Source code for

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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Functionality to perform file loads into BigQuery for Batch and Streaming

This source is able to work around BigQuery load quotas and limitations. When
destinations are dynamic, or when data for a single job is too large, the data
will be split into multiple jobs.


# pytype: skip-file

import hashlib
import io
import logging
import random
import time
import uuid

import apache_beam as beam
from apache_beam import pvalue
from import filesystems as fs
from import bigquery_tools
from import create_bigquery_io_metadata
from apache_beam.metrics.metric import Lineage
from apache_beam.options import value_provider as vp
from apache_beam.options.pipeline_options import GoogleCloudOptions
from apache_beam.transforms import trigger
from apache_beam.transforms.display import DisplayDataItem
from apache_beam.transforms.util import GroupIntoBatches
from apache_beam.transforms.window import GlobalWindows

# Protect against environments where bigquery library is not available.
# pylint: disable=wrong-import-order, wrong-import-position
  from import HttpError
except ImportError:

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

ONE_TERABYTE = (1 << 40)

# The maximum file size for imports is 5TB. We keep our files under that.


# The maximum size for a single load job is one terabyte

# Big query only supports up to 10 thousand URIs for a single load job.

# If triggering_frequency is supplied, we will trigger the file write after
# this many records are written.

# If using auto-sharding for unbounded data, we batch the records before
# triggering file write to avoid generating too many small files.

# How many seconds we wait before polling a pending job

def _generate_job_name(job_name, job_type, step_name):
  return bigquery_tools.generate_bq_job_name(

[docs]def file_prefix_generator( with_validation=True, pipeline_gcs_location=None, temp_location=None): def _generate_file_prefix(unused_elm): # If a gcs location is provided to the pipeline, then we shall use that. # Otherwise, we shall use the temp_location from pipeline options. gcs_base = pipeline_gcs_location.get() if not gcs_base: gcs_base = temp_location # This will fail at pipeline execution time, but will fail early, as this # step doesn't have any dependencies (and thus will be one of the first # stages to be run). if with_validation and (not gcs_base or not gcs_base.startswith('gs://')): raise ValueError( 'Invalid GCS location: %r.\n' 'Writing to BigQuery with FILE_LOADS method requires a' ' GCS location to be provided to write files to be loaded' ' into BigQuery. Please provide a GCS bucket through' ' custom_gcs_temp_location in the constructor of WriteToBigQuery' ' or the fallback option --temp_location, or pass' ' method="STREAMING_INSERTS" to WriteToBigQuery.' % gcs_base) prefix_uuid = _bq_uuid() return fs.FileSystems.join(gcs_base, 'bq_load', prefix_uuid) return _generate_file_prefix
def _make_new_file_writer( file_prefix, destination, file_format, schema=None, schema_side_inputs=tuple()): destination = bigquery_tools.get_hashable_destination(destination) # Windows does not allow : on filenames. Replacing with underscore. # Other disallowed characters are: # destination = destination.replace(':', '.') directory = fs.FileSystems.join(file_prefix, destination) if not fs.FileSystems.exists(directory): fs.FileSystems.mkdirs(directory) file_name = str(uuid.uuid4()) file_path = fs.FileSystems.join(file_prefix, destination, file_name) if file_format == bigquery_tools.FileFormat.AVRO: if callable(schema): schema = schema(destination, *schema_side_inputs) elif isinstance(schema, vp.ValueProvider): schema = schema.get() writer = bigquery_tools.AvroRowWriter( fs.FileSystems.create(file_path, "application/avro"), schema) elif file_format == bigquery_tools.FileFormat.JSON: writer = bigquery_tools.JsonRowWriter( fs.FileSystems.create(file_path, "application/text")) else: raise ValueError(( 'Only AVRO and JSON are supported as intermediate formats for ' 'BigQuery WriteRecordsToFile, got: {}.').format(file_format)) return file_path, writer def _bq_uuid(seed=None): if not seed: return str(uuid.uuid4()).replace("-", "") else: return str(hashlib.md5(seed.encode('utf8')).hexdigest()) class _ShardDestinations(beam.DoFn): """Adds a shard number to the key of the KV element. Experimental; no backwards compatibility guarantees.""" DEFAULT_SHARDING_FACTOR = 10 def __init__(self, sharding_factor=DEFAULT_SHARDING_FACTOR): self.sharding_factor = sharding_factor def start_bundle(self): self._shard_count = random.randrange(self.sharding_factor) def process(self, element): destination = element[0] row = element[1] sharded_destination = ( destination, self._shard_count % self.sharding_factor) self._shard_count += 1 yield (sharded_destination, row)
[docs]class WriteRecordsToFile(beam.DoFn): """Write input records to files before triggering a load job. This transform keeps up to ``max_files_per_bundle`` files open to write to. It receives (destination, record) tuples, and it writes the records to different files for each destination. If there are more than ``max_files_per_bundle`` destinations that we need to write to, then those records are grouped by their destination, and later written to files by ``WriteGroupedRecordsToFile``. It outputs two PCollections. """ UNWRITTEN_RECORD_TAG = 'UnwrittenRecords' WRITTEN_FILE_TAG = 'WrittenFiles' def __init__( self, schema, max_files_per_bundle=_DEFAULT_MAX_WRITERS_PER_BUNDLE, max_file_size=_DEFAULT_MAX_FILE_SIZE, file_format=None): """Initialize a :class:`WriteRecordsToFile`. Args: max_files_per_bundle (int): The maximum number of files that can be kept open during execution of this step in a worker. This is to avoid over- whelming the worker memory. max_file_size (int): The maximum size in bytes for a file to be used in an export job. """ self.schema = schema self.max_files_per_bundle = max_files_per_bundle self.max_file_size = max_file_size self.file_format = file_format or bigquery_tools.FileFormat.JSON
[docs] def display_data(self): return { 'max_files_per_bundle': self.max_files_per_bundle, 'max_file_size': str(self.max_file_size), 'file_format': self.file_format, }
[docs] def start_bundle(self): self._destination_to_file_writer = {}
[docs] def process(self, element, file_prefix, *schema_side_inputs): """Take a tuple with (destination, row) and write to file or spill out. Destination may be a ``TableReference`` or a string, and row is a Python dictionary for a row to be inserted to BigQuery.""" destination = bigquery_tools.get_hashable_destination(element[0]) row = element[1] if destination not in self._destination_to_file_writer: if len(self._destination_to_file_writer) < self.max_files_per_bundle: self._destination_to_file_writer[destination] = _make_new_file_writer( file_prefix, destination, self.file_format, self.schema, schema_side_inputs) else: yield pvalue.TaggedOutput( WriteRecordsToFile.UNWRITTEN_RECORD_TAG, element) return (file_path, writer) = self._destination_to_file_writer[destination] # TODO(pabloem): Is it possible for this to throw exception? writer.write(row) file_size = writer.tell() if file_size > self.max_file_size: writer.close() self._destination_to_file_writer.pop(destination) yield pvalue.TaggedOutput( WriteRecordsToFile.WRITTEN_FILE_TAG, (destination, (file_path, file_size)))
[docs] def finish_bundle(self): for destination, file_path_writer in \ self._destination_to_file_writer.items(): (file_path, writer) = file_path_writer file_size = writer.tell() writer.close() yield pvalue.TaggedOutput( WriteRecordsToFile.WRITTEN_FILE_TAG, GlobalWindows.windowed_value((destination, (file_path, file_size)))) self._destination_to_file_writer = {}
[docs]class WriteGroupedRecordsToFile(beam.DoFn): """Receives collection of dest-iterable(records), writes it to files. This is different from ``WriteRecordsToFile`` because it receives records grouped by destination. This means that it's not necessary to keep multiple file descriptors open, because we know for sure when records for a single destination have been written out. Experimental; no backwards compatibility guarantees. """ def __init__( self, schema, max_file_size=_DEFAULT_MAX_FILE_SIZE, file_format=None): self.schema = schema self.max_file_size = max_file_size self.file_format = file_format or bigquery_tools.FileFormat.JSON
[docs] def process(self, element, file_prefix, *schema_side_inputs): destination = bigquery_tools.get_hashable_destination(element[0]) rows = element[1] file_path, writer = None, None for row in rows: if writer is None: (file_path, writer) = _make_new_file_writer( file_prefix, destination, self.file_format, self.schema, schema_side_inputs) writer.write(row) file_size = writer.tell() if file_size > self.max_file_size: writer.close() yield (destination, (file_path, file_size)) file_path, writer = None, None if writer is not None: writer.close() yield (destination, (file_path, file_size))
[docs]class UpdateDestinationSchema(beam.DoFn): """Update destination schema based on data that is about to be copied into it. Unlike load and query jobs, BigQuery copy jobs do not support schema field addition or relaxation on the destination table. This DoFn fills that gap by updating the destination table schemas to be compatible with the data coming from the source table so that schema field modification options are respected regardless of whether data is loaded directly to the destination table or loaded into temporary tables before being copied into the destination. This transform takes as input a (destination, job_reference) pair where the job_reference refers to a completed load job into a temporary table. This transform emits (destination, job_reference) pairs where the job_reference refers to a submitted load job for performing the schema modification in JSON format. Note that the input and output job references are not the same. Experimental; no backwards compatibility guarantees. """ def __init__( self, project=None, write_disposition=None, test_client=None, additional_bq_parameters=None, step_name=None, load_job_project_id=None): self.project = project self._test_client = test_client self._write_disposition = write_disposition self._additional_bq_parameters = additional_bq_parameters or {} self._step_name = step_name self._load_job_project_id = load_job_project_id
[docs] def start_bundle(self): self.bq_wrapper = bigquery_tools.BigQueryWrapper(client=self._test_client) self._bq_io_metadata = create_bigquery_io_metadata(self._step_name) self.pending_jobs = []
[docs] def display_data(self): return { 'write_disposition': str(self._write_disposition), 'additional_bq_params': str(self._additional_bq_parameters), }
[docs] def process(self, element, schema_mod_job_name_prefix): destination = element[0] temp_table_load_job_reference = element[1] if callable(self._additional_bq_parameters): additional_parameters = self._additional_bq_parameters(destination) elif isinstance(self._additional_bq_parameters, vp.ValueProvider): additional_parameters = self._additional_bq_parameters.get() else: additional_parameters = self._additional_bq_parameters # When writing to normal tables WRITE_TRUNCATE will overwrite the schema but # when writing to a partition, care needs to be taken to update the schema # even on WRITE_TRUNCATE. if (self._write_disposition not in ('WRITE_TRUNCATE', 'WRITE_APPEND') or not additional_parameters or not additional_parameters.get("schemaUpdateOptions")): # No need to modify schema of destination table return table_reference = bigquery_tools.parse_table_reference(destination) if table_reference.projectId is None: table_reference.projectId = vp.RuntimeValueProvider.get_value( 'project', str, '') or self.project try: # Check if destination table exists destination_table = self.bq_wrapper.get_table( project_id=table_reference.projectId, dataset_id=table_reference.datasetId, table_id=table_reference.tableId) except HttpError as exn: if exn.status_code == 404: # Destination table does not exist, so no need to modify its schema # ahead of the copy jobs. return else: raise temp_table_load_job = self.bq_wrapper.get_job( project=temp_table_load_job_reference.projectId, job_id=temp_table_load_job_reference.jobId, location=temp_table_load_job_reference.location) temp_table_schema = temp_table_load_job.configuration.load.schema if bigquery_tools.check_schema_equal(temp_table_schema, destination_table.schema, ignore_descriptions=True, ignore_field_order=True): # Destination table schema is already the same as the temp table schema, # so no need to run a job to update the destination table schema. return destination_hash = _bq_uuid( '%s:%s.%s' % ( table_reference.projectId, table_reference.datasetId, table_reference.tableId)) uid = _bq_uuid() job_name = '%s_%s_%s' % (schema_mod_job_name_prefix, destination_hash, uid) 'Triggering schema modification job %s on %s', job_name, table_reference) # Trigger potential schema modification by loading zero rows into the # destination table with the temporary table schema. schema_update_job_reference = self.bq_wrapper.perform_load_job( destination=table_reference, source_stream=io.BytesIO(), # file with zero rows job_id=job_name, schema=temp_table_schema, write_disposition='WRITE_APPEND', create_disposition='CREATE_NEVER', additional_load_parameters=additional_parameters, job_labels=self._bq_io_metadata.add_additional_bq_job_labels(), # JSON format is hardcoded because zero rows load(unlike AVRO) and # a nested schema(unlike CSV, which a default one) is permitted. source_format="NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON", load_job_project_id=self._load_job_project_id) self.pending_jobs.append( GlobalWindows.windowed_value( (destination, schema_update_job_reference)))
[docs] def finish_bundle(self): # Unlike the other steps, schema update is not always necessary. # In that case, return a None value to avoid blocking in streaming context. # Otherwise, the streaming pipeline would get stuck waiting for the # TriggerCopyJobs side-input. if not self.pending_jobs: return [GlobalWindows.windowed_value(None)] for windowed_value in self.pending_jobs: job_ref = windowed_value.value[1] self.bq_wrapper.wait_for_bq_job( job_ref, sleep_duration_sec=_SLEEP_DURATION_BETWEEN_POLLS) return self.pending_jobs
[docs]class TriggerCopyJobs(beam.DoFn): """Launches jobs to copy from temporary tables into the main target table. When a job needs to write to multiple destination tables, or when a single destination table needs to have multiple load jobs to write to it, files are loaded into temporary tables, and those tables are later copied to the destination tables. This transform emits (destination, job_reference) pairs. TODO(BEAM-7822): In file loads method of writing to BigQuery, copying from temp_tables to destination_table is not atomic. See: """ TRIGGER_DELETE_TEMP_TABLES = 'TriggerDeleteTempTables' def __init__( self, project=None, create_disposition=None, write_disposition=None, test_client=None, step_name=None, load_job_project_id=None): self.project = project self.create_disposition = create_disposition self.write_disposition = write_disposition self.test_client = test_client self._observed_tables = set() self.bq_io_metadata = None self._step_name = step_name self.load_job_project_id = load_job_project_id
[docs] def display_data(self): return { 'launchesBigQueryJobs': DisplayDataItem( True, label="This Dataflow job launches bigquery jobs.") }
[docs] def setup(self): self._observed_tables = set()
[docs] def start_bundle(self): self.bq_wrapper = bigquery_tools.BigQueryWrapper(client=self.test_client) if not self.bq_io_metadata: self.bq_io_metadata = create_bigquery_io_metadata(self._step_name) self.pending_jobs = []
[docs] def process( self, element_list, job_name_prefix=None, unused_schema_mod_jobs=None): if isinstance(element_list, tuple): # Allow this for streaming update compatibility while fixing BEAM-24535. self.process_one(element_list, job_name_prefix) else: for element in element_list: self.process_one(element, job_name_prefix)
[docs] def process_one(self, element, job_name_prefix): destination, job_reference = element copy_to_reference = bigquery_tools.parse_table_reference(destination) if copy_to_reference.projectId is None: copy_to_reference.projectId = vp.RuntimeValueProvider.get_value( 'project', str, '') or self.project copy_from_reference = bigquery_tools.parse_table_reference(destination) copy_from_reference.tableId = job_reference.jobId if copy_from_reference.projectId is None: copy_from_reference.projectId = vp.RuntimeValueProvider.get_value( 'project', str, '') or self.project copy_job_name = '%s_%s' % ( job_name_prefix, _bq_uuid( '%s:%s.%s' % ( copy_from_reference.projectId, copy_from_reference.datasetId, copy_from_reference.tableId))) "Triggering copy job from %s to %s", copy_from_reference, copy_to_reference) if copy_to_reference.tableId not in self._observed_tables: # When the write_disposition for a job is WRITE_TRUNCATE, # multiple copy jobs to the same destination can stump on # each other, truncate data, and write to the BQ table over and # over. # Thus, the first copy job runs with the user's write_disposition, # but afterwards, all jobs must always WRITE_APPEND to the table. # If they do not, subsequent copy jobs will clear out data appended # by previous jobs. write_disposition = self.write_disposition wait_for_job = True self._observed_tables.add(copy_to_reference.tableId) Lineage.sinks().add( 'bigquery', copy_to_reference.projectId, copy_to_reference.datasetId, copy_to_reference.tableId) else: wait_for_job = False write_disposition = 'WRITE_APPEND' if not self.bq_io_metadata: self.bq_io_metadata = create_bigquery_io_metadata(self._step_name) project_id = ( copy_to_reference.projectId if self.load_job_project_id is None else self.load_job_project_id) job_reference = self.bq_wrapper._insert_copy_job( project_id, copy_job_name, copy_from_reference, copy_to_reference, create_disposition=self.create_disposition, write_disposition=write_disposition, job_labels=self.bq_io_metadata.add_additional_bq_job_labels()) if wait_for_job: self.bq_wrapper.wait_for_bq_job(job_reference, sleep_duration_sec=10) self.pending_jobs.append( GlobalWindows.windowed_value((destination, job_reference)))
[docs] def finish_bundle(self): for windowed_value in self.pending_jobs: job_ref = windowed_value.value[1] self.bq_wrapper.wait_for_bq_job( job_ref, sleep_duration_sec=_SLEEP_DURATION_BETWEEN_POLLS) yield windowed_value yield pvalue.TaggedOutput( TriggerCopyJobs.TRIGGER_DELETE_TEMP_TABLES, GlobalWindows.windowed_value(None))
[docs]class TriggerLoadJobs(beam.DoFn): """Triggers the import jobs to BQ. Experimental; no backwards compatibility guarantees. """ TEMP_TABLES = 'TemporaryTables' ONGOING_JOBS = 'OngoingJobs' def __init__( self, schema=None, project=None, create_disposition=None, write_disposition=None, test_client=None, temporary_tables=False, additional_bq_parameters=None, source_format=None, step_name=None, load_job_project_id=None): self.schema = schema self.project = project self.test_client = test_client self.temporary_tables = temporary_tables self.additional_bq_parameters = additional_bq_parameters or {} self.source_format = source_format self.bq_io_metadata = None self._step_name = step_name self.load_job_project_id = load_job_project_id if self.temporary_tables: # If we are loading into temporary tables, we rely on the default create # and write dispositions, which mean that a new table will be created. self.create_disposition = None self.write_disposition = None else: self.create_disposition = create_disposition self.write_disposition = write_disposition
[docs] def display_data(self): result = { 'create_disposition': str(self.create_disposition), 'write_disposition': str(self.write_disposition), 'additional_bq_params': str(self.additional_bq_parameters), 'schema': str(self.schema), 'launchesBigQueryJobs': DisplayDataItem( True, label="This Dataflow job launches bigquery jobs."), 'source_format': str(self.source_format), } return result
[docs] def start_bundle(self): self.bq_wrapper = bigquery_tools.BigQueryWrapper(client=self.test_client) if not self.bq_io_metadata: self.bq_io_metadata = create_bigquery_io_metadata(self._step_name) self.pending_jobs = [] self.schema_cache = {}
[docs] def process( self, element, load_job_name_prefix, pane_info=beam.DoFn.PaneInfoParam, *schema_side_inputs): # Each load job is assumed to have files respecting these constraints: # 1. Total size of all files < 15 TB (Max size for load jobs) # 2. Total no. of files in a single load job < 10,000 # This assumption means that there will always be a single load job # triggered for each partition of files. destination = element[0] partition_key, files = element[1] if callable(self.schema): schema = self.schema(destination, *schema_side_inputs) elif isinstance(self.schema, vp.ValueProvider): schema = self.schema.get() else: schema = self.schema if callable(self.additional_bq_parameters): additional_parameters = self.additional_bq_parameters(destination) elif isinstance(self.additional_bq_parameters, vp.ValueProvider): additional_parameters = self.additional_bq_parameters.get() else: additional_parameters = self.additional_bq_parameters table_reference = bigquery_tools.parse_table_reference(destination) if table_reference.projectId is None: table_reference.projectId = vp.RuntimeValueProvider.get_value( 'project', str, '') or self.project # Load jobs for a single destination are always triggered from the same # worker. This means that we can generate a deterministic numbered job id, # and not need to worry. destination_hash = _bq_uuid( '%s:%s.%s' % ( table_reference.projectId, table_reference.datasetId, table_reference.tableId)) job_name = '%s_%s_pane%s_partition%s' % ( load_job_name_prefix, destination_hash, pane_info.index, partition_key)'Load job has %s files. Job name is %s.', len(files), job_name) create_disposition = self.create_disposition if self.temporary_tables: # we need to create temp tables, so we need a schema. # if there is no input schema, fetch the destination table's schema if schema is None: hashed_dest = bigquery_tools.get_hashable_destination(table_reference) if hashed_dest in self.schema_cache: schema = self.schema_cache[hashed_dest] else: try: schema = bigquery_tools.table_schema_to_dict( bigquery_tools.BigQueryWrapper().get_table( project_id=table_reference.projectId, dataset_id=table_reference.datasetId, table_id=table_reference.tableId).schema) self.schema_cache[hashed_dest] = schema except Exception as e: _LOGGER.warning( "Input schema is absent and could not fetch the final " "destination table's schema [%s]. Creating temp table [%s] " "will likely fail: %s", hashed_dest, job_name, e) # If we are using temporary tables, then we must always create the # temporary tables, so we replace the create_disposition. create_disposition = 'CREATE_IF_NEEDED' # For temporary tables, we create a new table with the name with JobId. table_reference.tableId = job_name yield pvalue.TaggedOutput( TriggerLoadJobs.TEMP_TABLES, bigquery_tools.get_hashable_destination(table_reference)) else: Lineage.sinks().add( 'bigquery', table_reference.projectId, table_reference.datasetId, table_reference.tableId) 'Triggering job %s to load data to BigQuery table %s.' 'Schema: %s. Additional parameters: %s. Source format: %s', job_name, table_reference, schema, additional_parameters, self.source_format, ) if not self.bq_io_metadata: self.bq_io_metadata = create_bigquery_io_metadata(self._step_name) job_reference = self.bq_wrapper.perform_load_job( destination=table_reference, source_uris=files, job_id=job_name, schema=schema, write_disposition=self.write_disposition, create_disposition=create_disposition, additional_load_parameters=additional_parameters, source_format=self.source_format, job_labels=self.bq_io_metadata.add_additional_bq_job_labels(), load_job_project_id=self.load_job_project_id) yield pvalue.TaggedOutput( TriggerLoadJobs.ONGOING_JOBS, (destination, job_reference)) self.pending_jobs.append( GlobalWindows.windowed_value((destination, job_reference)))
[docs] def finish_bundle(self): dataset_locations = {} for windowed_value in self.pending_jobs: table_ref = bigquery_tools.parse_table_reference(windowed_value.value[0]) project_dataset = (table_ref.projectId, table_ref.datasetId) job_ref = windowed_value.value[1] # In some cases (e.g. when the load job op returns a 409 ALREADY_EXISTS), # the returned job reference may not include a location. In such cases, # we need to override with the dataset's location. job_location = job_ref.location if not job_location and project_dataset not in dataset_locations: job_location = self.bq_wrapper.get_table_location( table_ref.projectId, table_ref.datasetId, table_ref.tableId) dataset_locations[project_dataset] = job_location self.bq_wrapper.wait_for_bq_job( job_ref, sleep_duration_sec=_SLEEP_DURATION_BETWEEN_POLLS, location=job_location) return self.pending_jobs
[docs] class Partition(object): def __init__(self, max_size, max_files, files=None, size=0): self.max_size = max_size self.max_files = max_files self.files = files if files is not None else [] self.size = size
[docs] def can_accept(self, file_size, no_of_files=1): if (((self.size + file_size) <= self.max_size) and ((len(self.files) + no_of_files) <= self.max_files)): return True else: return False
[docs] def add(self, file_path, file_size): self.files.append(file_path) self.size += file_size
def __init__(self, max_partition_size, max_files_per_partition): self.max_partition_size = max_partition_size self.max_files_per_partition = max_files_per_partition
[docs] def process(self, element): destination = element[0] files = element[1] partitions = [] if not files: _LOGGER.warning( 'Ignoring a BigQuery batch load partition to %s ' 'that contains no source URIs.', destination) return latest_partition = PartitionFiles.Partition( self.max_partition_size, self.max_files_per_partition) for file_path, file_size in files: if latest_partition.can_accept(file_size): latest_partition.add(file_path, file_size) else: partitions.append(latest_partition.files) latest_partition = PartitionFiles.Partition( self.max_partition_size, self.max_files_per_partition) latest_partition.add(file_path, file_size) partitions.append(latest_partition.files) if len(partitions) > 1: output_tag = PartitionFiles.MULTIPLE_PARTITIONS_TAG else: output_tag = PartitionFiles.SINGLE_PARTITION_TAG # we also pass along the index of partition as a key, which is used # to create a deterministic load job name for key, partition in enumerate(partitions): yield pvalue.TaggedOutput(output_tag, (destination, (key, partition)))
[docs]class DeleteTablesFn(beam.DoFn): def __init__(self, test_client=None): self.test_client = test_client
[docs] def start_bundle(self): self.bq_wrapper = bigquery_tools.BigQueryWrapper(client=self.test_client)
[docs] def process(self, table_reference):"Deleting table %s", table_reference) table_reference = bigquery_tools.parse_table_reference(table_reference) self.bq_wrapper._delete_table( table_reference.projectId, table_reference.datasetId, table_reference.tableId)
[docs]class BigQueryBatchFileLoads(beam.PTransform): """Takes in a set of elements, and inserts them to BigQuery via batch loads. """ DESTINATION_JOBID_PAIRS = 'destination_load_jobid_pairs' DESTINATION_FILE_PAIRS = 'destination_file_pairs' DESTINATION_COPY_JOBID_PAIRS = 'destination_copy_jobid_pairs' COUNT = 0 def __init__( self, destination, project=None, schema=None, custom_gcs_temp_location=None, create_disposition=None, write_disposition=None, triggering_frequency=None, with_auto_sharding=False, temp_file_format=None, max_file_size=None, max_files_per_bundle=None, max_partition_size=None, max_files_per_partition=None, additional_bq_parameters=None, table_side_inputs=None, schema_side_inputs=None, test_client=None, validate=True, is_streaming_pipeline=False, load_job_project_id=None): self.destination = destination self.project = project self.create_disposition = create_disposition self.write_disposition = write_disposition self.triggering_frequency = triggering_frequency self.with_auto_sharding = with_auto_sharding self.max_file_size = max_file_size or _DEFAULT_MAX_FILE_SIZE self.max_files_per_bundle = ( max_files_per_bundle or _DEFAULT_MAX_WRITERS_PER_BUNDLE) self.max_partition_size = max_partition_size or _MAXIMUM_LOAD_SIZE self.max_files_per_partition = ( max_files_per_partition or _MAXIMUM_SOURCE_URIS) if (isinstance(custom_gcs_temp_location, str) or custom_gcs_temp_location is None): self._custom_gcs_temp_location = vp.StaticValueProvider( str, custom_gcs_temp_location or '') elif isinstance(custom_gcs_temp_location, vp.ValueProvider): self._custom_gcs_temp_location = custom_gcs_temp_location else: raise ValueError('custom_gcs_temp_location must be str or ValueProvider') self.test_client = test_client self.schema = schema self._temp_file_format = temp_file_format or bigquery_tools.FileFormat.JSON # If we have multiple destinations, then we will have multiple load jobs, # thus we will need temporary tables for atomicity. self.dynamic_destinations = bool(callable(destination)) self.additional_bq_parameters = additional_bq_parameters or {} self.table_side_inputs = table_side_inputs or () self.schema_side_inputs = schema_side_inputs or () self.is_streaming_pipeline = is_streaming_pipeline self.load_job_project_id = load_job_project_id self._validate = validate if self._validate: self.verify()
[docs] def verify(self): if (isinstance(self._custom_gcs_temp_location.get(), vp.StaticValueProvider) and not self._custom_gcs_temp_location.get().startswith('gs://')): # Only fail if the custom location is provided, and it is not a GCS # location. raise ValueError( 'Invalid GCS location: %r.\n' 'Writing to BigQuery with FILE_LOADS method requires a ' 'GCS location to be provided to write files to be ' 'loaded into BigQuery. Please provide a GCS bucket, or ' 'pass method="STREAMING_INSERTS" to WriteToBigQuery.' % self._custom_gcs_temp_location.get()) if self.is_streaming_pipeline and not self.triggering_frequency: raise ValueError( 'triggering_frequency must be specified to use file' 'loads in streaming') elif not self.is_streaming_pipeline and self.triggering_frequency: raise ValueError( 'triggering_frequency can only be used with file' 'loads in streaming') if not self.is_streaming_pipeline and self.with_auto_sharding: return ValueError( 'with_auto_sharding can only be used with file loads in streaming.')
def _window_fn(self): """Set the correct WindowInto PTransform""" # The user-supplied triggering_frequency is often chosen to control how # many BigQuery load jobs are triggered, to prevent going over BigQuery's # daily quota for load jobs. If this is set to a large value, currently we # have to buffer all the data until the trigger fires. Instead we ensure # that the files are written if a threshold number of records are ready. # We use only the user-supplied trigger on the actual BigQuery load. # This allows us to offload the data to the filesystem. # # In the case of dynamic sharding, however, we use a default trigger since # the transform performs sharding also batches elements to avoid generating # too many tiny files. User trigger is applied right after writes to limit # the number of load jobs. if self.is_streaming_pipeline and not self.with_auto_sharding: return beam.WindowInto(beam.window.GlobalWindows(), trigger=trigger.Repeatedly( trigger.AfterAny( trigger.AfterProcessingTime( self.triggering_frequency), trigger.AfterCount( _FILE_TRIGGERING_RECORD_COUNT))), accumulation_mode=trigger.AccumulationMode\ .DISCARDING) else: return beam.WindowInto(beam.window.GlobalWindows()) def _maybe_apply_user_trigger(self, destination_file_kv_pc): if self.is_streaming_pipeline: # Apply the user's trigger back before we start triggering load jobs return ( destination_file_kv_pc | "ApplyUserTrigger" >> beam.WindowInto( beam.window.GlobalWindows(), trigger=trigger.Repeatedly( trigger.AfterAll( trigger.AfterProcessingTime(self.triggering_frequency), trigger.AfterCount(1))), accumulation_mode=trigger.AccumulationMode.DISCARDING)) else: return destination_file_kv_pc def _write_files(self, destination_data_kv_pc, file_prefix_pcv): outputs = ( destination_data_kv_pc | beam.ParDo( WriteRecordsToFile( schema=self.schema, max_files_per_bundle=self.max_files_per_bundle, max_file_size=self.max_file_size, file_format=self._temp_file_format), file_prefix_pcv, *self.schema_side_inputs).with_outputs( WriteRecordsToFile.UNWRITTEN_RECORD_TAG, WriteRecordsToFile.WRITTEN_FILE_TAG)) # A PCollection of (destination, file) tuples. It lists files with records, # and the destination each file is meant to be imported into. destination_files_kv_pc = outputs[WriteRecordsToFile.WRITTEN_FILE_TAG] # A PCollection of (destination, record) tuples. These are later sharded, # grouped, and all records for each destination-shard is written to files. # This PCollection is necessary because not all records can be written into # files in ``WriteRecordsToFile``. unwritten_records_pc = outputs[WriteRecordsToFile.UNWRITTEN_RECORD_TAG] more_destination_files_kv_pc = ( unwritten_records_pc | beam.ParDo(_ShardDestinations()) | "GroupShardedRows" >> beam.GroupByKey() | "DropShardNumber" >> beam.Map(lambda x: (x[0][0], x[1])) | "WriteGroupedRecordsToFile" >> beam.ParDo( WriteGroupedRecordsToFile( schema=self.schema, file_format=self._temp_file_format), file_prefix_pcv, *self.schema_side_inputs)) # TODO( Remove the identity # transform. We flatten both PCollection paths and use an identity function # to work around a flatten optimization issue where the wrong coder is # being used. all_destination_file_pairs_pc = ( (destination_files_kv_pc, more_destination_files_kv_pc) | "DestinationFilesUnion" >> beam.Flatten() | "IdentityWorkaround" >> beam.Map(lambda x: x)) return self._maybe_apply_user_trigger(all_destination_file_pairs_pc) def _write_files_with_auto_sharding( self, destination_data_kv_pc, file_prefix_pcv): clock = self.test_client.test_clock if self.test_client else time.time # Auto-sharding is achieved via GroupIntoBatches.WithShardedKey # transform which shards, groups and at the same time batches the table rows # to be inserted to BigQuery. # Firstly, the keys of tagged_data (table references) are converted to a # hashable format. This is needed to work with the keyed states used by. # GroupIntoBatches. After grouping and batching is done, table references # are restored. destination_files_kv_pc = ( destination_data_kv_pc | 'ToHashableTableRef' >> beam.Map(bigquery_tools.to_hashable_table_ref) | 'WithAutoSharding' >> GroupIntoBatches.WithShardedKey( batch_size=_FILE_TRIGGERING_RECORD_COUNT, max_buffering_duration_secs=_FILE_TRIGGERING_BATCHING_DURATION_SECS, clock=clock) | 'FromHashableTableRefAndDropShard' >> beam.Map( lambda kvs: (bigquery_tools.parse_table_reference(kvs[0].key), kvs[1])) | beam.ParDo( WriteGroupedRecordsToFile( schema=self.schema, file_format=self._temp_file_format), file_prefix_pcv, *self.schema_side_inputs)) return self._maybe_apply_user_trigger(destination_files_kv_pc) def _load_data( self, partitions_using_temp_tables, partitions_direct_to_destination, load_job_name_pcv, schema_mod_job_name_pcv, copy_job_name_pcv, p, step_name): """Load data to BigQuery Data is loaded into BigQuery in the following two ways: 1. Single partition: When there is a single partition of files destined to a single destination, a single load job is triggered. 2. Multiple partitions and/or Dynamic Destinations: When there are multiple partitions of files destined for a single destination or when Dynamic Destinations are used, multiple load jobs need to be triggered for each partition/destination. Load Jobs are triggered to temporary tables, and those are later copied to the actual appropriate destination table. This ensures atomicity when only some of the load jobs would fail but not other. If any of them fails, then copy jobs are not triggered. """ # Load data using temp tables trigger_loads_outputs = ( partitions_using_temp_tables | "TriggerLoadJobsWithTempTables" >> beam.ParDo( TriggerLoadJobs( schema=self.schema, project=self.project, write_disposition=self.write_disposition, create_disposition=self.create_disposition, test_client=self.test_client, temporary_tables=True, additional_bq_parameters=self.additional_bq_parameters, source_format=self._temp_file_format, step_name=step_name, load_job_project_id=self.load_job_project_id), load_job_name_pcv, *self.schema_side_inputs).with_outputs( TriggerLoadJobs.TEMP_TABLES, TriggerLoadJobs.ONGOING_JOBS, main='main')) finished_temp_tables_load_job_ids_pc = trigger_loads_outputs['main'] temp_tables_load_job_ids_pc = trigger_loads_outputs[ TriggerLoadJobs.ONGOING_JOBS] temp_tables_pc = trigger_loads_outputs[TriggerLoadJobs.TEMP_TABLES] schema_mod_job_ids_pc = ( finished_temp_tables_load_job_ids_pc | beam.ParDo( UpdateDestinationSchema( project=self.project, write_disposition=self.write_disposition, test_client=self.test_client, additional_bq_parameters=self.additional_bq_parameters, step_name=step_name, load_job_project_id=self.load_job_project_id), schema_mod_job_name_pcv)) if self.write_disposition in ('WRITE_EMPTY', 'WRITE_TRUNCATE'): # All loads going to the same table must be processed together so that # the truncation happens only once. See # finished_temp_tables_load_job_ids_list_pc = ( finished_temp_tables_load_job_ids_pc | beam.MapTuple( lambda destination, job_reference: ( bigquery_tools.parse_table_reference(destination).tableId, (destination, job_reference))) | beam.GroupByKey() | beam.MapTuple(lambda tableId, batch: list(batch))) else: # Loads can happen in parallel. finished_temp_tables_load_job_ids_list_pc = ( finished_temp_tables_load_job_ids_pc | beam.Map(lambda x: [x])) copy_job_outputs = ( finished_temp_tables_load_job_ids_list_pc | beam.ParDo( TriggerCopyJobs( project=self.project, create_disposition=self.create_disposition, write_disposition=self.write_disposition, test_client=self.test_client, step_name=step_name, load_job_project_id=self.load_job_project_id), copy_job_name_pcv, pvalue.AsIter(schema_mod_job_ids_pc)).with_outputs( TriggerCopyJobs.TRIGGER_DELETE_TEMP_TABLES, main='main')) destination_copy_job_ids_pc = copy_job_outputs['main'] trigger_delete = copy_job_outputs[ TriggerCopyJobs.TRIGGER_DELETE_TEMP_TABLES] _ = ( temp_tables_pc | "RemoveTempTables/AddUselessValue" >> beam.Map( lambda x, unused_trigger: (x, None), pvalue.AsList(trigger_delete)) | "RemoveTempTables/DeduplicateTables" >> beam.GroupByKey() | "RemoveTempTables/GetTableNames" >> beam.Keys() | "RemoveTempTables/Delete" >> beam.ParDo( DeleteTablesFn(self.test_client))) # Load data directly to destination table destination_load_job_ids_pc = ( partitions_direct_to_destination | "TriggerLoadJobsWithoutTempTables" >> beam.ParDo( TriggerLoadJobs( schema=self.schema, write_disposition=self.write_disposition, create_disposition=self.create_disposition, test_client=self.test_client, temporary_tables=False, additional_bq_parameters=self.additional_bq_parameters, source_format=self._temp_file_format, step_name=step_name, load_job_project_id=self.load_job_project_id), load_job_name_pcv, *self.schema_side_inputs).with_outputs( TriggerLoadJobs.ONGOING_JOBS, main='main') )[TriggerLoadJobs.ONGOING_JOBS] destination_load_job_ids_pc = ( (temp_tables_load_job_ids_pc, destination_load_job_ids_pc) | beam.Flatten()) return destination_load_job_ids_pc, destination_copy_job_ids_pc
[docs] def expand(self, pcoll): p = pcoll.pipeline self.project = self.project or p.options.view_as(GoogleCloudOptions).project try: step_name = self.label except AttributeError: step_name = 'BigQueryBatchFileLoads_%d' % BigQueryBatchFileLoads.COUNT BigQueryBatchFileLoads.COUNT += 1 temp_location = p.options.view_as(GoogleCloudOptions).temp_location job_name = ( p.options.view_as(GoogleCloudOptions).job_name or 'AUTOMATIC_JOB_NAME') empty_pc = p | "ImpulseEmptyPC" >> beam.Create([]) singleton_pc = p | "ImpulseSingleElementPC" >> beam.Create([None]) load_job_name_pcv = pvalue.AsSingleton( singleton_pc | "LoadJobNamePrefix" >> beam.Map( lambda _: _generate_job_name( job_name, bigquery_tools.BigQueryJobTypes.LOAD, 'LOAD_STEP'))) schema_mod_job_name_pcv = pvalue.AsSingleton( singleton_pc | "SchemaModJobNamePrefix" >> beam.Map( lambda _: _generate_job_name( job_name, bigquery_tools.BigQueryJobTypes.LOAD, 'SCHEMA_MOD_STEP'))) copy_job_name_pcv = pvalue.AsSingleton( singleton_pc | "CopyJobNamePrefix" >> beam.Map( lambda _: _generate_job_name( job_name, bigquery_tools.BigQueryJobTypes.COPY, 'COPY_STEP'))) file_prefix_pcv = pvalue.AsSingleton( singleton_pc | "GenerateFilePrefix" >> beam.Map( file_prefix_generator( self._validate, self._custom_gcs_temp_location, temp_location))) destination_data_kv_pc = ( pcoll | "RewindowIntoGlobal" >> self._window_fn() | "AppendDestination" >> beam.ParDo( bigquery_tools.AppendDestinationsFn(self.destination), *self.table_side_inputs)) if not self.with_auto_sharding: all_destination_file_pairs_pc = self._write_files( destination_data_kv_pc, file_prefix_pcv) else: all_destination_file_pairs_pc = self._write_files_with_auto_sharding( destination_data_kv_pc, file_prefix_pcv) grouped_files_pc = ( all_destination_file_pairs_pc | "GroupFilesByTableDestinations" >> beam.GroupByKey()) partitions = ( grouped_files_pc | beam.ParDo( PartitionFiles( self.max_partition_size, self.max_files_per_partition)).with_outputs( PartitionFiles.MULTIPLE_PARTITIONS_TAG, PartitionFiles.SINGLE_PARTITION_TAG)) multiple_partitions_per_destination_pc = partitions[ PartitionFiles.MULTIPLE_PARTITIONS_TAG] single_partition_per_destination_pc = partitions[ PartitionFiles.SINGLE_PARTITION_TAG] # When using dynamic destinations, elements with both single as well as # multiple partitions are loaded into BigQuery using temporary tables to # ensure atomicity. if self.dynamic_destinations: all_partitions = (( multiple_partitions_per_destination_pc, single_partition_per_destination_pc) | "FlattenPartitions" >> beam.Flatten()) destination_load_job_ids_pc, destination_copy_job_ids_pc = ( self._load_data(all_partitions, empty_pc, load_job_name_pcv, schema_mod_job_name_pcv, copy_job_name_pcv, p, step_name)) else: destination_load_job_ids_pc, destination_copy_job_ids_pc = ( self._load_data(multiple_partitions_per_destination_pc, single_partition_per_destination_pc, load_job_name_pcv, schema_mod_job_name_pcv, copy_job_name_pcv, p, step_name)) return { self.DESTINATION_JOBID_PAIRS: destination_load_job_ids_pc, self.DESTINATION_FILE_PAIRS: all_destination_file_pairs_pc, self.DESTINATION_COPY_JOBID_PAIRS: destination_copy_job_ids_pc, }