Source code for apache_beam.runners.interactive.pipeline_graph

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"""For generating Beam pipeline graph in DOT representation.

This module is experimental. No backwards-compatibility guarantees.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import collections
import threading

import pydot

[docs]class PipelineGraph(object): """Creates a DOT representation of the pipeline. Thread-safe.""" def __init__(self, pipeline_proto, default_vertex_attrs=None, default_edge_attrs=None): """Constructor of PipelineGraph. Args: pipeline_proto: (Pipeline proto) default_vertex_attrs: (Dict[str, str]) a dict of default vertex attributes default_edge_attrs: (Dict[str, str]) a dict of default edge attributes """ self._lock = threading.Lock() self._graph = None # A dict from PCollection ID to a list of its consuming Transform IDs self._consumers = collections.defaultdict(list) # A dict from PCollection ID to its producing Transform ID self._producers = {} transforms = pipeline_proto.components.transforms for transform_id, transform in transforms.items(): if not self._is_top_level_transform(transform): continue for pcoll_id in transform.inputs.values(): self._consumers[pcoll_id].append(transform_id) for pcoll_id in transform.outputs.values(): self._producers[pcoll_id] = transform_id vertex_dict, edge_dict = self._generate_graph_dicts() self._construct_graph(vertex_dict, edge_dict, default_vertex_attrs, default_edge_attrs)
[docs] def get_dot(self): return str(self._get_graph())
def _is_top_level_transform(self, transform): return transform.unique_name and '/' not in transform.unique_name \ and not transform.unique_name.startswith('ref_') def _generate_graph_dicts(self): """From pipeline_proto and other info, generate the graph. Returns: vertex_dict: (Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]) vertex mapped to attributes. edge_dict: (Dict[(str, str), Dict[str, str]]) vertex pair mapped to the edge's attribute. """ transforms = self._pipeline_proto.components.transforms # A dict from vertex name (i.e. PCollection ID) to its attributes. vertex_dict = collections.defaultdict(dict) # A dict from vertex name pairs defining the edge (i.e. a pair of PTransform # IDs defining the PCollection) to its attributes. edge_dict = collections.defaultdict(dict) for _, transform in transforms.items(): if not self._is_top_level_transform(transform): continue vertex_dict[transform.unique_name] = {} for pcoll_id in transform.outputs.values(): # For PCollections without consuming PTransforms, we add an invisible # PTransform node as the consumer. if pcoll_id not in self._consumers: invisible_leaf = 'leaf%s' % (hash(pcoll_id) % 10000) vertex_dict[invisible_leaf] = {'style': 'invis'} edge_dict[(transform.unique_name, invisible_leaf)] = {} else: for consumer in self._consumers[pcoll_id]: producer_name = transform.unique_name consumer_name = transforms[consumer].unique_name edge_dict[(producer_name, consumer_name)] = {} return vertex_dict, edge_dict def _get_graph(self): """Returns pydot.Dot object for the pipeline graph. The purpose of this method is to avoid accessing the graph while it is updated. No one except for this method should be accessing _graph directly. Returns: (pydot.Dot) """ with self._lock: return self._graph def _construct_graph(self, vertex_dict, edge_dict, default_vertex_attrs, default_edge_attrs): """Constructs the pydot.Dot object for the pipeline graph. Args: vertex_dict: (Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]) maps vertex names to attributes edge_dict: (Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]) maps edge names to attributes default_vertex_attrs: (Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]) a dict of attributes default_edge_attrs: (Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]) a dict of attributes """ with self._lock: self._graph = pydot.Dot() if default_vertex_attrs: self._graph.set_node_defaults(**default_vertex_attrs) if default_edge_attrs: self._graph.set_edge_defaults(**default_edge_attrs) # A dict from vertex name to the corresponding pydot.Node object self._vertex_refs = {} # A dict from edge name to the corresponding pydot.Edge object self._edge_refs = {} for vertex, vertex_attrs in vertex_dict.items(): vertex_ref = pydot.Node(vertex, **vertex_attrs) self._vertex_refs[vertex] = vertex_ref self._graph.add_node(vertex_ref) for edge, edge_attrs in edge_dict.items(): edge_ref = pydot.Edge(edge[0], edge[1], **edge_attrs) self._edge_refs[edge] = edge_ref self._graph.add_edge(edge_ref) def _update_graph(self, vertex_dict=None, edge_dict=None): """Updates the pydot.Dot object with the given attribute update Args: vertex_dict: (Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]) maps vertex names to attributes edge_dict: (Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]) maps edge names to attributes """ with self._lock: if vertex_dict: for vertex, vertex_attrs in vertex_dict.items(): vertex_ref = self._vertex_refs[vertex] for attr_name, attr_val in vertex_attrs.items(): vertex_ref.set(attr_name, attr_val) if edge_dict: for edge, edge_attrs in edge_dict.items(): edge_ref = self._edge_refs[edge] for attr_name, attr_val in edge_attrs.items(): edge_ref.set(attr_name, attr_val)