Source code for apache_beam.runners.interactive.dataproc.dataproc_cluster_manager

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# pytype: skip-file

import logging
import re
import time
from typing import Optional
from typing import Tuple

from apache_beam import version as beam_version
from apache_beam.options.pipeline_options import PipelineOptions
from apache_beam.runners.interactive import interactive_environment as ie
from apache_beam.runners.interactive.dataproc.types import ClusterMetadata
from apache_beam.runners.interactive.utils import obfuscate
from apache_beam.runners.interactive.utils import progress_indicated

  from import dataproc_v1
  from import gcsfilesystem  #pylint: disable=ungrouped-imports
except ImportError:

  class UnimportedDataproc:
    Cluster = None

  dataproc_v1 = UnimportedDataproc()

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Name of the log file auto-generated by Dataproc. We use it to locate the
# startup output of the Flink daemon to retrieve master url and dashboard
# information.
DATAPROC_STAGING_LOG_NAME = 'dataproc-initialization-script-0_output'

# Home dir of os user yarn.
YARN_HOME = '/var/lib/hadoop-yarn'

# Configures the os user yarn to use gcloud as the docker credHelper.
# Also sets some taskmanager configurations for better parallelism.
# Finally starts the yarn application: flink cluster in session mode.
INIT_ACTION = """#!/bin/bash
sudo -u yarn gcloud auth configure-docker --quiet

readonly FLINK_INSTALL_DIR='/usr/lib/flink'
readonly MASTER_HOSTNAME="$(/usr/share/google/get_metadata_value attributes/dataproc-master)"

cat <<EOF >>${FLINK_INSTALL_DIR}/conf/flink-conf.yaml 0.2 64mb 1gb
sed -i \
    "s/^ 2048/ 8192/" \

if [[ "${HOSTNAME}" == "${MASTER_HOSTNAME}" ]]; then
  . /usr/bin/flink-yarn-daemon

[docs] class DataprocClusterManager: """Self-contained cluster manager that controls the lifecyle of a Dataproc cluster connected by one or more pipelines under Interactive Beam. """ def __init__(self, cluster_metadata: ClusterMetadata) -> None: """Initializes the DataprocClusterManager with properties required to interface with the Dataproc ClusterControllerClient. """ self.cluster_metadata = cluster_metadata # Pipelines whose jobs are executed on the cluster. self.pipelines = set() self._cluster_client = dataproc_v1.ClusterControllerClient( client_options={ 'api_endpoint': \ f'{self.cluster_metadata.region}' }) self._fs = gcsfilesystem.GCSFileSystem(PipelineOptions()) self._staging_directory = None cache_dir = ie.current_env().options.cache_root if not cache_dir.startswith('gs://'): error_msg = ( 'ib.options.cache_root needs to be a Cloud Storage ' 'Bucket to cache source recording and PCollections in current ' f'interactive setup, instead \'{cache_dir}\' is assigned.') _LOGGER.error(error_msg) raise ValueError(error_msg) self._cache_root = cache_dir.rstrip('/')
[docs] def stage_init_action(self) -> str: """Stages the initialization action script to GCS cache root to set up Dataproc clusters. Returns the staged gcs file path. """ # Versionizes the initialization action script. init_action_ver = obfuscate(INIT_ACTION) path = f'{self._cache_root}/dataproc-init-action-{init_action_ver}.sh' if not self._fs.exists(path): with self._fs.create(path) as bwriter: bwriter.write(INIT_ACTION.encode()) return path
[docs] @progress_indicated def create_cluster(self, cluster: dict) -> None: """Attempts to create a cluster using attributes that were initialized with the DataprocClusterManager instance. Args: cluster: Dictionary representing Dataproc cluster. Read more about the schema for clusters here: """ if self.cluster_metadata.master_url: return try: self._cluster_client.create_cluster( request={ 'project_id': self.cluster_metadata.project_id, 'region': self.cluster_metadata.region, 'cluster': cluster }) except Exception as e: if e.code == 409: 'Cluster %s already exists. Continuing...', self.cluster_metadata.cluster_name) elif e.code == 403: _LOGGER.error( 'Due to insufficient project permissions, ' 'unable to create cluster: %s', self.cluster_metadata.cluster_name) raise ValueError( 'You cannot create a cluster in project: {}'.format( self.cluster_metadata.project_id)) elif e.code == 501: _LOGGER.error( 'Invalid region provided: %s', self.cluster_metadata.region) raise ValueError( 'Region {} does not exist!'.format(self.cluster_metadata.region)) else: _LOGGER.error( 'Unable to create cluster: %s', self.cluster_metadata.cluster_name) raise e else: 'Cluster created successfully: %s', self.cluster_metadata.cluster_name) self._staging_directory = self.get_staging_location() master_url, dashboard = self.get_master_url_and_dashboard() self.cluster_metadata.master_url = master_url self.cluster_metadata.dashboard = dashboard
[docs] def cleanup(self) -> None: """Deletes the cluster that uses the attributes initialized with the DataprocClusterManager instance.""" try: self._cluster_client.delete_cluster( request={ 'project_id': self.cluster_metadata.project_id, 'region': self.cluster_metadata.region, 'cluster_name': self.cluster_metadata.cluster_name, }) self.cleanup_staging_files() except Exception as e: if e.code == 403: _LOGGER.error( 'Due to insufficient project permissions, ' 'unable to clean up the default cluster: %s', self.cluster_metadata.cluster_name) raise ValueError( 'You cannot delete a cluster in project: {}'.format( self.cluster_metadata.project_id)) elif e.code == 404: _LOGGER.error( 'Cluster does not exist: %s', self.cluster_metadata.cluster_name) raise ValueError( 'Cluster was not found: {}'.format( self.cluster_metadata.cluster_name)) else: _LOGGER.error( 'Failed to delete cluster: %s', self.cluster_metadata.cluster_name) raise e
[docs] def get_cluster_details(self) -> dataproc_v1.Cluster: """Gets the Dataproc_v1 Cluster object for the current cluster manager.""" try: return self._cluster_client.get_cluster( request={ 'project_id': self.cluster_metadata.project_id, 'region': self.cluster_metadata.region, 'cluster_name': self.cluster_metadata.cluster_name }) except Exception as e: if e.code == 403: _LOGGER.error( 'Due to insufficient project permissions, ' 'unable to retrieve information for cluster: %s', self.cluster_metadata.cluster_name) raise ValueError( 'You cannot view clusters in project: {}'.format( self.cluster_metadata.project_id)) elif e.code == 404: _LOGGER.error( 'Cluster does not exist: %s', self.cluster_metadata.cluster_name) raise ValueError( 'Cluster was not found: {}'.format( self.cluster_metadata.cluster_name)) else: _LOGGER.error( 'Failed to get information for cluster: %s', self.cluster_metadata.cluster_name) raise e
[docs] def wait_for_cluster_to_provision(self) -> None: while self.get_cluster_details() == 'CREATING': time.sleep(15)
[docs] def get_staging_location(self) -> str: """Gets the staging bucket of an existing Dataproc cluster.""" try: self.wait_for_cluster_to_provision() cluster_details = self.get_cluster_details() bucket_name = cluster_details.config.config_bucket gcs_path = 'gs://' + bucket_name + '/google-cloud-dataproc-metainfo/' for file in self._fs._list(gcs_path): if self.cluster_metadata.cluster_name in file.path: # this file path split will look something like: # ['gs://.../google-cloud-dataproc-metainfo/{staging_dir}/', # '-{node-type}/dataproc-initialization-script-0_output'] return file.path.split(self.cluster_metadata.cluster_name)[0] except Exception as e: _LOGGER.error( 'Failed to get %s cluster staging bucket.', self.cluster_metadata.cluster_name) raise e
[docs] def parse_master_url_and_dashboard(self, line: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Parses the master_url and YARN application_id of the Flink process from an input line. The line containing both the master_url and application id is always formatted as such: {text} Found Web Interface {master_url} of application '{application_id}'.\\n Truncated example where '...' represents additional text between segments: ... google-dataproc-startup[000]: ... activate-component-flink[0000]: [] - Found Web Interface example-master-url:50000 of application 'application_123456789000_0001'. Returns the flink_master_url and dashboard link as a tuple.""" cluster_details = self.get_cluster_details() yarn_endpoint = cluster_details.config.endpoint_config.http_ports[ 'YARN ResourceManager'] segment = line.split('Found Web Interface ')[1].split(' of application ') master_url = segment[0] application_id = re.sub('\'|.\n', '', segment[1]) dashboard = re.sub( '/yarn/', '/gateway/default/yarn/proxy/' + application_id + '/', yarn_endpoint) return master_url, dashboard
[docs] def get_master_url_and_dashboard(self) -> Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[str]]: """Returns the master_url of the current cluster.""" startup_logs = [] for file in self._fs._list(self._staging_directory): if DATAPROC_STAGING_LOG_NAME in file.path: startup_logs.append(file.path) for log in startup_logs: content = for line in content.readlines(): decoded_line = line.decode() if 'Found Web Interface' in decoded_line: return self.parse_master_url_and_dashboard(decoded_line) return None, None
[docs] def cleanup_staging_files(self) -> None: if self._staging_directory: staging_files = [ file.path for file in self._fs._list(self._staging_directory) ] self._fs.delete(staging_files) if self._cache_root: cache_files = [file.path for file in self._fs._list(self._cache_root)] self._fs.delete(cache_files)