apache_beam.typehints.decorators module

Type hinting decorators allowing static or runtime type-checking for the SDK.

This module defines decorators which utilize the type-hints defined in ‘type_hints.py’ to allow annotation of the types of function arguments and return values.

Type-hints for functions are annotated using two separate decorators. One is for type-hinting the types of function arguments, the other for type-hinting the function return value. Type-hints can either be specified in the form of positional arguments:

@with_input_types(int, int)
def add(a, b):
  return a + b

Keyword arguments:

@with_input_types(a=int, b=int)
def add(a, b):
  return a + b

Or even a mix of both:

@with_input_types(int, b=int)
def add(a, b):
  return a + b

Example usage for type-hinting arguments only:

def to_lower(a):
  return a.lower()

Example usage for type-hinting return values only:

@with_output_types(Tuple[int, bool])
def compress_point(ec_point):
  return ec_point.x, ec_point.y < 0

Example usage for type-hinting both arguments and return values:

def int_to_str(a):
  return str(a)

The valid type-hint for such as function looks like the following:

@with_input_types(a=int, b=int)
def foo((a, b)):

Notice that we hint the type of each unpacked argument independently, rather than hinting the type of the tuple as a whole (Tuple[int, int]).

Optionally, type-hints can be type-checked at runtime. To toggle this behavior this module defines two functions: ‘enable_run_time_type_checking’ and ‘disable_run_time_type_checking’. NOTE: for this toggle behavior to work properly it must appear at the top of the module where all functions are defined, or before importing a module containing type-hinted functions.


Prevent Beam from using type hint annotations to determine input and output types of transforms.

This setting applies globally.


Decorator that prevents Beam from using type hint annotations on a callable.

apache_beam.typehints.decorators.with_input_types(*positional_hints: Any, **keyword_hints: Any) Callable[[T], T][source]

A decorator that type-checks defined type-hints with passed func arguments.

All type-hinted arguments can be specified using positional arguments, keyword arguments, or a mix of both. Additionaly, all function arguments must be type-hinted in totality if even one parameter is type-hinted.

Once fully decorated, if the arguments passed to the resulting function violate the type-hint constraints defined, a TypeCheckError detailing the error will be raised.

To be used as:

from apache_beam.typehints import with_input_types

def upper(s):
  return s.upper()


from apache_beam.typehints import with_input_types
from apache_beam.typehints import List
from apache_beam.typehints import Tuple

@with_input_types(ls=List[Tuple[int, int]])
def increment(ls):
  [(i + 1, j + 1) for (i,j) in ls]
  • *positional_hints – Positional type-hints having identical order as the function’s formal arguments. Values for this argument must either be a built-in Python type or an instance of a TypeConstraint created by ‘indexing’ a CompositeTypeHint instance with a type parameter.

  • **keyword_hints – Keyword arguments mirroring the names of the parameters to the decorated functions. The value of each keyword argument must either be one of the allowed built-in Python types, a custom class, or an instance of a TypeConstraint created by ‘indexing’ a CompositeTypeHint instance with a type parameter.

  • ValueError – If not all function arguments have corresponding type-hints specified. Or if the inner wrapper function isn’t passed a function object.

  • TypeCheckError – If the any of the passed type-hint constraints are not a type or TypeConstraint instance.


The original function decorated such that it enforces type-hint constraints for all received function arguments.

apache_beam.typehints.decorators.with_output_types(*return_type_hint: Any, **kwargs: Any) Callable[[T], T][source]

A decorator that type-checks defined type-hints for return values(s).

This decorator will type-check the return value(s) of the decorated function.

Only a single type-hint is accepted to specify the return type of the return value. If the function to be decorated has multiple return values, then one should use: Tuple[type_1, type_2] to annotate the types of the return values.

If the ultimate return value for the function violates the specified type-hint a TypeCheckError will be raised detailing the type-constraint violation.

This decorator is intended to be used like:

from apache_beam.typehints import with_output_types
from apache_beam.typehints import Set

class Coordinate(object):
  def __init__(self, x, y):
    self.x = x
    self.y = y

def parse_ints(ints):
  return {Coordinate(i, i) for i in ints}

Or with a simple type-hint:

from apache_beam.typehints import with_output_types

def negate(p):
  return not p if p else p
  • *return_type_hint – A type-hint specifying the proper return type of the function. This argument should either be a built-in Python type or an instance of a TypeConstraint created by ‘indexing’ a CompositeTypeHint.

  • **kwargs – Not used.

  • ValueError – If any kwarg parameters are passed in, or the length of return_type_hint is greater than 1. Or if the inner wrapper function isn’t passed a function object.

  • TypeCheckError – If the return_type_hint object is in invalid type-hint.


The original function decorated such that it enforces type-hint constraints for all return values.

class apache_beam.typehints.decorators.WithTypeHints(*unused_args, **unused_kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

A mixin class that provides the ability to set and retrieve type hints.


Gets and/or initializes type hints for this object.

If type hints have not been set, attempts to initialize type hints in this order: - Using self.default_type_hints(). - Using self.__class__ type hints.

with_input_types(*arg_hints: Any, **kwarg_hints: Any) WithTypeHintsT[source]
with_output_types(*arg_hints: Any, **kwarg_hints: Any) WithTypeHintsT[source]
exception apache_beam.typehints.decorators.TypeCheckError[source]

Bases: Exception