apache_beam.testing.util module

Utilities for testing Beam pipelines.

apache_beam.testing.util.assert_that(actual, matcher, label='assert_that', reify_windows=False, use_global_window=True)[source]

A PTransform that checks a PCollection has an expected value.

Note that assert_that should be used only for testing pipelines since the check relies on materializing the entire PCollection being checked.

  • actual – A PCollection.

  • matcher – A matcher function taking as argument the actual value of a materialized PCollection. The matcher validates this actual value against expectations and raises BeamAssertException if they are not met.

  • label – Optional string label. This is needed in case several assert_that transforms are introduced in the same pipeline.

  • reify_windows – If True, matcher is passed a list of TestWindowedValue.

  • use_global_window – If False, matcher is passed a dictionary of (k, v) = (window, elements in the window).



apache_beam.testing.util.equal_to(expected, equals_fn=None)[source]

Matcher used by assert_that to check to assert expected windows.

The ‘assert_that’ statement must have reify_windows=True. This assertion works when elements are emitted and are finally checked at the end of the window.


expected_window_to_elements – A dictionary where the keys are the windows to check and the values are the elements associated with each window.


This is test method which makes sure that the pcol is not empty and it has some data in it. :return:


Matcher used by assert_that to check a set of matchers.


expected – A list of elements or hamcrest matchers to be used to match the elements of a single PCollection.

apache_beam.testing.util.open_shards(glob_pattern, mode='rt', encoding='utf-8')[source]

Returns a composite file of all shards matching the given glob pattern.

  • glob_pattern (str) – Pattern used to match files which should be opened.

  • mode (str) – Specify the mode in which the file should be opened. For available modes, check io.open() documentation.

  • encoding (str) – Name of the encoding used to decode or encode the file. This should only be used in text mode.


A stream with the contents of the opened files.

class apache_beam.testing.util.TestWindowedValue(value, timestamp, windows)

Bases: tuple

Create new instance of TestWindowedValue(value, timestamp, windows)


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 2