Source code for apache_beam.runners.interactive.pipeline_fragment

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"""Module to build pipeline fragment that produces given PCollections.

For internal use only; no backwards-compatibility guarantees.
import apache_beam as beam
from apache_beam.pipeline import AppliedPTransform
from apache_beam.pipeline import PipelineVisitor
from apache_beam.portability.api import beam_runner_api_pb2
from apache_beam.runners.interactive import interactive_environment as ie
from apache_beam.runners.interactive import pipeline_instrument as instr
from apache_beam.testing.test_stream import TestStream

[docs] class PipelineFragment(object): """A fragment of a pipeline definition. A pipeline fragment is built from the original pipeline definition to include only PTransforms that are necessary to produce the given PCollections. """ def __init__(self, pcolls, options=None, runner=None): """Constructor of PipelineFragment. Args: pcolls: (List[PCollection]) a list of PCollections to build pipeline fragment for. options: (PipelineOptions) the pipeline options for the implicit pipeline run. runner: (Runner) the pipeline runner for the implicit pipeline run. """ assert len(pcolls) > 0, ( 'Need at least 1 PCollection as the target data to build a pipeline ' 'fragment that produces it.') for pcoll in pcolls: assert isinstance(pcoll, beam.pvalue.PCollection), ( '{} is not an apache_beam.pvalue.PCollection.'.format(pcoll)) # No modification to self._user_pipeline is allowed. self._user_pipeline = pcolls[0].pipeline # These are user PCollections. Do not use them to deduce anything that # will be executed by any runner. Instead, use # `self._runner_pcolls_to_user_pcolls.keys()` to get copied PCollections. self._pcolls = set(pcolls) for pcoll in self._pcolls: assert pcoll.pipeline is self._user_pipeline, ( '{} belongs to a different user pipeline than other PCollections ' 'given and cannot be used to build a pipeline fragment that produces ' 'the given PCollections.'.format(pcoll)) self._options = options self._runner = runner # A copied pipeline instance for modification without changing the user # pipeline instance held by the end user. This instance can be processed # into a pipeline fragment that later run by the underlying runner. self._runner_pipeline = self._build_runner_pipeline() _, self._context = self._runner_pipeline.to_runner_api(return_context=True) self._runner_pcoll_to_id = instr.pcoll_to_pcoll_id( self._runner_pipeline, self._context) # Correlate components in the runner pipeline to components in the user # pipeline. The target pcolls are the pcolls given and defined in the user # pipeline. self._id_to_target_pcoll = self._calculate_target_pcoll_ids() self._label_to_user_transform = self._calculate_user_transform_labels() # Below will give us the 1:1 correlation between # PCollections/AppliedPTransforms from the copied runner pipeline and # PCollections/AppliedPTransforms from the user pipeline. # (Dict[PCollection, PCollection]) ( self._runner_pcolls_to_user_pcolls, # (Dict[AppliedPTransform, AppliedPTransform]) self._runner_transforms_to_user_transforms ) = self._build_correlation_between_pipelines( self._runner_pcoll_to_id, self._id_to_target_pcoll, self._label_to_user_transform) # Below are operated on the runner pipeline. (self._necessary_transforms, self._necessary_pcollections) = self._mark_necessary_transforms_and_pcolls( self._runner_pcolls_to_user_pcolls) self._runner_pipeline = self._prune_runner_pipeline_to_fragment( self._runner_pipeline, self._necessary_transforms)
[docs] def deduce_fragment(self): """Deduce the pipeline fragment as an apache_beam.Pipeline instance.""" fragment = beam.pipeline.Pipeline.from_runner_api( self._runner_pipeline.to_runner_api(), self._runner or self._runner_pipeline.runner, self._options) ie.current_env().add_derived_pipeline(self._runner_pipeline, fragment) return fragment
[docs] def run(self, display_pipeline_graph=False, use_cache=True, blocking=False): """Shorthand to run the pipeline fragment.""" fragment = self.deduce_fragment() from apache_beam.runners.interactive.interactive_runner import InteractiveRunner try: if isinstance(self._runner_pipeline.runner, InteractiveRunner): preserved_skip_display = self._runner_pipeline.runner._skip_display preserved_force_compute = self._runner_pipeline.runner._force_compute preserved_blocking = self._runner_pipeline.runner._blocking self._runner_pipeline.runner._skip_display = not display_pipeline_graph self._runner_pipeline.runner._force_compute = not use_cache self._runner_pipeline.runner._blocking = blocking return else: pipeline_instrument = instr.build_pipeline_instrument( fragment, self._runner_pipeline._options) pipeline_instrument_proto = ( pipeline_instrument.instrumented_pipeline_proto()) if any(pcoll.is_bounded == beam_runner_api_pb2.IsBounded.UNBOUNDED for pcoll in pipeline_instrument_proto.components.pcollections.values()): raise RuntimeError( 'Please specify InteractiveRunner when creating ' 'the Beam pipeline to use this function ' 'on unbouded PCollections.') result = beam.pipeline.Pipeline.from_runner_api( pipeline_instrument_proto, fragment.runner, fragment._options).run() result.wait_until_finish() ie.current_env().mark_pcollection_computed( pipeline_instrument.cached_pcolls) return result finally: if isinstance(self._runner_pipeline.runner, InteractiveRunner): self._runner_pipeline.runner._skip_display = preserved_skip_display self._runner_pipeline.runner._force_compute = preserved_force_compute self._runner_pipeline.runner._blocking = preserved_blocking
def _build_runner_pipeline(self): runner_pipeline = beam.pipeline.Pipeline.from_runner_api( self._user_pipeline.to_runner_api(), self._user_pipeline.runner, self._options) ie.current_env().add_derived_pipeline(self._user_pipeline, runner_pipeline) return runner_pipeline def _calculate_target_pcoll_ids(self): pcoll_id_to_target_pcoll = {} for pcoll in self._pcolls: pcoll_id_to_target_pcoll[self._runner_pcoll_to_id.get(str(pcoll), '')] = pcoll return pcoll_id_to_target_pcoll def _calculate_user_transform_labels(self): label_to_user_transform = {} class UserTransformVisitor(PipelineVisitor): def enter_composite_transform(self, transform_node): self.visit_transform(transform_node) def visit_transform(self, transform_node): if transform_node is not None: label_to_user_transform[transform_node.full_label] = transform_node v = UserTransformVisitor() self._runner_pipeline.visit(v) return label_to_user_transform def _build_correlation_between_pipelines( self, runner_pcoll_to_id, id_to_target_pcoll, label_to_user_transform): runner_pcolls_to_user_pcolls = {} runner_transforms_to_user_transforms = {} class CorrelationVisitor(PipelineVisitor): def enter_composite_transform(self, transform_node): self.visit_transform(transform_node) def visit_transform(self, transform_node): self._process_transform(transform_node) for in_pcoll in transform_node.inputs: self._process_pcoll(in_pcoll) for out_pcoll in transform_node.outputs.values(): self._process_pcoll(out_pcoll) def _process_pcoll(self, pcoll): pcoll_id = runner_pcoll_to_id.get(str(pcoll), '') if pcoll_id in id_to_target_pcoll: runner_pcolls_to_user_pcolls[pcoll] = (id_to_target_pcoll[pcoll_id]) def _process_transform(self, transform_node): if transform_node.full_label in label_to_user_transform: runner_transforms_to_user_transforms[transform_node] = ( label_to_user_transform[transform_node.full_label]) v = CorrelationVisitor() self._runner_pipeline.visit(v) return runner_pcolls_to_user_pcolls, runner_transforms_to_user_transforms def _mark_necessary_transforms_and_pcolls(self, runner_pcolls_to_user_pcolls): necessary_transforms = set() all_inputs = set() updated_all_inputs = set(runner_pcolls_to_user_pcolls.keys()) # Do this until no more new PCollection is recorded. while len(updated_all_inputs) != len(all_inputs): all_inputs = set(updated_all_inputs) for pcoll in all_inputs: producer = pcoll.producer while producer: if producer in necessary_transforms: break # Mark the AppliedPTransform as necessary. necessary_transforms.add(producer) # Also mark composites that are not the root transform. If the root # transform is added, then all transforms are incorrectly marked as # necessary. If composites are not handled, then there will be # orphaned PCollections. if producer.parent is not None: necessary_transforms.update( # This will recursively add all the PCollections in this composite. for part in updated_all_inputs.update(part.outputs.values()) # Record all necessary input and side input PCollections. updated_all_inputs.update(producer.inputs) # pylint: disable=bad-option-value side_input_pvalues = set( map(lambda side_input: side_input.pvalue, producer.side_inputs)) updated_all_inputs.update(side_input_pvalues) # Go to its parent AppliedPTransform. producer = producer.parent return necessary_transforms, all_inputs def _prune_runner_pipeline_to_fragment( self, runner_pipeline, necessary_transforms): class PruneVisitor(PipelineVisitor): def enter_composite_transform(self, transform_node): if should_skip_pruning(transform_node): return pruned_parts = list( for part in if part not in necessary_transforms: pruned_parts.remove(part) = tuple(pruned_parts) self.visit_transform(transform_node) def visit_transform(self, transform_node): if transform_node not in necessary_transforms: transform_node.parent = None v = PruneVisitor() runner_pipeline.visit(v) return runner_pipeline
[docs] def should_skip_pruning(transform: AppliedPTransform): return ( isinstance(transform.transform, TestStream) or '_DataFrame_' in transform.full_label)