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# Utility functions & classes that are _not_ specific to the datastore client.
# For internal use only; no backwards-compatibility guarantees.

# pytype: skip-file

import math

# Constants used in batched mutation RPCs:
# Max allowed Datastore writes per batch, and max bytes per batch.
# Note that the max bytes per batch set here is lower than the 10MB limit
# actually enforced by the API, to leave space for the CommitRequest wrapper
# around the mutations.

[docs] class MovingSum(object): """Class that keeps track of a rolling window sum. For use in tracking recent performance of the connector. Intended to be similar to org.apache.beam.sdk.util.MovingFunction(..., Sum.ofLongs()), but for convenience we expose the count of entries as well so this doubles as a moving average tracker. """ def __init__(self, window_ms, bucket_ms): if window_ms < bucket_ms or bucket_ms <= 0: raise ValueError("window_ms >= bucket_ms > 0 please") self._num_buckets = int(math.ceil(window_ms / bucket_ms)) self._bucket_ms = bucket_ms self._Reset(now=0) # initialize the moving window members def _Reset(self, now): self._current_index = 0 # pointer into self._buckets self._current_ms_since_epoch = math.floor( now / self._bucket_ms) * self._bucket_ms # _buckets is a list where each element is a list [sum, num_samples] # This is a circular buffer where # [_current_index] represents the time range # [_current_ms_since_epoch, _current_ms_since_epoch+_bucket_ms) # [_current_index-1] represents immediatly prior time range # [_current_ms_since_epoch-_bucket_ms, _current_ms_since_epoch) # etc, wrapping around from the start to the end of the array, so # [_current_index+1] is the element representing the oldest bucket. self._buckets = [[0, 0] for _ in range(0, self._num_buckets)] def _Flush(self, now): """ Args: now: int, milliseconds since epoch """ if now >= (self._current_ms_since_epoch + self._bucket_ms * self._num_buckets): # Time moved forward so far that all currently held data is outside of # the window. It is faster to simply reset our data. self._Reset(now) return while now > self._current_ms_since_epoch + self._bucket_ms: # Advance time by one _bucket_ms, setting the new bucket's counts to 0. self._current_ms_since_epoch += self._bucket_ms self._current_index = (self._current_index + 1) % self._num_buckets self._buckets[self._current_index] = [0, 0] # Intentional dead reckoning here; we don't care about staying precisely # aligned with multiples of _bucket_ms since the epoch, we just need our # buckets to represent the most recent _window_ms time window.
[docs] def sum(self, now): self._Flush(now) return sum(bucket[0] for bucket in self._buckets)
[docs] def add(self, now, inc): self._Flush(now) bucket = self._buckets[self._current_index] bucket[0] += inc bucket[1] += 1
[docs] def count(self, now): self._Flush(now) return sum(bucket[1] for bucket in self._buckets)
[docs] def has_data(self, now): return self.count(now) > 0
[docs] class DynamicBatchSizer(object): """Determines request sizes for future Datastore RPCs.""" def __init__(self): self._commit_time_per_entity_ms = MovingSum( window_ms=120000, bucket_ms=10000)
[docs] def get_batch_size(self, now): """Returns the recommended size for datastore RPCs at this time.""" if not self._commit_time_per_entity_ms.has_data(now): return WRITE_BATCH_INITIAL_SIZE recent_mean_latency_ms = ( self._commit_time_per_entity_ms.sum(now) // self._commit_time_per_entity_ms.count(now)) return max( WRITE_BATCH_MIN_SIZE, min( WRITE_BATCH_MAX_SIZE, WRITE_BATCH_TARGET_LATENCY_MS // max(recent_mean_latency_ms, 1)))
[docs] def report_latency(self, now, latency_ms, num_mutations): """Report the latency of a Datastore RPC. Args: now: double, completion time of the RPC as seconds since the epoch. latency_ms: double, the observed latency in milliseconds for this RPC. num_mutations: int, number of mutations contained in the RPC. """ self._commit_time_per_entity_ms.add(now, latency_ms / num_mutations)