Source code for apache_beam.runners.interactive.interactive_runner

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# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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"""A runner that allows running of Beam pipelines interactively.

This module is experimental. No backwards-compatibility guarantees.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import collections
import copy
import glob
import os
import shutil
import tempfile
import urllib

import apache_beam as beam
from apache_beam import coders
from apache_beam import runners
from import filesystems
from apache_beam.portability.api import beam_runner_api_pb2
from import direct_runner
from apache_beam.runners.interactive import display_manager
from apache_beam.transforms import combiners

# size of PCollection samples cached.

[docs]class InteractiveRunner(runners.PipelineRunner): """An interactive runner for Beam Python pipelines. Allows interactively building and running Beam Python pipelines. """ def __init__(self, underlying_runner=direct_runner.BundleBasedDirectRunner()): # TODO(qinyeli, BEAM-4755) remove explicitly overriding underlying runner # once interactive_runner works with FnAPI mode self._underlying_runner = underlying_runner self._cache_manager = CacheManager()
[docs] def cleanup(self): self._cache_manager.cleanup()
[docs] def apply(self, transform, pvalueish): # TODO(qinyeli, BEAM-646): Remove runner interception of apply. return self._underlying_runner.apply(transform, pvalueish)
[docs] def run_pipeline(self, pipeline): if not hasattr(self, '_desired_cache_labels'): self._desired_cache_labels = set() print('Running...') # Snapshot the pipeline in a portable proto before mutating it. pipeline_proto, original_context = pipeline.to_runner_api( return_context=True) pcolls_to_pcoll_id = self._pcolls_to_pcoll_id(pipeline, original_context) # Make a copy of the original pipeline to avoid accidental manipulation pipeline, context = beam.pipeline.Pipeline.from_runner_api( pipeline_proto, self._underlying_runner, pipeline._options, # pylint: disable=protected-access return_context=True) pipeline_info = PipelineInfo(pipeline_proto.components) caches_used = set() def _producing_transforms(pcoll_id, leaf=False): """Returns PTransforms (and their names) that produces the given PColl.""" derivation = pipeline_info.derivation(pcoll_id) if self._cache_manager.exists('full', derivation.cache_label()): # If the PCollection is cached, yield ReadCache PTransform that reads # the PCollection and all its sub PTransforms. if not leaf: caches_used.add(pcoll_id) cache_label = pipeline_info.derivation(pcoll_id).cache_label() dummy_pcoll = pipeline | ReadCache(self._cache_manager, cache_label) # Find the top level ReadCache composite PTransform. read_cache = dummy_pcoll.producer while read_cache.parent.parent: read_cache = read_cache.parent def _include_subtransforms(transform): """Depth-first yield the PTransform itself and its sub PTransforms. """ yield transform for subtransform in for yielded in _include_subtransforms(subtransform): yield yielded for transform in _include_subtransforms(read_cache): transform_proto = transform.to_runner_api(context) if dummy_pcoll in transform.outputs.values(): transform_proto.outputs['None'] = pcoll_id yield context.transforms.get_id(transform), transform_proto else: transform_id, _ = pipeline_info.producer(pcoll_id) transform_proto = pipeline_proto.components.transforms[transform_id] for input_id in transform_proto.inputs.values(): for transform in _producing_transforms(input_id): yield transform yield transform_id, transform_proto desired_pcollections = self._desired_pcollections(pipeline_info) # TODO(qinyeli): Preserve composite structure. required_transforms = collections.OrderedDict() for pcoll_id in desired_pcollections: # TODO(qinyeli): Collections consumed by no-output transforms. required_transforms.update(_producing_transforms(pcoll_id, True)) referenced_pcollections = self._referenced_pcollections( pipeline_proto, required_transforms) required_transforms['_root'] = beam_runner_api_pb2.PTransform( subtransforms=required_transforms.keys()) pipeline_to_execute = copy.deepcopy(pipeline_proto) pipeline_to_execute.root_transform_ids[:] = ['_root'] set_proto_map(pipeline_to_execute.components.transforms, required_transforms) set_proto_map(pipeline_to_execute.components.pcollections, referenced_pcollections) set_proto_map(pipeline_to_execute.components.coders, context.to_runner_api().coders) pipeline_slice, context = beam.pipeline.Pipeline.from_runner_api( pipeline_to_execute, self._underlying_runner, pipeline._options, # pylint: disable=protected-access return_context=True) pcolls_to_write = {} pcolls_to_sample = {} for pcoll_id in pipeline_info.all_pcollections(): if pcoll_id not in referenced_pcollections: continue cache_label = pipeline_info.derivation(pcoll_id).cache_label() if pcoll_id in desired_pcollections: pcolls_to_write[cache_label] = context.pcollections.get_by_id(pcoll_id) if pcoll_id in referenced_pcollections: pcolls_to_sample[cache_label] = context.pcollections.get_by_id(pcoll_id) # pylint: disable=expression-not-assigned if pcolls_to_write: pcolls_to_write | WriteCache(self._cache_manager) if pcolls_to_sample: pcolls_to_sample | 'WriteSample' >> WriteCache( self._cache_manager, sample=True) display = display_manager.DisplayManager( pipeline_info=pipeline_info, pipeline_proto=pipeline_proto, caches_used=caches_used, cache_manager=self._cache_manager, referenced_pcollections=referenced_pcollections, required_transforms=required_transforms) display.start_periodic_update() result = result.wait_until_finish() display.stop_periodic_update() return PipelineResult(result, self, pipeline_info, self._cache_manager, pcolls_to_pcoll_id)
def _pcolls_to_pcoll_id(self, pipeline, original_context): """Returns a dict mapping PCollections string to PCollection IDs. Using a PipelineVisitor to iterate over every node in the pipeline, records the mapping from PCollections to PCollections IDs. This mapping will be used to query cached PCollections. Args: pipeline: (pipeline.Pipeline) original_context: (pipeline_context.PipelineContext) Returns: (dict from str to str) a dict mapping str(pcoll) to pcoll_id. """ pcolls_to_pcoll_id = {} from apache_beam.pipeline import PipelineVisitor # pylint: disable=import-error class PCollVisitor(PipelineVisitor): # pylint: disable=used-before-assignment """"A visitor that records input and output values to be replaced. Input and output values that should be updated are recorded in maps input_replacements and output_replacements respectively. We cannot update input and output values while visiting since that results in validation errors. """ def enter_composite_transform(self, transform_node): self.visit_transform(transform_node) def visit_transform(self, transform_node): for pcoll in transform_node.outputs.values(): pcolls_to_pcoll_id[str(pcoll)] = original_context.pcollections.get_id( pcoll) pipeline.visit(PCollVisitor()) return pcolls_to_pcoll_id def _desired_pcollections(self, pipeline_info): """Returns IDs of desired PCollections. Args: pipeline_info: (PipelineInfo) Returns: A set of PCollections IDs of either leaf PCollections or PCollections referenced by the user. These PCollections should be cached at the end of pipeline execution. """ desired_pcollections = set(pipeline_info.leaf_pcollections()) for pcoll_id in pipeline_info.all_pcollections(): cache_label = pipeline_info.derivation(pcoll_id).cache_label() if cache_label in self._desired_cache_labels: desired_pcollections.add(pcoll_id) return desired_pcollections def _referenced_pcollections(self, pipeline_proto, required_transforms): """Returns referenced PCollections. Args: pipeline_proto: (Pipeline proto) required_transforms: (dict from str to PTransform proto) Mapping from transform ID to transform proto. Returns: (dict from str to PCollection proto) A dict mapping PCollections IDs to PCollections referenced during execution. They might be intermediate results, and not referenced the user directly. These PCollections should be cached with sampling at the end of pipeline execution. """ referenced_pcollections = {} for transform_proto in required_transforms.values(): for pcoll_id in transform_proto.inputs.values(): referenced_pcollections[ pcoll_id] = pipeline_proto.components.pcollections[pcoll_id] for pcoll_id in transform_proto.outputs.values(): referenced_pcollections[ pcoll_id] = pipeline_proto.components.pcollections[pcoll_id] return referenced_pcollections
[docs]class ReadCache(beam.PTransform): """A PTransform that reads the PCollections from the cache.""" def __init__(self, cache_manager, label): self._cache_manager = cache_manager self._label = label
[docs] def expand(self, pbegin): # pylint: disable=expression-not-assigned return pbegin | 'Load%s' % self._label >> ( self._cache_manager.glob_path('full', self._label), coder=SafeFastPrimitivesCoder())._source))
[docs]class WriteCache(beam.PTransform): """A PTransform that writes the PCollections to the cache.""" def __init__(self, cache_manager, sample=False): self._cache_manager = cache_manager self._sample = sample
[docs] def expand(self, pcolls_to_write): for label, pcoll in pcolls_to_write.items(): prefix = 'sample' if self._sample else 'full' if not self._cache_manager.exists(prefix, label): if self._sample: pcoll |= 'Sample%s' % label >> ( combiners.Sample.FixedSizeGlobally(SAMPLE_SIZE) | beam.FlatMap(lambda sample: sample)) # pylint: disable=expression-not-assigned pcoll | 'Cache%s' % label >> self._cache_manager.path(prefix, label), coder=SafeFastPrimitivesCoder())
[docs]class CacheManager(object): """Maps PCollections to files for materialization.""" def __init__(self, temp_dir=None): self._temp_dir = temp_dir or tempfile.mkdtemp( prefix='interactive-temp-', dir=os.environ.get('TEST_TMPDIR', None))
[docs] def exists(self, *labels): return bool( filesystems.FileSystems.match([self.glob_path(*labels)], limits=[1])[0].metadata_list)
[docs] def read(self, prefix, cache_label): coder = SafeFastPrimitivesCoder() for path in glob.glob(self.glob_path(prefix, cache_label)): for line in open(path): yield coder.decode(line.strip())
[docs] def glob_path(self, *labels): return self.path(*labels) + '-*-of-*'
[docs] def path(self, *labels): return filesystems.FileSystems.join(self._temp_dir, *labels)
[docs] def cleanup(self): if os.path.exists(self._temp_dir): shutil.rmtree(self._temp_dir)
[docs]class PipelineInfo(object): """Provides access to pipeline metadata.""" def __init__(self, proto): self._proto = proto self._producers = {} self._consumers = collections.defaultdict(list) for transform_id, transform_proto in self._proto.transforms.items(): if transform_proto.subtransforms: continue for tag, pcoll_id in transform_proto.outputs.items(): self._producers[pcoll_id] = transform_id, tag for pcoll_id in transform_proto.inputs.values(): self._consumers[pcoll_id].append(transform_id) self._derivations = {}
[docs] def all_pcollections(self): return self._proto.pcollections.keys()
[docs] def leaf_pcollections(self): for pcoll_id in self._proto.pcollections: if not self._consumers[pcoll_id]: yield pcoll_id
[docs] def producer(self, pcoll_id): return self._producers[pcoll_id]
[docs] def derivation(self, pcoll_id): """Returns the Derivation corresponding to the PCollection.""" if pcoll_id not in self._derivations: transform_id, output_tag = self._producers[pcoll_id] transform_proto = self._proto.transforms[transform_id] self._derivations[pcoll_id] = Derivation({ input_tag: self.derivation(input_id) for input_tag, input_id in transform_proto.inputs.items() }, transform_proto, output_tag) return self._derivations[pcoll_id]
[docs]class Derivation(object): """Records derivation info of a PCollection. Helper for PipelineInfo.""" def __init__(self, inputs, transform_proto, output_tag): """Constructor of Derivation. Args: inputs: (Dict[str, str]) a dict that contains input PCollections to the producing PTransform of the output PCollection. Maps local names to IDs. transform_proto: (Transform proto) the producing PTransform of the output PCollection. output_tag: (str) local name of the output PCollection; this is the PCollection in analysis. """ self._inputs = inputs self._transform_info = { 'urn': transform_proto.spec.urn, 'payload': transform_proto.spec.payload.decode('latin1') } self._output_tag = output_tag self._hash = None def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Derivation): # pylint: disable=protected-access return (self._inputs == other._inputs and self._transform_info == other._transform_info) def __hash__(self): if self._hash is None: self._hash = hash(tuple(sorted(self._transform_info.items()))) + sum( hash(tag) * hash(input) for tag, input in self._inputs.items()) return self._hash
[docs] def cache_label(self): # TODO(qinyeli): Collision resistance? return 'Pcoll-%x' % abs(hash(self))
[docs] def json(self): return { 'inputs': self._inputs, 'transform': self._transform_info, 'output_tag': self._output_tag }
def __repr__(self): return str(self.json())
[docs]class SafeFastPrimitivesCoder(coders.Coder): """This class add an quote/unquote step to escape special characters."""
[docs] def encode(self, value): return urllib.quote(coders.coders.FastPrimitivesCoder().encode(value))
[docs] def decode(self, value): return coders.coders.FastPrimitivesCoder().decode(urllib.unquote(value))
# TODO(qinyeli) move to proto_utils
[docs]def set_proto_map(proto_map, new_value): proto_map.clear() for key, value in new_value.items(): proto_map[key].CopyFrom(value)
[docs]class PipelineResult(beam.runners.runner.PipelineResult): """Provides access to information about a pipeline.""" def __init__(self, underlying_result, runner, pipeline_info, cache_manager, pcolls_to_pcoll_id): super(PipelineResult, self).__init__(underlying_result.state) self._runner = runner self._pipeline_info = pipeline_info self._cache_manager = cache_manager self._pcolls_to_pcoll_id = pcolls_to_pcoll_id def _cache_label(self, pcoll): pcoll_id = self._pcolls_to_pcoll_id[str(pcoll)] return self._pipeline_info.derivation(pcoll_id).cache_label()
[docs] def wait_until_finish(self): # PipelineResult is not constructed until pipeline execution is finished. return
[docs] def get(self, pcoll): cache_label = self._cache_label(pcoll) if self._cache_manager.exists('full', cache_label): return'full', cache_label) else: self._runner._desired_cache_labels.add(cache_label) # pylint: disable=protected-access raise ValueError('PCollection not available, please run the pipeline.')
[docs] def sample(self, pcoll): cache_label = self._cache_label(pcoll) if self._cache_manager.exists('sample', cache_label): return'sample', cache_label) else: self._runner._desired_cache_labels.add(cache_label) # pylint: disable=protected-access raise ValueError('PCollection not available, please run the pipeline.')