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# pytype: skip-file

import datetime
import time

import pytz

from import messages

[docs] class FakeFile(object): def __init__(self, bucket, key, contents, etag=None): self.bucket = bucket self.key = key self.contents = contents self.last_modified = time.time() if not etag: self.etag = '"%s-1"' % ('x' * 32) else: self.etag = etag
[docs] def get_metadata(self): last_modified_datetime = None if self.last_modified: last_modified_datetime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( self.last_modified, pytz.utc) return messages.Item( self.etag, self.key, last_modified_datetime, len(self.contents), mime_type=None)
[docs] class FakeS3Client(object): def __init__(self): self.files = {} self.list_continuation_tokens = {} self.multipart_uploads = {} # boto3 has different behavior when running some operations against a bucket # that exists vs. against one that doesn't. To emulate that behavior, the # mock client keeps a set of bucket names that it knows "exist". self.known_buckets = set()
[docs] def add_file(self, f): self.files[(f.bucket, f.key)] = f if f.bucket not in self.known_buckets: self.known_buckets.add(f.bucket)
[docs] def get_file(self, bucket, obj): try: return self.files[bucket, obj] except: raise messages.S3ClientError('Not Found', 404)
[docs] def delete_file(self, bucket, obj): del self.files[(bucket, obj)]
[docs] def get_object_metadata(self, request): r"""Retrieves an object's metadata. Args: request: (GetRequest) input message Returns: (Item) The response message. """ # TODO: Do we want to mock out a lack of credentials? file_ = self.get_file(request.bucket, request.object) return file_.get_metadata()
[docs] def list(self, request): bucket = request.bucket prefix = request.prefix or '' matching_files = [] for file_bucket, file_name in sorted(iter(self.files)): if bucket == file_bucket and file_name.startswith(prefix): file_object = self.get_file(file_bucket, file_name).get_metadata() matching_files.append(file_object) if not matching_files: message = 'Tried to list nonexistent S3 path: s3://%s/%s' % ( bucket, prefix) raise messages.S3ClientError(message, 404) # Handle pagination. items_per_page = 5 if not request.continuation_token: range_start = 0 else: if request.continuation_token not in self.list_continuation_tokens: raise ValueError('Invalid page token.') range_start = self.list_continuation_tokens[request.continuation_token] del self.list_continuation_tokens[request.continuation_token] result = messages.ListResponse( items=matching_files[range_start:range_start + items_per_page]) if range_start + items_per_page < len(matching_files): next_range_start = range_start + items_per_page next_continuation_token = '_page_token_%s_%s_%d' % ( bucket, prefix, next_range_start) self.list_continuation_tokens[next_continuation_token] = next_range_start result.next_token = next_continuation_token return result
[docs] def get_range(self, request, start, end): r"""Retrieves an object. Args: request: (GetRequest) request Returns: (bytes) The response message. """ file_ = self.get_file(request.bucket, request.object) # Replicates S3's behavior, per the spec here: # if start < 0 or end <= start: return file_.contents return file_.contents[start:end]
[docs] def delete(self, request): if request.bucket not in self.known_buckets: raise messages.S3ClientError('The specified bucket does not exist', 404) if (request.bucket, request.object) in self.files: self.delete_file(request.bucket, request.object) else: # S3 doesn't raise an error if you try to delete a nonexistent file from # an extant bucket return
[docs] def delete_batch(self, request): deleted, failed, errors = [], [], [] for object in request.objects: try: delete_request = messages.DeleteRequest(request.bucket, object) self.delete(delete_request) deleted.append(object) except messages.S3ClientError as e: failed.append(object) errors.append(e) return messages.DeleteBatchResponse(deleted, failed, errors)
[docs] def copy(self, request): src_file = self.get_file(request.src_bucket, request.src_key) dest_file = FakeFile( request.dest_bucket, request.dest_key, src_file.contents) self.add_file(dest_file)
[docs] def create_multipart_upload(self, request): # Create hash of bucket and key # Store upload_id internally upload_id = request.bucket + request.object self.multipart_uploads[upload_id] = {} return messages.UploadResponse(upload_id)
[docs] def upload_part(self, request): # Save off bytes passed to internal data store upload_id, part_number = request.upload_id, request.part_number if part_number < 0 or not isinstance(part_number, int): raise messages.S3ClientError( 'Param validation failed on part number', 400) if upload_id not in self.multipart_uploads: raise messages.S3ClientError('The specified upload does not exist', 404) self.multipart_uploads[upload_id][part_number] = request.bytes etag = '"%s"' % ('x' * 32) return messages.UploadPartResponse(etag, part_number)
[docs] def complete_multipart_upload(self, request): MIN_PART_SIZE = 5 * 2**10 # 5 KiB parts_received = self.multipart_uploads[request.upload_id] # Check that we got all the parts that they intended to send part_numbers_to_confirm = set(part['PartNumber'] for part in # Make sure all the expected parts are present if part_numbers_to_confirm != set(parts_received.keys()): raise messages.S3ClientError( 'One or more of the specified parts could not be found', 400) # Sort by part number sorted_parts = sorted(parts_received.items(), key=lambda pair: pair[0]) sorted_bytes = [bytes_ for (_, bytes_) in sorted_parts] # Make sure that the parts aren't too small (except the last part) part_sizes = [len(bytes_) for bytes_ in sorted_bytes] if any(size < MIN_PART_SIZE for size in part_sizes[:-1]): e_message = """ All parts but the last must be larger than %d bytes """ % MIN_PART_SIZE raise messages.S3ClientError(e_message, 400) # String together all bytes for the given upload final_contents = b''.join(sorted_bytes) # Create FakeFile object num_parts = len(parts_received) etag = '"%s-%d"' % ('x' * 32, num_parts) file_ = FakeFile(request.bucket, request.object, final_contents, etag=etag) # Store FakeFile in self.files self.add_file(file_)