Source code for

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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"""Google Cloud Storage client.

This library evolved from the Google App Engine GCS client available at

**Updates to the I/O connector code**

For any significant updates to this I/O connector, please consider involving
corresponding code reviewers mentioned in

# pytype: skip-file

import logging
import re
import time
from typing import Optional
from typing import Union

from import storage
from import NotFound
from import BlobReader
from import BlobWriter
from import DEFAULT_RETRY

from apache_beam import version as beam_version
from apache_beam.internal.gcp import auth
from apache_beam.metrics.metric import Metrics
from apache_beam.options.pipeline_options import GoogleCloudOptions
from apache_beam.options.pipeline_options import PipelineOptions
from apache_beam.utils import retry
from apache_beam.utils.annotations import deprecated

__all__ = ['GcsIO', 'create_storage_client']

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

DEFAULT_READ_BUFFER_SIZE = 16 * 1024 * 1024

# Maximum number of operations permitted in GcsIO.copy_batch() and
# GcsIO.delete_batch().

def parse_gcs_path(gcs_path, object_optional=False):
  """Return the bucket and object names of the given gs:// path."""
  match = re.match('^gs://([^/]+)/(.*)$', gcs_path)
  if match is None or ( == '' and not object_optional):
    raise ValueError(
        'GCS path must be in the form gs://<bucket>/<object>. '
        f'Encountered {gcs_path!r}')

def default_gcs_bucket_name(project, region):
  from hashlib import md5
  return 'dataflow-staging-%s-%s' % (
      region, md5(project.encode('utf8')).hexdigest())

def get_or_create_default_gcs_bucket(options):
  """Create a default GCS bucket for this project."""
  if getattr(options, 'dataflow_kms_key', None):
        'Cannot create a default bucket when --dataflow_kms_key is set.')
    return None

  project = getattr(options, 'project', None)
  region = getattr(options, 'region', None)
  if not project or not region:
    return None

  bucket_name = default_gcs_bucket_name(project, region)
  bucket = GcsIO(pipeline_options=options).get_bucket(bucket_name)
  if bucket:
    return bucket
        'Creating default GCS bucket for project %s: gs://%s',
    return GcsIO(pipeline_options=options).create_bucket(
        bucket_name, project, location=region)

[docs]def create_storage_client(pipeline_options, use_credentials=True): """Create a GCS client for Beam via GCS Client Library. Args: pipeline_options(apache_beam.options.pipeline_options.PipelineOptions): the options of the pipeline. use_credentials(bool): whether to create an authenticated client based on pipeline options or an anonymous client. Returns: A instance. """ if use_credentials: credentials = auth.get_service_credentials(pipeline_options) else: credentials = None if credentials: google_cloud_options = pipeline_options.view_as(GoogleCloudOptions) from google.api_core import client_info beam_client_info = client_info.ClientInfo( user_agent="apache-beam/%s (GPN:Beam)" % beam_version.__version__) return storage.Client( credentials=credentials.get_google_auth_credentials(), project=google_cloud_options.project, client_info=beam_client_info, extra_headers={ "x-goog-custom-audit-job": google_cloud_options.job_name if google_cloud_options.job_name else "UNKNOWN" }) else: return storage.Client.create_anonymous_client()
[docs]class GcsIO(object): """Google Cloud Storage I/O client.""" def __init__(self, storage_client=None, pipeline_options=None): # type: (Optional[storage.Client], Optional[Union[dict, PipelineOptions]]) -> None if pipeline_options is None: pipeline_options = PipelineOptions() elif isinstance(pipeline_options, dict): pipeline_options = PipelineOptions.from_dictionary(pipeline_options) if storage_client is None: storage_client = create_storage_client(pipeline_options) self.enable_read_bucket_metric = pipeline_options.get_all_options( )['enable_bucket_read_metric_counter'] self.enable_write_bucket_metric = pipeline_options.get_all_options( )['enable_bucket_write_metric_counter'] self.client = storage_client self._rewrite_cb = None self.bucket_to_project_number = {}
[docs] def get_project_number(self, bucket): if bucket not in self.bucket_to_project_number: bucket_metadata = self.get_bucket(bucket_name=bucket) if bucket_metadata: self.bucket_to_project_number[bucket] = bucket_metadata.projectNumber return self.bucket_to_project_number.get(bucket, None)
[docs] def get_bucket(self, bucket_name, **kwargs): """Returns an object bucket from its name, or None if it does not exist.""" try: return self.client.lookup_bucket(bucket_name, **kwargs) except NotFound: return None
[docs] def create_bucket( self, bucket_name, project, kms_key=None, location=None, soft_delete_retention_duration_seconds=0): """Create and return a GCS bucket in a specific project.""" try: bucket = self.client.bucket(bucket_name) bucket.soft_delete_policy.retention_duration_seconds = ( soft_delete_retention_duration_seconds) bucket = self.client.create_bucket( bucket_or_name=bucket, project=project, location=location, ) if kms_key: bucket.default_kms_key_name(kms_key) bucket.patch() return bucket except NotFound: return None
[docs] def open( self, filename, mode='r', read_buffer_size=DEFAULT_READ_BUFFER_SIZE, mime_type='application/octet-stream'): """Open a GCS file path for reading or writing. Args: filename (str): GCS file path in the form ``gs://<bucket>/<object>``. mode (str): ``'r'`` for reading or ``'w'`` for writing. read_buffer_size (int): Buffer size to use during read operations. mime_type (str): Mime type to set for write operations. Returns: GCS file object. Raises: ValueError: Invalid open file mode. """ bucket_name, blob_name = parse_gcs_path(filename) bucket = self.client.bucket(bucket_name) if mode == 'r' or mode == 'rb': blob = bucket.blob(blob_name) return BeamBlobReader( blob, chunk_size=read_buffer_size, enable_read_bucket_metric=self.enable_read_bucket_metric) elif mode == 'w' or mode == 'wb': blob = bucket.blob(blob_name) return BeamBlobWriter( blob, mime_type, enable_write_bucket_metric=self.enable_write_bucket_metric) else: raise ValueError('Invalid file open mode: %s.' % mode)
[docs] @retry.with_exponential_backoff( retry_filter=retry.retry_on_server_errors_and_timeout_filter) def delete(self, path): """Deletes the object at the given GCS path. Args: path: GCS file path pattern in the form gs://<bucket>/<name>. """ bucket_name, blob_name = parse_gcs_path(path) try: bucket = self.client.bucket(bucket_name) bucket.delete_blob(blob_name) except NotFound: return
[docs] def delete_batch(self, paths): """Deletes the objects at the given GCS paths. Args: paths: List of GCS file path patterns or Dict with GCS file path patterns as keys. The patterns are in the form gs://<bucket>/<name>, but not to exceed MAX_BATCH_OPERATION_SIZE in length. Returns: List of tuples of (path, exception) in the same order as the paths argument, where exception is None if the operation succeeded or the relevant exception if the operation failed. """ final_results = [] s = 0 if not isinstance(paths, list): paths = list(iter(paths)) while s < len(paths): if (s + MAX_BATCH_OPERATION_SIZE) < len(paths): current_paths = paths[s:s + MAX_BATCH_OPERATION_SIZE] else: current_paths = paths[s:] current_batch = self.client.batch(raise_exception=False) with current_batch: for path in current_paths: bucket_name, blob_name = parse_gcs_path(path) bucket = self.client.bucket(bucket_name) bucket.delete_blob(blob_name) for i, path in enumerate(current_paths): error_code = None resp = current_batch._responses[i] if resp.status_code >= 400 and resp.status_code != 404: error_code = resp.status_code final_results.append((path, error_code)) s += MAX_BATCH_OPERATION_SIZE return final_results
[docs] @retry.with_exponential_backoff( retry_filter=retry.retry_on_server_errors_and_timeout_filter) def copy(self, src, dest): """Copies the given GCS object from src to dest. Args: src: GCS file path pattern in the form gs://<bucket>/<name>. dest: GCS file path pattern in the form gs://<bucket>/<name>. Raises: TimeoutError: on timeout. """ src_bucket_name, src_blob_name = parse_gcs_path(src) dest_bucket_name, dest_blob_name= parse_gcs_path(dest, object_optional=True) src_bucket = self.client.bucket(src_bucket_name) src_blob = src_bucket.blob(src_blob_name) dest_bucket = self.client.bucket(dest_bucket_name) if not dest_blob_name: dest_blob_name = None src_bucket.copy_blob(src_blob, dest_bucket, new_name=dest_blob_name)
[docs] def copy_batch(self, src_dest_pairs): """Copies the given GCS objects from src to dest. Args: src_dest_pairs: list of (src, dest) tuples of gs://<bucket>/<name> files paths to copy from src to dest, not to exceed MAX_BATCH_OPERATION_SIZE in length. Returns: List of tuples of (src, dest, exception) in the same order as the src_dest_pairs argument, where exception is None if the operation succeeded or the relevant exception if the operation failed. """ final_results = [] s = 0 while s < len(src_dest_pairs): if (s + MAX_BATCH_OPERATION_SIZE) < len(src_dest_pairs): current_pairs = src_dest_pairs[s:s + MAX_BATCH_OPERATION_SIZE] else: current_pairs = src_dest_pairs[s:] current_batch = self.client.batch(raise_exception=False) with current_batch: for pair in current_pairs: src_bucket_name, src_blob_name = parse_gcs_path(pair[0]) dest_bucket_name, dest_blob_name = parse_gcs_path(pair[1]) src_bucket = self.client.bucket(src_bucket_name) src_blob = src_bucket.blob(src_blob_name) dest_bucket = self.client.bucket(dest_bucket_name) src_bucket.copy_blob(src_blob, dest_bucket, dest_blob_name) for i, pair in enumerate(current_pairs): error_code = None resp = current_batch._responses[i] if resp.status_code >= 400: error_code = resp.status_code final_results.append((pair[0], pair[1], error_code)) s += MAX_BATCH_OPERATION_SIZE return final_results
# We intentionally do not decorate this method with a retry, since the # underlying copy and delete operations are already idempotent operations.
[docs] def copytree(self, src, dest): """Renames the given GCS "directory" recursively from src to dest. Args: src: GCS file path pattern in the form gs://<bucket>/<name>/. dest: GCS file path pattern in the form gs://<bucket>/<name>/. """ assert src.endswith('/') assert dest.endswith('/') for entry in self.list_prefix(src): rel_path = entry[len(src):] self.copy(entry, dest + rel_path)
# We intentionally do not decorate this method with a retry, since the # underlying copy and delete operations are already idempotent operations.
[docs] def rename(self, src, dest): """Renames the given GCS object from src to dest. Args: src: GCS file path pattern in the form gs://<bucket>/<name>. dest: GCS file path pattern in the form gs://<bucket>/<name>. """ self.copy(src, dest) self.delete(src)
[docs] def exists(self, path): """Returns whether the given GCS object exists. Args: path: GCS file path pattern in the form gs://<bucket>/<name>. """ try: self._gcs_object(path) return True except NotFound: return False
[docs] def checksum(self, path): """Looks up the checksum of a GCS object. Args: path: GCS file path pattern in the form gs://<bucket>/<name>. """ return self._gcs_object(path).crc32c
[docs] def size(self, path): """Returns the size of a single GCS object. This method does not perform glob expansion. Hence the given path must be for a single GCS object. Returns: size of the GCS object in bytes. """ return self._gcs_object(path).size
[docs] def kms_key(self, path): """Returns the KMS key of a single GCS object. This method does not perform glob expansion. Hence the given path must be for a single GCS object. Returns: KMS key name of the GCS object as a string, or None if it doesn't have one. """ return self._gcs_object(path).kms_key_name
[docs] def last_updated(self, path): """Returns the last updated epoch time of a single GCS object. This method does not perform glob expansion. Hence the given path must be for a single GCS object. Returns: last updated time of the GCS object in second. """ return self._updated_to_seconds(self._gcs_object(path).updated)
def _status(self, path): """For internal use only; no backwards-compatibility guarantees. Returns supported fields (checksum, kms_key, last_updated, size) of a single object as a dict at once. This method does not perform glob expansion. Hence the given path must be for a single GCS object. Returns: dict of fields of the GCS object. """ gcs_object = self._gcs_object(path) file_status = {} if hasattr(gcs_object, 'crc32c'): file_status['checksum'] = gcs_object.crc32c if hasattr(gcs_object, 'kms_key_name'): file_status['kms_key'] = gcs_object.kms_key_name if hasattr(gcs_object, 'updated'): file_status['updated'] = self._updated_to_seconds(gcs_object.updated) if hasattr(gcs_object, 'size'): file_status['size'] = gcs_object.size return file_status @retry.with_exponential_backoff( retry_filter=retry.retry_on_server_errors_and_timeout_filter) def _gcs_object(self, path): """Returns a gcs object for the given path This method does not perform glob expansion. Hence the given path must be for a single GCS object. The method will make HTTP requests. Returns: GCS object. """ bucket_name, blob_name = parse_gcs_path(path) bucket = self.client.bucket(bucket_name) blob = bucket.get_blob(blob_name) if blob: return blob else: raise NotFound('Object %s not found', path)
[docs] @deprecated(since='2.45.0', current='list_files') def list_prefix(self, path, with_metadata=False): """Lists files matching the prefix. ``list_prefix`` has been deprecated. Use `list_files` instead, which returns a generator of file information instead of a dict. Args: path: GCS file path pattern in the form gs://<bucket>/[name]. with_metadata: Experimental. Specify whether returns file metadata. Returns: If ``with_metadata`` is False: dict of file name -> size; if ``with_metadata`` is True: dict of file name -> tuple(size, timestamp). """ file_info = {} for file_metadata in self.list_files(path, with_metadata): file_info[file_metadata[0]] = file_metadata[1] return file_info
[docs] def list_files(self, path, with_metadata=False): """Lists files matching the prefix. Args: path: GCS file path pattern in the form gs://<bucket>/[name]. with_metadata: Experimental. Specify whether returns file metadata. Returns: If ``with_metadata`` is False: generator of tuple(file name, size); if ``with_metadata`` is True: generator of tuple(file name, tuple(size, timestamp)). """ bucket_name, prefix = parse_gcs_path(path, object_optional=True) file_info = set() counter = 0 start_time = time.time() if with_metadata: _LOGGER.debug("Starting the file information of the input") else: _LOGGER.debug("Starting the size estimation of the input") bucket = self.client.bucket(bucket_name) response = self.client.list_blobs(bucket, prefix=prefix) for item in response: file_name = 'gs://%s/%s' % (, if file_name not in file_info: file_info.add(file_name) counter += 1 if counter % 10000 == 0: if with_metadata: "Finished computing file information of: %s files", len(file_info)) else:"Finished computing size of: %s files", len(file_info)) if with_metadata: yield file_name, (item.size, self._updated_to_seconds(item.updated)) else: yield file_name, item.size _LOGGER.log( # do not spam logs when list_prefix is likely used to check empty folder logging.INFO if counter > 0 else logging.DEBUG, "Finished listing %s files in %s seconds.", counter, time.time() - start_time)
@staticmethod def _updated_to_seconds(updated): """Helper function transform the updated field of response to seconds""" return ( time.mktime(updated.timetuple()) - time.timezone + updated.microsecond / 1000000.0)
[docs] def is_soft_delete_enabled(self, gcs_path): try: bucket_name, _ = parse_gcs_path(gcs_path) # set retry timeout to 5 seconds when checking soft delete policy bucket = self.get_bucket(bucket_name, retry=DEFAULT_RETRY.with_timeout(5)) if (bucket.soft_delete_policy is not None and bucket.soft_delete_policy.retention_duration_seconds > 0): return True except Exception: _LOGGER.warning( "Unexpected error occurred when checking soft delete policy for %s" % gcs_path) return False
class BeamBlobReader(BlobReader): def __init__( self, blob, chunk_size=DEFAULT_READ_BUFFER_SIZE, enable_read_bucket_metric=False): super().__init__(blob, chunk_size=chunk_size) self.enable_read_bucket_metric = enable_read_bucket_metric self.mode = "r" def read(self, size=-1): bytesRead = super().read(size) if self.enable_read_bucket_metric: Metrics.counter( self.__class__, "GCS_read_bytes_counter_" + len(bytesRead)) return bytesRead class BeamBlobWriter(BlobWriter): def __init__( self, blob, content_type, chunk_size=16 * 1024 * 1024, ignore_flush=True, enable_write_bucket_metric=False): super().__init__( blob, content_type=content_type, chunk_size=chunk_size, ignore_flush=ignore_flush, retry=DEFAULT_RETRY) self.mode = "w" self.enable_write_bucket_metric = enable_write_bucket_metric def write(self, b): bytesWritten = super().write(b) if self.enable_write_bucket_metric: Metrics.counter( self.__class__, "GCS_write_bytes_counter_" + return bytesWritten