Source code for apache_beam.options.pipeline_options_validator

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"""Pipeline options validator.

For internal use only; no backwards-compatibility guarantees.
# pytype: skip-file

import logging
import re
import string
from urllib.parse import urlparse

from apache_beam.internal import pickler
from apache_beam.options.pipeline_options import DebugOptions
from apache_beam.options.pipeline_options import GoogleCloudOptions
from apache_beam.options.pipeline_options import PortableOptions
from apache_beam.options.pipeline_options import SetupOptions
from apache_beam.options.pipeline_options import StandardOptions
from apache_beam.options.pipeline_options import TestOptions
from apache_beam.options.pipeline_options import TypeOptions
from apache_beam.options.pipeline_options import WorkerOptions

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class PipelineOptionsValidator(object): """Validates PipelineOptions. Goes through a list of known PipelineOption subclassess and calls:: validate(validator) if one is implemented. Aggregates a list of validation errors from all and returns an aggregated list. """ # Validator will call validate on these subclasses of PipelineOptions OPTIONS = [ DebugOptions, GoogleCloudOptions, PortableOptions, SetupOptions, StandardOptions, TestOptions, TypeOptions, WorkerOptions ] # Mutually exclusive options for different types of portable environments. REQUIRED_ENVIRONMENT_OPTIONS = { 'DOCKER': [], 'PROCESS': ['process_command'], 'EXTERNAL': ['external_service_address'], 'LOOPBACK': [] } OPTIONAL_ENVIRONMENT_OPTIONS = { 'DOCKER': ['docker_container_image'], 'PROCESS': ['process_variables'], 'EXTERNAL': [], 'LOOPBACK': [] } # Possible validation errors. ERR_MISSING_OPTION = 'Missing required option: %s.' ERR_MISSING_GCS_PATH = 'Missing GCS path option: %s.' ERR_INVALID_GCS_PATH = 'Invalid GCS path (%s), given for the option: %s.' ERR_INVALID_GCS_BUCKET = ( 'Invalid GCS bucket (%s), given for the option: %s. See ' ' ' 'for more details.') ERR_INVALID_GCS_OBJECT = 'Invalid GCS object (%s), given for the option: %s.' ERR_INVALID_JOB_NAME = ( 'Invalid job_name (%s); the name must consist of only the characters ' '[-a-z0-9], starting with a letter and ending with a letter or number') ERR_INVALID_PROJECT_NUMBER = ( 'Invalid Project ID (%s). Please make sure you specified the Project ID, ' 'not project number.') ERR_INVALID_PROJECT_ID = ( 'Invalid Project ID (%s). Please make sure you specified the Project ID, ' 'not project description.') ERR_INVALID_ENDPOINT = ( 'Invalid url (%s) for dataflow endpoint. Please provide a valid url.') ERR_INVALID_NOT_POSITIVE = ( 'Invalid value (%s) for option: %s. Value needs ' 'to be positive.') ERR_INVALID_TEST_MATCHER_TYPE = ( 'Invalid value (%s) for option: %s. Please extend your matcher object ' 'from hamcrest.core.base_matcher.BaseMatcher.') ERR_INVALID_TEST_MATCHER_UNPICKLABLE = ( 'Invalid value (%s) for option: %s. Please make sure the test matcher ' 'is unpicklable.') ERR_INVALID_TRANSFORM_NAME_MAPPING = ( 'Invalid transform name mapping format. Please make sure the mapping is ' 'string key-value pairs. Invalid pair: (%s:%s)') ERR_INVALID_ENVIRONMENT = ( 'Option %s is not compatible with environment type %s.') ERR_ENVIRONMENT_CONFIG = ( 'Option environment_config is incompatible with option(s) %s.') ERR_MISSING_REQUIRED_ENVIRONMENT_OPTION = ( 'Option %s is required for environment type %s.') ERR_NUM_WORKERS_TOO_HIGH = ( 'num_workers (%s) cannot exceed max_num_workers (%s)') ERR_REPEATABLE_OPTIONS_NOT_SET_AS_LIST = ( '(%s) is a string. Programmatically set PipelineOptions like (%s) ' 'options need to be specified as a list.') # GCS path specific patterns. GCS_URI = '(?P<SCHEME>[^:]+)://(?P<BUCKET>[^/]+)(/(?P<OBJECT>.*))?' GCS_BUCKET = '^[a-z0-9][-_a-z0-9.]+[a-z0-9]$' GCS_SCHEME = 'gs' # GoogleCloudOptions specific patterns. JOB_PATTERN = '[a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?' PROJECT_ID_PATTERN = '[a-z][-a-z0-9:.]+[a-z0-9]' PROJECT_NUMBER_PATTERN = '[0-9]*' def __init__(self, options, runner): self.options = options self.runner = runner
[docs] def validate(self): """Calls validate on subclassess and returns a list of errors. validate will call validate method on subclasses, accumulate the returned list of errors, and returns the aggregate list. Returns: Aggregate list of errors after all calling all possible validate methods. """ errors = [] for cls in self.OPTIONS: if 'validate' in cls.__dict__ and callable(cls.__dict__['validate']): errors.extend(self.options.view_as(cls).validate(self)) return errors
[docs] def is_service_runner(self): """True if pipeline will execute on the Google Cloud Dataflow service.""" is_service_runner = ( self.runner is not None and type(self.runner).__name__ in ['DataflowRunner', 'TestDataflowRunner']) dataflow_endpoint = ( self.options.view_as(GoogleCloudOptions).dataflow_endpoint) if dataflow_endpoint is None: return False else: endpoint_parts = urlparse(dataflow_endpoint, allow_fragments=False) if endpoint_parts.netloc.startswith("localhost"): return False return is_service_runner
[docs] def is_full_string_match(self, pattern, string): """Returns True if the pattern matches the whole string.""" pattern = '^%s$' % pattern return, string) is not None
def _validate_error(self, err, *args): return [err % args]
[docs] def validate_gcs_path(self, view, arg_name): """Validates a GCS path against gs://bucket/object URI format.""" arg = getattr(view, arg_name, None) if arg is None: return self._validate_error(self.ERR_MISSING_GCS_PATH, arg_name) match = re.match(self.GCS_URI, arg, re.DOTALL) if match is None: return self._validate_error(self.ERR_INVALID_GCS_PATH, arg, arg_name) scheme ='SCHEME') bucket ='BUCKET') gcs_object ='OBJECT') if ((scheme is None) or (scheme.lower() != self.GCS_SCHEME) or (bucket is None)): return self._validate_error(self.ERR_INVALID_GCS_PATH, arg, arg_name) if not self.is_full_string_match(self.GCS_BUCKET, bucket): return self._validate_error(self.ERR_INVALID_GCS_BUCKET, arg, arg_name) if gcs_object is None or '\n' in gcs_object or '\r' in gcs_object: return self._validate_error(self.ERR_INVALID_GCS_OBJECT, arg, arg_name) return []
[docs] def validate_cloud_options(self, view): """Validates job_name and project arguments.""" errors = [] if (view.job_name and not self.is_full_string_match(self.JOB_PATTERN, view.job_name)): errors.extend( self._validate_error(self.ERR_INVALID_JOB_NAME, view.job_name)) project = view.project if project is None: errors.extend(self._validate_error(self.ERR_MISSING_OPTION, 'project')) else: if self.is_full_string_match(self.PROJECT_NUMBER_PATTERN, project): errors.extend( self._validate_error(self.ERR_INVALID_PROJECT_NUMBER, project)) elif not self.is_full_string_match(self.PROJECT_ID_PATTERN, project): errors.extend( self._validate_error(self.ERR_INVALID_PROJECT_ID, project)) if view.update: if not view.job_name: errors.extend( self._validate_error( 'Existing job name must be provided when updating a pipeline.')) if view.transform_name_mapping: if not view.update or not self.options.view_as(StandardOptions).streaming: errors.append( 'Transform name mapping option is only useful when ' '--update and --streaming is specified') for _, (key, value) in enumerate(view.transform_name_mapping.items()): if not isinstance(key, str) or not isinstance(value, str): errors.extend( self._validate_error( self.ERR_INVALID_TRANSFORM_NAME_MAPPING, key, value)) break if view.region is None and self.is_service_runner(): default_region = self.runner.get_default_gcp_region() if default_region is None: errors.extend(self._validate_error(self.ERR_MISSING_OPTION, 'region')) else: view.region = default_region dataflow_endpoint = view.dataflow_endpoint if dataflow_endpoint is None: errors.extend( self._validate_error(self.ERR_MISSING_OPTION, dataflow_endpoint)) else: valid_endpoint = self.validate_endpoint_url(dataflow_endpoint) if valid_endpoint is False: errors.extend( self._validate_error(self.ERR_INVALID_ENDPOINT, dataflow_endpoint)) return errors
[docs] def validate_sdk_container_image_options(self, view): errors = [] if view.sdk_container_image and view.worker_harness_container_image: # To be fully backwards-compatible, these options will be set to the same # value. Check that the values are different. if view.sdk_container_image != view.worker_harness_container_image: errors.extend( self._validate_error( 'Cannot use legacy flag --worker_harness_container_image along ' 'with view.sdk_container_image')) elif view.worker_harness_container_image: # Warn about legacy flag and set new flag to value of old flag. _LOGGER.warning( 'Setting sdk_container_image to value of legacy flag ' 'worker_harness_container_image.') view.sdk_container_image = view.worker_harness_container_image elif view.sdk_container_image: # Set legacy option to value of new option. view.worker_harness_container_image = view.sdk_container_image return errors
[docs] def validate_container_prebuilding_options(self, view): errors = [] custom_image = self.options.view_as(WorkerOptions).sdk_container_image if (view.prebuild_sdk_container_base_image is not None and custom_image != view.prebuild_sdk_container_base_image): errors.extend( self._validate_error( 'Don\'t use the deprecated option ' '--prebuild_sdk_container_base_image. Use --sdk_container_image ' 'instead.')) return errors
[docs] def validate_num_workers(self, view): """Validates that Dataflow worker number is valid.""" errors = self.validate_optional_argument_positive(view, 'num_workers') errors.extend( self.validate_optional_argument_positive(view, 'max_num_workers')) num_workers = view.num_workers max_num_workers = view.max_num_workers if (num_workers is not None and max_num_workers is not None and num_workers > max_num_workers): errors.extend( self._validate_error( self.ERR_NUM_WORKERS_TOO_HIGH, num_workers, max_num_workers)) return errors
[docs] def validate_worker_region_zone(self, view): """Validates Dataflow worker region and zone arguments are consistent.""" errors = [] if and (view.worker_region or view.worker_zone): errors.extend( self._validate_error( 'Cannot use deprecated flag --zone along with worker_region or ' 'worker_zone.')) if self.options.view_as(DebugOptions).lookup_experiment('worker_region') \ and (view.worker_region or view.worker_zone): errors.extend( self._validate_error( 'Cannot use deprecated experiment worker_region along with ' 'worker_region or worker_zone.')) if view.worker_region and view.worker_zone: errors.extend( self._validate_error( 'worker_region and worker_zone are mutually exclusive.')) if _LOGGER.warning( 'Option --zone is deprecated. Please use --worker_zone instead.') view.worker_zone = = None return errors
[docs] def validate_optional_argument_positive(self, view, arg_name): """Validates that an optional argument (if set) has a positive value.""" arg = getattr(view, arg_name, None) if arg is not None and int(arg) <= 0: return self._validate_error(self.ERR_INVALID_NOT_POSITIVE, arg, arg_name) return []
[docs] def validate_test_matcher(self, view, arg_name): """Validates that on_success_matcher argument if set. Validates that on_success_matcher is unpicklable and is instance of `hamcrest.core.base_matcher.BaseMatcher`. """ # This is a test only method and requires hamcrest from hamcrest.core.base_matcher import BaseMatcher pickled_matcher = view.on_success_matcher errors = [] try: matcher = pickler.loads(pickled_matcher) if not isinstance(matcher, BaseMatcher): errors.extend( self._validate_error( self.ERR_INVALID_TEST_MATCHER_TYPE, matcher, arg_name)) except: # pylint: disable=bare-except errors.extend( self._validate_error( self.ERR_INVALID_TEST_MATCHER_UNPICKLABLE, pickled_matcher, arg_name)) return errors
[docs] def validate_environment_options(self, view): """Validates portable environment options.""" errors = [] actual_environment_type = ( view.environment_type.upper() if view.environment_type else None) for environment_type, required in self.REQUIRED_ENVIRONMENT_OPTIONS.items(): found_required_options = [ opt for opt in required if view.lookup_environment_option(opt) is not None ] found_optional_options = [ opt for opt in self.OPTIONAL_ENVIRONMENT_OPTIONS[environment_type] if view.lookup_environment_option(opt) is not None ] found_options = found_required_options + found_optional_options if environment_type == actual_environment_type: if view.environment_config: if found_options: errors.extend( self._validate_error( self.ERR_ENVIRONMENT_CONFIG, ', '.join(found_options))) else: missing_options = set(required).difference( set(found_required_options)) for opt in missing_options: errors.extend( self._validate_error( self.ERR_MISSING_REQUIRED_ENVIRONMENT_OPTION, opt, environment_type)) else: # Environment options classes are mutually exclusive. for opt in found_options: errors.extend( self._validate_error( self.ERR_INVALID_ENVIRONMENT, opt, actual_environment_type)) if actual_environment_type == 'LOOPBACK' and view.environment_config: errors.extend( self._validate_error( self.ERR_INVALID_ENVIRONMENT, 'environment_config', 'LOOPBACK')) return errors
[docs] def validate_repeatable_argument_passed_as_list(self, view, arg_name): """Validates that repeatable PipelineOptions like dataflow_service_options or experiments are specified as a list when set programmatically. This way, users do not inadvertently specify it as a string, mirroring the way they are set via the command lineRepeatable options, which are as passed a list. """ arg = getattr(view, arg_name, None) if not isinstance(arg, list): return self._validate_error( self.ERR_REPEATABLE_OPTIONS_NOT_SET_AS_LIST, arg, arg_name) return []
# Minimally validates the endpoint url. This is not a strict application # of # If the url matches localhost, set
[docs] def validate_endpoint_url(self, endpoint_url): url_parts = urlparse(endpoint_url, allow_fragments=False) if not url_parts.scheme or not url_parts.netloc: return False if url_parts.scheme not in ['http', 'https']: return False if set( url_parts.netloc) <= set(string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '-.'): return True return False