Source code for apache_beam.yaml.yaml_provider

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# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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"""This module defines Providers usable from yaml, which is a specification
for where to find and how to invoke services that vend implementations of
various PTransforms."""

import collections
import hashlib
import inspect
import json
import logging
import os
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import urllib.parse
import warnings
from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import Dict
from typing import Iterable
from typing import Iterator
from typing import Mapping
from typing import Optional

import docstring_parser
import yaml
from yaml.loader import SafeLoader

import apache_beam as beam
import apache_beam.transforms.util
from import FileSystems
from apache_beam.portability.api import schema_pb2
from apache_beam.runners import pipeline_context
from apache_beam.testing.util import assert_that
from apache_beam.testing.util import equal_to
from apache_beam.transforms import external
from apache_beam.transforms import window
from apache_beam.transforms.fully_qualified_named_transform import FullyQualifiedNamedTransform
from apache_beam.typehints import schemas
from apache_beam.typehints import trivial_inference
from apache_beam.typehints.schemas import named_tuple_to_schema
from apache_beam.typehints.schemas import typing_to_runner_api
from apache_beam.utils import python_callable
from apache_beam.utils import subprocess_server
from apache_beam.version import __version__ as beam_version
from apache_beam.yaml import json_utils

[docs]class Provider: """Maps transform types names and args to concrete PTransform instances."""
[docs] def available(self) -> bool: """Returns whether this provider is available to use in this environment.""" raise NotImplementedError(type(self))
[docs] def cache_artifacts(self) -> Optional[Iterable[str]]: raise NotImplementedError(type(self))
[docs] def provided_transforms(self) -> Iterable[str]: """Returns a list of transform type names this provider can handle.""" raise NotImplementedError(type(self))
[docs] def config_schema(self, type): return None
[docs] def description(self, type): return None
[docs] def requires_inputs(self, typ: str, args: Mapping[str, Any]) -> bool: """Returns whether this transform requires inputs. Specifically, if this returns True and inputs are not provided than an error will be thrown. This is best-effort, primarily for better and earlier error messages. """ return not typ.startswith('Read')
[docs] def create_transform( self, typ: str, args: Mapping[str, Any], yaml_create_transform: Callable[ [Mapping[str, Any], Iterable[beam.PCollection]], beam.PTransform] ) -> beam.PTransform: """Creates a PTransform instance for the given transform type and arguments. """ raise NotImplementedError(type(self))
[docs] def underlying_provider(self): """If this provider is simply a proxy to another provider, return the provider that should actually be used for affinity checking. """ return self
[docs] def affinity(self, other: "Provider"): """Returns a value approximating how good it would be for this provider to be used immediately following a transform from the other provider (e.g. to encourage fusion). """ # TODO(yaml): This is a very rough heuristic. Consider doing better. # E.g. we could look at the the expected environments themselves. # Possibly, we could provide multiple expansions and have the runner itself # choose the actual implementation based on fusion (and other) criteria. a = self.underlying_provider() b = other.underlying_provider() return a._affinity(b) + b._affinity(a)
def _affinity(self, other: "Provider"): if self is other or self == other: return 100 elif type(self) == type(other): return 10 else: return 0
[docs]def as_provider(name, provider_or_constructor): if isinstance(provider_or_constructor, Provider): return provider_or_constructor else: return InlineProvider({name: provider_or_constructor})
[docs]def as_provider_list(name, lst): if not isinstance(lst, list): return as_provider_list(name, [lst]) return [as_provider(name, x) for x in lst]
[docs]class ExternalProvider(Provider): """A Provider implemented via the cross language transform service.""" _provider_types: Dict[str, Callable[..., Provider]] = {} def __init__(self, urns, service): self._urns = urns self._service = service self._schema_transforms = None
[docs] def provided_transforms(self): return self._urns.keys()
[docs] def schema_transforms(self): if callable(self._service): self._service = self._service() if self._schema_transforms is None: try: self._schema_transforms = { config.identifier: config for config in self._service, ignore_errors=True) } except Exception: # It's possible this service doesn't vend schema transforms. self._schema_transforms = {} return self._schema_transforms
[docs] def config_schema(self, type): if self._urns[type] in self.schema_transforms(): return named_tuple_to_schema( self.schema_transforms()[self._urns[type]].configuration_schema)
[docs] def description(self, type): if self._urns[type] in self.schema_transforms(): return self.schema_transforms()[self._urns[type]].description
[docs] def requires_inputs(self, typ, args): if self._urns[typ] in self.schema_transforms(): return bool(self.schema_transforms()[self._urns[typ]].inputs) else: return super().requires_inputs(typ, args)
[docs] def create_transform(self, type, args, yaml_create_transform): if callable(self._service): self._service = self._service() urn = self._urns[type] if urn in self.schema_transforms(): return external.SchemaAwareExternalTransform( urn, self._service, rearrange_based_on_discovery=True, **args) else: return type >> self.create_external_transform(urn, args)
[docs] def create_external_transform(self, urn, args): return external.ExternalTransform( urn, external.ImplicitSchemaPayloadBuilder(args).payload(), self._service)
[docs] @classmethod def provider_from_spec(cls, spec): from apache_beam.yaml.yaml_transform import SafeLineLoader for required in ('type', 'transforms'): if required not in spec: raise ValueError( f'Missing {required} in provider ' f'at line {SafeLineLoader.get_line(spec)}') urns = SafeLineLoader.strip_metadata(spec['transforms']) type = spec['type'] config = SafeLineLoader.strip_metadata(spec.get('config', {})) extra_params = set(SafeLineLoader.strip_metadata(spec).keys()) - { 'transforms', 'type', 'config' } if extra_params: raise ValueError( f'Unexpected parameters in provider of type {type} ' f'at line {SafeLineLoader.get_line(spec)}: {extra_params}') if config.get('version', None) == 'BEAM_VERSION': config['version'] = beam_version if type in cls._provider_types: try: result = cls._provider_types[type](urns, **config) if not hasattr(result, 'to_json'): result.to_json = lambda: spec return result except Exception as exn: raise ValueError( f'Unable to instantiate provider of type {type} ' f'at line {SafeLineLoader.get_line(spec)}: {exn}') from exn else: raise NotImplementedError( f'Unknown provider type: {type} ' f'at line {SafeLineLoader.get_line(spec)}.')
[docs] @classmethod def register_provider_type(cls, type_name): def apply(constructor): cls._provider_types[type_name] = constructor return constructor return apply
[docs]@ExternalProvider.register_provider_type('javaJar') def java_jar(urns, jar: str): if not os.path.exists(jar): parsed = urllib.parse.urlparse(jar) if not parsed.scheme or not parsed.netloc: raise ValueError(f'Invalid path or url: {jar}') return ExternalJavaProvider(urns, lambda: jar)
[docs]@ExternalProvider.register_provider_type('mavenJar') def maven_jar( urns, *, artifact_id, group_id, version, repository=subprocess_server.JavaJarServer.MAVEN_CENTRAL_REPOSITORY, classifier=None, appendix=None): return ExternalJavaProvider( urns, lambda: subprocess_server.JavaJarServer.path_to_maven_jar( artifact_id=artifact_id, group_id=group_id, version=version, repository=repository, classifier=classifier, appendix=appendix))
[docs]@ExternalProvider.register_provider_type('beamJar') def beam_jar( urns, *, gradle_target, appendix=None, version=beam_version, artifact_id=None): return ExternalJavaProvider( urns, lambda: subprocess_server.JavaJarServer.path_to_beam_jar( gradle_target=gradle_target, version=version, artifact_id=artifact_id) )
[docs]@ExternalProvider.register_provider_type('docker') def docker(urns, **config): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]@ExternalProvider.register_provider_type('remote') class RemoteProvider(ExternalProvider): _is_available = None def __init__(self, urns, address: str): super().__init__(urns, service=address)
[docs] def available(self): if self._is_available is None: try: with external.ExternalTransform.service(self._service) as service: service.ready(1) self._is_available = True except Exception: self._is_available = False return self._is_available
[docs] def cache_artifacts(self): pass
[docs]class ExternalJavaProvider(ExternalProvider): def __init__(self, urns, jar_provider): super().__init__( urns, lambda: external.JavaJarExpansionService(jar_provider())) self._jar_provider = jar_provider
[docs] def available(self): # pylint: disable=subprocess-run-check return['which', 'java'], capture_output=True).returncode == 0
[docs] def cache_artifacts(self): return [self._jar_provider()]
[docs]@ExternalProvider.register_provider_type('python') def python(urns, packages=()): if packages: return ExternalPythonProvider(urns, packages) else: return InlineProvider({ name: python_callable.PythonCallableWithSource.load_from_source(constructor) for (name, constructor) in urns.items() })
[docs]@ExternalProvider.register_provider_type('pythonPackage') class ExternalPythonProvider(ExternalProvider): def __init__(self, urns, packages): super().__init__(urns, PypiExpansionService(packages))
[docs] def available(self): return True # If we're running this script, we have Python installed.
[docs] def cache_artifacts(self): return [self._service._venv()]
[docs] def create_external_transform(self, urn, args): # Python transforms are "registered" by fully qualified name. if not re.match(r'^[\w.]*$', urn): # Treat it as source. args = {'source': urn, **args} urn = '__constructor__' return external.ExternalTransform( "beam:transforms:python:fully_qualified_named", external.ImplicitSchemaPayloadBuilder({ 'constructor': urn, 'kwargs': args, }).payload(), self._service)
def _affinity(self, other: "Provider"): if isinstance(other, InlineProvider): return 50 else: return super()._affinity(other)
[docs]@ExternalProvider.register_provider_type('yaml') class YamlProvider(Provider): def __init__(self, transforms: Mapping[str, Mapping[str, Any]]): if not isinstance(transforms, dict): raise ValueError('Transform mapping must be a dict.') self._transforms = transforms
[docs] def available(self): return True
[docs] def cache_artifacts(self): pass
[docs] def provided_transforms(self): return self._transforms.keys()
[docs] def config_schema(self, type): return json_utils.json_schema_to_beam_schema(self.json_config_schema(type))
[docs] def json_config_schema(self, type): return dict( type='object', additionalProperties=False, **self._transforms[type]['config_schema'])
[docs] def description(self, type): return self._transforms[type].get('description')
[docs] def requires_inputs(self, type, args): return self._transforms[type].get( 'requires_inputs', super().requires_inputs(type, args))
[docs] def create_transform( self, type: str, args: Mapping[str, Any], yaml_create_transform: Callable[ [Mapping[str, Any], Iterable[beam.PCollection]], beam.PTransform] ) -> beam.PTransform: from apache_beam.yaml.yaml_transform import SafeLineLoader, YamlTransform spec = self._transforms[type] try: import jsonschema jsonschema.validate(args, self.json_config_schema(type)) except ImportError: warnings.warn( 'Please install jsonschema ' f'for better provider validation of "{type}"') body = spec['body'] if not isinstance(body, str): body = yaml.safe_dump(SafeLineLoader.strip_metadata(body)) from apache_beam.yaml.yaml_transform import expand_jinja return YamlTransform(expand_jinja(body, args))
# This is needed because type inference can't handle *args, **kwargs forwarding. # TODO(BEAM-24755): Add support for type inference of through kwargs calls.
[docs]def fix_pycallable(): from apache_beam.transforms.ptransform import label_from_callable def default_label(self): src = self._source.strip() last_line = src.split('\n')[-1] if last_line[0] != ' ' and len(last_line) < 72: return last_line return label_from_callable(self._callable) def _argspec_fn(self): return self._callable python_callable.PythonCallableWithSource.default_label = default_label python_callable.PythonCallableWithSource._argspec_fn = property(_argspec_fn) original_infer_return_type = trivial_inference.infer_return_type def infer_return_type(fn, *args, **kwargs): if isinstance(fn, python_callable.PythonCallableWithSource): fn = fn._callable return original_infer_return_type(fn, *args, **kwargs) trivial_inference.infer_return_type = infer_return_type original_fn_takes_side_inputs = ( apache_beam.transforms.util.fn_takes_side_inputs) def fn_takes_side_inputs(fn): if isinstance(fn, python_callable.PythonCallableWithSource): fn = fn._callable return original_fn_takes_side_inputs(fn) apache_beam.transforms.util.fn_takes_side_inputs = fn_takes_side_inputs
[docs]class InlineProvider(Provider): def __init__(self, transform_factories, no_input_transforms=()): self._transform_factories = transform_factories self._no_input_transforms = set(no_input_transforms)
[docs] def available(self): return True
[docs] def cache_artifacts(self): pass
[docs] def provided_transforms(self): return self._transform_factories.keys()
[docs] def config_schema(self, typ): return self.config_schema_from_callable(self._transform_factories[typ])
[docs] @classmethod def config_schema_from_callable(cls, factory): if isinstance(factory, type) and issubclass(factory, beam.PTransform): # params = dict(inspect.signature(factory.__init__).parameters) if 'self' in params: del params['self'] else: params = inspect.signature(factory).parameters def type_of(p): t = p.annotation if t == p.empty: return Any else: return t docs = { param.arg_name: param.description for param in cls.get_docs(factory).params } names_and_types = [ (name, typing_to_runner_api(type_of(p))) for name, p in params.items() ] return schema_pb2.Schema( fields=[ schema_pb2.Field(name=name, type=type, description=docs.get(name)) for (name, type) in names_and_types ])
[docs] def description(self, typ): return self.description_from_callable(self._transform_factories[typ])
[docs] @classmethod def description_from_callable(cls, factory): def empty_if_none(s): return s or '' docs = cls.get_docs(factory) return ( empty_if_none(docs.short_description) + ('\n\n' if docs.blank_after_short_description else '\n') + empty_if_none(docs.long_description)).strip() or None
[docs] @classmethod def get_docs(cls, factory): docstring = factory.__doc__ or '' # These "extra" docstring parameters are not relevant for YAML and mess # up the parsing. docstring = re.sub( r'Pandas Parameters\s+-----.*', '', docstring, flags=re.S) return docstring_parser.parse( docstring, docstring_parser.DocstringStyle.GOOGLE)
[docs] def create_transform(self, type, args, yaml_create_transform): return self._transform_factories[type](**args)
[docs] def to_json(self): return {'type': "InlineProvider"}
[docs] def requires_inputs(self, typ, args): if typ in self._no_input_transforms: return False elif hasattr(self._transform_factories[typ], '_yaml_requires_inputs'): return self._transform_factories[typ]._yaml_requires_inputs else: return super().requires_inputs(typ, args)
[docs]class MetaInlineProvider(InlineProvider):
[docs] def create_transform(self, type, args, yaml_create_transform): return self._transform_factories[type](yaml_create_transform, **args)
[docs]class SqlBackedProvider(Provider): def __init__( self, transforms: Mapping[str, Callable[..., beam.PTransform]], sql_provider: Optional[Provider] = None): self._transforms = transforms if sql_provider is None: sql_provider = beam_jar( urns={'Sql': 'beam:external:java:sql:v1'}, gradle_target='sdks:java:extensions:sql:expansion-service:shadowJar') self._sql_provider = sql_provider
[docs] def sql_provider(self): return self._sql_provider
[docs] def provided_transforms(self): return self._transforms.keys()
[docs] def config_schema(self, type): full_config = InlineProvider.config_schema_from_callable( self._transforms[type]) # Omit the (first) query -> transform parameter. return schema_pb2.Schema(fields=full_config.fields[1:])
[docs] def description(self, type): return InlineProvider.description_from_callable(self._transforms[type])
[docs] def available(self): return self.sql_provider().available()
[docs] def cache_artifacts(self): return self.sql_provider().cache_artifacts()
[docs] def underlying_provider(self): return self.sql_provider()
[docs] def to_json(self): return {'type': "SqlBackedProvider"}
[docs] def create_transform( self, typ: str, args: Mapping[str, Any], yaml_create_transform: Any) -> beam.PTransform: return self._transforms[typ]( lambda query: self.sql_provider().create_transform( 'Sql', {'query': query}, yaml_create_transform), **args)
PRIMITIVE_NAMES_TO_ATOMIC_TYPE = { py_type.__name__: schema_type for (py_type, schema_type) in schemas.PRIMITIVE_TO_ATOMIC_TYPE.items() if py_type.__module__ != 'typing' }
[docs]def element_to_rows(e): if isinstance(e, dict): return dicts_to_rows(e) else: return beam.Row(element=dicts_to_rows(e))
[docs]def dicts_to_rows(o): if isinstance(o, dict): return beam.Row(**{k: dicts_to_rows(v) for k, v in o.items()}) elif isinstance(o, list): return [dicts_to_rows(e) for e in o] else: return o
[docs]class YamlProviders:
[docs] class AssertEqual(beam.PTransform): """Asserts that the input contains exactly the elements provided. This is primarily used for testing; it will cause the entire pipeline to fail if the input to this transform is not exactly the set of `elements` given in the config parameter. As with Create, YAML/JSON-style mappings are interpreted as Beam rows, e.g.:: type: AssertEqual input: SomeTransform config: elements: - {a: 0, b: "foo"} - {a: 1, b: "bar"} would ensure that `SomeTransform` produced exactly two elements with values `(a=0, b="foo")` and `(a=1, b="bar")` respectively. Args: elements: The set of elements that should belong to the PCollection. YAML/JSON-style mappings will be interpreted as Beam rows. """ def __init__(self, elements: Iterable[Any]): self._elements = elements
[docs] def expand(self, pcoll): return assert_that( pcoll | beam.Map(lambda row: beam.Row(**row._asdict())), equal_to(dicts_to_rows(self._elements)))
[docs] @staticmethod def create(elements: Iterable[Any], reshuffle: Optional[bool] = True): """Creates a collection containing a specified set of elements. This transform always produces schema'd data. For example:: type: Create config: elements: [1, 2, 3] will result in an output with three elements with a schema of Row(element=int) whereas YAML/JSON-style mappings will be interpreted directly as Beam rows, e.g.:: type: Create config: elements: - {first: 0, second: {str: "foo", values: [1, 2, 3]}} - {first: 1, second: {str: "bar", values: [4, 5, 6]}} will result in a schema of the form (int, Row(string, List[int])). This can also be expressed as YAML:: type: Create config: elements: - first: 0 second: str: "foo" values: [1, 2, 3] - first: 1 second: str: "bar" values: [4, 5, 6] Args: elements: The set of elements that should belong to the PCollection. YAML/JSON-style mappings will be interpreted as Beam rows. Primitives will be mapped to rows with a single "element" field. reshuffle: (optional) Whether to introduce a reshuffle (to possibly redistribute the work) if there is more than one element in the collection. Defaults to True. """ return beam.Create([element_to_rows(e) for e in elements], reshuffle=reshuffle is not False)
# Or should this be posargs, args? # pylint: disable=dangerous-default-value
[docs] @staticmethod def fully_qualified_named_transform( constructor: str, args: Optional[Iterable[Any]] = (), kwargs: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = {}): """A Python PTransform identified by fully qualified name. This allows one to import, construct, and apply any Beam Python transform. This can be useful for using transforms that have not yet been exposed via a YAML interface. Note, however, that conversion may be required if this transform does not accept or produce Beam Rows. For example:: type: PyTransform config: constructor: apache_beam.pkg.mod.SomeClass args: [1, 'foo'] kwargs: baz: 3 can be used to access the transform `apache_beam.pkg.mod.SomeClass(1, 'foo', baz=3)`. See also the documentation on [Inlining Python]( Args: constructor: Fully qualified name of a callable used to construct the transform. Often this is a class such as `apache_beam.pkg.mod.SomeClass` but it can also be a function or any other callable that returns a PTransform. args: A list of parameters to pass to the callable as positional arguments. kwargs: A list of parameters to pass to the callable as keyword arguments. """ with FullyQualifiedNamedTransform.with_filter('*'): return constructor >> FullyQualifiedNamedTransform( constructor, args, kwargs)
# This intermediate is needed because there is no way to specify a tuple of # exactly zero or one PCollection in yaml (as they would be interpreted as # PBegin and the PCollection itself respectively).
[docs] class Flatten(beam.PTransform): """Flattens multiple PCollections into a single PCollection. The elements of the resulting PCollection will be the (disjoint) union of all the elements of all the inputs. Note that in YAML transforms can always take a list of inputs which will be implicitly flattened. """ def __init__(self): # Suppress the "label" argument from the superclass for better docs. # pylint: disable=useless-parent-delegation super().__init__()
[docs] def expand(self, pcolls): if isinstance(pcolls, beam.PCollection): pipeline_arg = {} pcolls = (pcolls, ) elif isinstance(pcolls, dict): pipeline_arg = {} pcolls = tuple(pcolls.values()) else: pipeline_arg = {'pipeline': pcolls.pipeline} pcolls = () return pcolls | beam.Flatten(**pipeline_arg)
[docs] class WindowInto(beam.PTransform): # pylint: disable=line-too-long """A window transform assigning windows to each element of a PCollection. The assigned windows will affect all downstream aggregating operations, which will aggregate by window as well as by key. See [the Beam documentation on windowing]( for more details. Sizes, offsets, periods and gaps (where applicable) must be defined using a time unit suffix 'ms', 's', 'm', 'h' or 'd' for milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours or days, respectively. If a time unit is not specified, it will default to 's'. For example:: windowing: type: fixed size: 30s Note that any Yaml transform can have a [windowing parameter](, which is applied to its inputs (if any) or outputs (if there are no inputs) which means that explicit WindowInto operations are not typically needed. Args: windowing: the type and parameters of the windowing to perform """ def __init__(self, windowing): self._window_transform = self._parse_window_spec(windowing)
[docs] def expand(self, pcoll): return pcoll | self._window_transform
@staticmethod def _parse_duration(value, name): time_units = { 'ms': 0.001, 's': 1, 'm': 60, 'h': 60 * 60, 'd': 60 * 60 * 12 } value, suffix = re.match(r'^(.*?)([^\d]*)$', str(value)).groups() # Default to seconds if time unit suffix is not defined if not suffix: suffix = 's' if not value: raise ValueError( f"Invalid windowing {name} value " f"'{suffix if not value else value}'. " f"Must provide numeric value.") if suffix not in time_units: raise ValueError(( "Invalid windowing {} time unit '{}'. " + "Valid time units are {}.").format( name, suffix, ', '.join("'{}'".format(k) for k in time_units.keys()))) return float(value) * time_units[suffix] @staticmethod def _parse_window_spec(spec): spec = dict(spec) window_type = spec.pop('type') # TODO: These are in seconds, perhaps parse duration strings meaningfully? if window_type == 'global': window_fn = window.GlobalWindows() elif window_type == 'fixed': window_fn = window.FixedWindows( YamlProviders.WindowInto._parse_duration(spec.pop('size'), 'size'), YamlProviders.WindowInto._parse_duration( spec.pop('offset', 0), 'offset')) elif window_type == 'sliding': window_fn = window.SlidingWindows( YamlProviders.WindowInto._parse_duration(spec.pop('size'), 'size'), YamlProviders.WindowInto._parse_duration( spec.pop('period'), 'period'), YamlProviders.WindowInto._parse_duration( spec.pop('offset', 0), 'offset')) elif window_type == 'sessions': window_fn = window.Sessions( YamlProviders.WindowInto._parse_duration(spec.pop('gap'), 'gap')) else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown window type {window_type}') if spec: raise ValueError(f'Unknown parameters {spec.keys()}') # TODO: Triggering, etc. return beam.WindowInto(window_fn)
[docs] @staticmethod def log_for_testing( level: Optional[str] = 'INFO', prefix: Optional[str] = ''): """Logs each element of its input PCollection. The output of this transform is a copy of its input for ease of use in chain-style pipelines. Args: level: one of ERROR, INFO, or DEBUG, mapped to a corresponding language-specific logging level prefix: an optional identifier that will get prepended to the element being logged """ # Keeping this simple to be language agnostic. # The intent is not to develop a logging library (and users can always do) # their own mappings to get fancier output. log_levels = { 'ERROR': logging.error, 'INFO':, 'DEBUG': logging.debug, } if level not in log_levels: raise ValueError( f'Unknown log level {level} not in {list(log_levels.keys())}') logger = log_levels[level] def to_loggable_json_recursive(o): if isinstance(o, (str, bytes)): return o elif callable(getattr(o, '_asdict', None)): return to_loggable_json_recursive(o._asdict()) elif isinstance(o, Mapping) and callable(getattr(o, 'items', None)): return {str(k): to_loggable_json_recursive(v) for k, v in o.items()} elif isinstance(o, Iterable): return [to_loggable_json_recursive(x) for x in o] else: return o def log_and_return(x): logger(prefix + json.dumps(to_loggable_json_recursive(x))) return x return "LogForTesting" >> beam.Map(log_and_return)
[docs] @staticmethod def create_builtin_provider(): return InlineProvider({ 'AssertEqual': YamlProviders.AssertEqual, 'Create': YamlProviders.create, 'LogForTesting': YamlProviders.log_for_testing, 'PyTransform': YamlProviders.fully_qualified_named_transform, 'Flatten': YamlProviders.Flatten, 'WindowInto': YamlProviders.WindowInto, }, no_input_transforms=('Create', ))
[docs]class TranslatingProvider(Provider): def __init__( self, transforms: Mapping[str, Callable[..., beam.PTransform]], underlying_provider: Provider): self._transforms = transforms self._underlying_provider = underlying_provider
[docs] def provided_transforms(self): return self._transforms.keys()
[docs] def available(self): return self._underlying_provider.available()
[docs] def cache_artifacts(self): return self._underlying_provider.cache_artifacts()
[docs] def underlying_provider(self): return self._underlying_provider
[docs] def to_json(self): return {'type': "TranslatingProvider"}
[docs] def create_transform( self, typ: str, config: Mapping[str, Any], yaml_create_transform: Any) -> beam.PTransform: return self._transforms[typ](self._underlying_provider, **config)
[docs]def create_java_builtin_provider(): """Exposes built-in transforms from Java as well as Python to maximize opportunities for fusion. This class holds those transforms that require pre-processing of the configs. For those Java transforms that can consume the user-provided configs directly (or only need a simple renaming of parameters) a direct or renaming provider is the simpler choice. """ # An alternative could be examining the capabilities of various environments # during (or as a pre-processing phase before) fusion to align environments # where possible. This would also require extra care in skipping these # common transforms when doing the provider affinity analysis. def java_window_into(java_provider, windowing): """Use the `windowing` WindowingStrategy and invokes the Java class. Though it would not be that difficult to implement this in Java as well, we prefer to implement it exactly once for consistency (especially as it evolves). """ windowing_strategy = YamlProviders.WindowInto._parse_window_spec( windowing).get_windowing(None) # No context needs to be preserved for the basic WindowFns. empty_context = pipeline_context.PipelineContext() return java_provider.create_transform( 'WindowIntoStrategy', { 'serialized_windowing_strategy': windowing_strategy.to_runner_api( empty_context).SerializeToString() }, None) return TranslatingProvider( transforms={'WindowInto': java_window_into}, underlying_provider=beam_jar( urns={ 'WindowIntoStrategy': ( 'beam:schematransform:' 'org.apache.beam:yaml:window_into_strategy:v1') }, gradle_target= 'sdks:java:extensions:schemaio-expansion-service:shadowJar'))
[docs]class PypiExpansionService: """Expands transforms by fully qualified name in a virtual environment with the given dependencies. """ VENV_CACHE = os.path.expanduser("~/.apache_beam/cache/venvs") def __init__(self, packages, base_python=sys.executable): self._packages = packages self._base_python = base_python @classmethod def _key(cls, base_python, packages): return json.dumps({ 'binary': base_python, 'packages': sorted(packages) }, sort_keys=True) @classmethod def _path(cls, base_python, packages): return os.path.join( cls.VENV_CACHE, hashlib.sha256(cls._key(base_python, packages).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()) @classmethod def _create_venv_from_scratch(cls, base_python, packages): venv = cls._path(base_python, packages) if not os.path.exists(venv): try:[base_python, '-m', 'venv', venv], check=True) venv_python = os.path.join(venv, 'bin', 'python') venv_pip = os.path.join(venv, 'bin', 'pip')[venv_python, '-m', 'ensurepip'], check=True)[venv_pip, 'install'] + packages, check=True) with open(venv + '-requirements.txt', 'w') as fout: fout.write('\n'.join(packages)) except: # pylint: disable=bare-except if os.path.exists(venv): shutil.rmtree(venv, ignore_errors=True) raise return venv @classmethod def _create_venv_from_clone(cls, base_python, packages): venv = cls._path(base_python, packages) if not os.path.exists(venv): try: clonable_venv = cls._create_venv_to_clone(base_python) clonable_python = os.path.join(clonable_venv, 'bin', 'python') [clonable_python, '-m', 'clonevirtualenv', clonable_venv, venv], check=True) venv_pip = os.path.join(venv, 'bin', 'pip')[venv_pip, 'install'] + packages, check=True) with open(venv + '-requirements.txt', 'w') as fout: fout.write('\n'.join(packages)) except: # pylint: disable=bare-except if os.path.exists(venv): shutil.rmtree(venv, ignore_errors=True) raise return venv @classmethod def _create_venv_to_clone(cls, base_python): if '.dev' in beam_version: base_venv = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(base_python)) print('Cloning dev environment from', base_venv) return cls._create_venv_from_scratch( base_python, [ 'apache_beam[dataframe,gcp,test,yaml]==' + beam_version, 'virtualenv-clone' ]) def _venv(self): return self._create_venv_from_clone(self._base_python, self._packages) def __enter__(self): venv = self._venv() self._service_provider = subprocess_server.SubprocessServer( external.ExpansionAndArtifactRetrievalStub, [ os.path.join(venv, 'bin', 'python'), '-m', 'apache_beam.runners.portability.expansion_service_main', '--port', '{{PORT}}', '--fully_qualified_name_glob=*', '--pickle_library=cloudpickle', '--requirements_file=' + os.path.join(venv + '-requirements.txt') ]) self._service = self._service_provider.__enter__() return self._service def __exit__(self, *args): self._service_provider.__exit__(*args) self._service = None
[docs]@ExternalProvider.register_provider_type('renaming') class RenamingProvider(Provider): def __init__(self, transforms, mappings, underlying_provider, defaults=None): if isinstance(underlying_provider, dict): underlying_provider = ExternalProvider.provider_from_spec( underlying_provider) self._transforms = transforms self._underlying_provider = underlying_provider for transform in transforms.keys(): if transform not in mappings: raise ValueError(f'Missing transform {transform} in mappings.') self._mappings = self.expand_mappings(mappings) self._defaults = defaults or {}
[docs] @staticmethod def expand_mappings(mappings): if not isinstance(mappings, dict): raise ValueError( "RenamingProvider mappings must be dict of transform " "mappings.") for key, value in mappings.items(): if isinstance(value, str): if value not in mappings.keys(): raise ValueError( "RenamingProvider transform mappings must be dict or " "specify transform that has mappings within same " "provider.") mappings[key] = mappings[value] return mappings
[docs] def available(self) -> bool: return self._underlying_provider.available()
[docs] def provided_transforms(self) -> Iterable[str]: return self._transforms.keys()
[docs] def config_schema(self, type): underlying_schema = self._underlying_provider.config_schema( self._transforms[type]) if underlying_schema is None: return None defaults = self._defaults.get(type, {}) underlying_schema_fields = { f for f in underlying_schema.fields} missing = set(self._mappings[type].values()) - set( underlying_schema_fields.keys()) if missing: if 'kwargs' in underlying_schema_fields.keys(): # These are likely passed by keyword argument dict rather than missing. for field_name in missing: underlying_schema_fields[field_name] = schema_pb2.Field( name=field_name, type=typing_to_runner_api(Any)) else: raise ValueError( f"Mapping destinations {missing} for {type} are not in the " f"underlying config schema {list(underlying_schema_fields.keys())}") def with_name( original: schema_pb2.Field, new_name: str) -> schema_pb2.Field: result = schema_pb2.Field() result.CopyFrom(original) = new_name return result return schema_pb2.Schema( fields=[ with_name(underlying_schema_fields[dest], src) for (src, dest) in self._mappings[type].items() if dest not in defaults ])
[docs] def description(self, typ): return self._underlying_provider.description(self._transforms[typ])
[docs] def requires_inputs(self, typ, args): return self._underlying_provider.requires_inputs( self._transforms[typ], args)
[docs] def create_transform( self, typ: str, args: Mapping[str, Any], yaml_create_transform: Callable[ [Mapping[str, Any], Iterable[beam.PCollection]], beam.PTransform] ) -> beam.PTransform: """Creates a PTransform instance for the given transform type and arguments. """ mappings = self._mappings[typ] remapped_args = { mappings.get(key, key): value for key, value in args.items() } for key, value in self._defaults.get(typ, {}).items(): if key not in remapped_args: remapped_args[key] = value return self._underlying_provider.create_transform( self._transforms[typ], remapped_args, yaml_create_transform)
def _affinity(self, other): raise NotImplementedError( 'Should not be calling _affinity directly on this provider.')
[docs] def underlying_provider(self): return self._underlying_provider.underlying_provider()
[docs] def cache_artifacts(self): self._underlying_provider.cache_artifacts()
[docs]def flatten_included_provider_specs( provider_specs: Iterable[Mapping]) -> Iterator[Mapping]: from apache_beam.yaml.yaml_transform import SafeLineLoader for provider_spec in provider_specs: if 'include' in provider_spec: if len(SafeLineLoader.strip_metadata(provider_spec)) != 1: raise ValueError( f"When using include, it must be the only parameter: " f"{provider_spec} " f"at line {{SafeLineLoader.get_line(provider_spec)}}") include_uri = provider_spec['include'] try: with urllib.request.urlopen(include_uri) as response: content = except (ValueError, urllib.error.URLError) as exn: if 'unknown url type' in str(exn): with as fin: content = else: raise included_providers = yaml.load(content, Loader=SafeLineLoader) if not isinstance(included_providers, list): raise ValueError( f"Included file {include_uri} must be a list of Providers " f"at line {{SafeLineLoader.get_line(provider_spec)}}") yield from flatten_included_provider_specs(included_providers) else: yield provider_spec
[docs]def parse_providers(provider_specs: Iterable[Mapping]) -> Iterable[Provider]: return [ ExternalProvider.provider_from_spec(provider_spec) for provider_spec in flatten_included_provider_specs(provider_specs) ]
[docs]def merge_providers(*provider_sets) -> Mapping[str, Iterable[Provider]]: result = collections.defaultdict(list) for provider_set in provider_sets: if isinstance(provider_set, Provider): provider = provider_set provider_set = { transform_type: [provider] for transform_type in provider.provided_transforms() } elif isinstance(provider_set, list): provider_set = merge_providers(*provider_set) for transform_type, providers in provider_set.items(): result[transform_type].extend(providers) return result
[docs]def standard_providers(): from apache_beam.yaml.yaml_combine import create_combine_providers from apache_beam.yaml.yaml_mapping import create_mapping_providers from apache_beam.yaml.yaml_join import create_join_providers from apache_beam.yaml.yaml_io import io_providers with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'standard_providers.yaml')) as fin: standard_providers = yaml.load(fin, Loader=SafeLoader) return merge_providers( YamlProviders.create_builtin_provider(), create_java_builtin_provider(), create_mapping_providers(), create_combine_providers(), create_join_providers(), io_providers(), parse_providers(standard_providers))