See: Description
Class | Description |
Date |
A date without a time-zone.
EnumerationType |
Schema.LogicalType represent an enumeration over a fixed set of values. |
EnumerationType.Value |
This class represents a single enum value.
FixedBytes |
A LogicalType representing a fixed-size byte array.
NanosDuration |
A duration represented in nanoseconds.
NanosInstant |
A timestamp represented as nanoseconds since the epoch.
OneOfType |
A logical type representing a union of fields.
OneOfType.Value |
Represents a single OneOf value.
PassThroughLogicalType<T> |
A base class for LogicalTypes that use the same Java type as the underlying base type.
SqlTypes |
Schema.LogicalType s corresponding to SQL data types. |
Time |
A time without a time-zone.
For further details, see the documentation for each class in this package.