute_map: Name of a field in which to store the full set of attributes associated with this message. For example, if the format is `raw` and `attribute_map` is set to `"attrs"` then this read will produce elements of the form `Row(payload=..., attrs=...)` where `attrs` is a Map type of string to string. If both `attributes` and `attribute_map` are set, the overlapping attribute values will be present in both the flattened structure and the attribute map. id_attribute: The attribute on incoming Pub/Sub messages to use as a unique record identifier. When specified, the value of this attribute (which can be any string that uniquely identifies the record) will be used for deduplication of messages. If not provided, we cannot guarantee that no duplicate data will be delivered on the Pub/Sub stream. In this case, deduplication of the stream will be strictly best effort. timestamp_attribute: Message value to use as element timestamp. If None, uses message publishing time as the timestamp. Timestamp values should be in one of two formats: - A numerical value representing the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch. - A string in RFC 3339 format, UTC timezone. Example: ``2015-10-29T23:41:41.123Z``. The sub-second component of the timestamp is optional, and digits beyond the first three (i.e., time units smaller than milliseconds) may be ignored. """ if topic and subscription: raise TypeError('Only one of topic and subscription may be specified.') elif not topic and not subscription: raise TypeError('One of topic or subscription may be specified.') payload_schema, parser = _create_parser(format, schema) extra_fields: List[schema_pb2.Field] = [] if not attributes and not attributes_map: mapper = lambda msg: parser(msg) else: if isinstance(attributes, str): attributes = [attributes] if attributes: extra_fields.extend( [schemas.schema_field(attr, str) for attr in attributes]) if attributes_map: extra_fields.append( schemas.schema_field(attributes_map, Mapping[str, str])) def mapper(msg): values = parser( if attributes: # Should missing attributes be optional or parse errors? for attr in attributes: values[attr] = msg.attributes[attr] if attributes_map: values[attributes_map] = msg.attributes return beam.Row(**values) output = ( root | topic=topic, subscription=subscription, with_attributes=bool(attributes or attributes_map), id_label=id_attribute, timestamp_attribute=timestamp_attribute) | 'ParseMessage' >> beam.Map(mapper)) output.element_type = schemas.named_tuple_from_schema( schema_pb2.Schema(fields=list(payload_schema.fields) + extra_fields)) return output
[docs]@beam.ptransform_fn @yaml_mapping.maybe_with_exception_handling_transform_fn def write_to_pubsub( pcoll, *, topic: str, format: str, schema: Optional[Any] = None, attributes: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, attributes_map: Optional[str] = None, id_attribute: Optional[str] = None, timestamp_attribute: Optional[str] = None): """Writes messages to Cloud Pub/Sub. Args: topic: Cloud Pub/Sub topic in the form "/topics/<project>/<topic>". format: How to format the message payload. Currently suported formats are - RAW: Expects a message with a single field (excluding attribute-related fields) whose contents are used as the raw bytes of the pubsub message. - AVRO: Encodes records with a given Avro schema, which may be inferred from the input PCollection schema. - JSON: Formats records with a given JSON schema, which may be inferred from the input PCollection schema. schema: Schema specification for the given format. attributes: List of attribute keys whose values will be pulled out as PubSub message attributes. For example, if the format is `raw` and attributes is `["a", "b"]` then elements of the form `Row(any_field=..., a=..., b=...)` will result in PubSub messages whose payload has the contents of any_field and whose attribute will be populated with the values of `a` and `b`. attribute_map: Name of a string-to-string map field in which to pull a set of attributes associated with this message. For example, if the format is `raw` and `attribute_map` is set to `"attrs"` then elements of the form `Row(any_field=..., attrs=...)` will result in PubSub messages whose payload has the contents of any_field and whose attribute will be populated with the values from attrs. If both `attributes` and `attribute_map` are set, the union of attributes from these two sources will be used to populate the PubSub message attributes. id_attribute: If set, will set an attribute for each Cloud Pub/Sub message with the given name and a unique value. This attribute can then be used in a ReadFromPubSub PTransform to deduplicate messages. timestamp_attribute: If set, will set an attribute for each Cloud Pub/Sub message with the given name and the message's publish time as the value. """ input_schema = schemas.schema_from_element_type(pcoll.element_type) extra_fields: List[str] = [] if isinstance(attributes, str): attributes = [attributes] if attributes: extra_fields.extend(attributes) if attributes_map: extra_fields.append(attributes_map) def attributes_extractor(row): if attributes_map: attribute_values = dict(getattr(row, attributes_map)) else: attribute_values = {} if attributes: attribute_values.update({attr: getattr(row, attr) for attr in attributes}) return attribute_values schema_names = set( for f in input_schema.fields) missing_attribute_names = set(extra_fields) - schema_names if missing_attribute_names: raise ValueError( f'Attribute fields {missing_attribute_names} ' f'not found in schema fields {schema_names}') payload_schema = schema_pb2.Schema( fields=[ field for field in input_schema.fields if not in extra_fields ]) formatter = _create_formatter(format, schema, payload_schema) return ( pcoll | beam.Map( lambda row: formatter(row), attributes_extractor(row))) | topic, with_attributes=True, id_label=id_attribute, timestamp_attribute=timestamp_attribute))
[docs]def io_providers(): with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'standard_io.yaml')) as fin: return yaml_provider.parse_providers(yaml.load(fin, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader))